• Published 5th Apr 2024
  • 340 Views, 7 Comments

Spike test - Savant 123

After feeling unappreciated and forgotten spike decided to run away through the mirror portal. However an unforeseen accident had chaise him to be transported into another different world.

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Spike test vs robo kitten

In the neighborhood of Pork Belly, two boys and a dog were standing on a sidewalk.The first one is a flame-haired boy who is currently wearing skateboard gear and holding a skateboard. ”Here it is, boys, the ultimate skateboard obstacle and my ticket to fame.”

“I don’t know Johnny; this seems dangerous." The dog, who is standing upright and wearing his kid disguise, which is complete with the word not a dog on his shirt, said in a concerned voice.

“That's the point, Dukey,” Johnny said to the dog. ”The more dangerous the stunt, the more views I will get on the internet once I upload the video, and after that, I will get a one-way ticket to Fame City.”

“I really think you should listen to Dukey on this one since this seems pretty dangerous even by our standards,“ the green-haired boy said. “And with our usual standards of danger, that is saying something,“ the boy said as he looked at the large skateboard ramp Johnny set up, which led to a serious obstacle from road barricade,a pool of crocodiles, and a caged lion.

“Seriously, where do you even get all those things?“ The green-haired boy said in surprise at seeing all the things Johnny managed to get his hands on.

“ Never mind that just get the camera ready “ Johnny said.

Spike just rolls his eyes, knowing full well that once Johnny gets an idea in his head, it is nearly impossible for him to be discouraged from stopping. Spike can’t help but think back on how he got into this world in the first place. It all started after twilight coronation, as after her coronation spike began to feel like he was not appreciated and not taken seriously by not only twilight but by the rest of the girls too, as they would go on adventures without him, whether they were dangerous or not, leaving him to do all the work twilight gave him, which has increased a lot since she became a princess. This is also what bothers him, as he never gets to have a regular childhood, such as going to school or hanging out with friends. The last straw, however, was when they forgot his birthday. So he decided to run away through the mirror to live in the human world. But first, he needs a way to become human since he knows that if he crosses over to the other world, he will become a dog, and he had no intention of living the life of a dog. So he went to Zecora for help, who gave him a potion to become human. However, at the same time, he went through the mirror portal. The test sisters, Susan and Mary, were working on a dimensional portal device, but due to Johnny and Dookie's action the day before, it had gone haywire, leaving them no choice but to destroy it. However, before it’s destruction, the portal device drags spike into their world, and in human form, a second's after the portal was destroyed. Since the portal was destroyed, he had no choice but to stay with the test family until the test sisters found a way to return him home. During that time, he was able to finally live a regular childhood life while also finally getting a chance to go on exciting adventures.

Before Spike could say anything else to stop Johnny, they all heard something that caught their attention.

"What is that sound?” Spike asks.

“It sounds like something falling,“ Johnny said, and immediately after, he said that the large ramp that Johnny built was crushed by a giant object. The object was a giant robot leg that was connected to a giant robot cat. The dome on the cat robot opens up, revealing the pilots, which were a cat and an old man. These people are none other than Mr. Mittens and his butler, Albert.

“It’s Mr. Mittens," the former dragon said as he pointed his finger at him in shock.

“It is I, Mr. Mittens,“ Mr. Mittens said.

“His back for revenge, like he said he would.” Dukey said,

“I am back for my revenge, like I said I would,” Mr. Mittens said.

“He is a huge dork,” Johnny said.

“I am a huge, hey,“ Mr. Mittens stopped what he was saying when he realized what he was about to say. This resulted in all three boys laughing.

“Laugh at me, will you?" Mr. Mittens said in an angry voice, "Well, let's see you laugh after this.” He clicks a button on the control panel, and the dome closes. Immediately, the robot points its finger at them and fires a laser beam out of it. All three boys were able to dodge the attack on time. They looked back at the place where they were standing a few seconds ago and saw a large hole.

“Ok, not funny anymore,“ Johnny said as he and everyone got up.

“What now?” Spike asks.

"Here is an idea,“ Dukey said. ”RUN!” After shouting that, all three began running as fast as they could.

“Don't think you can get away so easily, “Mittens said from inside the robot. He then clicked a button, and instantly the robot fired multiple missiles at them. Luckily, all three boys were able to dodge it. However, the explosion from the missiles launched all three of them across the neighborhood and right in front of Johnny House.

“Well, how convenient,“ Dukey said as he spiked, and Johnny quickly ran into the door, and just as they were about to open the front door, it opened itself, and the person who did it was none other than Hugh Test, Johnny's father.

“Johnny, have you seen my bowling ball?” Hugh asks, but Johnny, Dukey, and the former dragon just run past him, spinning Hugh in the process as they run into the house.

"Hey," Hugh said, annoyed, but a large sound got his attention, and he looked outside of the house and saw the giant robot. He quickly closed the door after seeing the robot.
The three boys quickly open the lab door and enter the room.

“We need a...” Johnny said, but was interrupted by Susan.

“Let me guess you want a giant robot to battle a cat robot that is chasing you guys,” Susan said.

“Yeah, how do you know?“ Spike asks.

