• Published 16th Nov 2014
  • 10,721 Views, 606 Comments

Chrysalis Visits The Hague - Dan The Man

In a universe where Equestria recently arrived on Planet Earth, Queen Chrysalis sits in chains. Now she must answer herself in front of this world's highest court - the International Criminal Court in the Hague, the Netherlands.

  • ...

XI. Good Intentions

Good Intentions

Kurhaus Hotel, The Hague
18. November, 2015
6:23 pm MET

Twilight Sparkle, Princess Of Friendship, had to say that she was impressed beyond words. The silver puller-less coach that drove her and her number one assistant through the brightly lit, almost gingerbread-like town of The Hague had fascinated her greatly.

Wide lanes, strange-looking vehicles and motley signal lights hypnotised her to such a degree that she nearly didn't mind the ever-lasting rain that kept staining the driver's windshield and the truly deplorable cold that greeted her when she first stepped out of the human flying contraption barely an hour ago. The weather certainly had a very Everfree-like vibe, but the humans and their town seemed so much more orderly and regimented than she was used from anywhere in her far-away Equestrian homeland.
She had always assumed that the humans were kind of savage, being meat-eaters and all. Now she knew that she had to show her friends in Ponyville and Canterlot how utterly misinformed their view of the human civilisation was.

The coach pulled past a few green lamps into the gateway of an illuminated orange brick palace crowned with a glass dome and four smaller towers.
While it was surely a sight to behold, the wide, square-like complex was not really impressive when compared with most regular Canterlot houses. It was not as tall or daring a construction.
But considering the human had to build it without any means of magic, she guessed it was daring in its own way.

"Is that our place?" a purple and green dragon asked, rubbing his eyes both in disbelief and fatigue. “It’s awesome. Right, Twilight?"

Twilight snapped out of her state of fascination.
"It is very nice, Spike. This whole town is simply stunning. I can't thank Princess Celestia enough for this opportunity."

“Well, neither can I.” Spike agreed before he was caught in a gaping yawn, revealing all his little fangs and the backside of his throat. “And the best thing is - it means I can finally go to bed.”

The Princess looked at him fondly. “Oh Spike. You've have earned it for sure. After all that fuss at the airport...”
Her face scrounged up at the memory of the incident that had kept them waiting in the arrivals lobby for more than three hours. “I still can’t believe that happened. How could they have been so foalish to think that you were a dog?! Wait until I tell Shining Armour all about this – he wouldn't even believe me.”

“Sheesh...” Spike sighed, slowly closing his eyes. “I’ve had worse. Though honestly, I could have at least expected them to mistake me for a fearsome mutant lizard, not a royal lapdog!”
He flexed his little arms’ muscles in a show-offy manner. “Luckily for them, they only got to see my benign side.”

The alicorn giggled at his boasting. “They were very lucky. Even I’d be afraid of your grumpy side. But tell me, wasn’t it awful having to spend all that time in such a small cage?”

The drake shrugged. “I wasn’t so bad. After 12 hours of being crammed into that other tiny tube everypony keeps calling ‘airplane’, all I had to do in the cage was close my eyes and...” he followed up with another yawn.

The princess, infected, yawned in accord, involuntarily stretching out her tongue out far further than was dignified.

“Anyway” the young dragon asked in weary diction, his eyes closed even tighter, ”How did you get me out?”

“Oh you know...” Twilight giggled, turning a little red, “I just sort of mentioned I was a Princess, and they were about to cause a grave international incident, and that I could easily had them relieved from their duty… and voila, they suddenly gave in to any request. Humans are... strange.”

“Humans are so… boorish, your Majesty....”

“Oh Spike, stop it.”

The coach had come to a halt. The human in the front quickly got out and ran around to open the coach's sliding door.
"Has the trip been to your liking, Your Highness?" he asked.

"Oh yes." Twilight chirped, almost to the point of squealing.

"The ILT... uhm... would once again like to send their apologies. The incident with your... assistant should never have happened. But you must understand that the Quarantine laws have been put in place for a reason, and that..."
The cock of one of Twilight's eyebrows quicky reigned the driver back in. Bashfully, he pointed behind him.
"Sorry. The entrance is right over there, behind the statue. Allow me to help you out of the car and carry your luggage, Your Highness."

"Thanks." Twilight said, going for a humble demeanor, and turned back around for Spike, only to notice that he had long drifted off to Princess Luna’s realm, as his loud snoring proved. “Oh dear.”
She grasped the sleeping dragon on top of her with her magic. "But I think that the least you could do is to take care of my Number One Assistant. But be careful. He's a baby."

The driver barely had time to wince in protest before the reptile in the purple mist floated into his arms.

Gladly, Twilight cantered into the grand entrance of the hotel, past two humans in matching blue hats and uniforms, and immediately espied the reception, which was located at the bottom of a flight of stairs which led up into a larger, even more opulent saloon.

Almost reflexively, she pulled an empty baggage trolley over to her with her telekinetic magic and led it along.

She was immediately confronted by a elderly concierge lady.
"How can I help you, Madame?" she asked as she looked over the counter at the equine.

"Oh my, you speak Fancy? How fascinating!" the alicorn squeed. "Anyway, I believe you have a room prepared for me and my assistant. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am observing the trial in the name of Her Majesty, Princess Celestia of Equestria."

