• Published 5th Apr 2024
  • 347 Views, 7 Comments

Spike test - Savant 123

After feeling unappreciated and forgotten spike decided to run away through the mirror portal. However an unforeseen accident had chaise him to be transported into another different world.

  • ...

Spike the wingman

It was another day in the test house, and Spike and Dukey were in the lab watching Susan and Mary experiment on Johnny again. Said boy was currently in a machine of some kind.

“What is the point of this experiment again?“ Dukey asks the test sisters.

"It is simply really,“ Mary said. ”The purpose of this machine is to turn a person into the most beautiful version of themselves.”

“And let me guess if the experimental works you planning on using it on yourself to turn yourself attractive so you can attract gil nexdor.” Spike said in a deadpan voice.

“Yep," Susan said as she pressed a button on the machine control panel. There was a bit of electric shock and a bit of Johnny screaming, and once that was done, the door of the machine opened, and out came Johnny, who looked normal except now he had two heads.

“Yeah, I don’t think you machine work,“ one of Johnny's heads said.

“We can see that,“ Mary said, annoyed.

“Get back in the machine, and we will put you back to normal,“ Susan said, and Johnny went into the machine. She presses a few buttons on the control panel, and the machine starts up again. After that was done, Johnny came out, now completely normal.

“It seems we still have a few bugs to work out,"Susan said. Suddenly, the window in the lab was broken as something burst through it. It landed next to them. The thing that crushes through the window is none other than Eugene, or, as he insists, people call him Bling-Bling Boy.

“I have come for you, my sweet Susan test,” Eugene said. However, whatever he was going to say next was cut short as Susan pressed a button, and two robots came into the lab and grabbed him.

"Hey, put me down,” he demanded. But the robots just ignore him as they move near a part of the floor that opens up. Then dump him in it. At the back of the house, a part of the wall opened up, and a slide came out. Eugene then came out, sliding on the slide. He then fell into the water. He rose back up, spitting water out of his mouth.

“Why do you even bother?“ Spike asks as he, Johnny, and Dukey walk next to him and help him out of the pool.

“Yeah, you should know by now that sister Susan doesn’t feel the same way,” Johnny points out.

“It’s love that why." Eugene said,I refuse to give up.”

Spike sighed before looking at Eugene. “Look, Eugene. I know better than anyone that it is pointless to persuade someone who doesn’t even feel the same way. Trust me, I know.“ Spike thought back to his feeling of love for rarity, which was doomed from the start due to not only the age difference but also because they were different species.

“Then what do you suggest I do? Eugene asks.

“Maybe find a new girl to be obsessed with,“ Johnny suggested.

“I quite agree with Johnny,“ Dukey said. "There are always more fish in the sea.”

“Never,“ Eugene said. ”The only girl for me is Susan.” Eugene ran away from them to get back to the lab to see Susan.
All three boys are watching TV in the living room when Eugene walks next to them wet and soaks.

“You know what? Maybe chasing after different girls won’t be bad,” Eugene said.

“Great,“ Johnny said.

"So, how do we do this?” Eugene asks.

“I have an idea,“ Dukey said.
Spike, Johnny, Duke, and Eugene are now in a restaurant, with Eugene sitting down on one of the tables and the three boys standing next to him.

"So, what are we doing here?” Spike asks.

"We are here to do something called speed dating,” Dukey said. ”I already set up a poster in town about speed dating. They should be here right about now.”

As if on cue, a large line of girls came into the restaurant.

"Wow, how do you get many people to come to the speed date?" Johnny asks

“Simple, I put on the poster, Super Rich Boy." Dukey said, ”I am sure there is one girl here who would be interested in Eugene.”

Five hours later

Eugene was now sitting on the table alone as the last girl walked away.

"Well, that didn’t go well,” Spike said.

“I don’t understand what it is about me that girls don’t like,” Eugene said.

“Maybe it is the way you look,” Johnny said.

