• Published 6th May 2024
  • 398 Views, 1 Comments

G5 Adventures in The Jetsons and WWE: Robo-Wrestlemania - ponydog127

The Mane 6 travel into the future and meet the Jetsons, and must help them save Orbit City from Big Show, who was imprisoned in ice for 100 years, and Allura, by bringing more WWE stars to the future for a fantastic, futuristic fight.

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Back to Orbit City/George and Sunny's Dropoff

The Jetsons, Orion, Vega and the Mane 6 had not only recruited Sheamus to help in their fight with Big Show and Allura, but they had also recruited the CEO of WWE himself, along with several other Superstars and their flying leopard trainees, and now they were heading back to Orbit City to take Big Show and Allura down.

However... they had no idea of what would be waiting for them when they arrived.


When they stopped flying around the moon, everyone realized that they were back in the future, and the spaceship and space pods tagging along after it slowly started to descend back to the Earth again. “Superstars! In outer space!” Mr. McMahon exclaimed. “Fantastic!”

“Oh-ho, man!” Amiri said excitedly, pressing her paws against the glass dome of her and Jey’s space pod. “I cannot believe we’re in space!”

“I can't believe we're in the future!” Jimmy agreed as Seth crossed his arms with a smug look. “I can't believe you're all going to finally witness the future of my glorious WWE legacy.”

“Nobody believes that,” Roman said with crossed arms. “And you can believe that.

“Why I… OW!!” Seth yelped as soon as his head hit the glass dome, causing the Usos to laugh at his spite. “Okay, word to the wise, guys!” Hitch called. “Maybe not try to stand up in the space pods!”

“Sorry, Hitch! Couldn’t help ourselves!” Amiri called back politely. “So, Jaya, what do you think about being in the future?” Zipp asked the pink cub with a smirk. “Not bad, right?”

“...okay, I will admit it… it IS kinda cool,” Jaya admitted with a hint of a smile. “But we’re not here to sightsee-- we’re here to kick some leopard butt and snap Big Show out of this World Champion of the World business.”

George nodded at this, and when he saw a patch of clouds nearby, he knew that they were getting close. “Everyone, welcome to…”

But when they came through the clouds, George, like everyone else, was stunned to see Big Show statues and billboards built all around the city. “...the future?”

The sound of Big Show and Allura’s laughter echoed through the city, and the ponies spotted many victims under Allura’s mind control spell, building more statues and billboards down below…

…and seeing Orbit City in this state was a truly saddening and shocking sight. “Oh, George!” Jane gasped. “They’ve brutalized our city!”

“But how did they brutify it so fast?” Misty wondered. “That’s what I don’t understand!”

“Oops,” Elroy gulped from where he looked at his tablet. “Looks like I miscalculated. We're back in the future, but about one month after we left.”

Judy then gasped when she saw all the Big Show statues and billboards surrounding the school, not to mention the name being changed. “Look what he did to my school!”

“And check that out,” Pipp said, pointing to some wanted posters of the ponies floating around. “Allura has wanted posters everywhere for us! Now I know how some celebrities feel when they're stalked to the extreme...”

“Big Show… helped do all of this?” Clover asked in a shocked tone, almost not believing it herself. “This is what happens,” Sheamus told her, “when you let Big Show and a tyrannical maniac do the decorating.”

“First, we take down Big Show and Allura,” Roman declared, putting his fist into his open hand, “then we take down the decorations.”

“Oh!” Alicia spotted some more of Big Show’s statues nearby. “Can I take down his little statues?”

“Sure…” Sunny spoke fearfully as soon as she spotted something ahead. “But who’s gonna take down the Big Statue?”

As they neared Time Warp Square, the others soon discovered a humongous statue of Big Show, at least as tall as 2 skyscrapers combined, right in front of them, causing them to stop. “Golly, Dad,” Elroy spoke. “I didn't think Big Show could get any bigger.”

But only a few seconds after this, more of the Superstar bots arrived on the police officers' hover scooters, causing the group to panic. “Oh, no!” George cried. “Big Show’s Superstar bots!”

