• Published 6th Mar 2024
  • 934 Views, 34 Comments

[Displaced] Dragon troubles - TunaAbolisher

A group of friends gets displaced into Equestria as skylanders. Most of them are dragons

  • ...

Chapter two: Ponyville

It’s a brand new day, Keith is sitting in a circle around the remaining embers of the campfires with the others, Jason pouring water on it to extinguish it completely.

“So, let’s get straight to the point since we’re all awake as best as we can. What direction do we go in? And what do we do if we run into the locals?” Barry asks once Jason finished his work, his eyes looking at every other members of the group.

“Dumb idea but, why don’t we stick to the true Skylanders names and act at least slightly like them? I feel our personalities fits them correctly already anyways.” Keith proposes.

“Yeah, like how stubborn you are.” Fred chuckles.

“Oh fuck off watermelon man.” Keith retorts.

“But in all seriousness, we can say we’re from a far away place called the Skylands, we’re the last team of Skylanders who escaped after a rather tragic accident we rather not name. The name of the Skylanders are our professional names while at work and our real names are the ones we tell friends to call us. What do you all think?” Keith finishes his explanation, getting a murmur of agreement from the others as they thought over the idea.

“Yes, i like the idea. Is everyone okay with it?” Barry asks, looking at the others. Seeing no one disagreeing, he continues. “Alright, so we’ll go by our Skylanders name and use the idea Keith, or well, Bash, proposed. Let’s just pick a random direction and head there.”

With a nod from the others, they all got up and followed Barry as he marched into the forest, knowing they had a long road ahead.

To their surprise, it only took them around a hour to find the edge of the forest.

Jason, being the adventurer he is, didn’t wait, ignoring Barry’s call to be more careful as he sprang out of the forest, shielding his eyes with one of his front paws due to the light.

Once his eyes got used to the blinding light not being shielded by the trees anymore, he blinked a couple times and looked around.

He was about to talk when he spotted a place his knew too well, his mouth left agape. There, in the distance. Sat a massive forest with dark trees. Even from this far, he could sense the uneasy feeling coming from the forest.

Jason quickly turned around and back into the forest he came from, facing the group. “Alright, i know where we are. But i need you guys to hold on Kaitlin tightly before i explain. And i mean tightly,” he put more emphasis on his last word as he shoot a glance at his friend turned dragonicorn.

“Is this related to what you told me Yesterday night?” Keith asks, a eyebrow raised, getting a nod from his friend, he shrugs and walks to Kaitlin, wrapping his front paw around her torso, blocking her wings and keeping her next to him.

The gesture made Kaitlin grumble as she wiggled uncomfortably in his grasp. “Hey! Why do i need to be hold like this anyways?”

“Simple,” Jason answered. “We’re in another world, one that you and i know very well and the others probably only by name as it’s a TV show. And i know how you will react the moment you realize.”

Kaitlin looks at him in confusion before a thought strikes in her mind, her eyes shooting wide open with a gleam. “Are we in the show i think we are?!” her voice did not betray her excitement.

Jason let out a sigh, knowing where this was going. “Yes. Yes, Kaitlin, we’re in my little pony friendship is magic.”

The Dragonicorn let out a loud squeal, -one which would be enough to attract any nearby dogs-, before trying to shoot up in the air to find the town she wanted to see, only to be blocked by Keith’s paw. “Let me go, Keith! I need to go see Fluttershy! I need to go pamper her!”

Jason sighed and rubbed his temples with one of his claws. “And this is why i asked her to be held back, thank you, Keith.”

Keith gave a grunt of acknowledgement to his thanks as he held back the squirming Kaitlin.

“Kaitlin, just calm down already! We can’t just go there and act like we know them and reveal we come from another universe and know literally what will happen in the future!”

“Shut up, Jason! I need to go see them! Plus we can stop all the problems that will happen and make everything better!”

“Have you forgotten what happens in the season five finale with every time Starlight changed even a small detail about what happened?!”

“We can stop that! We know every weakness of the villains, Jason! Hell, we can even stop Gen five from happening!”