"Twilight Sparkle. Uh..." the concierge uttered and looked the pony up in her computer. Then she looked back to her, pale and wide-eyed, and made a small curtsy.
"Oh, Princess Twilight Sparkle? I am so sorry, Your Highness. You were supposed to arrive over an hour ago. But... There still is a booked for your use on the 3rd floor, ready for occupation. If you would like to follow me to the -"
She stepped out from behind her desk, and narrowly avoided stepping into the way of the empty baggage trolley rolling past her, as if possessed by a vicious poltergeist. "...el... elevators?"

"Oh, sorry about that." the alicorn excused herself sheepishly and extinguished her horn. "I'm a bit... worked up from the trip and I wanted to pull some magic muscles. When do you have dinner?"

"We are having it right now, actually." the concierge explained cluelessly, "We were planning to organise a reception in your honour... But I am afraid that the appetisers will be brought out any minute."

Silently, the young crowned head heaved a sigh of relief. A reception? And in her honour at that?
Thank goodness she wasn't there to ruin it for everypony...

"The dinner is already underway, upstairs in the Kurhauszaal. But if you wish, I could still have you announced."

Twilight quickly jammed a hoof into the air and whispered, "Oh, no no. here's no need for that. I don't want to keep anypony from eating."

The concierge nodded.
"Then let me prepare a table for you. It's the least we could do."

"A thousand thanks, I am half famished. But... could you first bring my No.1 assistant up to our room? I don’t think he’ll be in any mood for dinner."

She referred the concierge to the discomforted cabbie standing in the entrance, rocking a suitcase-sized purple reptile in his arms.

She was quickly drawn to a table attended mostly by ponies. Before the waiter could show her to some free seats, she was all but jumped by a bright green pony with a carrot-red mane and a very official-looking collar.
"Princess Twilight Sparkle! Is that really you?"

Twilight backed up in surprise.
"Oh... hello there."

"Don't you remember me? It's me, Lexy. Lexy Fori!"

Only then did faint recognition dawn on Twilight. She knew that mare from Ponyville. She was the daughter of Mayor Mare, wasn't she? More than once had the pony guided her whenever she visited the Ponyville town hall and the archives. Not to mention that the pony used to frequent her library quite often. Lexy was a fairly pleasant, but inconspicuous acquaintance, so Twilight wasn't that familiar with her - she had certainly heard more of her through her mayorly mother than she had actually seen.
"Lexy Fori. Goodness, I haven't heard from you in a while."

Lexy smiled.
"I know, I was busy in Canterlot, studying hard to become magistrate."

"Ah yes, I remember. You always wanted to pick up books from the library that I never had in stock."

"Yes. I guess I didn't have any choice but to move."
The magistrate seemed a little out of breath by the surprise, barely. "This is all so overwhelming. That I get to see you again, and in such a distant place! You have no idea what you and your friends are to the good folks of Ponyville."

"Please..." Twilight begged modestly.

"Heroes.. My mother is very grateful for what you six did for our community. As am I." The judge proceeded to look around, perhaps a little surprised. “But where are Rarity the Tailor and Councilmare Applejack? And Pinkie Pie? Aren’t your friends here with you?” she asked.

"Unfortunately, no. As I am here on official business in the name of the other Princesses, I thought it would be better not to drag my friends into such a hustle as well. I wouldn’t have too much time for them.”

“I see.” the mayor's daughter nodded. “Though, I would have expected the Princess... I mean, Princess Celestia... to come herself.”

“She planned to, but it looks like she was tied up by some important business in Canterlot.”

“Important business?” she scoffed. “Twilight, what could possibly be more important than this? It's Queen Chrysalis' last stand.”

“I know.” Twilight simply answered.
Her voice somber, but determined. “That's why I came.”

“I suppose you deserve to watch more than most ponies. You and your poor brother.”

Her eyes lit up instantaneously. “Oh Shining Armour, yes. He should be here as well. He escorted the Queen all the way to Europe just for this trial.”

“So I heard.” Lexy confirmed “Strange, though. I haven't caught a glimpse of him ever since the first conference. Supposedly, he's guarding the Queen's cell as we speak.”

“You mean... ” Twilight's eyes were round with concern. She looked around momentarily. “He's not even here right now?”

“I don't think so, Twilight. Queen Chrysalis is notoriously deceptive, so somepony's got to have his eyes on her all day and night.

The Princess of Friendship sighed disappointedly.
“I wish I'll get to see him at least once while I'm here.”

“The trial will take its time. Enough time to squeeze in at least one goodwill visit.” she assured the alicorn, motioning a pat on her shoulder with a hoof, but mindful of not actually touching the princess. “Speaking of which... are you just here to report back to the Princesses about the proceedings?”

“Not quite. Princess Celestia asked me to help where I can. As I said, I represent her in spirit.”
Then Twilight noted the oddity of seeing her in this place, and asked, “What brings you here, though?"

"The Council of Harmony." the earth pony stated proudly and smiled.

Twilight returned the smile warmly.
"Oh. I have to congratulate for having made it, Lexy. After studying so hard - you deserve it."

The magistrate stumbled over her own words as she reached out for Twilight's hoof.
"No, Twilight, no, it is I who must congratulate you. On your... princesshood. I would have never thought that one from our very midst would ascend..."

"Oh, but that changes nothing, I promise." Twilight interrupted her modestly. "Wings and all."

The judge pulled up her own cushioned dining chair.
"Please, do take a seat."

The round was complete.
Twilight looked around; there were Magistrate Fori, three reporters from the great Hoofington and Canterlot broadsheets, a gentlecolt from Equestria Daily, two high-ranking officers of the Royal Guard, eight diplomatic envoys from the five biggest cities in Equestria, and a solitary human in formal green clothing.

