• Published 6th Mar 2024
  • 933 Views, 34 Comments

[Displaced] Dragon troubles - TunaAbolisher

A group of friends gets displaced into Equestria as skylanders. Most of them are dragons

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Chapter one: Strange figurines

Keith opened the door, looking around. "Who knocked on my door?"

Looking down, he saw a strange box with his name and the name of his friends on them, he raised a eyebrow in curiosity and lifted the cardboard box, finding it surprisingly light. "Must be a random prank with some idiotic things in them.

Walking back to the living room, he heard the voice of one of his friends, Fred, address him. "Hey, keith! Who was the person at the door?"

"Hell if i know, they dropped a carboard box to everyone's name and left before i opened the door."

"That's kind of suspicious. Why did you even pick it up?" The voice of another of his friends, Chadwick asked.

"It's light as a feather so there's either nothing or nothing important, it's fine. Let's just see what's in that thing," He retorted, putting the cardboard box on the table and opening it with a knife, revealing more, smaller boxes inside, ten to be precise.

"What the?" Keith took one box and looked at it, seeing it has Fred's name on it. "I think there's one for all of us. This one's yours, Fred," he passed it along to his friend, pulling the others out and giving them to the respective member of his group of friends.

"Alright! Let's see what's inside already!" Kaitlin's voice was filled with excitement, replacing her previous confusion and suspicion as she barely waited and nearly tore open her box to see what was inside.

Doing the same, the rest of the group all opened their box and pulled out what was inside.

"Huh, Custom skylander figurines." Came out Mateo's voice as he looked at the Cynder figurine in his hand and the Spyro figurine in Barry's hand

"No mean to alarm, everyone. But why custom figurines? And why do the only thing that change is some weird accessory on each?" Kendal asked as she looked at the custom sonic boom figurine in her hand, the figurine was of series one sonic boom but had a different position, having Sonic boom lying on her belly with her front paws folded in front of her and her back paws in a splooting position, her wings gently folded on her sides. The only difference despite the post being two gold ring on her tail.

"Wait. That's a exact scale down replica of my hunting knife!" Fred blurted out in astonishment, looking at the camo figurine in his hand. It was also the series one figurine but it's head was turned to look at his hand, which held the replica of a large knife. A small belt was also around his waist to hold the knife when it wasn't used.

"now that i think about it. That necklace is the same i have." Keith said as he looked at the Bash figurine in his hand. It was the series two variant, but bash was sitting instead of his usual position, his rocky tail curled around his side. His head was held up high, as if proudly showing the necklace hanging on his neck with an authentic gold nugget as a pendant.

"Wait. Spyro has a wedding ring... And Mat's Cynder as well. And their the exact same as ours." Barry was getting worries as he looked at the two figurine. His spyro figurine was the series two variant, but he had a more relaxed look on his face and he leaned slightly on the left. He also had a wedding ring on his right front claw

Mateo's Cynder figurine was of series 2 as well. The figurine looked overall more relaxed, her head tilting to her right and her wings folded on her back. She was leaning on her right slightly as well. She also had a wedding ring on her left front claw.

If put together, The spyro and Cynder figurine would be leaning against each others lovingly.

"Weird. Mine just has a beanie like mine." Jason was slightly disappointed by his figurine lack of originality. it was of series one Zap. The water dragon looked as if he was in the middle of skating on ice with his paws. He also had a black beanie made out of wool tucked neatly on his head.

"Huh. I swear that bracelet has the same thing on it as mine." Frederik remarked as he looked at his Sunburn figurine. Having only one version of him ever made, Sunburn figurine was the series one. The Drag-oenix was preening one of his wings instead of rearing on his hind legs. He also had a leather bracelet with unreadable words engraved on it.

"Oooh! Whirlwind may only have a small accessory as a plus, but she's rocking that hair clip!" Kaitlin exclaimed as she looked at her Whirlwind figurine. It was of series one but was gracefully laying on top of the small cloud under her, her right wing having a golden hair clip with a six pointed purple star a the end of it.

"My glasses fit Flashwing well." Kellie nodded to herself as she looked at her Flashwing figurine. It was the series one variant but was in the pose of the Lightcore variant. Flashwing also had a pair of matte black glasses perched on her snout which gave her a bit more charm.

"I do guess mine resemble my mother's old gold earrings." Kendal remarked as she took a closer look of the golden rings on her figurine's tail.