“And I will not let you do this! At least wait until Twilight has her castle if she doesn’t already!”

Kaitlin grumbled, mumbling curses under breaths. “Fine! But the moment her and the others comes back from dealing with Starlight for the first time I’m telling them everything! And I’m Pampering Fluttershy as soon as i can!”

Jason let out a relieved sigh. “Thank you. At least you can agree on this. You can let her go, Keith. And Fritz, do you mind going with her to make sure she doesn’t do anything bad? You should get along with Fluttershy. As long as you pull too much pranks and don’t fry her animals.”

Keith let go of Kaitlin, sharing a small glare with her as Frederik nodded before responding. “Can do, I’ll keep a eye on this idiot to make sure she doesn’t talk without thinking, don’t worry.”

“Alright! Then now for our next direction, i’ll take the lead to lead if you don’t mind, Barry. Time to go to Ponyville!”

After following the outskirts of the Everfree forest, the group finally finds itself in Ponyville.

Jason leads them through the town as the group sticks together, not caring about the ponies looking surprised and slightly scared at the sight of the group of dragons.

After some time, they arrive in front of a massive library carved in a living tree. “So we’re at maximum in season four before the end.” was Jason’s reaction to the sight.

“Barry, i’ll let you take back the lead on this. You know better how to interact with others, and i don’t feel like talking to a character i know so much and feel like i could accidentally divulge information about her.”

Barry nodded and went back to the front of the group as Jason walked back into the group. He cleared his throat before knocking on the door.

There were sounds of books falling and a childish male voice using PG curses before the door opened, revealing a small, bipedal purple dragon with a green scale mohawk and a grey-ish green underbelly. “Hello, how can i help you...

The small dragon’s voice died down as he looked at Barry, his mouth agape and his eyes wide, Barry on the other hand. Was slightly surprised to see a dragon as he didn’t know the show. Especially one that looked so young. “Hello, little one. Is there any adults here we could talk to?”

The young dragon, Spike. Fumbled on his words before clearing his head with a shake, the excitement clear in his eyes. “Twilight! There’s a group of dragons at the door! Come quick!”

A purple unicorn walked down the stairs to the upper floor of the library. “Come on, Spike, your prank won’t get me. There’s no way there’s a actual group of dragons here in ponyville.” Twilight rolled her eyes before looking at the door, locking up upon seeing the Skylanders.

Barry cleared his throat again, feeling like his throat would be sore if he had to do it over and over every time he met someone new. “Hello. I’m Spyro, Spyro the dragon. Leader of the last team of Skylanders. May we enter and speak with you in a more private setting?”

“I-i- sure, i guess? I’m Sparlight Twikle, I-I mean, Twilight Sparkle! C-come on in!” Twilight fumbled on her words more than once, her face reddening in embarrassment at her display as the group entered the library.

Spike excitedly leads the group to a table, the others deciding to let Barry and Mat be the ones to take the seats as they sat around them, Twilight and Spike sitting at the other side of the table. “So, uhm. Who are you all? And what are you doing here in ponyville?”

“As i said,” Barry began. “We’re Skylanders, a group designed to protect a far away land called the Skylands. The land is hidden under a powerful magic barrier casted by the greatest Portal master of all who protected the Skylands for over a millennia, Master Eon. Let me introduce you to my group and friends.”

He opened his right wing and draped it around Mat, pulling her closer to him and making her blush. “First off, my second in command and wife, Cynder.”

Mat awkwardly gives the two a wave. “Hello.”

Keeping her close to him, Barry waves a claw towards Kellie. “Next is the one girl of unknown origin who is also made of literally crystals, Flashwing.”

Kellie let out a chuckle and gave a formal bow. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Barry moves his claw to Keith. “Next is the stubborn one, Bash.”

Keith rolled his eyes at the remark. “Sup.”

Spyro snorted and moved his claw to point at Kendal. “Next one is the one who is figuratively and in a sense literally the mother of the group, and the only non dragon, Sonic boom.”

Kendal gave a warm smile and gave a small nod as a greeting. “It’s a pleasure meeting you two, dears.”