"Psst! Uh, who is that?" she whispered to the magistrate.

"That is Doctor Serafina Pierman. She is heading the prosecution against Chrysalis."

The human nodded and smiled respectfully towards the Princess.

Twilight had immediately recognised that she was a female, and was perhaps the prettiest human Twilight had met. She had good, honest eyes and a merciful, humble smile. She was young, but also a little shorter than many others of her species. It almost made her more natural and comfortable to talk to than other humans.

"Please, Miss Serafina." the human prosecutor was addressed by a young, rather little male stallion sitting next to her, clad in a deep blue coat and a spiky yellow mane. "Come on, tell us a little bit about your work. I'm sure the Princess would love to hear!"

"Well," Sera started, perhaps a little shily, and ruffled the smaller pony’s mane amicably. "I actually wanted to save the speech for after dessert, but if you don't mind...
She stood up, and gently banged her crystal glass with a fork. Intentively, everypony turned towards her rising form.
"For those who haven't yet met me in person and have been wondering who the heck I am; this is the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court speaking. And I want to point out that, basically, it makes this whole trial... my fault."
The woman smiled, and so did most of the others, so Twilight assumed she didn't really mean it like that. "Truth be told, I have only been in this position for a couple of months, and this trial is the very first situation I have opened. Many... many have asked me 'why'. Why did I choose to approach the Principality of Equestria and asked them to cooperate in bringing their oppressors to justice by way of one of humanity's highest courts? Why would this matter to us humans? Shouldn't 'those equines' sort it out amongst themselves or something?"
She drew in an expectant breath. "I say, no. Because this is not the idea behind this court. It is not what this tribunal stands for, or what its work and efforts are supposed to underline. No. The ICC is solely bound to its principle, and not its species or racial allegiance. This court is supposed to stand up to senseless violence and injustice across the globe and say, 'Stop! Think of what you are doing. It is not right. It doesn't do good, only harm.'"
Her finger pointed across the table. “When I first read the extensive travel report on Equestria, written by the talented Mrs Mephisto only mere days after Equestria’s discovery, I was stunned. I was surprised. I was saddened. I had not realised how similar our two worlds were after all. Both of our societies, despite having grown out of completely different orchards, and supposedly shot into completely different directions, have been guided by the winds of love and violence like no other powers. Maybe, just maybe, the wind of love blew a little stronger in Equestria."
She gave the assembled equines a commending nod. Some of them nodded back respectfully. "Equestria is a nation that is more accustomed to peace than it is to war - which is something I cannot say about most human nations. And to see Equestria ravaged by the exactly same sort of crime as humanity - despotic, murderous, intolerant powers acting on the rule of 'might is right' - saddened me deeply."
Solemnly, she looked into the round. She acknowledged the royal sitting among them. "Princess Twilight... Would you agree if I said that Queen Chrysalis had overstepped her bounds, taking more than she deserved and was entitled to in her realm?"

"Yeah. Yes, I do." Twilight answered, her answer determined and strengthened by the ghastly memories of her brother being controlled and manipulated by the beast. The thought of her best childhood friend being trapped and replaced, torn from the side of her loved one by that scum. The sight of her Princess, her mentor, her second mother, savagely struck down by her own power.´"Yes."

"I have to ask: What makes Queen Chrysalis different from every common criminal in the guise of a responsible leader in these human lands? Her motives? Her deeds? Her intolerance? Her hate? Her utter ignorance of the rights of the individual?"
The human shook her head."No. Her species. Just her species. And what kind of an excuse would it be to let her off the hook just for that? Was it not a very similar policy of segregation that she followed? Of distinguishing between emotional and intellectual equals by nothing more than their race? She was the one who deemed those who were not under her rule, those birds who were not of her feather, not worthy of her deference and her caution."
She fell in silence for a second. Her expression faded a little as she continued. "I don't know how many of the present mares and gentlecolts have seen it, but less than an hour ago, I hosted a conference in the press room, in which I disclosed some... truly scathing,... frightening pictures of our search efforts to the public. You may all be aware of the UN operations taking place on Equestrian soil - searching for survivors, for witnesses, investigating and reconstructing the crimes, looking into the legacy of the same... we may have found our first major clue, uncovering a site that was once housed by Changelings.”

The mood at the table swung southward almost instantly. The faces of the pony guests deflated, the mentioning of that subject matter dropping down their stomachs like lead.

“It was a horrifying discovery. When I first heard of these news, I...” The prosecutor stopped again, taking a second to look down.
"I couldn't hold back my tears. I won’t lie. What had actually occurred in this cave shook me up from the inside.“
Then she placed a hand on her heart.
The dark blue stallion to her right put his hoof in her other hand and she squeezed it tightly. “And it was not simply because it clearly displayed the mindless cruelty of the Changeling regime for all the world to see. Indeed, it also riveted me because of how similar it was to what is going on in this world among humans. I myself, at a young age, experienced the horrors of a racist, discriminating regime first hand. I lost my father to its terror. So I know full well what it feels like to be at the receiving end of this cruelty."
She looked around the table. "But now I ask you: Should this court be stooping down to the same level by falling back to the same kind of intolerance?"

There was a split second of silence.

"No." a spirited voice proclaimed across the table, a hoof tapping resolutely on the table. It was Twilight, her face caught in a mixture of sadness and agitation. “Absolutely not.”
The other guests, both reporters and diplomats, were quick to agree with her loudly and proudly. Twilight was humbled by their reaction, shrinking into her seat a little. She wasn’t used to being this influential a role model for her ‘subjects’.