"huh. That's a nice addition to Drobot. Wonder if it'd be possible to do that in real life." Chadwick was impressed as he looked at his Drobot figurine. It was the series one variant in the pose of the Lightcore variant. It was looking at a phone bound in a contraption that linked back to the dragon's armor on it's back with metal poles.

"Alright. So we all have weird but pretty cute custom figurines of our favorite Skylanders now." Barry stated as he looked at everyone's figurine while they all gave their different form of agreement on the matter.

They all idly chat with each others about the figurines and what they were going to do with them, when Keith suddenly staggered in a middle of a conversation with Kendal, grabbing his forehead with his free hand. "Uggh..."

Kendal react almost immediately, coming closer to him and helping him stay balance. "Keith, are you okay?"

Keith rubbed his forehead and nodded, trying to clear his head. "Just a sudden dizziness. It's probably nothing."

"Don't you, "it's probably nothing" me mister. I know how you are and i know you will try to avoid taking care of it when it can become a problem. So go sit down." Kendal spoke in a tone of authority that left no room for arguing but still was kind and had the same warmth a mother would have to her child.

"Fine, "mom", i'll go sit down." Keith rolled his eyes at her words as he sat down. Kendal was the mother of their group, taking care of all of them and making sure none of them forgot to take care of their own wellbeing.

"And don't get up from that chair. if you need anything, you tell me and i'll get it for you." Kendal still had her stern yet kind tone to her voice as she proceeded to keep near Keith in case he needed anything.

Soon enough, they all slowly started getting dizzy and Keith promptly passed out first on his chair, soon being followed suit by all of his friends.

Keith is woken up rather roughly as something jerks him around.

"Wake up, Keith." A robotic and monotone voice speaks right next to his head.

Begrudgingly, Keith groans as his eyes flutters open, closing again slightly at the bright lighting before opening again, coming face with a draconic robotic head.

"Oh what the fuck?!" Keith jumps back in surprise at the sight, his panic quickly spiking as he looks around quickly and realize he's in the middle of a clearing. "Who the fuck are you?!"

"Keith, Calm down. It's me, Chad." The dragon answers in his still monotone voice.

"How the hell do i know you're not lying to me?"

Chad uses the contraption on his back to show his phone, and gives further proof by unlocking it.

Keith looks at him dumbly before sighing. "Okay, there's no way anyone else could figure how to open YOUR phone, so you're definitely Chad. What the fuck happened?"

"I don't know. But we got transported in some weird forest. And we're now Skylanders. Don't think this is a dream, i already punch one of my front legs and i felt it. You also probably felt me shaking you around."

"Yeah i did." Keith paused for a second. "Wait, We're all Skylanders? Oh shit, You're Drobot!"

"Yup. I quickly put together who is who. It seem we basically transformed into our custom figurines, I have my phone, you have your necklace, Barry and Mat have their wedding rings, Kendal has her mother's earrings, Jason has his beanie, Kellie has her glasses, Kaitlin has her hair clip, Fred has his knife and Fritz has his leather bracelet."

"Huh. So we're like, all transformed into our favorite Skylanders?"

Chad nodded as he mention to his side. When Keith looked where he mentioned he noticed the rest of the group chatting amongst each others, Barry and Mat still being all lovely-dovely and cuddly while Kendal was still calming down a slightly stressed Jason.

"Usually i would say Dope. But we're in the middle of who knows where and we don't know how we got here." Keith sighed as he looked at the group, the gears turning in his head before he locked on Mat, who was now Cynder.

"Something's wrong, Keith?" Chad asked, looking at the group to try and see what was wrong.

"MAT'S A FUCKING WOMAN NOW?!" Keith finally blurted out, startling everyone, who all just realized that point and looked at Mat, who proceeded to blush and lean more against Barry.

"Uhm... Yeah, i guess i am now." Mat's voice was of a higher pitch than what Keith was used to hear, perfectly matching Cynder's voice from the game.

Shaking his confusion and surprise away, Keith looked at the couple. "So, What's gonna happen with you two now? Since, you know. Both gays."

"We're bisexual, dumbass." Answered Barry, glaring slightly at Keith before wrapping a arm around mat and pulling him in close. "So it doesn't change a single thing. And besides. It means we won't have to adopt now."

Mat's face became even redder at his husband's bold words. "B-Barry!"

Keith laughed, soon followed by Jason, Kendal and Fritz.

Taking the following hour to calm down completely, the ground find themselves just hanging out as always as they figure out how their new bodies works.

