• Published 13th Apr 2024
  • 962 Views, 45 Comments

The Equestrian Rider - Anubis Grimgost

It was just meant to be a normal ride for Damian on his ZX-14r when the clouds began to swirl and lightning struck him.

  • ...

C2 confusion

4 weeks had passed since the odd creature was brought into the castle ward and still no signs of waking from his coma.

Celestia had ordered the staff to inform her when the patient awoke but luna had been visiting the hospitalised creature every evening just before she rose the moon.

This evening was no different.

The princess of the night had taken her breakfast to go as she wondered into the room they were keeping him.

But to her surprise when she entered, the patient wasn’t there. In a panic she rushed to get the doctor but bumped into her sister.

“Ouch, oh lulu…. What’s wrong?”

“Whom has taken the injured one from their place of rest?”

“sigh* luna listen…. I’m sorry but his condition isn’t getting any better, so I had him move to the royal wing in hopes that some magical treatment might help. Please follow me, we’ll go together.”

“We would like that sister….”

The Alicorn sisters made their way to the royal ward and went in to the room where they were keeping the comatose creature contained.

Luna immediately wondered close to his bedside and began to sing a comforting lullaby to her sleeping audience. Whilst Celestia spoke to the doctors about possible treatments to help improve his condition.

In the past weeks, luna had become comfortable around the sleeping form of the wounded creature. He had been the only one to who she could sing, speak and complain to about her problems.

She didn’t want to bother her sister, in her eyes she had already done that enough. So this comatose individual had been the outlet for her woes.

“Sigh* please wake, we need to make amends for our foolishness. Thou does not deserve to lose thy life over a silly mistake….” When she opened her teary eyes, she was met with two large slitted blue orbs staring at her. “Eep!”

“Aaaaaaaaahhhhh-hahahahahahahah! The talking winged unicorn that tried to kill me, roads are dangerous you know! Yawn* b-but you’re too cute for me to be mad at, good morning.” And he fell back asleep, leaving luna confused and flustered from his outburst.

“Sister! Are you okay!” Celestia rushed in with her royal guards but they stopped as they found the princess of the night with a deep crimson blush on her muzzle.

“H-he thinks we are c-cute sister.”

Now it was Celestia’s turn to be confused. “What?”

“We were singing and he awoke, then he scolded us and proceeded to refer to us as…. Cute.”

“Oh that might be the drugs currently in his blood stream, don’t be upset with him sister but did he give a name by chance?”

Luna look a little downtrodden when Celestia said that. “No…. Do you really think so, can the medicine of this age really send the injured for a loop?”

“With the stuff they got him on, yes most definitely.”

Whilst they were talking, Damian slowly woke back up with a smile. He remembered crashing, he remembered a winged unicorn and that’s it, the past hour before that is blank but for some reason he felt good.

“Yes well we also have Twilight and her friends coming to stay, if there’s a chance of anypony fixing his thing. It’s her, so we need to get the guest rooms ready.”

“But we must keep an eye on him now, he woke up sister.”

“Argh, heheheheheh I feel tingly. So am I currently dreaming or something?”

“Oh my, you’re awake…. Again.”


“Um sister we believe that you scared him, let us try.” Luna tried to hide the smugness in her voice but failed.

“Is thou well, does thy remember what occurred a month ago?”

“N-no but what happened to my hands?” Damian was inspecting his claws with a sense of urgent wrongness.

“Um we don’t know of these “hands” you speak of but we are unfamiliar with your race, you seem dragon like but lack flight worthy wings.”

“Wha?! No! B-but I’m human, I’m Damian…. I-I can’t remember my family name, I can’t remember their names. Oh god no.” His voice was becoming shaky as he began to hyperventilate, the doctors worked to calm him and laid him back to sleep with a spell.

“So that went….”

“Terrible…. It went terrible sister, we didn’t expect him to be so panicked…. But we can’t blame him.” Luna’s ear fell against her head.

“Oh lulu, it’s fine. At least he’s alive and no longer in a coma, that’s progress dear sister.”

“We guess you’re right….”


4 hours later.

Damian woke up in complete darkness, he was confused and lost. He couldn’t remember his father or mother, not even his siblings or friends were in his memories.

The feeling made him sick but the only thing he could remember was his motorbike, his ZX-14r but he had wrecked the bike trying to avoid that winged unicorn.

He could now feel the dull pain and sore muscles of his alien body, a body not of his own but it was somehow his. He felt two large limbs the were pressed against his back in an uncomfortable fashion and trying to shift them.

He tried to move but couldn’t, it turned out that he must have broken a lot of bones in the crash. He could feel that both of his legs had been put in casts and his right arm was wrapped in a similar situation.