The prosecutor looked around.
"It would be one thing if the principles and laws wouldn't at all apply to Equestria and her neighbours, but they do! What we are doing here, right now, is bringing our societies closer together, under the umbrella of International Law. We are at the forefront of a new era of justice. We are the vanguard. And until the doubters on both sides of the vast Pacific understand that, it is up to this court to prove its worth."

Lexy Fori lead the ensuing applause by knocking her table with both front hooves. The others needed no invitation to do the same. The applause managed to drown out the conversations held at most of the other tables.

"I think this is why we are all here, Miss Serafina. Every single pony of us." The stallion added and patted the prosecutor’s back supportively.

"Thanks, Bram." the prosecutor replied softly as she slowly settled back on her chair.

"It is a matter of justice, not opinion." Lexy agreed persistently. "I honestly wish that all people in this room would think like you."
Without any pretense of discretion, the magistrate stared off into the far corner of the room. Then she visibly frowned, and shook her head at someone Twilight couldn't see.

"Is... something wrong, Lexy?"

"Sadly, yeah." the magistrate sighed. "Do you see that table over there?"
Again, she mouthed something not very pleasant at the designated table.

Twilight looked around, but spotted neither the table, nor the human in the crowd of people.
"What about it?"

"That's the table of the defence team. All sixteen of them."

"Defence? For whom?" the alicorn asked, confused.

"Queen Chrysalis. If you can believe that."

Twilight caught on quickly. She had read a door-stopper or two on the humans' international law. The roles and duties of every court and country were miles apart, but one this was entirely consistent; the wish that both sides be heard fairly. It was almost like a perk of human civilisation as a whole, in whatever form it was represented in every human country. It was only logical that Chrysalis would have the same treatment. Twilight was silently glad to know that even that wouldn't save her.
"What is the defence supposed to work with?" she asked the jurisprudents.

The prosecutor poured herself some secco.
"I'd predict that the defence team will try to clear her of her involvement in the crimes. They'd try to prove that it wasn't her idea at all."
As empathetic as Pierman was, even she had to roll the eyes.

"Yes. Like that will happen!" the magistrate agreed. "But what bugs me most about them is their attitude. I mean, it would be one thing if they just were open to all interpretations,... but they're staunchly taking that monster's side."

"Well... that's what they're supposed to do, right?" Twilight asked, a little bashfully.

"But does that mean they have to be blind to the truth?" Lexy asked back. "They're pretending that we are the liars. Like they knew Chrysalis better than us. I dare say, better than you, Princess- I mean... Twilight."

But the prosecutor disagreed.
"I don't know, Ma'am. Most of them seem to behave very professional. The Italian assistant counsel in particular, he seems like a decent guy."

Lexy nodded in agreement. “Oh yes, I know who you mean. He certainly has his heart in the right place, if you ask me.”
She looked over to the princess. “I suggest that you ask him on the whereabouts of your brother, Twilight. It seems Shining got recruited by the defence as a security advisor as soon as he had his horseshoes on the ground.”

“Actually...” Pierman hesitated. The human's kind expression dampened visibly. "You should better watch out for one guy when you approach the defence, your Highness - someone who really rubbed me the wrong way was that head defence counsel. Estermann, or whatever his name is. Honestly, I think he is a little..."
She swirled her index finger around the side of her head. "...a little strange."

"A little strange?! You mean that scarecrow who's sitting back there?" Lexy countered haughtily, again pointing off into the far end of the hall. "In my opinion, that human is exactly on the same wavelength as Chrysalis. He is either a complete foal, a complete jerk or... completely evil."

A small series of gasps made the rounds.
Evil? Twilight found it difficult to believe that. To her, most humans were more like a huddled mass of grey - beyond any typically Equestrian notion of good and bad - and even one with a lighter tendency, judging by most humans she had met.

"Evil..." Twilight repeated. "Do you really think that? Why or how did he become Chrysalis' attorney then?"

"Coincidence, succession, favouritism... Anything, really.“ the prosecutor shrugged.
But even then, the human seemed hesitant to agree with the magistrate’s harsh words. "A smart man once said that you shouldn't attribute to evilness what you could attribute to stupidity."

“Hanlon!“ Twilight exclaimed almost automatically.

The prosecutor widened her eyes.
“Very good. How did you know?“

“Uh... I remember to have read it somewhere... on my way to the airfield.“ she smirked abashedly.

“But yes. Estermann isn't evil - he's a pompous idiot.“

The purple alicorn nodded contemplatively, mentally grasping for her crystal glass. Only as she led it to her mouth did she notice it was empty.
"Oh my. Does anypony have the bottle?"

"Sorry, your Majesty." the blue pegasus called 'Beam' sighed, pushing an empty green one over with the tip of his wing and shaking it with both hooves. "It looks like we're sitting high and dry."

"To be perfectly frank,..." Lexy the judge added, "...I didn't care for that stuff anyway. What was it?"

"That was pear secco. From Germany." the prosecutor stated.

Twilight thanked the sun that Applejack wasn't here to witness this. She spied around for a waiter.
"I will order another one."
Then, the young princess had a better idea. "Or, better yet, I'll just go and see for myself if they have any cider. Which way is the trough?"
It could give her the chance to finally walk off the jet-lag and give her some precious minutes of privacy to explore the interior of the palace-like building.