“Is that supposed to be me?” Alicia asked, gesturing to her Superstar bot look alike. “Cause… uh-uh. That tin can ain't got nothing on Miss Foxy.”

Seth, however, was laughing at the experience. “An Alicia bot? Uso bots? Ha ha ha ha… and I thought the originals looked lame!” he said, laughing until his Superstar bot showed up. “Hey!”

“In your case,” Jaya said to Seth sassily, “the bot is an improvement.”

Prepare to be processed for manual labor,” the Alicia Fox bot declared, causing Jane to gasp. “Manual labor?!”

“We got your process right here, you trash can!” Zipp told the bot fiercely as Astro growled menacingly… right before the Roman Reigns bot flew to them. “Prepare to be scanned.

Oh!” Rosie pushed Zipp aside so she could be seen. “Me first, handsome!

“Rosie!” Pipp scolded. “Seriously sending mixed messages here!”

The Roman bot proceeded to scan the Jetsons, Vega, Orion and the Mane 6, and then transmitted those signals back to the giant Big Show statue for further instruction.


Big Show and Allura were quietly enjoying their time as rulers of Orbit City, until a beeping sound caused them to sit up. “Sorry for disturbing your meditation, Your World Champion-ness and Your Leopardness,” the Dolph Ziggler bot said politely, but there’s something you should see.

The eyes of the Big Show statue opened so the two could look out, and what they saw instantly made Allura mad. “The ponies and the Jetsons!”

Correct,” the Dolph Ziggler bot said to the duo, who were quickly becoming furious. “The only creatures and humans to escape your supreme rule, thereby undermining your dominance, and making you look like a couple of space clowns.

Big Show growled angrily before punching the bot away and grabbing his remote to give out his next round of orders. “Catch them all!” he declared. “And put them in the Big Show City jail with the other troublemakers!”

“But leave those ponies to me!” Allura declared with Twitch on her back. “I want to see them rot in that cell for the rest of their days…”


Prepare for transport to Big Show City jail,” the Superstar bots said in unison, sending panic levels into overdrive. “Oh boy! Hold on, gang!” George said, pushing a button and sending the group fleeing for their lives with the Superstar bots right behind him. “Oh, why oh why,” Vega shrieked, “doesn't this thing have a button for escaping deadly robots?!”

She slammed her paws on another button just in time, making the group take a tight turn... just before the Superstars revealed laser guns out from their scooters and firing at the group repeatedly. “Uh…” Elroy turned to his dad once he saw the lasers. “Dad?”

“I’m on it!”

George pressed a button, making the group go up and over a building before Judy pointed out that they were heading for some poles. “Dad!!”

“All under control!”

Thanks to some serious button pushing from George, they were able to dodge the lasers and the posts all at once… even if Jey was getting a bit motion sick. “GEORGE!!” the cubs and Astro yelped at once. “I drive a lot better,” George yelled, “when people aren’t yelling at me!”

That’s when everyone gasped at what was ahead-- a giant billboard of Big Show, and they were heading right for it!

The second that they went down, the billboard exploded, sending fire and smoke coming right toward the group, causing them to scream before they managed to escape the explosion and lose the Superstar bots for a while. “George, I hate to say this,” Pipp told George, who was blowing on his fingers from all the button pushing, “but we can’t outrun them forever!”

“Pipp’s right!” George realized. “This is getting out of control! How are we gonna get you guys to Big Show so you can defeat him?”

“One thing is for sure,” said Sunny, “we’re never going to get close to him with all those Superstar bots out there!”

“We don’t need to get close to him,” Sheamus said, getting an idea. “I just need a way of calling him out!”

Jane looked confused at this. “Calling him out?”

“Challenging him!” Clover exclaimed, realizing what Sheamus was doing. “Big Show never backs down from a challenge,” Mr. McMahon said, making Jimmy nod. “The bigger and louder you make it…”

“...the more it’ll drive Big Show crazy,” Jey finished. “And then,” Alicia said, “Big Show will come to us! Ha ha ha!”