"We geniuses,” Mary said, "and there is a giant robot in front of the house.” She pointed to the computer monitor, which, on the screen, showed the robot.

“Oh,” the former dragon said in a deadpan tone.

“Well, can you help us?” Dukey asks.

“Of course we can,“ Susan said as she pulled out a remote from her pocket and pressed the button on it, and immediately it opened a trap door under each of them, where they fell in and slid down a tunnel until they reached the end of the tunnel and fell and landed on a chair in a room of some kind.

“All right, everyone, let's activate our new battle robot,“ Mary said as she pressed a button on the control panel.

“Come out, Johnny, and be prepared for your doom.” Mitten said this through a microphone that was in the robot. Immediately after he said that, a sound from the backyard was heard, catching his and Albert's attention. Their turn, and they saw the backyard open up, and out came a raised platform with a giant robot on it.

“They have a giant robot too,” Mitten said in shock.

“You know, sir, you should have expected it,” Albert said.

“Oh, be quiet, Albert,“ Mitten said, annoyed.
“You guys have a giant robot,” Spike asked in shock.

“Of course,“ Susan said. ”Knowing our luck and the kind of things we usually get into, we decided to make one just in case.”

“Good call,” Dukey said.

“Blah, blah,” Johnny said, “less talk, more action.”

Immediately, the robot was piloted to jump and land on the street across from the Mittens robot.

“So you guys have a robot of your own,” Mitten said through the intercom of his robot. ”But it matters, not because I am still going to destroy you all." Mitten then presses a button on the control panel, and immediately the robot cat opens its mouth and spits out a spike of metal hairballs at them. However, Susan quickly pressed a button on the control panel of their robot, and immediately, the robot's arms were held out in front. and the hands of the robot merge and form a shield that turns into a giant metal shield, which results in the attack bouncing off of it. After that was done, the robot's hand turned back to normal.

“Now it’s our turn,” Johnny said as he pressed a button on the control panel, which resulted in the robot firing a laser beam from its eye on them. This attack pushed them off the ground and into the air. However, before it lands on the ground, it manages to readjust itself so that it will land on all fours.

“Don’t you know cats always land on their feet” Mittens said, and immediately the robot cat with metal claws came out of its two hands and ran all fours towards them.

“What now?” Dukey asks.

“Now go extendable arms,” Mary said as she pressed a button on the console and the robot's arms stretched forward. It grabbed the cat robot and lifted it in the air before slamming it on the other side of the street.

The cat robot immediately stood up after being slammed on the other side of the street. ”Two can play this game,” Mitten said as he pressed a button, and the robot tail stretched forward, wrapped itself around the other robot, lifted it in the air, and slammed it on the ground over and over again. After the final slam, the robot tail returned to its original position. ”Now let's end this.”

Mittens then pressed a button on the panel, and immediately sharp claws came out of the robot's hands, along with countless missiles and laser cannons that were all aimed at them.

“Um, what now?” Spike asked in a fearful voice, seeing all the weapons aimed at them.

“Now we doom,” Dukey shouted.

“Please tell me you installed something on this robot that can help us.” Johnny ask.

“Of course we did,” Susan said as she pressed a button on the control panel, causing the robot to turn and bend its butt at them. Immediately, a large wave of fire came out of it and covered the cat robot. Once the fire stopped, the cat robot was now burned and covered with scorch marks. It then collapsed on the ground, now completely broken.

“You guys add Power Poots,” Spike said.

“Of course we did,“ Mary said.

The glass dome of the robot opens, and immediately climbing off the robot are both mittens and his butler Albert, both of whom are burned and covered in burn marks.

“This isn’t Johnny's test; I will have my revenge.“ Mitten said , before, both he and Albert began the long walk back home.

“We won,” Spike said as he and everyone cheered.
“So how has everyone's day been?“ Lila Test,Johnny's mom, asks everyone as their seat at the dining table to eat their dinner, which thankfully is spaghetti and not meatloaf.

“Oh, the usual Miss Test," the former dragon said as he ate his meatball. He meant it too, as it always happens almost every day. They would go on crazy adventures and shenanigans, which usually involve one of Johnny's enemies,Susan and Mary inventions gone wrong, or a scheme by Johnny. During the six months he has been here, the former dragon has pretty much gotten used to all the crazy stuff that happened pretty much on a daily basis, and he will admit he enjoys it, as now not only did he have the opportunity to go on adventures, but he now has the chance to live a normal childhood. He wasn’t exactly sure how long it would take for Susan and Mary to find his way home, but the one thing he was sure was that he was going to enjoy his time here as much as he could.

Author's Note:

This story was suggested to me by Draginknife5.

By the way this part:
“It’s Mr. Mittens," the former dragon said as he pointed his finger at him in shock.

“It is I, Mr. Mittens,“ Mr. Mittens said.

“His back for revenge, like he said he would.” Dukey said,

“I am back for my revenge, like I said I would,” Mr. Mittens said.

“He is a huge dork,” Johnny said.

“I am a huge, hey,“ Mr. Mittens stopped what he was saying when he realized what he was about to say. This resulted in all three boys laughing.

Was inspired from an episode of supernoobs which is Noobot vs venabot

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