But immediately, one of the Equestrian diplomats jumped up with a worrisome glare. It was apparent that he was a Canterlot breed.
"No, Your Majesty! I shall!"

Twilight thought it was nice of him to throw himself into the fray for his royalty, but her legs were itching badly.
"No need, sir. I'll be back in time for the appetisers."

"Are you sure about that, Twi?" Lexy asked, a little skeptic.

"Don't worry, everypony. I just feel a little stiff. I will be back immediately."

The spiky-maned pegasus, who was sitting and slipping around on his chair uncomfortably, jumped up at that sentence, as if it was a signal she was waiting for.
"I think I'll follow my Princess‘ example, and... go and wash my hooves in the guestroom.“

Twilight stood up as more and more of the guests at the table made little excuses to shake their limbs a little, and immediately headed for the other side of the hall.

At first, she gave up her quest to reach the bar after a mere minute of looking around.
She spent most of it looking up, appreciating the ceiling and its strange paintings of little naked humans with pegasus wings. She didn't 'get' all that abstract human art, but as she tried to understand, it dawned on her that absolutely none of the humans she had met had ever been without clothes. Why was that? Was it maybe an attempt to hide their inherent baldness?

With that question, the bar was out of her mind, as she trailed the room up and down, from the buffet tables to the grand piano with an earth stallion playing a clumsy rendition of the Pony Polka for the other guests, and back to the buffet tables.
Finally, after minutes upon minutes, her erect muzzle finally led her behind a corner into a separate lounge, separated from the ballroom by a wall, and the other side consisting of several panorama glass doors leading out onto the completely dark, autumn-stricken promenade and the beach. The rain still persistently prattled against the glass, but she was certain she could hear the roaring of the waves outside.

When she turned around, she found herself standing right in front of the bar.
'Huh,' she mused, 'Found it after all.'

In a corner behind the counter, she saw some kind of thick, bright, shining mirror. It displayed a clear, flat moving picture that was quite different from her reflection. She remembered that it was some kind of human contraption that worked not on the basis of magic, but of electricity and a little chemistry.
Before she knew it, she was already drawn in by the alluring imagery, and seated herself on one of the various free stools by the counter.

A disembodied voice spoke out,
"The Hague - Canterlot. There are new stirrings in the prelude to the Chrysalis trial."
The image then focused a delegation of well-dressed equines and humans, headed by a somber, small-built human in a green business dress, standing in front of a crowd of reporters.

"Hey... that’s Serafina!"
She even wore the same clothes. How could that be?

"Less than an hour ago," the narrator continued, "...the Royal Equestrian Diplomatic Service and the International Criminal Court Prosecutor's Office of the confirmed reports that a former warren of the dispersed Changeling empire has been raised by the Equestrian Army in the south-western Everfree region of the country. According to the most recent accounts, more than three hundred ponies, held hostage there for an unknown amount of time, were freed as well."

She took notice immediately.
Everfree? Those news hit uncomfortably close to home. Though they probably must have meant the Everfree Forest, not Ponyville or any other place - it would be ridiculous to assume that changelings could have had a hideout anywhere else without anypony noticing any sooner.

"The rescued victims were all members of the equine earth, unicorn and pegasus races. Most of them were recovered alive initially, even though they were extremely undernourished and in a critical condition. In the hours following the rescue operation, dozens died on the way to medical treatment. The International Red Cross has predicted that the number of casualties will increase drastically in the days to come."

'So close!' Twilight Sparkle cursed under her breath at the news. Those ponies had just been saved from the vile changeling imprisonment, and yet they were now dying away under the hooves of the Princess' own rescuers. So close!
It broke her heart.

"No changelings were found on the scene. Chief Prosecutor Serafina Pierman stated the following:"
The image cut to Serafina herself speaking. Twilight noticed her eyes – it seemed that her mascara was a little smeared.
"The team will be bringing these extraordinary findings as evidence at the expense of Queen Chrysalis' regime. The prosecution is convinced that this horrifying fate of these civilian captives is a direct product of the Changeling 'Empire's' actions. This is a significant, if only a relatively small part of the evidence that the court lacked up to this point. It backs up the charges, it confirms without a doubt that atrocities have been committed. Their rescue was not in vain."

The image panned out again.
"It's speculated there are dozens more such 'hives', scattered across the Equestrian island. The country's Ministry of Defence has announced that the search will be continued.
The image switched to a crowd.
"In other news, the pro-human protests that have been taking place in front of various The Hague institutions since the beginning of the month, have risen to a new form of extremism today, as hundreds of protestors tried to block-"

"Oh for God's sake... can you kindly change the channel?!" a cranky voice suddenly mumbled from the bar.

Twilight espied the barkeeper leaning over to her right.
"Sorry, sir, the other guests still seem interested in this programme,"

"Ugh." the voice huffed.

Twilight traced it back to a human male sitting right next to her – strange that she didn't notice him sooner. Sitting there, he drew a very unhealthy picture of the human being; one didn't need to be an anthropologist to know that. He was slouched on the bar like a potato sack, reflexively combing through his greying mane and perpetually twisting a short empty glass in his hand. He had a very pale skin and dark rings under his eyes...
She could have easily mistaken him for someone tainted by the powers of Discord.

"I understand." she said, trying to sound uplifting. "I've been living in Everfree County for a long time. It... it is painful. But looking away never makes it better."

The person huffed, trying to ignore her. He brought his glass to a halt and peered into it. He seemed surprised to find it still empty.

Twilight took the cue, and addressed the barkeeper.
"Do you have cider?"

