• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 154 Views, 3 Comments

My Little Pony and The Doodlebops: The Magic of Music - Big Imagination E

Join the Doodlebops and there friend Colorgroove as they head to Equestria and make magic with music!

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Chapter 5: Settling In and a Story

With Colorgroove and The Doodlebops they were following Vinyl to her place since they will be staying with her. They all arrived at Vinyl’s house and it was not a bad place to be living in.

"Pretty nice place you have here. So is it just you that lives here?" Colorgroove asked.

"No. My roommate Octavia lives here too. But she's currently at Canterlot preparing for the upcoming Canterlot Symphony Sea. It's a special event that happens with the orchestra." Vinyl answered.

"That sounds cool. We are always wanting to try out new styles of music. Reason why is because we like playing rock and roll but sometimes it's fun to switch it up." Rooney said.

"I'm glad to hear that. Well make yourselves at home. I'm gonna get dinner ready." Vinyl said as she went in the kitchen.

Colorgroove and The Doodlebops all sat on the couch. But when Moe sat down he felt something hard on his seat.

"Ahh! What's this?" Moe asked pulling out a book.

"Looks like a book to me." Colorgroove said taking the book.

"It's got rainbow music notes on the front. What's it called?" Moe wondered.

"According to the book it's called 'The Legend of the Musical Hero'." Colorgroove said.

"Good title." Moe smiled.

"Interesting. So what's it about?" Rooney asked.

"Well the plot is that it's about a young boy who loved dancing found this beautiful diamond while on a walk. But what he didn't know is that it was a magic diamond. And once he wore it the diamond granted him the power of a million songs and dances. And as time went by he learned how to control it. But then suddenly there was also an evil curse that had to be vanquished." Colorgroove started.

"A curse? What curse?" Deedee asked.

"Glad you asked." Colorgroove said flipping to the page with a pair of purple tap dancing shoes. "The other day at a shoe store the owner found these mysterious beautiful purple shoes and placed them on sale. Then a young girl came by and saw the shoes. She bought them and placed them on her feet. But what she didn't know is that they are cursed shoes. And they casted a spell on her which made her dance and dance and power up an evil energy dragon and never stops."

"Never?" Rooney asked.

"Never." Colorgroove answered.

"Never ever?" Moe asked as well.

"Never ever EVER." Colorgroove answered.

"Oh boy. That's a lot of dancing and also quite an evil curse." Moe exclaimed.

"You bet. And there's more. When the boy realized that she was wearing the cursed shoes he needed to get those off her feet. But with the evil energy dragon all powered up he needed another plan. The only way to vanquish that curse is to destroy the dragon's chest, free it's host and played some really loud rock and roll music to destroy the shoes." Colorgroove finished closing the book.

"Wow. That's quite a story. If it was a real curse then it be the villain for The Doodlebop Superheroes to defeat." Rooney said.

"And I certainly don't wanna repeat like what happened with the Red Shoes." Deedee replied.

"Agreed on that Deedee. I seen that episode and your brothers had to do everything they can to get you to take them off." Colorgroove nodded.

They all agreed on that and then suddenly some magic secretly snuck in and formed a package. When the magic faded away there lies a package on Vinyl's desktop.

"Did you guys hear something?" Colorgroove asked.

"Look." Moe said pointing at the package. They were certainly all surprised seeing a package on the desktop when it wasn't there before.

"Where on earth did that come from?" Colorgroove wondered.

"Never mind that. Who's it for?" Moe asked.

Rooney picked up the package and read the name on it.

"Twilight Sparkle." Rooney said.

"Twilight got a package? But I thought that the mail ponies here would deliver the mail. Not magically appear out of nowhere." Colorgroove thought. "This is weird."

"Yeah. And there's no stamp on it. I wonder what's wrong." Rooney wondered.

"Beats me Rooney. Lemme go drop off Twilight's package." Colorgroove said.

He took the package and headed out. He summoned his surfboard and got on and air surfed all the way to Twilight's castle. He knocked on the door and Spike answered it taking the package. He thanked Colorgroove and he air surfed back to Vinyl's house.

"Ok. I don't know how that package got there but I ain't asking questions." Colorgroove replied.

"Um Colorgroove? Isn't it kinda weird that you happen to be wearing the same music diamond that's from the story? Cause I'm getting a feeling that the story is coming to life." Rooney asked.

"It is a little. But I'm sure it's something that Twilight needs for another one of her potions. No biggie." Colorgroove assured.

Rooney didn't know if the story was coming to life or if he was imagining it but he decided to roll with it as he and the gang headed in the kitchen for dinner.

Author's Note:

Looks like a package appeared. You don't think that it has the purple shoes in there?!