Barry smiles and moves his claw to point at Fred next. “This one is the idiot gardener, Camo.”

Fred gave him a glare for a long minute before immediately changing a big smile. “Hey there! Want a melon, little guy?” he smiled as he made a melon grow in the table in front of Spike.

Spike, not knowing that his fate was sealed, grinned happily. “Wow, Thanks!” he touched the melon, which exploded in his face, splattering it in melon juice, making Fred, Keith and Fritz burst out laughing.

Barry sighed. “Sorry about him, he’s quite the prankster with these melons of his.” he then moved his claw to point at Kaitlin “Next is the half unicorn, half dragon hybrid and main healer of our team, Whirlwind.”

Kaitlin smiled happily, barely able to contain her excitement over seeing Twilight Sparkle with her own eyes. “Greetings!”

Barry rolled his eyes and pointed at Jason. “Next is the speedster who somehow sees a group of electric eels as his family, Zap.”

Jason rolled his eyes. “First, they raised me, so go fish off. Second,” he turned to look at the two. “Hello there!”

Keith interrupted Barry, responding to Jason in a gruff voice. “General Kenobi.”

The two laughed, making Barry shake his head with a sigh before pointing at where Fritz is. “Next is the one who will most likely outlive us all as he’s quite probably immortal, Sunburn.”

There’s a silence before Barry looks where he pointed to find Fritz wasn’t there. “Now where is this idiot?”

Twilight suddenly let out a yelp of fear and jumps in her chair when he appears next to her in a burst of fire, laughing. “Gotcha! Also, heya!” he winked and teleported back to his place in a small burst of fire.

Barry groans and apologizes again before pointing at the last one, Chad. “And lastly is the nerd and robot fanatic, Drobot.”

Chad gives a simple nod. “Greetings.” he gave no emotion off in his greeting, his voice still monotone and robotic.

Twilight blinked a couple times at Chad’s greeting before shaking her head. “It’s nice to meet you all, Everypony. I’m Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s personal student.” she smiles before a question ran in her mind. “What are you all doing in Equestria if you don’t mind me asking?”

Barry answer her only with a vague answer. “It’s complicated... Something happened that made so we had to leave the Skylands after becoming the last team of Skylanders, and we ended up here in Equestria and we are in need of a place to stay for the moment.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed a little, something didn’t make sense. “But shouldn’t you be in a place closer to the sea if you came from another land?”

Barry hadn’t thought of that but remembered something that could work. “Oh, it’s simple, really. Portal masters have the power to teleport Skylanders where they are needed via portals. Those portals can lead pretty much anywhere the portal master wants. Master Eon opened a portal to send me and my team in a different land at a random choice, for us to find rest and a place to stay. We ended up being teleported to a nearby forest.”

Twilight’s eyes widens slightly at the explanation. “Oh! I’m sorry for thinking you were lying! I didn’t mean to.”

Barry chuckled. “It’s fine, don’t worry. But on another topic, would you have a place for us to stay for some day until we can make enough money to afford our own place?”

Twilight thinks for a bit before nodding. “I’m sure my friends wouldn’t mind taking some of you in! But you’re gonna have to make groups. I’m not sure most of my friend can take more than two of you, and there’s six of us, so six groups should be good.”

The Skylanders nod and make six groups. Spyro and Cynder. Bash and Flashwing. Whirlwind and Sunburn. Sonic boom and Drobot. And finally, Zap and Camo, both being alone on their own.

Twilight leads everyone after their groups are ready, firstly going over to Sugarcube corner. “Alright, this is where my first friend, Pinkie Pie, works. As a fair warning, she can be extreme.”