His ribs ached and a new limb that sat between his legs also ached with a soreness that felt more akin to fire.

“What even happened? Sigh* all I remember is that silly winged unicorn caught in the headlights like a deer.”

He looked around and tried to feel out with his one good arm.

“Well I’m stuck here…. Where ever here is but my bike is fucked beyond un-fucking, shit…. Well I guess I don’t have to worry about insurance.”

Damian was wide awake now and showed no signs of sleep taking over any time soon, that’s when the door to his room opened and he immediately closed his eyes.

He heard clopping of hooves and then a quiet clang of metal, then a second set of hooves followed in. Paranoia was slowly taking hold as the two fiddled with something attached to him.

“There…. That should have him right as rain your highness but if I may ask, why do you want this creature healed so fast.”

“Sigh* it’s a selfish request but my little sister is beating herself up over him, she believes that she is solely responsible for his crash.”

“I see…. Well I won’t question it any further, but I believe we must leave and allow the patient to go to sleep.”

Damian’s heart sank at those words, he knew that the choice of words were deliberate.”

“Yes I believe we should allow Damian to rest.”

“Wha? But how?”

“We have you hooked up to a machine that scans your brain waves sir.”

“Oh…. And that can tell if I’m awake or asleep?”

“Yes, of course it can.”

“Well I believe that this is enough chatting for tonight, please go back to sleep, me and my sister will be here tomorrow to speak with you. You gave us quite the scare though, with that little panic attack earlier….”


“Don’t be, it was a completely normal reaction to forgetting key parts of yourself, oh and where are my manners? I’m princess Celestia but I must bid you good night.”

“Wha? Um g-good night p-princess.”

The two ponies left Damian’s room, this gave him some time to contemplate his situation and What was his plan going forward were.

After a few hours after his encounter with princess Celestia, he was confused and scared. What if he had upset the princess or disrespected her?

Then he was doomed for sure.


Damian slowly began to wake up but as he became more aware of his surroundings, he noticed a pink pony in a nurse’s uniform.

She noticed him looking at her and gave him her attention. “Oh good morning there, how are you feeling…. Dam-ian?”

“It’s cough* cough*”

“Here have some water.” She picked it up with her hoof and passed it to him, he drank it and continued.

“T-thanks and it’s Damian, my name is Damian.”

“Oh sorry Damian, the name is definitely different but rolls off the tongue quite nicely. So how are you feeling?”

“Um in a bit of pain but alive at least.”

“Oh my!” Damian followed the mare’s eyes and looked down to his legs, there he saw the sheet was pitched up like a tent and he realised that he had a bad case of morning wood.

“Ah um sorry! I’m sorry!” He tried to rollover but couldn’t, so he used his one good claw to press the alien member against his fluffy stomach.

“Oh it’s okay dear, I was just taken by surprise is all. You definitely don’t have anything to be embarrassed about, it’s a natural reaction.”

Even so, he still felt ashamed but he couldn’t help but notice a bounce in the nurse’s step as she walked out. Flicking her tail around the doorknob and inadvertently flashing Damian which made him turn crimson.

“Ahhhhh why, she’s a pony….”

A couple of minutes later the nurse returned with a tray of food, Damian didn’t recognise what was on it but he definitely liked the smell.

“Here you are Damian, for breakfast you have a daffodil and sunflower toasty with pineapple slices and some small gems if you can eat them.”

“Um t-thanks but could I please get a drink?”

“Oh of course, is there any particular drink you want?”

“Just some orange juice please.”

“Not a problem, I’ll have that brought to you right away but are you going to be alright with just one claw? I don’t mind feeding you.”

The gesture was kind but his pride wouldn’t allow it. “Thanks but I believe that I’ll be fine.”

“Very well sir, I’ll bring your drink as soon as possible.” And with that she left him alone to eat.

He immediately inspected the toasty and took an experimental bite, upon biting into it he found the toasty to be tasty but he was weirded out by his mouth.

It was elongated and if he tried herd enough, Damian could see the tip of it. His mouth was muzzle like and had plated scales but when he touched it, he was surprised to find that they were soft and tender.

“What the ffuuck?” That’s when the nurse trotted in and found the cute display.

“Heheheheh, you look like a foal discovering their muzzle for the first time.” She placed the glass of OJ on his table and took her leave but not before letting him know that if he needed anything to just press the button by his claw.

Damian had come to the conclusion that his crash was so bad that they had to give him painkillers so strong that they made him see talking ponies.

That was the only logical conclusion, right?


He looked down at his meal and let out a tired sigh before forcing the food down.

After downing his glass of orange juice Damian tidied up his tray and waited patiently, gazing out of his window.