Suddenly, Kellie, who was laying on the grass by herself, starts muttering to no one in particular. "I wonder if we have access to all our moves... Do we have to unlock them? Or perhaps just learn how to do them? Will we need soul gems for our last powers, Do we have access to the other series move or are we stuck at the series our figurines were at? Would that mean we're able to access different sorts or so to say? Like me changing into jade flashwing? Ehh most likely not for that last one. But Barry should still do warning and control his emotions..."

"Something wrong, Kellie?" Keith asks. He was on his back, his legs hanging in the air while looking at her. He'd been doing that for the past twenty minutes, Quickly understanding what the true Bash saw in Flashwing when they first met.

"Nothing, just wondering how we will use our moves and what not. Which, by the way," she pointed a paw at the couple. "Barry. You'll need to keep control of your emotions. We wouldn't want you to turn into dark Spyro and go on a rampage if you can't control it. It'll mean you'll have to make sure he keeps calm when you're with him, Mat."

"Why would i turn into dark spyro? Isn't he like just a color alt in the Skylander games?" Was Barry's response.

"Right. You've never went that deep in the lore. Dark variants of Skylanders are canonically the same as their original counterpart. Except corrupt by darkness. Spyro for example has lingering petrified darkness in him. Which you most likely have as well, which is how he can become dark spyro. But Spyro learnt to keep cool and harness it. You, on the other hand. never did. So we'll need training on this." Kellie answers

"Alright. Regarding everything, let's have a small brainstorming session, everyone." Kendal clapped her claws while talking before getting up and joining the rest in a circle.

"First thing i think we should address. One of us needs to be the leader of the group. And count me out of this one." Keith said, sitting next to Kellie.

"I mean. Kendal always was the mom of the group but Barry is the social one who makes all the plans for us to meet. So why not him?" Kaitlin asks, looking at the couple sitting next to each others.

"I could do that. It'd fit the fact I'm Spyro now too." Barry chuckled.

"Great, now that that's settled. Anything you guys think we should do?" Kendal asked everyone.

"We should cut this short for now. We're in the middle of a forest and we don't know what might live here. So we need to learn at least our new body's two primary moves. And for all of us that has wings, try and see if you can get the hang of flying." Came Mat's opinion as She kept leaning against Barry.

The others pondered her opinion but soon agreed, their mini meeting being cut short as they all dispersed to start learning their moves.

Keith quickly found himself bored, having quickly learnt his primary attacks. I mean it was literally a tail swing and going into roly, poly, mode. Nothing more simple, though he knew he was far from the true Bash's speed when rolling. he'd need more training.

Feeling the need to explore, Keith sprang up to his legs and turned to the group. "I'll go explore real quick! Gonna try and find a river and some food, maybe come back with some wood as well."

He didn't wait for his friends to answer and started rolling away, having a fun time as he passed in between trees. It was surprisingly easy to guide himself when he was rolling.

He quickly came at a stop as he heard running water, going towards it and finding a crystal clear river. "Perfect. I was starting to feel thirsty."

Keith eagerly drank from the stream, enjoying the feeling of the cold water slipping down his throat and letting out a content sigh after that.

He took a small pause to peer at the lake, his gaze soon shifting itself to look at the necklace on his neck, the golden nugget on it gleaming in the sunlight.

He sat down and took the necklace in one of his front paw. "Thank goodness whoever or whatever brought us here let me keep my necklace. I don't know what i'd do if i had to leave it behind."

He looked up at the sky, a saddened smile on his face. "If you can still see me, Dad. Even if not anymore the Son you are used to see. I promise, i'll make you proud."

Staying like this for a couple minutes. He shook his head as he got up. "No use mourning on the past for hours. I've got work to do."

He began rolling again in a random direction, keeping track of his path to find his way back.

A couple hours later, he found himself back at the clearing, pushing six wood logs that were easily two times as long as him and as thick as him.

"I'd ask what took you so long, but seeing those logs i think i have a idea." Kendal said, slightly annoyed at how long he took as she had started to get worried.

"How did you cut whole trees down anyways?" Chad asked as he came into view, looking at the six logs and seeing how their extremities were anything but cut properly, it just looked like someone had ripped them off.

"Observe!" Was Keith's reply as he took on a dumb smile, walking over to a practically dead tree and making a spin, dragging his tail in the air and swinging it at the tree in the spin, breaking the tree and making it fall.