The group nods and enters after Twilight, finding themselves in a rather cozy bakery with a colorful interior, a Pink pony with a poofy mane at the counter, who quickly Notices Twilight and the group. “Ohhh! Twilight! You brought new friends! I knew there were going to be somepony in ponyville! You see, my ears were twitching and my eyes were fluttering, that means somepony new was going to arrive and settle in ponyville! So i looked everywhere, but i didn’t find somepony new in ponyville all day! So i thought that my pinkie sense was playing me a joke, but that’s usually when my mane bounces then my knees twitches before the other signs, so it wasn’t a joke from my pinkie sense! So i looked more, but still found no one! How was i supposed to throw a welcome to ponyville party if i didn’t find who i needed to throw the party for?! Then i thought that maybe you knew, so i was going to come look for you after my shift, but then you appeared with those weird dragon thingies and i almost gasped, that’s what my Pinkie sense was saying! A new group arrived in Ponyville! Now i need to go make a welcome to ponyville party for them!”

To say the group was surprised was a understatement, They all had various reaction, Barry and Mat were blinking multiple time with surprised faces, Keith had a look of pure confusion, Jason was rubbing his temples with a claw, Kaitlin was holding back her laughter, and the rest just looked stunned, confused and impressed at the lungs of the pony. Chad, was as monotone as usual since he became Drobot.

Twilight sighed at Pinkies antics. “Pinkie, I know you’re excited to throw our new friends here a welcome party, but first we need to get them settled in. They don’t have homes and i was hoping to see if you could take a part of their group in until they can get their own house.”

Pinkie gasped. “They don’t have a place to live?! Of course i can take one of them in!”

She lowered herself under the counter and reappeared in front of the group the moment they blinked. “Heya! I’m Pinkie Pie! Call me Pinkie!”

The friend group jumped in surprise slightly, except Chad who only blinked. Fred was the first one to approach her, getting a idea as he got how she was. “Hey there! I’m Camo, Want a melon?” he gave her a playful wink as a vine sprouted from under him and grew a melon in front of her.

Pinkie, the all so innocent fourth wall breaker, smiled happily. “Woah! A melon, for me?! Thanks!” she went to grab the melon in her hooves, only for it to explode in her face, making Fred explode in laughter, quickly followed by Keith and Fritz, and soon by Pinkie as well. “Oh, that was a good one! You got me there!”

They all laugh for a while before catching their breath back. “I can already tell you have a good sense of humor, Pinkie. Mind if i stay with you?” Fred asks suddenly.

“Sure! I’m sure Mr and Mrs Cake won’t mind you!”

“Alright! Then let’s go, you can show me around!”

“Yay! Come, i’ll guide you around the bakery!” Pinkie lead the grass dragon away.

“Well, this was interesting to say the least...” Barry said, blinking a couple times, while Twilight let out a sigh.

“Sorry about how she acts, Pinkie is just... Pinkie. There’s no real way to explain it, you’ll get used to it.”

“Eh, it’s fine don’t worry. Who are we heading for next?” Barry asked

“Oh, next is my second friend, Rarity. Let me show you to her boutique.”

With that, Twilight led the rest of the group out of the bakery and to a building resembling a colorful carousel. “This place is the Carousel boutique, home and work place of Rarity.” Twilight said as she knocked on the door.

“One second!” A posh, feminine voice called out from inside. A few minutes later, the door was encased in a blue aura and opened, revealing a white unicorn with a purple mane. “Oh, Twilight! What can i do for you, my friend?”

“Hello, Rarity, we have some new residents here in ponyville that aren’t your normal ponies, and they are in need of a place to stay for the moment until they can afford their own. I was going around asking the others if they wouldn’t mind taking one or two of them and decided to ask you.” Twilight explained

“Oh, Of course, my dear. I’m sure i could take two lovely new residents here in Ponyville until they can find a place for themselves, come, enter, let me prepare tea for us.” Rarity smiled and moved away from the door and towards her kitchen.

“Thank you, Rarity.” Twilight replied as she walked inside and mentioned for the group to follow.

Once inside, they looked around as Rarity came back with a set of tea, setting it on a nearby table. “Now, darling. Who are those new residents you were talking abou-” her sentence was cut short as her eyes landed on the group, most importantly, Kellie. “Oh by Celestia!” she ran to Kellie, her eyes inspecting her gem-wings, pushing the other Skylanders in the process. “Your wings are just so Magnificent!”

Kellie was taken aback at first but she quickly shook it off and smiled. “Why, thank you, Ma’am. I must say, your coat and mane are also Fabulous. I’ll take you work in something related to Fashion?”

