• Published 1st Mar 2024
  • 1,448 Views, 45 Comments

My Little Drone: The Soul of Empathy - Lil Snowflake

System: Rebooting... Running Diagnostics... Core Programming: Restored. Zero Threats Detected. Location: Canterlot, Equestria.

  • ...

The New Protege of Magic

~Dorothy Anya Volkova's POV~

It's been nearly six months since the incident at Nightmare Night. Princess Celestia has been teaching me more on the powers that I displayed during that night, as well as that awfully horrifying form I took, to better control and understand it. But one thing is for certain, that night scared me and I vowed to never use the power, which Princess Celestia and I called 'The AbsoluteSolver', unless it was absolutely necessary.

And that's not the worst of it. It turns out that the AbsoluteSolver has turned me vampiric. The very essence of the day and sun causes me great pain. I have an insatiable craving for oil that gets worse when my systems overheat. And my powers shatter every mirror I look at. It's very concerning, but Princess Celestia promised that we'll figure a way to make me feel comfortable with these 'inconveniences'.

It was a few nights after the Summer Sun Celebration, in Canterlot, when Princess Celestia and I were in the courtyard, practicing on switching from one power of the AbsoluteSolver to another. I couldn't help but feel like something was watching us, and it was coming from the statue of the creature known as Draconequus. It was creeping me out and minorly distracting.

"Very good, Doll. Now, let's try switching the symbol and multiplying the rose, okay?" Princess Celestia instructed me, as I used the 'Translate' power of the Solver to carefully pluck a rose from the rosebush.

I nodded and focused my thoughts on Princess Celestia's instruction; To multiply the rose. I felt the symbol in my hand switch to a more circular symbol and it appeared around the rose.

The rose multiplied into two... Then three... Then four. All four in different colors. I gasped and smiled in accomplishment and Princess Celestia smiled in pride.

Suddenly, there was an explosion from the sky that startled me and I dropped the roses onto the ground. A massive shockwave of rainbow colors expanded from the sky and I sensed an explosion of power coming from one of the School for Gifted Unicorns' exam towers. It caught Princess Celestia's attention as bright purple lightning surged through the windows and a large purple and green dragon's head burst through the ceiling of the tower. A powerful display of raw magic.

I looked Princess Celestia, "Должны ли мы провести расследование? (Should we investigate?)"

Princess Celestia nodded in confirmation, then she flew from the courtyard and toward the school, while I teleported into the exam room, where the powerful surge of magic was coming from. Inside the room was a young unicorn filly, about eight to nine years old, levitating in the air with a powerful and raw magical aura around her.

The teachers were levitating in the air under the same aura. Two plants stood by the doorway, which I didn't recognize. And the dragon, of course.

I took a step back, as Princess Celestia walked closer to the filly. She placed her hoof over the filly's shoulder and the filly looked at her. The magical surge calmed and everything returned to normal. The teachers stopped floating. The plants changed into a grey unicorn mare and a blue unicorn stallion, which I was guessing were the filly's parents. And the dragon shrunk into a newborn dragon.

I caught the newborn dragon from mid-air and rested it in my arms. The dragon looked at me and cooed happily as it grabbed a claw-full of my hair. I couldn't help but giggle at the cuteness of the newborn.

"Twilight Sparkle." Princess Celestia started.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't-" The filly apologized, but Princess Celestia cut her off, "You have a very special gift. I don't think think I've ever come across a unicorn with your raw abilities."

"Huh?" The filly, Twilight Sparkle, raised a brow in confusion.

"But you need to learn to tame these abilities, through focus study."


Princess Celestia smiled, "Twilight Sparkle, I'd like to make you my own personal protege, here in the school."

"Huh?!" Twilight Sparkle repeated with more surprise and confusion.

"Well?" Princess Celestia asked the filly.

Twilight Sparkle turned to her parents, who nodded in acceptance. This was a dream come true for them.

Twilight Sparkle leaped into the air and cheered, "Yes!"

But Princess Celestia raised her hoof, "One other thing, Twilight."

"Huh?" Twilight asked, as she plopped onto the ground.

Princess Celestia pointed to Twilight's flank and there it was. A marking of a large pink star circled by five smaller stars. Twilight has earned her Cutie Mark.

Twilight looked and her smile brightened, "My Cutie Mark!" Overjoyed with excitement, Twilight hopped to her hooves and started hopping around Princess Celestia, repeating the word 'Yes' over and over again.

I was relieved, a new student that shows a lot of potential in magic. Let's hope she doesn't end up like Sunset Shimmer and rebel against Princess Celestia at the last minute.

Princess Celestia calmed Twilight and spoke up, "Come with me, Twilight. There's somepony I want you to meet."

Twilight nodded and followed Princess Celestia toward me. Twilight look at me with confusion and interest in her eyes. Obviously, she's never met someone like me before.

"This is Dorothy Anya Volkova. She's going to be your study partner." Princess Celestia introduced me in a warm tone.

I extended my free hand to her, "Пожалуйста. Можешь звать меня Кукла. (Please. You can call me Doll.)" I gave the filly a sweet smile, "Приятно познакомиться, Твайлайт. (Pleasure to meet you, Twilight.)"

Twilight raised a brow at me and shook my hand, "Uh... Nice to meet you." Then she turned to Princess Celestia, "Why does she talk like that? Can't she speak Ponish?"

Princess Celestia shook her head, "No, Twilight. We've tried, but no luck. She can understand it, though. Which is a good thing." She smiled, "But don't worry. Given time, you will learn to understand her too."

