• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 154 Views, 3 Comments

My Little Pony and The Doodlebops: The Magic of Music - Big Imagination E

Join the Doodlebops and there friend Colorgroove as they head to Equestria and make magic with music!

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Chapter 4: Fluttershy's Garden Surprise

Back with Twilight, The Doodlebops and their friends they were with Fluttershy walking back to her cottage as they were getting to know each other and also share some different stories. Moe was carrying a cake they got. It was a pink frosted strawberry cake.

"So you three are a kids band? And you had some crazy things happening before your shows?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes Fluttershy. There was one time where I made a wish where I can make anything pink. It was fun at first but then I realized that you can't have too much of a good thing." Deedee answered.

"Wow! I like the color pink too!" Pinkie smiled.

"Sounds like you and Pinkie both share the same favorite color." Rooney said.

"I guess we do. But do you think Colorgroove managed to think of something for Fluttershy while we went to get the cake?" Deedee asked.

"I hope he did. I really don't want Fluttershy feeling upset on her birthday." Rainbow hoped.

"Girls. You don't have to do anything special. The fact that you were all spending time with me on my birthday is more than enough happiness to me." Fluttershy assured.

"Fluttershy darling we insisted that we plan a special present for you. So our new friend Colorgroove has hopefully got you something." Rarity said.

"When we get back to your cottage I'll introduce you to him." Vinyl replied.

Then they see three butterflies coming towards them and they stopped in front of Fluttershy. She smiled seeing them.

"Oh hello little butterflies. What brings you here?" Fluttershy asked.

One of the butterflies came to her ear and said something. When Fluttershy got the message she nodded and proceed to speak.

"There's a surprise waiting for me back home? From Colorgroove? Well thank you for telling me." Fluttershy smiled as the butterflies flew off back to the cottage. The Doodlebops saw what happened and were surprised.

"She can understand what the butterflies said?" Rooney asked.

“That there’s our Fluttershy, Rooney,” Applejack responded, “She understands all kinds of critters large and small.”

"Wow. Then she must have lots of animals. Let's get to the cottage! I wanna see what animals you have!" Moe replied.

So the gang all kept walking and after a few minutes they all finally arrived at her cottage. But when they all went inside it was all clean but too quiet. Reason why is because the animals were not there.

"Uh girls? Where are my animal friends? I thought they were still inside." Fluttershy asked.

"Did Colorgroove kick out all of Fluttershy's animals?! That's not nice! Come on everyone! Look around the cottage and see where we can find them." Twilight said.

So everyone looked around the cottage to find Fluttershy's animals. They searched high, they searched low, they searched everything and everywhere. But no one knew where her animals are. When Fluttershy couldn't find them she decided to go in the backyard to get some air. But then she got a HUGE surprise when she opened the door. She gasped seeing the garden and she saw all the animals relaxing and enjoying their paradise. Even her bunny Angel was in a floaty wearing sunglasses and relaxing in the pool.

"Oh my! My garden!!" Fluttershy squealed.

"Fluttershy! What happened?! Did Colorgroove mess up your garden?!" Twilight worried.

"No! It's beautiful! And I see my animal friends there! He didn't kick them out! Come see!" Fluttershy replied.

The girls and the Doodlebops went to her backyard and they got the same reaction when seeing the garden. They see many colorful flowers, a pool and hot tub of beautiful sparkling sky blue water, A crazy looking treehouse that the monkeys were hanging out in, and all the other animals resting and relaxing enjoying the sunshine.

"Wowie! This is an amazing garden! But where's Colorgroove?" Pinkie asked.

"I'm right here girls."

They turned and saw Colorgroove relaxing on a chair enjoying a drink and has sunglasses on too.

"Dude! Did you make all this? It's incredible!" Vinyl asked.

"I sure did. And funny thing is that for some reason all it took was a little music magic." Colorgroove answered.

"Music magic? What are you talking about?" Twilight asked.

"Funny story. At first I didn't know where Fluttershy's cottage is at first til suddenly my necklace glowed and summoned a surfboard and I was surfing in the sky! Then I came to Fluttershy's cottage and cleaned it up and when I went to Fluttershy's backyard it was a mess! Then it hit me. I decided to create a garden paradise for all her animals and sure enough I did a little gardening and when a planted that rare seed and gave it water my necklace glowed again and magic absorbed into the flower and next thing I knew the magic spread across the garden and made this. Oh and all the animals decided to join the fun." Colorgroove explained.

