• Published 6th May 2024
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G5 Adventures in The Jetsons and WWE: Robo-Wrestlemania - ponydog127

The Mane 6 travel into the future and meet the Jetsons, and must help them save Orbit City from Big Show, who was imprisoned in ice for 100 years, and Allura, by bringing more WWE stars to the future for a fantastic, futuristic fight.

  • ...

A Crazy Day at Spacely Sprockets

The Jetsons had given the Mane 6 the opportunity to stay in their apartment in Orbit City until their Unity Quest was complete and they could go home.

After dinner, the ponies volunteered to do the dishes, surprising the Jetsons entirely, since they never did the dishes by hand. Nevertheless, the ponies seemed persistent, so the Jetsons allowed it, and were shocked to discover that the ponies did it very well and had fun doing it.

Soon enough, it was finally time for bed, and Rosie led the ponies to the back bedroom for the night.

It wasn't fancy, just some twin beds and bunk beds for whenever the Jetsons had company, but to the Mane 6, it was just right for them.

But as the group was getting ready to go to bed, Sunny overheard George and Jane talking the next room over... something about Vega and Orion.

“So, their parents still haven't come to your office looking for them?”

“No... I'm starting to get worried, Janey. Vega and Orion need their parents, but I'm not sure if they were lost... or abandoned.”

Sunny stiffened at this, her heart sinking as she heard Jane gasp. “Abandoned? Who in their right mind would abandon those dear sweet cubs?”

“I don't know, and I don't wanna jump to conclusions just yet,” George answered, sounding sincere and concerned all in one voice. “Vega doesn't like to talk about that night and I don't wanna pressure either of them. We just need to--”

Suddenly, Vega's voice entered the midst, sounding a bit timid. “Um... George...? Jane...? Am I... interrupting your conversation? I-If so, I-I can leave.”

The sound of the cub's voice made Sunny's heart sink further, but she continued to listen either way. “No, no, sweetheart,” Jane said softly. “Is something wrong?”

“Well... I couldn't sleep-- stupid nightmare,” Vega said quietly. “Orion was gonna try and bunk with Judy, and... well... c-can I sleep with you two tonight...?”

Apparently, George and Jane complied to this, cause it went pretty silent after this.

Sunny sighed sadly, realizing that George and Jane really were good parents, but they had no idea how to help these cubs with their own struggles.

One thing was for sure... they probably had some serious work to do the next day, so it would probably be best to get some sleep.

Tomorrow, as Zipp might say, was a brand-new adventure after all.


It was early morning when alarm clocks from all around the house had started going off, waking the ponies up with a slight startle.

Then, after breakfast (which was prepared by simply pressing a button), everyone but Rosie and Astro hopped into the flying car and into Orbit City to drop everyone off at different locations for the day ahead.

First off, George piloted the car to Elroy's school, sending him down there in a small space pod.

Then, after hugging her father around the neck, Judy was dropped off at her own high school in a space pod of her own.

After a little while, it was time for Orion and Jane to get dropped off at the mall for their weekly shopping... only for Jane to take George's wallet before setting off, leaving only Vega, George and the ponies to head to where George worked-- a company called Spacely Sprockets.

Vega (who seemed to be warming up to the group more and more) told the ponies that Mr. Spacely was a man of short height and had an extremely short temper, so they had to watch themselves and whatever they had to say, otherwise it could be George's job and her apprenticeship on the line.

Of course, there seemed to be a heavy amount of traffic that morning, but this did give the Mane 6 a chance to get a good look around the futuristic city the Jetsons and the leopard cubs called home.

After a little while, they finally managed to get to Spacely Sprockets, where George folded his car into a briefcase once everyone climbed out of it. “Come on now, kids,” George offered to the ponies and Vega. “We need to stop by Mr. Spacely's office and let him know you'll be spending the day with us, cause he does NOT like surprises.”

This remark caused Izzy to gasp. “Not even super special surprise parties?!”

Especially not super special surprise parties,” Vega told her, causing Izzy to gasp once again. “He's not someone you really wanna make mad, so... keep your talk on the downlow, okay, guys?”

“You guys can count on us,” Sunny said as they stepped on the moving sidewalk to Mr. Spacely's office, hoping that he wouldn't be too frightening and strict for the ponies to handle.


“...s-so you see, Mr. Spacely, sir, these ponies can't go home until they complete their mission, so me and my family offered to let them stay with us for a while,” George hesitantly told his boss, obviously nervous while the ponies stood behind him. “And they wanted to help me and Vega around the office a bit during the day.”

“So... what Mr. George is trying to say is... well...” Vega gulped nervously before bracing herself. “Is it okay if they become part-time apprentices until they go home?”