Rarity nods as she kept gushing over Kellie’s Crystal-based body. “I’m a fashion designer, my dear. Tell me, have you ever thought about modelling? With a body as beautiful as yours you’d make a great Model! I’m sure you would look even better in my dresses! But i digress,” she cleared her throat and retreated from the group. “I’m Rarity Belle, Fashionista and seamstress, a pleasure meeting you all.”

The group introduces themselves, and Kellie steps up. “If you wouldn’t mind, Rarity. I’d love to stay with someone with such a fashion sense as you. I just hope you won’t mind the one i am in a group with, Bash. He can be stubborn and look uncouth, but he can be quite the sweetheart when you get to know him.”

Keith shot her a passive aggressive smile at her jab at him.

“Oh, of course. I would gladly take you both in. I am sure Sweetie belle will love making friends with you two as well when she comes back to school. Come, let me show you around the boutique.” Rarity smiled and lead the two deeper in the boutique.

Twilight smiled, glad of how generous her friend, Rarity was. “Next one we’re going to see is my third friend, Fluttershy.”

The seven Skylanders nods and follows the purple unicorn as she leads them to a small cottage on the outskirts of the Everfree forest, outside of the town.

Once at the door, Twilight stops before knocking. “Fair warning, Fluttershy might be scared of you all at first. She is really kind, but she is also rather afraid of dragons. But i’m sure she’ll warm up to you all quickly.”

The group nods and Twilight knocks on the door. “Fluttershy, It’s me, Twilight.”

The door soon opens, revealing a yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail. “Oh, hello, Twilight. What do you need?”

“Well, we have a couple new residents in Ponyville but they currently don’t have any place to stay until they can make money. I was wondering if you would mind taking one or two of them in for some time? Though, they are not ponies, so please don’t freak out when you see them.”

“What do you mean by that, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked as she peered behind Twilight to take a look at the Skylanders, letting out a ‘Eep’ the moment she saw Barry and Mat, quickly ducking back in her house and closing the door shut.

Twilight lets out a sigh at her friend’s reaction. “Fluttershy, it’s okay. They won’t hurt you.”

Yielding no response, she was about to try again before Fritz stepped up. “Hold on, let me try something. From how her cottage is and the many animals around here, i’ll presume she likes all animals, correct?” at Twilight’s nod, Fritz smiled, knowing his idea would mostly likely work. “Alright, then me try something.”

He cleared his throat, speaking loud enough for Fluttershy to hear. “You know, after you told us she liked all animals, it’s a shame she didn’t even try to greet us, one of us is part phoenix after all.”

A quiet gasp of surprise was heard from behind the door as it opened just a little, Fluttershy’s head barely poking through as she looked at Fritz, her eyes wide in amazement.

This prompted him to chuckle. “Yep, knew it’d work. Hello there. I’m Sunburn. I’m part phoenix and dragon. I assure you, me and my friends won’t hurt you.”

She shyly opened her door fully and looked at him and the others, her body shaking a bit. “S-Sorry... I-I’m just really scared of dragons... N-Not that i mean any offense, of course!”

“It’s alright. Here, me and another one of my friends are on the same small group we formed, and we are the ones who look the less like dragons.”

“O-Oh... A-Are you two sure? I-I also have a lot of pets and i wouldn’t want to bother you with them if any of you don’t like animals...”

Kaitlin quickly ran up to the three excitedly. “Oh, don’t worry! Me and Sunburn here love animals too, so don’t worry! Also hey, I’m Whirlwind!”

Fluttershy jumped in surprise with a small squeal, making Fritz bonk Kaitlin in the head with a claw, eliciting a small glare from her. “You scared her, idiot. Sorry about her, Fluttershy. She can be quite hyper sometimes. But she’ll be calmer if you accept us.”

“I-It’s nothing, don’t worry. And i-if you really don’t mind, i-i guess i can take you both in for some time..”

Kaitlin was about to practically yell but stopped herself and cleared her throat. “Great! We’ll even help you with the animals don’t worry.” she smiled

Fluttershy simply gave a shy nod and stepped out, mentioning them to come inside, which they did.