The boys are now at Johnny's house, giving him a makeover. Once they were done, Eugene was now dressed in a leather jacket, wearing black sunglasses, and having smooth black hair.

“Are you sure this look is good?" Eugene said in an uncertain voice as he looked at his reflection in the mirror that was in Johnny's room.

“Of course girls like bad boys,"Johnny said in an encouraging voice.

“Come on, give it a try,“ Spike said.

“All right,“ Eugene said as he and everyone left Johnny's house and onto the street of the city.

“All right, Eugene, go and knock them dead,” Spike said.

"Ok,” Eugene said as he started walking to meet some girls.

“There is no way this will not work,“ Johnny said.

“Ahhhhhhhhh, a gangster,“ a lady voice said. All three boys turned and saw Eugene running from an angry mob carrying pitchforks and torches.

“Help me!” Eugene screamed as he ran for his life.

“Well, that didn’t work,” Spike said.

“Shouldn’t we help him?” Dukey asks.

"Yeah, we should,“ Johnny said as he and the other two boys ran to help Eugene.
All five boys are now in front of the Pork Belly Institute of Technology.

“All right, try to be more open and honest,“ Dukey said. “Girls like that.”

“Okay,” Eugene said as he walked to talk to a group of girls he saw sitting under a tree.

15 seconds later:

Eugene is now on the ground after being beaten up by the group of girls.

“I guess you were too honest,“ Johnny said.
All five are now in Johnny's living room.

“This has been pointless,“ Eugene said.

“Yeah, nothing we did works." Spike said, ”Too bad we have no way to make you attractive enough that girls will ignore your character flaw.”

“You don't, but we do,” Mary said as she and Susan walked into the living room.

“We overheard you wanting Eugene to chase after other girls,“ Susan said, ”and we decided to help since it will mean he finally stops bothering me.”
Everyone was now in the lab with Eugene in the machine that Johnny was in early.

“We had made some modifications to the machine since early just now and had fixed all the bugs,” Mary said.

“Now let's start,” Susan said as she turned on the machine. The machine started up, and after a few moments, Eugene came out of the machine. He looks completely different; in fact, he looks handsome.

Eugene was now taller and more muscular; his skin was now clear of freckles; and his hair was now smooth.

“It works,“ Mary said.

"Wow, I look good,“ Eugene said as he looked at the mirror that Dukey gave him.
Eugene is seen sitting down on a park bench with a group of girls surrounding him.

"Well, great, that is over,Spike said.

"Agreed, “Susan said. “Now he will finally leave me alone.“

Two days later:
Everyone was in line as Susan and Mary were trying their latest invention on Johnny when suddenly something burst through the window. It landed next to them. The thing was Eugene, who is now back to normal.

"Eugene, what are you doing here, and why are you normal?“ Spike asked in shock.

“It turns out it was temporary, as the effect wore off this morning," Eugene said. “But enough of that, as I am here for my sweet Susan test.”

“I thought you were over her,” Johnny said.

“Well, while it was nice to have girls attracted to me, it was not the same, as none of them are a match for my sweet Susan,“ Eugene said. ”Hence why I am back to woo her.”

“Then it must be a good thing I install this,” Susan said, clicking a button on a remote, and immediately a group of robots came in and grabbed him and tossed him in a rocket.

“Hey, let me out,” Eugene said. But Susan ignores him and clicks a button on a panel next to the rocker. This caused a hole on the roof to open up and the rocket to be launched.

“I will return my sweet Susan test,” Eugene said as the rocket launched through the hole.
The rocket landed on a small desert island.

“Being on this island won’t stop me." Eugene said, ”I will be back for you. As soon as I get off this island, of course.”

As soon as he said that, a coconut landed on his head, knocking him out cold.

Author's Note:

This chapter was suggested to me by Draginknife5.

Leave a comment on what you think of my story so far.

Comments ( 1 )

I remember Johnny Test from many years ago.
Wonder how things will turn out different since Spike is there.

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