Mr. Spacely hummed in thought, a frown upon his face as he looked at his employee, the leopard cub and the ponies. “I don't know about this, Jetson... how do I know that this isn't anothee one of your space-brained ideas that's gonna cost me more money?”

“Well... if I may, sir, we're all really hard workers,” Zipp spoke up, stepping forward. “We would mostly stay inside George's office and make sure everything would be in order there.”

“Oh! And we would be happy to bring you anything you might need, like a smoothie!” Pipp volunteered. “Sunny makes the best smoothies back where we're from.”

“Would it cost me anything?”

“For you, Mr. Spacely?” Sunny asked with a smile. “It would be completely free of charge.”

Mr. Spacely seemed to consider this for another few seconds, making the ponies, Vega and George nervous... that is, until Mr. Spacely finally extended his hand to George. “You got yourself a deal, Jetson-- just don't make me regret this.”

“Oh, thank you for this, Mr. Spacely!” George said enthusiastically, shaking his boss' hand. “I'll get them settled in my office for the day, and they'll go out and do anything you might need, right, guys?”


You know it...

“Sure thing!”

“Of course.”

And so, with this being said, everyone left the office of Mr. Spacely to start the ponies’ first day as part-time apprentices.


George's office was quite spacious, and provided the ponies plenty of space to either rest or look around-- even cleaning up the office so it could look its best was fun.

There was even a whole basket of toys for Vega to play with while she was on her breaks.

But... when the ponies saw what George's job was, they were a bit surprised-- all George had to do was push a button repeatedly for his entire shift, which didn't seem that hard to them... at first.

As the day progressed, they could see that George was growing tired and bored from his daily chore-- even Vega seemed uninterested with her toys as she rested at George's feet. “Oh, this is grueling labor,” George complained out loud. “I work my finger to the bone for this company and yet I'm completely under-appreciated.”

“I totally agree with you, Mr. Jetson-- when I delivered Mr. Spacely his strawberry smoothie that Sunny worked hard on, he didn’t even say thank you!” Pipp scoffed, crossing her hooves. “So ungrateful…”

“Come on, guys, we all know that Mr. Spacely is probably busy,” Sunny tried to keep on Mr. Spacely’s good side. “You’ll see… he’ll come around eventually.”

“Maybe, Sunny,” Hitch said with an unsure look, “but I wouldn't bet a whole lot on that.”

You know, George, I think that the next time you and Vega see that old miser, Mr. Spacely,” said Izzy as a TV screen lowered down toward them, “you should TOTALLY demand a raise.”

Jetson!” Mr. Spacely yelled from the TV monitor, scaring the group half to death with his sudden appearance. “You’re…

“Oh, no,” George gulped, figuring that Mr. Spacely might’ve heard what they had said. “Please, Mr. Spacely, I-I’m sorry--”


Upon hearing what he thought was the word ‘fired’, George immediately sighed dejectedly. “We understand immediately, Mr. Spacely,” he spoke. “I'll clean out my office immediately. Office, let’s pack up.”

With the swift click of a remote button, the entire office folded up, with Hitch still sitting on a chair, causing him to fall on his rear end. “No, Jetson,” Mr. Spacely stopped his employee from leaving. “I said, ‘You’re hired’!

“Hired? Forgive me for being blunt, sir,” Vega spoke, “but hasn’t he been hired this whole time?”

Mr. Spacely blinked for a moment, realizing the cub was right. “Okay,” he spoke, “maybe that WAS a confusing way of phrasing this. Point is, I need you and these new apprentices of yours, George Jetson, to take on a new project.

“A new project? On our first day?” Hitch asked before humming with a smile. “We must’ve really made a good first impression.”

“Oh, boy!” George smiled, excited about the news. “Are you talking about a promotion?”

Well,” said Mr. Spacely with a shrug, “if if doing more work for the same money sounds like a promotion to you, then let’s call it a promotion. Heh heh heh…

“You know, that's exactly what we're gonna call it,” Misty said, shaking the TV's robotic arm. “Whatever the job is, we won't let you down, Mr. Spacely!”

You better not, or you're all fired!

This caused George and Vega to gulp nervously, not wanting that in the slightest. “All of you report to the shuttle bay in five minutes,” Mr. Spacely vaguely instructed. “And Jetson... no surprises!

And just like that, the TV monitor shut off, leaving the group on their own. “Oh, galactic fantastic!” Vega cheered. “Reporting to the shuttle bay usually means a business trip, right?”

“Right!” George nodded with a smile. “I have some spare space suits for you kids, but I hope my old suit still fits.”

