• Published 13th Apr 2024
  • 936 Views, 45 Comments

The Equestrian Rider - Anubis Grimgost

It was just meant to be a normal ride for Damian on his ZX-14r when the clouds began to swirl and lightning struck him.

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C1 the crash

It was mid summer and a completely clear day, Damian had got his new custom Kawasaki ZX-14r out of his garage and onto the driveway.

He had said his good byes to his mum, dad and siblings. Even though he was the eldest out of 4 he was still treated like a kid by his mum.

She had told him to ride safe for the 10th time before he took off down the road, he had just got the bike wrapped in a brilliant orange and white wrap with after market exhausts.

Once he got on the motorway, Damian accelerated up to 70 and a feeling of relief, peace and a resound sense of belonging took hold of him….

Now that he thought about it, he couldn’t see any other cars or bikes on the road, none in front of him and none behind him.

He guessed that the road was his for now.

Although Damian’s life wasn’t the most extravagant it was his and that’s all that mattered to him, he had all he ever needed. His family, friends, a good paying job and his motorbike.

His mum had always nagged him to get a car but he had never really been a typical guy, as soon as he could afford to drive he had immediately done his bike license and steadily climbed his way up to his dream bike.

Now 24 with what he could call freedom and a life with little to complain about, he couldn’t be upset with his mother even if he tried.

As Damian opened up the throttle and shifted up, causing his bike to jump up to 90 mph he noticed that the once clear skies were now cloudy.

“The forecast said it was meant to be sunny? Argh fuckers are never right….”

He looked ahead and saw that it was clear further down the road, so he sped up to 140 in an attempt to out run the potential rain.

That’s when he noticed arcs of brilliant bright blue lights dancing in and out of the storm clouds, in his amazement of the spectacular display of raw nature Damian failed to notice the static coming off his bike as the air around him heated up.

Then a large bolt of lightning lit up the entire sky and everything went white, the only thing that was visible was Damian’s dash that said 299 mph which wasn’t possible.


Meanwhile in Equestria a unicorn guard was patrolling the city’s outer walls, admiring the beautiful night sky in all of its glory.

The guard felt truly honoured to be able to work for the princess of the night, this was because the princess had just recently been freed from the possession of nightmare moon.

It was a shame that not many sheared her view, most still believe that Princess Luna was still evil whilst others just outright feared her.

But then something caught her eyes, a ball of blue light that rapidly began to grow from no bigger than an apple to the size of carriage.

The guard was backing away from the bright light and loud noises coming from it, the sound was like nothing that she had ever heard before and it was scary to say the least.

If asked she’d describe it as something in between a monstrous roar and a long high pitched scream, the fearful mare lit up her horn and prepared an emergency flare spell to alert the castle garrison.

Then the noise got to almost unbearable levels and stayed like it for a few seconds before.


The guard was nearly on the brink of hyperventilating when it just stopped as she was able to recompose herself.


“Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!” In her shocked state she released the flare spell and Curled up into a ball.

The monstrous sound came back with vengeance and disappeared just as quick, looking out of her hooves she could see a red and white light zipping away in the darkness along the city wall.

But she breathed a sigh of relief as it seemed to not notice her and hopefully her flare was seen by somepony.

“W-what was that t-thing?” Her voice shaky and hooves wobbly.


Damien was disoriented by the bright light and shock of the lightning.

“What! The! Fuck!”

His smoke tinted visor made it impossible to see the road ahead.

“Where am I, what’s going on? Fuck I don’t remember shit? Um oh fuck! I’m riding!!”

He quickly flipped his visor up but as he brought his hand passed his face, Damian noticed that his hand was no longer a human hand.

Instead it was an orange reptilian like claw with fore digits and light electric blue tufts of fur on his arm. As panic began to set in and denial was at the forefront of his mind, he noted a dark blue horse in the middle of the road.

No not a horse, it was a winged unicorn and its horn was glowing.

Damian tried to swerve it but lost control of his bike at 170 mph coming off the crotch rocket and sliding across the hard ground. He made eye contact with the winged unicorn as he slid past.

His ZX-14r hit a bump in the path, throwing the bike into the air and Damian watched in horror as the bike tumbled and tore itself apart from the extreme G force it was experiencing.

Then the tank ruptured and the fuel immediately ignited, the flames licked at his heals as he slid legs first with the bike.

Everything was moving in slow motion as a wall became visible up ahead.





“Cough* cough* cough*” Damian felt only pain racking his body, his mouth was wet and tasted of iron as it began to get hard to breathe.

His vision was blurred and all he saw was the oddly Beautiful flames dancing around his bike as it became nothing more that charred remains, the the blue winged unicorn approached and blocked his sight of the fiery display.

Damian tried to look up to the creature that he nearly hit and saw in clear detail that she was crying…. And did she have a Crown?


Then everything faded to darkness.


Luna was horrified at what had just unfolded, she thought that she could help, that she would be able to earn the trust of her ponies by helping.

But she had made matters worse, she had to help this creature that was laid out on the ground before her.

His hind legs were broken and bent in unnatural ways and his chest heaved in a desperate attempt to cling onto any chance of life. If only she had modern medical training, everything she knew was out dated or bad practice.

What was she to do?

“Lulu!! Are you alright?”

The dark blue mare spun around to find her sister gliding down towards her.

“Dear sister! Aid us! W-we just wanted to help! Sniffle* b-but we didn’t mean to, we swear by it.”

“Oh shhhhhhhhhh lulu, let me look…. Oh no…. Okay, let me handle this. Head back to the castle and tell them to prepare the emergency room.”

“But how is thou supposed to move this creature there? Let us assist.”

“Luna please, just do what I’ve asked of you. We don’t have time.”

She look to the dying dragon like creature and stole herself before she took off.

Princess Celestia let out a sad sigh as she tried to stabilise the breathing of the dying male before her, she paid the flaming reck no mind as she focused on her magic.

Whilst luna rushed into the castle and attempted to find the medical ward, she had to stop and ask a maid for directions which went less then ideal.

She hated that the ponies feared her but she had a mission to do and pushed those thoughts away.

“We must help, thy will not fail this creature.”

She ran into the medical ward, scaring the nurses and doctors that were still on duty.

“We request for help!!”

Unfortunately she yelled out in her royal Canterlot voice which made most of the ponies cling to the floor.

That’s when her sister appeared from a brilliant golden flash.

“I request for the best doctors currently on hoof, I have a patient in critical condition in need of urgent treatment.”

“Of course your highness, nurse get a stretcher and alert our finest.”

“Right away doctor.”

Luna sat there in frustration and confusion as the ponies that she had just asked the same question to, coward in fear of her but not her sister.

That’s when she was brought into a hug by her sister who nuzzled her affectionately.

“I’m sure he’s in good hooves lulu but just know that it wasn’t your fault by any means okay, so don’t blame yourself. You only wanted to help.”

“B-but explain to us why…. Why we make things worse? Why our subjects still fear us? Why they don’t appreciate our night? Why when we try to help, we almost get somepony killed? Why?” The princess of the night broke down crying in her sister’s hold.

Celestia scrunched up her muzzle and tried to think of something to say but nothing came to mind.

“I don’t know lulu, I don’t know but let’s just hope that we can have a chance to make amends….”

“We wish to….”