Twilight leads the group away to a apple orchard. “Next one is my fourth friend, Applejack.”

They walk into the orchard, the Skylanders taking in the calmness of the place. After some time, they can hear sounds not to dissimilar to someone hitting wood with a blunt object.

Twilight leads them in the direction of the sound, revealing a orange mare with a blond mane and tail, both tied in a ponytail. She’s also wearing a setson, and is currently bucking a apple tree with her back legs, making the apples from the tree fall precisely inside wooden baskets around the tree. “Hey, Applejack!”

Applejack looked towards where the voice came from and smiled at the sight of her friend. “Howdy there Sugarcube. What can i do for ya?”

“Well, Applejack. I was wondering if you and your family would mind taking in one or two ponies for a few days? You see, we have some new residents in ponyville that come from far away, and aren’t really ponies to be exact... And they currently don’t have anywhere to stay. They came to me and after discussing i decided to go around asking the rest of our friends if they could take a small part of their groups.”

“Ah, well, I might be only able to take in one of ‘em, Twi. And they’re going to need to be able to help on the farm.”

At that, Jason stepped up. “Well, i’m the only one that’s not in a group of two, the other one is already with the Pink one, Pinkie Pie i think it was? Anyways, just show me what to do and i can help as much as i’m able to. The names Zap, by the way.”

Applejack hummed as she looked at Jason for a good minute before Nodding. “You should be good enough. Come, let me show ya around the farm and to the rest of ma family.” Jason nodded and followed Applejack as she left.

“Well, i expected this one to take longer with how she seemed to be, no offense of course.” mat spoke up, watching the two leave.

“Applejack is a honest and hard working mare. But she’s still really kind and wouldn’t hesitate to help others if she can.” Twilight said with a smile as she lead the rest away.

“The next one we’re meeting should be your last friend, if i am correct?” Chad asked in his monotone voice.

Twilight nodded as she glanced at the sky. “The last one is Rainbow Dash. The problem will be finding her as she could be napping anywhere at this time. She’s a blue mare with a rainbow mane and tail.”

“Suits the name.” Barry chuckled as he looked around.

The rest of the group helped Twilight in her search, taking them a while before Chadwick stopped them. “Above us, there’s a rainbow tail hanging from a big cloud. I suppose it is her?”

Twilight looked up to where he mentioned and nodded. “That’s her. Now we need to wake her up,” she cleared her throat. “Rainbow!”

There was no response from the cloud.

Twilight sighed and tried again. “Rainbow Dash!”

There was still no response.

Chad walked up to Twilight and put a claw on her shoulder. “Let me try.”

Twilight nodded, walking back a bit. “What is he going to do?” she asked the others.

Kendal sighed, knowing very well what was about to happen. “Drobot, don’t go too hard and do warning!”

Chad only gave a nod as a response, his eyes locked on the cloud as he used the help from his technologically advanced helmet to make multiple calculations for the trajectory of his attack. Once he was sure of his aim. He used the armor to shoot two lazers from his eyes directly on the cloud, purposefully missing the sleeping pegasus by a inch while making Twilight gasp, and wake up the Pegasus in a start.

A blue mare with a rainbow mane and tail, just like Twilight described, glared down from the hole in the cloud. “Hey! That’s uncool, i was napping in peace here! Who even are you? Are you looking for a fight?!”

Twilight let out a groan as Rainbow flew down in front of Chad’s face. “Rainbow, he doesn’t mean harm. He just... Had weird method to wake you up, i suppose.”

Rainbow blinked and looked at Twilight. “Hold on, Twilight. Let me just beat up this armored lizard.”

“I’m a dragon, for your information.” Chad answered.

Twilight sighed and stepped in between the two. “Rainbow, he’s not a enemy. But it’s true you should apologize, Drobot. You could have hit her.”

“My calculation made it so the chance my hit on accident was bellow 1%. I have nothing to be sorry for.”

Kendal shook her head and walked towards the three. “Sorry about him, he’s always like that. Also, Hello. I’m Sonic Boom, and this dragon next to me is Drobot. Pleasure to meet you.”