“New outfits?! Um, count me in!” Pipp squealed before she and her friends ran to the closet. Within a few minutes, the Mane 6 were decked in their own spacesuits, which were customized thanks to their cutie mark magic.

  • Misty's spacesuit, with its matching boots, was a mix of light blue and lavender, creating a color balance that matched her coat color and her mane and tail color, with light yellow stars scattered around and her cutie mark was on the right flank of the suit.
  • Zipp's spacesuit and boots were had the colors of white with cotton candy pink, magenta, turquoise and thulian pink mixed in, and her cutie mark was imprinted on the right flank.
  • Izzy's spacesuit and boots were pastel blue and purple, with stars and moons around and her cutie mark on the right flank.
  • Pipp's spacesuit and boots were truly worthy enough to be worn by a pop star princess. It was a bright pink collar with different gemstones sporadically placed on her suit, and her cutie mark on her right flank.
  • Sunny's spacesuit and boots were a light orange color, lighter than her coat color, with her cutie mark on the right flank.
  • Hitch's spacesuit and boots were light yellow, lighter than his coat collar, with green zig-zag stripes around his waist and on his boots, and his cutie mark on his right flank.

“Wow! I gotta admit, we look good!” Sunny said, admiring her new look. “George, Vega! Are you two ready yet?”

“I am!” Vega stepped out wearing a dark green spacesuit with matching boots. “But George is… well… having a little trouble.”

“Well,” George strained as he slowly stepped into view, wearing a very tight orange spacesuit, “last time I wore this, I was on the moon. Guess I weighed a little less there.”

He then pressed a button on his chest, allowing the spacesuit to loosen itself, causing George to sigh in relief. “There we go. Come on, kids-- we better hurry up, or we’ll be late!”

“Right behind ya, George! WHOO-HOO!!” Izzy cheered as they all followed George out of the office.


Only a few minutes later, the ponies, George and Vega arrived in the shuttle bay, with George and Vega accidentally knocking over a cart full of supplies as they flew past.

“Pardon us!”

“Coming through!”

“Hey!” yelled another employee as the ponies ran past. “What’s the big idea, George?!”

Another employee scoffed as the other one pushed a button to restack the boxes. “That guy is a galactic goofball.”

“More like a pain in the plutoids.”

The ponies heard this with a worried expression… this source of negativity would usually be bad for magic back in Equestria, and it could mess with George’s confidence.

They had to keep an eye on things while they were on this trip.

George and Vega landed next to a female employee, who seemed a lot friendlier than the other two. “Heya, George! Hi, Vega,” she smiled. “You two and your new friends here to hide out from Spacely again?”

“Not today,” George smiled confidently. “Mr. Spacely promoted us for an extra special project.”

Suddenly, an alarm echoed throughout the shuttle bay, and through the door came three large black robots, heading for the rocket nearby. “Wow!” Vega exclaimed in recognition. “Spacely Sprockets X-9000 deep core drill-bots!”

“My new project must be hugely important!” George assumed. However... the robots seemed less than thrilled that George was going to be on the project.

George Jetson?

This new project is doomed.

“Man... is EVERYONE around here so negative about George?” Zipp asked with a frown on her face. George seemed so sweet... how could anyone not like him when he was just being himself?

However, her questions were put on hold when Vega eagerly pushed the ponies onto the moving ramp into the rocket. “Careful there, Benedict,” George told another employee. “Extremely crucial project going on here. No room for mistakes today.”

Benedict shut the door before scoffing to himself where George couldn't hear. “No room for mistakes, huh? Then how did they make room for you on the project?”


“Excuse us, fellas. We just gotta squeeze in here,” Vega said politely while she and George made room in between two of the drillbots while the Mane 6 sat across from them. “Okay! We're ready to go!” George said cheerfully. “Oh, I can't wait to get the details on this project.”

“Hey, George? I wanted to ask you something,” Zipp spoke up after buckling her seatbelt. “Why do some of those people seem annoyed whenever you or Vega are around?”

“To be honest, I've never been too sure of that myself. Sometimes there is the occasion fumble,” George said with a shrug, “but it all works out in the end. I guess some people are jealous of my... natural charisma.”

“...right,” Pipp said, rolling her eyes with a chuckle. “Whatever you say, George.”

That's when the countdown for the launch sequence began over the speakers. “Launch in five, four... three, two...

Suddenly, George's private communicator suddenly started going off. “Whoa! Hold the launch, hold the launch! I better take this.”

With the simple press of a button, a TV screen appeared with the operator on the other end. “Hello, Mr. Jetson! Your lovely beautiful wife is on line one.