"Of course. What shall it be? Stella Artois? Kopparbergs? Flynn's?"

Sheepishy, Twilight asked a question she already knew the answer to.
"You don't... happen to have Sweet Apple Acres, do you?"

The barkeep looked back confused.
"I don't think so."

"That's what I thought. I would like to try your very best cider, and send more five bottles of it to the table of Serafina Pierman, please."

She heard the pale human eject an antagonistic sniff at the mention of the name.

"No problem, Miss." The barkeep said and vanished.

Quickly, the alicorn princess turned to the ill-looking human next to her, who had gone back to twisting his glass.
"Would you also like another drink?"

Twilight received a stare from him that was above all, confused and irritated.
She was just trying to be nice.

Some empathetic instinct clicked in Twilight's head. She didn't know if she genuinely wanted to help the down-trodden creature, or if it was her natural curiosity for the human specimen and their habitat taking over again.
"Is... something wrong?" she inquired meekly.

He shook his head, and proceeded to gaze back into the glass.

'What was wrong with his reaction to Serafina’s name?‘ she asked herself quietly. 'Does he know her from somewhere?'
“I hope you didn't mind me asking. You just seemed a little down.”

“I do mind...” the creature suddenly clarified in an agitated voice. “...and I'm not. I am sitting here, in peace, thinking.”

“Oh. Okay.” Twilight nodded, folding her hooves, but did not let the human out of her sights. "So, uhm... you're working for Ms Pierman too, aren't you?“

"...No.” came back the slightly delayed, caustic answer. “Believe it or not, there are still people in this room that don't work for the prosecution.“

"Huh, right.“ she chuckled. “I would say it's obvious, but... I admit that I'm a little out of my depth with the whole human legal system.”

“Well...” the human commented, “I would say that I'd be surprised that a prosecutor is 'out of depth' with her own job, but honestly, nothing could surprise me at this point.”

“I'm not a prosecutor.” Twilight objected. “Just an observer. Technically, I'm trotting on neutral ground.”

“Are you now?”

“What about you? Are you a court clerk?”


Oh, defence. She could have guessed by his crestfallen mood.

"Ah. So you are one of... them.“
She smiled iffily, "How's it going?“

Now she had drawn the ire of the human onto herself.
"How it's going?“ he repeated in a scornful tone and looked at her. One hand lashed out to point up to the flickering television images. "Everything is going perfectly. Could you ask for more?“

"Sorry.“ Twilight sighed. “Ask a silly question, you deserve a silly answer.“

“What is that supposed to mean?”

Twilight's ears dropped.
“Nothing. Nothing at all. It's just that, from what I've heard, things are indeed going awry for the defence.”

"A rum to take away, please!“ the man shouted to the barkeep, and nudged around uncomfortably on his stool.

“But... but that doesn't mean that you don't deserve respect what you're trying to do.“

Now that seemed to surprise the man. Critically, he glanced over to her.

"I understand you're not doing it for... her.“ The alicorn explained. "You're not doing it as a favour for anypony. You do it because you believe in justice. You have faith in fairness and equality for everybody. And you know that it is your duty, no matter how painful it may be. You do it because you feel that being on the 'winning side‘ is not what it’s all about. It’s about integrity. It’s about giving everypony a chance. To try and make something better.“
She noticed the barkeep returning with a glass in each hand, which he swiftly placed in front of both of them. She turned towards hers. "I’m not saying that a tyrant like Chrysalis has a chance, or that she will try to be a better pony once this is over. But I agree that the idea alone is worth the effort. And hope's never done any harm.“

His eyes softened ever-so-slightly. Obviously, he knew exactly what she meant.

Twilight raised her glass with her magical grasp contemplatively.
"I mean, how horrible would it be if you didn't care? If you were only in it for the glamour or the social standing or – Celestia forbid – the money? Now that would be something truly inexcusable."

She noticed his face scrounging back up. Wordlessly, he grasped his rum and downed it. Then his face lit up a little.
"If you say so.“

She led the glass of cider to her mouth.


Gently, the princess savoured the human cider. It was different, of course. Not as sweet as typical Evefree cider, but, surprisingly enough, less alcoholic. Humans were known to be much less tolerant to alcohol than equines.

“That said... you have to admit...“ Twilight tried to evaluate the situation critically. "The case was terribly unfortunate from the outset. I know how much the fairness in a trail matters to you humans, but this trial never seemed, quote-unquote, fair. Do you know what I mean? The evidence is... just overwhelming. The crimes are clear-cut and unquestionably malicious. The ponies – and people – seem staunchly on the side of the prosecution. And your own work can't be any easier under a boss like that...”

“Well, you can't always choose your...”
Suddenly, the human gripped his glass. “Wait, what was that last thing?”

Twilight looked around conspicuously.
“Your... boss. East... Man, or whatever his name was.” she whispered. “From what I've picked up, he's not exactly the... the...”

My boss? Esterm-” the human cut her off with an incredulous stare. “What did you... what did you 'pick up', exactly?”

The alicorn princess pressed her lips together shamefully. Perhaps she had said too much already.
“I don't mean to suggest anything. I haven't even met the colt... uh... man.”

“What did you hear about him?” the man asked again. He seemed strangely on edge. “And from whom?”

Nervously, the Princess looked down, “W-word's going around in the prosecution that he might not be the... most humble of creatures. That he's so caught up in his pride that he lost touch with reality.”

The man stared for another second. Then he sneered and leaned back, as if he relaxed a little.
“So this is what they think of... him.”