“You know… that actually might work to bring Allura out of hiding too!” Vega exclaimed. “But we need a REALLY big way to get their attention.”

“What if we could get you on television?” Jane suggested. “The Orbit City News Network station is nearby.”

“Great idea, Mom!” Elroy smiled at the suggestion. “Yeah!” Judy nodded. “That network reaches every TV screen on the planet!”

But suddenly, the Superstar bots returned with their lasers, causing the group to panic once again. “Uh, wonderful plan,” Seth said sarcastically, “that will never happen, if we're already blasted out of existence by killer robots.”

Upon Seth saying this, George immediately realized he had a point, and was ready to do anything in his power to make sure Jane's plan succeeded. “Seth’s right,” he said to the others. “Jane, if your plan is gonna work, I'm gonna need to get these bots off our tail.”

“What are you gonna do, George?” Misty asked curiously, and George gave a deep breath and a steely gaze at what he said next. “I’m switching to manual.”

“Oh!” Jane gasped, completely shocked by the news. Then, with one push of a button, George activated a manual control for the car, placing his hands on it with a firm grip. “Everybody get ready to follow my lead!”

The ponies and their new friends braced themselves for whatever George had planned, and once he saw the bots behind him, George pushed the lever forward, giving the car the ability to move up and down repeatedly, dodging the laser attacks-- something that impressed Elroy greatly. “Way to go, Pops!”

George grunted as he flipped the spaceship over the robots and flew back the other way. “Eat dust, you rust buckets!” Vega called to the bots as George flipped the car back over, causing Seth to scream and Jey to nearly lose his lunch, causing Jimmy to laugh. “Do it again, George!”

“We will, but we need to get you guys to a safe place!” Sunny said before spotting two garbage bins in the nearby alley. “When we get close to those garbage bins, everyone jump into them!”

“Garbage?! Ewww…” Pipp groaned. “It’s gonna ruin my outfit!”

This led everyone to glare at her in complete annoyance. “PIPP!!”

Pipp immediately flinched from this and relented after a moment. “Okay, okay, jeez…”

George piloted the car closer to the garbage bins, and once they were close enough, everyone except George and Sunny leapt into them, and the bots were too focused on chasing the car to notice.

After a few moments, the crews peeked out of the bins, and Astro, Vega and Orion leapt out and ran to see if they could see George while in the other, Jey looked like he was about to puke, causing panic among the trainees, Mr. McMahon and the other Superstars.

“Faugh a ballagh!!”

“Oh my spots!”

“Get me outta here!”

“Move move move!!”

But once everyone had cleared out, Jey only let out a belch. “False alarm, everybody,” he said, taking a breath of relief. “I feel much better now that I'm out of that space capsule.”

“Sunny! George!” Vega, Orion and Astro shouted, watching their friends being chased out of sight, and Astro let out some sad howls that led Zipp to try and comfort him. “Ohh…” Elroy said worriedly. “I hope Sunny and Dad are gonna be okay.”

“Don’t you worry, lad,” Sheamus laid a hand on his shoulder. “Sunny and your pa looks to be were very brave warriors.”

“And if there's one thing your father knows about getting into trouble,” Jane reminded, “it’s how to sneak his way out of it.”

“Well, that may be true,” said Mr. McMahon, “but… since you all have Allura and Big Show covered, I want to make sure our friends Sunny and George are covered.”

Vega, Orion and Elroy let out smiles at this. “Then you’re going to need a guide for the future so you don't get lost or dead,” said Rosie before changing her appearance to match that of a hover scooter. “Come on, Mr. M.

“Robot motorcycle!” Mr. McMahon smiled. “Now we’re talking!”

He then ripped off his tie and sleeves before sitting on Rosie, ready to take off. “Hang in there, Roy boy,” Rosie told Elroy. “We’ll bring your friend and your dad back.

“Let’s save Sunny and George!” Astro barked as he got on as well. “You said it, Astro!” Mr. McMahon shouted before they flew off into the night.

But what the others didn't know was that things were going to take a desperate turn from that point on.