• Published 1st Feb 2024
  • 1,037 Views, 74 Comments

Crossing Rainbow Bridges - David Silver

Humans were always a gamble: a 50/50 split. Brad's horse, however? They were always there 100% of the time. But she proves even she has surprises when she opens doors to another world entirely. This is a tale of their exploration.

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1 - Galloping to Adventure

Brad stroked along her neck and patted her strong shoulder with little paffs of his flesh striking her muscled hide. "Good girl. Best girl? Yes." He nodded with complete satisfaction even as the horse whickered in soft satisfaction. "And you know it." He ruffled her across the snout. "C'mon!"

He led her back towards the stables, where other horses watched curiously.

Another person, a female, waved as Brad approached. "Hey, can you feed little Daisy tomorrow? I'll be out of town."

Brad sighed softly. "I'll be here."

"You're the best." She strode right past him on to other business.

"It's different when that isn't aimed at a horse." Brad turned back to his cherished mount to give her a pat, mostly for himself. "Let's see how Daisy's doing."

The horse perked, as if, of the few words she knew, Daisy was one of them.

He led her to a specific stable to peek in at a mare that perked at their arrival. The two horses touched noses in a gentle greeting. "Aw, you two get along." He rubbed at each of their big cheeks. "I'll be back to make sure you get your feed tomorrow, promise."

The mare Daisy nickered softly as Brad rubbed her cheek. Her big brown eyes were trusting as she gazed at him.

"She knows she can count on you," said a voice behind Brad. He turned to see Sarah, another stable hand, leaning against the stall door. Her red hair was pulled back under a baseball cap and her freckled face broke into a grin.

"Hey," Brad replied, giving Daisy one last pat before stepping out and latching her stall door. "Just checking in on this girl. Danielle asked me to feed her while she's away."

Sarah nodded. "Going to miss having her around for a few days. She's the best with the younger horses." She paused, then added casually, "Maybe you and I could do something fun tomorrow after the evening feedings? Finally have a night off for once."

Brad felt a flutter in his stomach at the invitation. His mind raced, wondering if she meant it as more than just friends. "Uh, sure," he managed. "Did you have anything in particular in mind?"

"Just be here." She mosied off, looking busy. "Tomorrow, after you take care of both of them."

Bella, Brad's horse, bumped against him with a whicker. "What?" He turned back towards Bella with a smile. "Are you getting jealous? She couldn't be my mare." Even if visions of how that'd look played in his head. A human would be a pretty lousy horse. "That's you and only you." They met, him hugging her around the neck gently and she curling her neck around his in a mutual embrace.

"Let's get you a drink." He led her to where she could slake her thirst, and she did, but she was dancing a little. "You look like you want a ride."

She turned away from him, tail flicking and pacing eagerly.

"Alright, alright, let's go for a ride." Brad moved to her side and climbed up onto her back. It felt like he was on top of the world whenever he was up there, so high, with Bella ready to carry him. "Let's go."

Bella tossed her head eagerly and set off at a brisk walk as soon as Brad was settled on her back. He could feel the power and energy thrumming through the horse beneath him as her hooves clicked a steady rhythm on the concrete floor of the barn.

Outside, the late afternoon sun shone down on the rolling green hills surrounding the ranch. Bella moved into an easy lope as they headed for the trails, smooth and graceful. Brad leaned forward, his body moving in sync with the horse. He always felt so free and alive when they rode together like this, connected as one being.

As they left the manicured lawns behind for the woods and meadows beyond, Bella snorted eagerly, asking for more rein. Brad smiled and obliged. "Wanna run, girl?" he murmured. In response Bella surged into a gallop, the wind whipping Brad's hair as they flew across the landscape. He whooped joyously, all other thoughts vanishing from his mind except this perfect moment of equine partnership.

She picked up speed, then a little more speed, ever hastening, but he always felt under control. She seemed equally in control of herself, each hoof hitting the ground where she wanted it, completely steady despite her rapidly increasing speed. "Girl, you really have a lot of--" He braced himself as they pushed past any speed they had before, wind whistling past him. "Easy there, easy."

But she did not go easy, instead hopping up with a step onto a bump along the path and jumping off the other end to keep her speed. She took flight, life itself slowing around them. He looked down and could have sworn he saw a rainbow streak stretching beneath them in that amazing moment before she hit the ground, but they weren't on the ground.

Belle was standing on that rainbow, looking confused and concerned. With a whicker, she backed up slowly off the arc of the rainbow, which fell to nothing the moment she was completely off of it.

Brad stared in disbelief as the vibrant rainbow bridge vanished. One moment they had been galloping at an impossible speed, the next floating in midair. Now Bella was backing up nervously, her hooves once more on solid ground.

"Easy, girl," Brad murmured, though his voice shook slightly. He slid off the mare's back and ran his hands along her legs, checking for any signs of injury. But she seemed fine. More than fine, actually - her coat appeared to glitter faintly, although the shine faded even as Brad watched.

"What just happened?" he muttered. Bella bobbed her head up and down, then shoved it insistently against Brad's chest, nearly knocking him over.

"Whoa!" He regained his balance and wrapped his arms around the horse's strong neck. Her dark eyes met his, calm and deep. Brad had the strangest feeling she was trying to tell him something important.