“Sorry.” Twilight begged and closed her eyes, feeling ashamed for fussing up something so unflattering. “Forget what I said. I am not a tattletale. I'm sure your boss is qualified in his own way.”

“Don't be ridiculous.” he remarked sarcastically, “If the prosecution says so, doesn't that mean it's true?”

“Okay...” Twilight said, “That's not what I said.”

“Good. Because that's just regular badmouthing rubbish, all standard fare. I get that all the time...” He bit his lip. “...As does he.”

“If you say so...” she agreed meekly.

The human let out a sigh and leaned back.
“The defence counsel... is someone who does not like taking the road more often traveled. Whether that makes him the greatest man in the world or a sorry idiot lies in the eyes of the beholder.”

The studious pony perked her ears again.
“You mean that... he likes to go over every detail? But that's not a bad thing at all.”
'Plus, one'd need to with Chrysalis' she added mentally.

“I mean that he apparently does not always know what's best for him. Or his client.” the man added bitterly.
He eyed the bartender, who was fast approaching with a new set of drinks.

“Meticulousness Is The Essence Of All Things Harmonious.” the unicorn quoted. “Starswirl The Bearded.”

“Hm.” the man mused as a new glass of rum was placed in front of him, and the old one gently yanked out of his hands. “Who do you work for again?”

“Uhm...” Twilight answered ominously. “Let's say... Equestria.”

“You're a civil servant.”

“In a way...” the princess confirmed hesitantly and grabbed her glass of cider. “Cheers.”


Both creatures downed their glasses and took a moment to swallow and collectively clear their throats before continuing in accord.

Estermann the head defence counsel in particular needed a moment to press his eyes shut after downing the corrosive substance, which might just as well have been floor cleaner for all he cared.

He didn't sit here and drink for the pure joy of it – he did it for the sake of drinking.
He had no taste for alcohol at all. He even liked to tell himself that it didn't really have an effect on him. In his eyes, it was just the thing other people did to unwind in stressful situations, the socially accepted step.
And the situation he was in was certainly stressful. Colm had been striking him a deal. It was all some kind of fixed game, and he was just lucky the final result would play to his favour.
But there had to be some kind of disadvantage to the whole scheme – one other than a mere loss of face for Queen Chrysalis. Losing face was easier to take than losing the head.

Glancing at his unlikely stool neighbour, he found it funny that now, of all moments, that purple pony was striking up that awkward conversation with him.
She wasn't quite what she seemed. But in what way?

“Things being as they are...” she reminded him in a humble, almost caring tone, “I just want you, and all you colleagues, to know... if you would ever need my help, or that of my Princess, don't hesitate to ask.”

“Very very unlikely.” Alex deflected her offer. She certainly had a lot of sweet nothings left for him and the defence. Was she even being genuine?

“But still. Even if you are Chrysalis' defence team, you're not our enemy.” she talked into him soothingly. “And neither are we your enemy.”

“If I had a fucking cent for every time I have heard that...” the counsel exclaimed. “I mean, look at yourself. You come here and demand my complete faith, and I don't even know your damn name.”

The mare smiled disarmingly, and struck out a friendly hoof.
“Twilight Sparkle, at your service. We kind of... skipped the whole introductory part, didn't we?”

Something in the back of his mind went click. Sparkle... Sparkle... Twilight Sparkle.
Didn't he know that name already? Where did he know it from?

“You can say that again,” he mumbled, “Ms... Sparkle?”

“Just call me Twilight. It's more personal.”

The lawyer waved her correction off, scratching his chin.
“Yes, yes. Alright. Of course. Pony customs. I heard it all before.”
Perhaps the rum was getting to him a little more than anticipated. “Dear Lord," he commented, "if you addressed someone in Switzerland by their first name as soon as you heard it, you'd get a punch in the face.”

The pony visibly frowned, but still forced herself to a sympathetic smile. “Well... then it's a good thing we're not in Switzerland.”

His eyebrows drifted upward.
“Oh, how the hell do you know where we're not? Since when do you ponies know this much about Europe?”

“Well...” the pony mumbled and look down. “I... did my homework before I came here.”

“Thank God at least one of you did.” he nodded and finally, if warily, clasped her waiting hoof to shake it.
It was hard, as keratin usually was, but nevertheless warm and welcoming.

But still, her name... Twilight Sparkle... of course he knew it. He had already once wondered once what a silly, if not outright stupid name that was. But when?
The lawyer retraced his steps. Out of whose mouth did he first hear it?

“Uh... could I get my hoof back now?” Twilight smiled.

He quickly let go of her limb and inquired. “Where... where have I heard your name before?”

Modestly, the pony shrugged again.
“Oh, I really wouldn't know.”

He did remember that... she mustn't know something... But what was it again?
Captain Shining... Captain Shining Armour told him something about that. The other day, in the cab...

Just like that, it all came back to him.

“Twilight...” he asked, leaning forward curiously, “Do you, by any chance, know a certain Captain Shining Armour? From the Equestrian Guard?”

Her eyes grew even as the words were coming out of his mouth.
“Yes! Shining Armour, he's my brother!”

“I see." the attorney stuttered. “Wait, what? You're family?”

“Yep.” she said with a big wide smile. “He's my BBBFF, don'tcha know.”

So that was the great mystery of the friendly purple mare. She was just the Captain's sister.
The human cocked his head. “Well... does that mean this isn't just coincidence that you're in The Hague?”

She shook her head. “You probably know how important this trial is for my brother.”

"It's his job, isn't it?"