Rainbow dash Narrowed her eyes slightly at Kendal. “I’m Rainbow Dash, Fastest flyer in all of Equestria,” she turned to Twilight and whispered. ”What is a Griffon doing here, Twilight?”

“She’s not like Gilda, Rainbow. I was actually going to come here to ask you if you wouldn’t mind taking those two or the other two in for some time, they just arrived in Ponyville and don’t have the bits for their own house.”

Rainbow Dash looked at the two, mostly at Kendal, before sighing. “Fine. But you better watch yourself, Sonic boom. I know how you Griffon are with your egos, i already dealt with one, and won’t hesitate to do it again.”

Kendal Smiled. “I assure you, I am different from the other Griffons you may have met, i promise i will not be causing you any Troubles.”

Chad nodded. “And i will not be doing anything against you either. I have no need to as you aren’t a enemy.”

“Alright, Dope. Follow me, i’ll show you to my house!” Rainbow dash grinned and took the air quickly, soon followed by Kendal and Chad.

“Well, it seems the only one left is me and my wife. I suppose we’ll be staying with you, Twilight Sparkle?” Barry asked

Twilight nodded. “Please, you can call me Twilight. And yes, you two will stay with me, just try and don’t mess the library, please.”

Mat chuckled. “Oh, don’t worry. Besides Sonic boom, you have with you the calmest of our group. Spyro is our leader after all. Well, if you can pass his cocky side.”

Barry gave his wife a small headbutt before chuckling. “Oh, you. You know i got better on this point.”

Mat laughed and nuzzled his cheek. “I know, I know dear. I’m just messing with you.”

Twilight chuckled at their antics. “I can see why you two are together. You seem to be perfect to each others. Come, let us go back to the library. i’m sure Spike will be excited to know you two are staying with us.”

Keith is laying down comfortably on the floor of Rarity’s living room, chuckling at the face the small unicorn in front of him made. It was Sweetie Belle, Rarity’s little sister. “So you’re really a dragon coming from a hidden place called the Skylands? And you’re a protector of that place?!”

Keith laughed and nodded. “Yup. Me and my friends are one of the elite Skylander teams out there. And we were also the only team with almost only dragons. Dragons were rare to see in the Skylanders ranks. But there was a few of us.”

Sweetie Belle gasped. “Woah! That’s so cool! How much of the Skylands have you seen?!”

“Practically everything. You see, there was this really important man named Eon. He was the strongest and wisest portal master that the Skylands ever saw. And he was the boss of all the Skylanders.”

“Portal master?”

“Mhm. It’s a job only few can get, if they are destined for it. It allows them to open portals to any place they wish for the Skylanders. Master Eon used them to help us travel quickly so we could help others quickly.”

Sweetie belle continues asking questions to Bash, who patiently answers them all, until she blurts out something. “You should totally come and meet the other Crusaders! I’m sure they’ll be amazed by seeing you!”


“Mhm! It’s a group with me and my two other friends, it’s full name is the Cutie Mark Crusaders, or CMC for short! Since we don’t have our cutie marks yet, we regrouped together and try and earn our Cutie marks together!”

Keith Hummed. “You could used a bit of adult supervision, just in case you do anything rash on accident. Sure, i’ll come.”

“Yay!” Sweetie bell jumps up in excitement, running to the kitchen where Rarity and Kellie are having tea. “Rarity! I’m going to the treehouse and Bash is coming with me!”

“Alright, alright, Sweetie. No need to yell it out, just stay clear of troubles.”

“I will!” Sweetie belle smiles and runs back to Keith, Grabbing one of his paws and tugging him. “Come on, let’s go!”

Keith chuckles and gets up. “Alright, lead the way.”

Author's Note:

Okayyyy. I didn’t expect a chapter to take me a whole month. Nor did i expect it to be this long. But hey! It’s finished and i can publish this story!

Just saying, the updates of this will be Sporadic until i have a editor with me. And once i find one there will most likely be some changes to this chapter and the first.

But hey, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter anyways!