• Published 1st Mar 2024
  • 1,449 Views, 45 Comments

My Little Drone: The Soul of Empathy - Lil Snowflake

System: Rebooting... Running Diagnostics... Core Programming: Restored. Zero Threats Detected. Location: Canterlot, Equestria.

  • ...


Systems Rebooting...

"Come on..."

Initializing System Diagnostic...

"I know you can hear me. It's time to wake up."

Running Core Program Diagnostic...

"Wake up, damn it!"

Core Program Restored.

Zero Threats Detected.

Starting Awakening Sequence...

Safe Mode Activated.

A small moan escaped my lips, as I slightly moved my head to my right. It felt like I was ran over by a stampede of wild bulls or a large truck, which was strange because I don't remember getting hit by bulls or a bus.

What I do remember was trying to calmly dissolve a domestic violent situation and ended up getting shot in the heart. When I woke up, I found myself in a ethereal plane and a glowing figure appeared before me. I couldn't remember what the figure said, but I remember it tapping me on the forehead and everything going white. Apart from that, I don't recall anything else past that.

I felt my strength return to me, as I felt something shaking me vigorously. I let out another small moan and opened my eyes. My vision was in shades of red and digital, with very small, but readable variations of code running the upper left of my vision. That's not right, my vision is normally clear, crisp and in color. Not digital and shades of red.

"Oh, good. You're finally awake. I've been trying to get you to wake up for weeks." A small voice spoke from in front of me with a smile in its tone.

I shook my head slightly, to recollect myself, and looked ahead. Standing in front of me was a small equine-like creature with a brilliant amber coat and a yin-yang styled sun on its flanks. Its eyes were a cyan color and its curly mane and tail were vivid crimson with brilliant yellow streaks. Its other distinguishing feature was a single horn protruding from its forehead with a single spiral pattern.

Standing next to the small equine was another equine-like creature, nearly the same height as a human adult, with a tall and slender build. Its fur was a pale pink-almost white color, with pale magenta eyes and pastel-toned mane and tail that seem to flow in an invisible wind. It wore a golden tiara with a matching regalia that had an amethyst gem in the center, and golden shoes. Its distinguishing features were a long horn, similar to the smaller equine, and a pair of large feathered wings.

In a panic, I scuffled back against the wall I was leaning against and raised my arm over my face in a protective manner. That was when I noticed that my hands were white with black joints, had three fingers and a thumb and cybernetic. My arms were grey and flexible. I tried to scream in horror, but my breathing went shallow and my throat went dry. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't scream, I couldn't think.

"Deep breaths, young android. We can explain what we can." The white equine spoke in a calm and mature voice.

I looked at its eyes, they had a feeling of a kind and strong mother. They made me feel I could trust her. I took a few deep breaths and I calmed down to the point to think rationally.

"Now, let's begin." The tall white equine answered with a small nod and smile.

"Где я? Кто ты? (Where am I? Who are you?)" I gasped and placed my hand over my throat, as I was able to recognize the language I just spoke, "Почему я говорю по-русски? (Why am I speaking Russian?)"

The small equine looked puzzled at me, as if she didn't understand a word I was saying. But the white equine seemed to look at me with a knowing look, as if she understood what I was saying.

"To start, you're in my castle in Canterlot. Canterlot is the capital city of this country called Equestria." She answered calmly, "To your second question, I am the ruler of Equestria; Princess Celestia. And this is my faithful student; Sunset Shimmer."

The small equine waved, "Hi."

I registered the information I was given. Equestria. Canterlot. Princess Celestia. Sunset Shimmer. I blinked in surprise, "Таких как вы, лошадок, много? (There are more like you, little horses?)"

Sunset Shimmer glared at me, looking offended by my words, but then the puzzled look returned. Princess Celestia smiled with a small giggle, "We're not just equines, young android. We're ponies. And yes, Equestria is mostly populated with ponies of the three tribes; Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns. Sunset Shimmer is of the Unicorn tribe."