"I must be going crazy," Brad said with an uncertain laugh. But when he swung back up into the saddle, hints of rainbows seemed to shimmer at the edge of his vision. Bella's steady hoofbeats as they turned towards home now sounded almost musical.

Brad shook his head, confused but exhilarated. He had no idea what had just occurred, but he knew his partnership with Bella had somehow been strengthened. "Let's keep this just between us," he whispered.

The moment he was securely in place, she began moving, then picked up speed little by little. "You saw what happened last time," He warned, but he didn't stop her. Neither of them had gotten hurt by it. It was strange, but harmless?

But Bella, she seemed to want it again. Why else would she take off the moment she found another large enough bump in the road to do that with. She hit the rainbow road that appeared beneath them in the jump and, that time, she just kept going. They were galloping across the rainbow, higher and higher.

Brad held firmly to her as they began to ascend into the air. "The bloody hell? Seriously, Bella, down. Down!" He tried pulling on her reign, but she wasn't slowing. She had somewhere she wanted to be, and she was going there.

Things became cloudy, though Brad was certain they hadn't gone high enough to reach the clouds, nor did it feel nearly cold enough to announce that. Despite that, the clouds rushed around them evenly, before they began to recede upwards. The rainbow road was going down. Following it, so were they, heading towards some new land that didn't look like where they had departed at all.

As the rainbow bridge descended through the clouds, a vibrant landscape emerged below them. Rolling green hills were dotted with colorful trees heavy with fruit, surrounding a charming village. Brad spotted a large red barn and endless acres of apple orchards stretching as far as he could see.

Bella's hooves touched down right at the edge of the main orchard, her shoes striking the dirt path with a definitive thud. Brad leaned over and wrapped his arms around the mare's strong neck.

"Where are we, girl?" he murmured, peering around in utter bewilderment. The village distant from them, beyond the orchard, looked like something out of a children's cartoon or fantasy novel. Cheerful cottages with thatched roofs and smiling inhabitants bustled about. Brad rubbed his eyes but the vibrant scene remained.

Just then, a voice with a distinctly Southern twang called out. "Well howdy there!" A tan pony wearing a Stetson hat trotted up the path, hitched to a cart loaded with bushels of apples. "Can't say I've seen y'all around these parts before. Just get in?"

Brad's mouth dropped open. The pony was talking. To him. Her green eyes twinkled merrily as she awaited his reply.

"I, uh... Bella?" Brad cast a desperate glance at his horse, but she just whickered softly as if encouraging him to answer.

She let out an excited whicker and stomped the ground once before pawing at it.

Applejack nodded softly. "Pleased as rain to meetcha, Bella. Now, don't take this the wrong way, but what's that attached to yer backside there?"

Bella only half turned her head, though her wide-set eyes meant that was enough to look at me squarely. She nickered softly and shook her head.

"Yer friend? Well, shoot. Any friend of a friend is a friend ah mine." She offered a hoof to Bella and two met, hoof to hoof, as if they understood each other without an issue. "Now, do ya talk up there?"

"Um." Applejack waved for him to continue. "Brad. My name's Brad."

Applejack's broad grin grew even wider. "Well howdy-do, Brad! Name's Applejack. Mighty fine ta make yer acquaintance." She turned and bucked the cart of apples closer. "Any friend of Bella's got friends aplenty here in Ponyville. Though y'all sure look different from us ponies!"

She looked him up and down curiously. "Got a mighty strange way of gettin' around too. But Bella here seems right at home with ya ridin' on her back like that. Y'all must be great partners!"

Bella nickered proudly at this praise. Brad managed an uncertain smile. "Yeah, we definitely have a special bond. To be honest though, I have no idea how we got here." He glanced around, taking in the bright cottages and colorful ponies mingling and chatting everywhere he looked. It was like something from a dream...or a kids' show.

Applejack followed his gaze. "I know Ponyville takes some gettin' used to, but the folks here are real friendly-like. Why don't y'all come meet my family? Bet Granny Smith will wanna getcha some apple cake an' cider. Put some meat on them bones!" She laughed heartily.

Brad hesitated. He had no idea what was happening. But so far, this apple-loving, hat-wearing pony seemed sincere in her hospitality. Bella butted his foot encouragingly.

With a shrug and a trusting pat to his mare's shoulder, Brad said, "You know what, Applejack? Cake and cider sound just about right after the day we've had. Lead the way!"

"Galloped on a rainbow? Mighty curious." Somehow, it seemed Applejack was getting more information from Bella than Brad could ever dream. "Sounds like magic to me. Now, bein' an earth pony, all mah magic's in here." She thumped her chest as she led the way through the apple trees. "Strong, tough, good family. Brad, what kinda magic does whatever you are have? Somethin' flashy, or not? Don't be shy. Earth ponies got a subtle magic, but it's powerful all the same."

Brad chuckled tensely at that. "Would you beleive magic isn't much a thing where I come from? Um, but pleased to be here, with such friendly people."


"Ponies," Brad echoed with a little smile. "Let's meet them."

Author's Note:

Brad comes to a new world with Bella, or should that be the other way around? Once a month is the pace set at the moment, but that could change. Let's walk alongside our intrepid adventurers.

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