The drillbot on George's side groaned audibly, causing George to become nervous. “I can't talk right now. Take a message, please.”

But, Mr. Jetson, it's your wife. Are you sure you don't want to take this?

The other drillbot on George’s side groaned just like the other one did, causing George to chuckle, a nervous smile on his face. “Big project, gotta go. Bye.”

And at that moment, the call was disconnected, causing George to sigh in relief. “George, are you sure you couldn't have taken that call?” Hitch asked in concern. “What if it was important?”

“Hitch, this is an important business opportunity that I can't mess up. You guys saw what Mr. Spacely will do if I do!” George said, the last part a bit nervously. “Trust me on this.”

Hitch sighed, understanding how important a job could be, and causing him to nod. “Okay... I trust you.”

“Speaking of this project,” Sunny spoke up, “I have a question of my own. Where exactly are we heading to?”


And just like that, the rocket lurched out of the shuttle bay and into the open skies.


At Elroy's school, Jane had been trying to contact George while Elroy was checking out the other booths at the science fair, but the operator just couldn't get ahold of him. “Your husband isn't available, Mrs. Jetson.

“Not available like he's on his way to his son's science fair, where he's supposed to be? Or not available like he's putting work before his family again?” Jane asked. “He didn't specify,” the operator spoke. “But if I were a betting woman, I know where I'd put my money if you catch my drift. Heh heh heh heh. May I take a message?

“No. I'll either to talk to him when he gets here... or yell at him when he gets home.”

“Uh-oh... someone's in trouble...” Orion said nervously with his ears pinned as Jane shut off the communication. “Have you heard from your sister any today, Orion?” Jane asked the cub. “Not since she told me that they got to work this morning,” Orion shook his head negatively. “Sorry.”

“Oh, that's all right,” Jane patted his head in comfort. “I just hope they'll be here soon.”

That's when Elroy flew closer to them, looking at all the different exhibits as he flew past them. “Look at this place. Three cold fusion experiments and a vinegar and baking soda volcano? No one else has anything as sophisticated as my time travel equation.”

But as he landed, he looked around, noticing that one of his parents wasn't around. “Where's Dad, Vega and the others?”

“George promised that they'd be here, Elroy,” Orion tried to comfort his friend. “I'm sure that they're just trying to find a parking spot.”

“Or at least George better be...” Jane crossed her arms with a mutter.

But what she didn't realize was that George, Vega and the ponies not showing up was going to be the result of something much bigger than anyone expected.


At the same time, the rocket from Spacely Sprockets was descending through the clouds before landing on the cold, snowy surface of the Earth below.

Since Orbit City rested above the clouds, it rarely ever got snow or rain, so seeing snow was a rare opportunity for Vega.

When she, George and the Mane 6 stepped out of the rocket and rode down the ramp, Vega looked around in wonder. “Wow...” she gasped. “The surface of the Earth!”

“So natural, so... primitive,” George added, but just as he took a step onto the snow, letting it squish under his feet, he immediately cringed in disgust. “So... disgusting!”

However, as Vega and the ponies willingly stepped onto the snow, George tried to fly back onto the ship, only to fly right into one of the drillbots. “Unit One, what on Earth are we doing on the Earth?”

We have been ordered to drill a hole for a new piling.

“Well, that's all well and good,” Pipp said while flying around, trying to get a signal, “but what exactly are we supposed to do?”

You ponies and the young leopard are to simply watch, while Mr. Jetson is in charge.

This immediately caused George to smirk. “In charge, huh? I like the sound of that,” he said, taking the remote from one of the robots and sitting down on a snowy rock nearby. “ Well, then, you boys get to drilling, and I'll stay here and... be in charge.”

The drillbots groaned, but unfortunately, they had no choice to obey George’s orders. “Commence pre-calculated drill proceedure.

And just like that, the drillbots grew drills and began to tunnel down into the earth, leaving the ponies and Vega to look down into the hole after them. “Ah, yes. A lot of responsibility. Lot of responsibility....” George began to say before trailing off, snoring after a few more moments. “Huh... I never would have guessed it,” Misty said with surprise, “but George Jetson is really a bonefied sleeper.”

“So, what are we supposed to do now?” Zipp asked with her eyebrow raised, shuffling some snow under her hoof. “Wait around in the snow all day?”

“I’m definitely all for that! WHOO-HOO!!” Vega cheered she plopped right down into the snow and rolled around, causing the ponies to laugh, amused by the action. “Wow, you really like the snow, don’t you, Vega?” Sunny asked with a smile. “Totally! It may be my first time seeing it, but I love it!” Vega said. “My… my mom used to have fur that was white just like it.”