"And a very powerful one at that." Sunset Shimmer added proudly. Then she looked at Princess Celestia, "Wait. You can understand her?"

Princess Celestia nodded, "I can. Although, she's speaking in a long forgotten language that's been lost in time, but I can understand it quite well." Then she turned to me and asked, "Now it is our turn to ask a question. Where did you come from?"

Sunset Shimmer quickly raised her hoof before I could speak, "I can answer that. I found her in the upper caves in the mountaintop. She was frozen in a coffin of ice, so I've trying to thaw her out as gently as I could and wake her up."

Princess Celestia frowned at her pupil, "Sunset Shimmer, you know it is dangerous to venture those mountaintops. You shouldn't have gone up there."

"But I needed peace and quiet for my study of elemental spells. The foals in class make it nearly impossible with all their noise." Sunset Shimmer whined.

"We'll discuss this later." Then she turned to me again and asked, "Now, another question; Do you have a name?"

I nodded and opened my mouth to speak, but as I opened my mouth to say my name a realization came to me. My mind has drawn a blank when it came to my name. I've forgotten my own name and identity. I can't remember who I was before all this!

I placed my head over the sides of my head and shook my head, "Я... я не знаю! Я не могу вспомнить! (I... I don't know! I can't remember!)"

"Okay, I know that reaction is not good news." Sunset Shimmer uttered, as she noticed my reaction.

"She says she can't remember her name." Princess Celestia translated to her pupil. She turned to me and placed a hoof over my shoulder, "It's alright. We'll give you a name until you remember your name. Okay?"

I looked at the royal pony and nodded slowly. Then I asked, "Как ты меня назовешь? (What will you call me?)"

Princess Celestia tapped her hoof against her chin in thought, "Let's see... How about-" "Dorothy!" Sunset Shimmer shouted, cutting Princess Celestia off.

"Dorothy/Дороти?" Princess Celestia and I repeated in unison and confusion.

Sunset Shimmer nodded, "Yeah, Dorothy Anya Volkova. Or 'Doll' for short, because you look like a doll, as I found the name in a book a couple of weeks back, and I liked it."

I was uncertain how this name will play out, but it is better than having no name at all. I gave a shrug and turned to Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia tapped her chin again for a second, then nodded, "Dorothy it is."

Sunset Shimmer cheered and threw her forelegs around me tightly, "Welcome to Equestria, Doll!"

I give out a lighthearted giggle and wrapped my arms around the small unicorn. Then Princess Celestia spoke up, "Sunset Shimmer, I've noticed that your studies are becoming quite strenuous on you. How would you feel if I appointed you a study partner?"

Sunset Shimmer let go of me and turned to her teacher and monarch. She tapped her chin in thought, then nodded, "I guess it's okay. But I want Doll to be my study partner. She can learn about Equestria, and I can learn to understand her."

"Well thought, Sunset Shimmer." Princess Celestia nodded, then she looked at me, "Is that okay with you, Doll?"

I looked at Sunset Shimmer, as she gave me pleading puppy eyes. She really wanted me to be her study partner, but what makes me so special? I'm just a lost android with no memories of her past. But if Sunset Shimmer and Princess Celestia sense potential in me, I'm not going to argue.

I gave Sunset Shimmer a deadpan look, "Очень мило, Сансет Шиммер... Но тебе не обязательно на меня так смотреть. (Very cute, Sunset Shimmer... But you don't have to look at me like that.)" Then I turned to Princess Celestia and smiled, "Я принимаю. (I accept.)"

Sunset Shimmer looked at me, then at Princess Celestia in confusion, "What did she say, Princess Celestia?"

Princess Celestia smiled, "She said 'Yes'."

Sunset Shimmer cheered in joy again, hopping around in a circle. Princess Celestia and I watched her with a smile. I'm glad I was able to make my first friend happy. Let's hope I can do this with the other ponies in Equestria, without making them think I'm just an emotionless robot. Mindless... Obedient...

Fingers crossed for hoping.