"Wow! That sounds awesome! Using magic to create a garden like this! Nice!" Moe smiled.

"Wait. Did you say your necklace glowed and that's what caused you to make this garden?" Twilight asked.

"I know it sounds crazy but it's true. Oh and Fluttershy? This is your birthday present that I made for you." Colorgroove answered.

"Colorgroove. So that's what your present to her is. That was so nice of you." Vinyl smiled.

"Yes. And the way I see it. All the flowers, the pool, the treehouse for the monkeys, and the hot tub. This is possibly the best present anyone has ever given me. Thank you." Fluttershy said as she hugged him.

"You're welcome." Colorgroove said.

"Hey. You know what? Seeing all these colorful flowers makes me wanna sing that color song." Deedee said.

"Me too. Hey Fluttershy? Wanna hear us sing you a song for your birthday? It's about everyone's favorite colors!" Rooney offered.

"Oh I would love to hear it!" Fluttershy accepted.

So Colorgroove tried conjuring a ball of rainbow light with music notes coming out and made it float to the flower and once it did music began playing and the Doodlebops started singing and doing their rainbow dance. But when they did the girls noticed two things. One, that Colorgroove was using magic and two the flowers were sprouting out root legs and got faces and were also singing and dancing!


(At 1:20 pretend that Colorgroove is singing and at 1:42 will finish the song)

First it was Deedee and some pink flowers singing the first set of lyrics. Pinkie bounced and joined in the fun. Eventually the others decided to dance along. Next Rooney took the lead and sand the second set of lyrics with some blue flowers. Then Moe finished the second verse and then Colorgroove took over.

I'm thinking about the roses you take on a date

He's thinking about red, he thinking about red

And I'm thinking about the apples that Applejack doesn't hate

He's thinking about red

Then Moe sang his final lines and the Doodlebops all sang the final set of lyrics and posed ending the song and the flowers returned to normal. The girls clapped and cheered for a wonderful song.

"Wow! That was stupendous! And with all those flowers dancing and singing made it better!" Pinkie smiled.

"But how did you make those flowers dance?!" Twilight asked.

"Honestly I don't know." Colorgroove said. But then he remembered something back home. When he made that wish. "Wait. I remember now! I made a wish back home that I would be granted with the power of music AND for me to join the Doodlebops on an adventure! That's why all this happened!"

"So you made a wish to have the power of music and now you do?" Twilight asked.

"Yep. I just can't believe I didn't notice it. Until now." Colorgroove replied.

"Well that's a cool wish you made. And we're glad that you used that power wisely to make Fluttershy her garden. But remember not to go crazy with it." Rooney reminded him.

"You got that right. I'll make sure to not go nuts with the power. Now the only trouble is I don't know where I'll be staying since I'm new here." Colorgroove thought.

"Well since you were able to give Fluttershy a wonderful present why don't you and the Doodlebops come stay with me? You seem nice and you definitely proved that you are not evil." Vinyl asked.

"I would love to stay with you Vinyl. Besides I think your cute and cool. A great combination." Colorgroove answered.

She blushed a little but smiled that Colorgroove is more than willing to stay with her. The Doodlebops smiled seeing this and they giggled a little.

"I think I sense a little love motion coming on." Rooney said slyly.

"Were just friends Rooney. But I'm willing to stay with her." Colorgroove replied.

"And Vinyl? Since Colorgroove will be staying with you can you make sure that he doesn't do anything that can cause harm to our home since he used magic?" Twilight asked.

"Sure. But you have nothing to worry about Twilight. If he used magic to create A garden like this then I say he's not gonna cause harm. He's okay in my book." Vinyl answered.

"I agree with Vinyl. And Colorgroove? Thank you for this garden. You made this the best birthday I ever had." Fluttershy smiled.

He smiled and then everyone except Fluttershy left the cottage and went to their respective homes. But for Colorgroove and the Doodlebops they were going to live with Vinyl and to him it was the beginning of a new start. But will have to learn what other powers he has. Especially when later on he faces something that could threaten him.

Author's Note:

What a wonderful present Colorgroove gave Fluttershy! Now he's living with Vinyl. Comment down what you want happening in the next chapter.