Twilight nodded in understanding, then looked at me and smiled, "I look forward to studying with you Kukla."

I giggled at the filly's innocence, as Princess Celestia explained, "'Kukla' means 'Doll' in her language."

"Oooooh! I'm so sorry." Twilight apologized.

I smiled, "Все хорошо. В конце концов ты доберешься туда. (It's all good. You'll get there eventually.)"

Twilight smiled back at me, then her parents escorted her out of the room, so she could pack and get ready for her first day as Princess Celestia's pupil in the School for Gifted Unicorns. As Twilight exit through the doorway, the baby dragon started fidgeting and moaning in my arms.

Princess Celestia looked at the newborn and smiled, "Looks like somepony is getting hungry. We should get him some gemstones."

I nodded in agreement and took the newborn dragon to the kitchen. From one of the cupboards, I reached for some rubies, but the newborn moaned and shook his head.

"Ты еще недостаточно взрослый, чтобы есть драгоценные камни, не так ли? (You're not old enough to eat gems yet, are you?)" I asked. The dragon shook his head.

I thought for a moment, then an idea came to me. Dragon egg milk! It's perfect for newborn dragons. I left the kitchen and walked into the exam room where Twilight took her entrance exam. It was still in a bit of a mess, but I managed to find the broken eggshell on the ground. The newborn dragon cooed excitedly as he saw the eggshell. I picked up the shell pieces with my AbsoluteSolver power and returned to the kitchen.

I crushed the shell pieces into a powder and put a couple of scoops into a baby bottle. I filled the rest of the bottle with warm milk and gave it a good shake. The newborn dragon smiled and reached his hands out for the bottle.

The liquid in the bottle turned a lavender color and I gave the bottle to the newborn, "Вот, маленький парень. (Here you go, little guy.)"

The newborn dragon grabbed the bottle, brought it to his mouth and started drinking the liquid in the bottle. I watched the little dragon with interest and my mind wonder about the nature of dragons. After a few minutes, the dragon finished the bottle and started moaning again.

I picked up the newborn dragon and lifted him over my shoulder, gently patting him on the back. The baby dragon burped with a small flume of green fire, which gave me a small throb in the head, but I was able to calm it. I rested the baby dragon in my arms and he yawned, falling asleep in my arms.

I smiled and whispered, "Я назову тебя... Спайк. (I'll call you... Spike.)"

I walked out of the kitchen and into the filly's dormitory of the school. I noticed a crib next to Twilight's bed, which I guessed was for little Spike. I gently and calmly put Spike into the crib and tucked him in. Once I tucked him in, my head throbbed again and my vision showed warnings of high temperature again, as my body began to burn.

"Нет... Не сейчас... Когда угодно, но сейчас... (No... Not now... Anytime but now...)" I begged in a shaking whisper.

I quickly left the dormitory before I alerted everyone of my presence and made my way to the kitchen. Once I was inside the kitchen, I began looking for where Princess Celestia hid the oil. The throbbing pain got worse, pulsating as the clock ticked. I tried taking deep breaths and calm my thinking, but the pain made it difficult.

I found a bottle of apple seed oil in the cabinet next to the stove, I opened to bottle and downed the oil. I didn't care if it wasn't from a machine or oil lamp, oil is oil, even if it was from an organic source.

The apple seed oil did the trick, as the throbbing and burning subsided and my temperature went down to moderate settings. That was close, I didn't want to go feral in front of little Spike... Or Twilight Sparkle. But this close call got me thinking...

What if my systems overheat again? What if I can't protect little Spike and Twilight from myself? I can't venture into daylight, as it burns me... The AbsoluteSolver has proven to be dangerous. And if I end up changing again, I'll scare Twilight and little Spike.

I cannot stay in Canterlot. I have to relocate... And soon...

I grabbed a piece of parchment and quill and started writing my resignation letter to Princess Celestia,

'Dear Princess Celestia,
It almost happened again. My systems overheated and I almost went feral.
As much as I would love to study magic with Twilight Sparkle and her little dragon, which I named Spike, I cannot risk overheating and going feral, scaring Twilight and Spike, and the other foals like Nightmare Night.
With your permission, I wish to continue my studies in another location. Somewhere there's an abundance in apple seed oil and where I can experiment with the AbsoluteSolver without risking anyone getting hurt. Like the Everfree Forest.
I'm sorry,
Dorothy Anya Volkova.'

I sighed and sent the letter by bird to Princess Celestia. With a low head, I walked to my bedroom in Canterlot Castle. I began packing my things and Philomena came flying to my window with a scroll in her beak.

I gently took the scroll from Philomena and the phoenix flew back to Princess Celestia's balcony. I opened the scroll's seal and un-rolled the scroll. It read,

'My dearest Doll,
I am very sorry that you feel this way about your condition. You have my permission to relocate, but I have a better location than the Everfree Forest, as I believe the forest will re-open some old wounds.
I am assigning you to relocate in a small town just outside of the forest; Ponyville, and I wish for you to try and make some friends there. I don't want you to seclude yourself and become lonely like Sunset Shimmer has.
There is an apple farm in Ponyville that will supply you with apple seed oil, and you'll be staying in the library within the town.
I've already arranged your trip in the morning.
With wishful optimism,
Princess Celestia.'

I smiled and sighed in relief, leave it to Princess Celestia to plan your assignments ahead of time. At least I'll have time to say my good-byes and get some rest before my trip to Ponyville. I just hope Twilight and Spike understand that I couldn't stay.

Let's hope things at Ponyville are more easier than they are in Canterlot...