The door swung open and the nurse trotted in with a smile and took the tray, it was a few moments before she came back with a sponge and some bottles off something in a basket.

“Okay mister Damian, let’s get you cleaned up. It’s been a whole month since your accident.”

“Wha? Wait? But my casts?”

“They are water proof so there’s nothing to be concerned about, so please don’t panic.”

“Oh okay….” He was against the idea but he also knew he wasn’t in any state to oppose the pony nurse and she hadn’t done anything out of pocket.

He watched as she unhooked him from the IV and heart monitor, it let out a loud beep before she put in a passcode that stopped it.

She then proceeded to wheel him into a side door that he hadn’t noticed until now, inside was a wash room that had a shallow pool on one side.

“Um hey? Should I be moved around?”

“Normally no but thankfully the doctors have cleared it because your bones have ready begun set and started to heal, so if you’ll just wait a second for one of the unicorn nurses to tend to you I’ll prepare a shallow bath.”

“Gulp* I don’t know how I feel about that, I don’t remember the last time I was washed by someone else….” He muttered to himself.

Knock* knock* knock*

“Oh that’s him, come in Healthy Hoof.”

The door open and a pony a little bit taller than the mare came in, he spoke with a tone of inexperience and Damian felt slightly less comfortable.

“This is Healthy Hoof and he’s a new staff member here at the castle ward, so please be patient with him but don’t worry I’ll be here to help as well.”

He just nodded dumbly and he also noticed that the other pony was doing the same thing, so that was at least somewhat comforting to him that he wasn’t the only one having things explained to him.

Then a light blue aura lifted the sheets off him and he instantly tried to cover his private parts but the only free limb was a….


At first the mare took hold of his tail and pressed a sponge against it, the appendage wrapped around her leg and she let out a set of giggles.

“Aghhh~ p-please stop.” Damian managed to get out on shaky breath.

“Oh sorry, I’ll slow down and be more attentive. I didn’t know your tail was so sensitive.”

“Um nurse Redcross? What should I do?”

“Well make sure the patient is comfortable of course, Damian are you in any discomfort?”

“…no not really, well other than my tail but I don’t know how to stop it from doing that…. Oh actually, could I have a flannel to cover my bits…. Please?”

Nurse Redcross looked to her inexperienced colleague and waited expectantly, then it clicked in the stallion’s mind.

“Oh sorry sir, here.” He lowered a flannel over Damian’s crotch and continued to support his head with magic.


“Good work nurse Healthy Hoof.” The stallion’s nervous expression turned into one of pride, Damian thought that it was a stupid thing to be proud of. “So Damian, if you don’t mind me asking. Why is it that you’re so adamant about covering your body and hiding it from others?”

Damian blush and averted eye contact with the mare. “Um it’s not so much my body just the private parts, it’s a um well it’s frowned upon to show your bits to anyone who isn’t your partner….”

“Oh. Wow okay well I’m terrible sorry for my nonchalant behaviour just now, so you’re kind is monogamous?”

“Ummm if that means that you only have one partner, then yes but in some cases it’s different…. And partners tend to cheat more often than I’d like to admit….”

“Oh my? that’s just cruel, why?”

Damian scoffed, letting out a deep seated anger for only a second but it was enough for the nurse to get a sense of why he spoke so harshly about it.

She tried to make sense of how a species could be monogamous but be so unfaithful to one another, it seemed stupid but she wasn’t about to voice her opinions here.

“Well I’ll explain how things work here in Equestria, it some cases you have couples that consist of two ponies or you have herds that typical have one stallion and two or more mares.”

Damian looked perplexed but the nurse continued the explanation, she wouldn’t normally speak about such things but it seemed to fascinate him enough to take his focus off the bath she was giving him.

But then she went to wash his inner thighs, this elicited a yelp from him and a certain part of him to expose itself. Damian turned a dark crimson and began to stammer his words but the nurse handled it with a sense of professionalism that calmed him down.

“Sorry about that sir, if you’d like I can allow you to clean that part of yourself.”

“T-thank you….”

“Nurse Healthy Hoof, please make sure to help if necessary. I’ll be outside the door if needed.”

“O-of course nurse Redcross.”

After Damian washed himself and was dried off with unicorn magic, he was completely convinced that he was actually in a coma.

Or dead.

He was placed on his stomach and the mare and stallion began to run brushes through his fur, he found it weird when he felt the brush go through his hair and continued down the back of his neck, then down his spine and eventually along his tail.

The sensation was nice but it just felt wrong to him, whether it was because of his human nature or the thought of this not being his own body. He didn’t know.

Eventually the nurses were satisfied with his appearance and tucked him back into his bed just before leaving him alone.

“What is going on?” Was all he could ask himself.