Chad sighed as he shook his head in disappointment, swinging his wings forward and towards the logs, shooting his tactical bladegears and cutting the ends of the logs correctly. "Sadly, as much as this seemed like a good idea, Keith. It's useless. We can't use any of the logs unless it's from the dead tree and we still need to be careful."

"Huh? Why's that?"

"Simple. Sap is toxic if heated into fumes. So we need dry wood to be firewood. The closest thing we'll get is the dead tree you just struck down."

"Well that's good to know for next time. I guess meanwhile we all have something to sit on near the campfire."

"That's at least that, true." Chad sighed as he moved the dead tree and cut it into smaller portions, setting up a campfire. "Hey, Fritz. need a little help with fire."

"You got it!" Fritz took a deep breath and blew out a flamethrower in a small burst, lighting the campfire.

They soon all gathered around it. Barry was the first one to talk. "Alright. This will have to do for tonight. We'll sleep in this clearing and then leave the forest together tomorrow and try to find where we are. We'll need food for tonight though."

"I found a few berry bushes on my way back. But i don't know if we can eat them." Keith answered.

"I'll do it. Just bring me to 'em and i'll taste those berries." Fred said as he got up.

"Fred, you are not going Anywhere." Replied Kaitlin and Bash at the same time.

"Eh, Kaitlin can just heal me anyways."

"Oh, right. I forgot i could do that." Kaitlin facepalmed.

"Wait, Isn't Whirlwind's healing rainbow her soul gem upgrade?" Keith asked

"Yeah, but it turns out we won't need soul gems, which is good. I sorta just, always had it when i got transformed i think. Discovered it when the idiot that is Fritz decided to scare me and i wanted to blast him. but it just healed him instead."

"Huh, neat. Well, follow me you two. i'll lead you to the bushes." Keith nodded towards where he came from and started going back, followed by the two.

They quickly found themselves at a couple of bushes filled with berries of a blue color.

Fred plucked one, and without a warning, threw it in his mouth and ate it.

Keith and Kaitlin looked at him dumbfounded before Kaitlin shook her head and shot a rainbow at him. "Idiot."

"Hey! I didn't even need that, i was perfectly fine. Those berries are safe."

Sighing at Fred's usual antics, Keith turned to the bushes. "Let's take enough for everyone and go back."

The two nodded and helped Keith move enough berries without damaging them and come back at the camp.

The food was then distributed between the ten members of the group who ate a simple but filling meal while talking together.

A couple hours later, after night fell, everyone except Keith was asleep. Keith was simply sitting in the middle of the clearing, looking up at the stars and the pale moon.

He heard shifting and saw Jason moving in the corner of his eyes. "Can't sleep?" he whispered.

"Nope, you?" Jason whispered back with a yawn as he sat next to Keith.

"Not really. I decided to just watch the stars until i was too sleepy. And take the time to let everything settle in."

"I can understand you on that. Pretty crazy how we're video games characters in a random forest, for all we know in a different world completely, that wouldn't surprise me at this point."

"Yeah. Wonder what will happen to us. But we can only just wait and see what life offers."

"You ever thought of if anyone might miss us? Or even remark we are gone?"

This made Keith silent Snort in amusement and roll his eyes. "Nah, for others we were just a bunch of idiotic adults enjoying a kids game and collecting overprice figurines while paying thousands for realistic suits of said figurines. Plus, we don't really have anyone else but us ten, don't we?"

Jason chuckles awkwardly. "Yeah, yeah i guess so," he makes a small pause and sighs before speaking again. "Don't tell this to the others yet. But i have a gut feeling, that i know where we are. And if i'm true Kaitlin is gonna be annoying about it so i hope i'm wrong."

Keith raises a eyebrow before shrugging. "Fine, sure. I'll keep the fact you have a idea where we are a secret," he then lets out a yawn. "Well, seems like sleeps catching up to my body. I'll go sleep, Goodnight Jason."

"Night, Keith." Jason answered as Keith got up and left to find a comfortable spot to lay into.

Jason looked at the pale moon, seeing nothing in particular. "I wonder if i'll get along with Dash if my theory of the world we're in is right."

Author's Note:

Well that was pretty lengthy for a first chapter. This will probably be the first story i post but not the first i start to write. And to make this easier for people to understand who is who. here's a small list:

Sunburn: Frederik (Fritz)
Zap: Jason
Camo: Fred
Bash: Keith
Spyro: Barry
Cynder: Mateo (Mat)
Whirlwind: Kaitlin
Flashwing: Kellie
Sonic boom: Kendal
Drobot: Chadwick (Chad for short)