The sadness in the cub’s voice made Misty frown and approach. “We never asked before, but… where is she? You can tell us anything, you know-- it’ll be better for us to help you if you do.”

Vega sighed reluctantly and began to tell the tale. “Me and my brother and my mom lived on the outskirts of Orbit City for a while, until one day, my mom got real spooked by something and took me and my brother to the outside of Spacely Sprockets before she just… flew away. She said she would be back, but… that was months ago. We’ve been staying with George and his family ever since.”

“So… that was it?” Pipp asked, personally appalled by the action. “She just… left you?”

“...I’m not sure what to really believe anymore,” sighed Vega. “George and his family are beyond amazing, but… I really do wonder where Mom is sometimes. And… if she forgot all about us.”

“Vega… your mom would never forget about you,” Zipp said, wrapping a wing around the cub gently. “I’m sure you’ll see her again someday.”

“...but when? That’s what I wanna know.”

The Mane 6 looked at each other, not believing how disheartened the cub was. But before they could comfort her, however, the voice of Unit One talking to George caught their attention. “Mr. Jetson.

George immediately woke up at this, standing up on the rock. “Huh? What? Who? I wasn't sleeping-- you were sleeping!”

Mr. Jetson,” Unit One interrupted. “We found something.”

The Mane 6 and Vega looked intrigued by this, and quickly joined George and the drillbots by the side of the hole that had just been drilled. “Well, what do you know?” George spoke up. “There was already a hole in your hole.”

“More specifically, it looks like some deep underground ice caves,” Zipp said as she looked down into the hole. “Must’ve been like this for a long time.”

Protocol states,” Unit One explained, “we cannot continue drilling until our supervisor has inspected the site and declared it safe.

This immediately made George tense up out of fear. “Uh… me?”


Vega looked down into the dark cave and became nervous herself. “A-Any chance George can do that from right here?”


“No?” George gulped. “Uh… okay.”

“Come on, George, it might be exciting!” Izzy chirped. “We can all go down there with you!”

“Yeah! Just follow us and you’ll be fine!” Zipp said just before she and Pipp fluttered down into the cave, carrying Izzy and Misty, while Sunny and Hitch grew vine ropes to lower themselves down into the hole. “Well… I have always wanted to explore an underground cave,” Vega admitted softly, “so… I guess it might be fun.”

George gulped nervously before deciding to take the cub's advice. “All right then. I’m going in…” he said, going into the tunnel with Vega right behind. “Bye-bye…”

Oy…” Unit One muttered. “What a scaredy-cat.

On the way down from the hole’s entrance, George kept his eyes shut, trying to remember to stay calm. “You're gonna be fine, George. Everything is okay, George. You're gonna be fine, George. Everything is okay--”

Suddenly, George felt his butt hit the ice cold floor, causing him to yelp and look around, realizing that the cave wasn’t as deep as he originally thought. “Ha ha ha! Hey, guys! We made it!” George bragged to the ponies before looking back up at the hole. “It looks pretty safe to us!”

Keep going, sir!” Unit One called. “Oh, darn it!” George muttered before the ponies and Vega followed him deeper into the caverns. “Dumb drillbot. Who tells who what to do around here anyway?”

“Uh, I’m not sure how to answer that question,” Izzy spoke. “I’m just gonna go out on a limb and say… you do?”

Suddenly, it became so dark in those caverns that the group couldn't see a single foot in front of them, much less one of their hooves, hands or paws. “Uh... w-who killed the lights?!” Vega asked, eyes darting around in panic. “Spacesuit likes to maximum!”

At this command, all the spacesuits lit up with bright lights, lighting up the entire cave and making Hitch sigh in relief. “That's better.”

Suddenly, as the group began to move forward again, they stopped and screamed upon discovering a startling sight-- a man on top of a plane, frozen in the ice!

George and Vega were about to fly out when Sunny turned into alicorn form to stop them. “Guys, wait! Look at him... this poor guy has been frozen down here for years!”

“But... how did this happen? Who is he?” Misty asked. “And where did he come from?”

George looked at Vega, then back at the hole, and then flew over to the ice chunk, rubbing his hand against it before rubbing in concern.

Sunny did have a point... the poor man must have been frozen down here for a long time.

Maybe there was a chance that he could be revived and given a fresh start.

After a moment of sympathetically staring, George finally made a decision. “Well, I... we can't just leave him here.”

“Boys?!” Vega shouted to the drillbots up at the surface. “I think we're gonna need some help down here!”

Hopefully there was a chance that they could save this man before it was too late...

...unaware of what might be in their future.