"It's more than that." the pony explained, worry crossing her equine features. "This is personal."

Mystified, he looked up. “Aha. What happened?”

Twilight eyed him uneasily. “Let's just say that... Queen Chrysalis once did something very hurtful to him.”

“We're not just talking about what happened on the tarmac last Sunday, are we?”

Her eyes looked up, alarmed. “W-what happened, where?”

"You didn't know?"

She didn't know?
Estermann bit his lip, averting his stare from the mare on the stool next to him in contemplation.
He remembered the confession that the Captain had made to him in the cab the other day. He asked him, begged him even, not to tell his sister. And now she was here. He had probably anticipated her turning up sooner or later.
Whatever happened during the flight, it left him off almost as badly as his prisoner. And he really didn’t want his sister to know.

"Nothing in particular.“ He quickly lied. "He is up and well, if you were worried about that.“

She eyed him sceptically.
"You know, it's just that he and Chrysalis... they're very much at odds.“

"I could have guessed.“ Estermann confirmed, reminiscing of the enraged shouting contest in the cell the other day. "It almost seems like they have some history. And not of the good sort.“

"If you can even call it that...“ the Princess explained painfully, her tone reduced almost to a whisper. "It was at his wedding. She crept into Canterlot, abducted his fiancée, Princess Cadence, and took her place, posing as her.“

Well, the lawyer couldn’t suppress a snigger.
"Scheiße... Are you serious?“
How didn't that big white idiot notice?

"It wasn’t funny.” Twilight told him, perfectly frank. “Chrysalis cast a spell on him when he began to suspect something was wrong. It made him lose his free will and betray Princess Celestia on his wedding day, letting the enemy into Canterlot. He had no idea what he was doing. I mean, thankfully, I managed to find Princess Cadence, and she snapped him out of it before it was too late. But Shining's never been... quite the same ever since.“
She winced a little bit as she remembered. "You should have been there when he got word that Queen Chrysalis had been captured. Or rather, you shouldn’t have.“

"Alright...“ he said, reconsidering. Maybe it wasn’t a laughing matter after all. Now he understood that the Captain was traumatised man... stallion. Another victim of Queen Chrysalis‘ deception, even.
He knew he would have to bother with feeling sorry for misjudging his state at some point.
Of course, he couldn’t exactly empathise with him about that. Of course, Estermann had no idea how such a 'spell' felt, because he wasn’t even sure it was possible until now.
And he knew, of course, that this changed nothing.
Rather, it begged the question why the hell the Equestrian Princesses would order a vengeful, love-sick soldier to take on a delicate assignment such as this one.

"He didn’t do anything to her, did he?“ Twilight made sure.

'Well, I sincerely hope not!' Estermann just thought to himself.
As much as the lawyer had tried to prove that this was exactly what had happened those few hours, he couldn’t bring himself to mention it to the young mare.
So he shook his head, with a nervous hand cowering in front of his mouth.
"Don’t think so.“

"Thank Celestia.” she said, now a little sick with concern.“I must see him, and make sure he's alright. Would you know where he is?“

He just shrugged. "In the Prison in Scheveningen, I suppose, guarding the Queen. I am going there myself tomorrow.“

"Oh, can I come?“ she asked, with wide, hopeful eyes beaming up at him.

"...I don't know. Are you on their guest list?"

She swayed her head unsurely.
"Probably not. But I'm sure, very sure, that they'll let me pass. I only need somepony to take me to Shining."
She looked up at him for a long moment.

“Me?” he asked.

“...If it wouldn't be counter-productive to your work, I mean...”

“I'm not sure... How... close are you to the Equestrian government exactly?” he mumbled, careful to make absolutely sure there was no scheme involved.

“I can assure you: not close enough to hamper state of the defence in any way. I just want to check on my brother.”

Estermann leaned on the counter, considering the risks of giving the mysterious Equestrian official a lift to the facility where the Queen was interned.
He could already imagine her sneaking off behind his back, prowling her way to the Queen's cell to issue a personal, direct threat to Chrysalis, to intimidate his client in the name of the Equestrian Princesses, and to embarrass him...

Or at least that's the way his thoughts would have gone, if a hoof hadn't abruptly touched his back and sent him jolting upright.

"B-boss?“ A third voice suddenly chimed in.

Both the lawyer and the princess turned around in surprise.
There was a familiar aqua pony behind them, looking up at the man with some concern.
"I just wanted to let you know, they're now bringing out the Hors d'oeuvre... uhm, the Man d'oeuvre.“

"Only now?" He moaned exasperatedly. "Alright, I’m coming. I suppose that's the cue to call it a day. If you excuse me, Miss Sparkle...“

“Wait, wait...” Twilight Sparkle exclaimed when he slid down from his stool, taking his glass of rum with him. “Does that mean I can come with you?”

“Well, if there's nothing more to it, then why not?”

Only when Lyra turned towards the second voice she noticed that there was a purple pegasus sitting next to Estermann. A purple pegasus with a horn on her head.

Gasping, she dropped her front portion in a deep equine bow as she realised who was sitting there.
"Twilight. Princess! Your majesty. I- didn’t know...“

“Uh... hi there... Lyra?” she stuttered.

Startled, the lawyer eyed the huddled unicorn, and slowly let his stare settle on Twilight Sparkle, who was squatting on her stool with an embarrassed, uneasily smile on her face. He was less staggered by the fact that the two seemed to know one another, and more by the way one had just called the other...

“Heh...” Twilight sighed, “Yeah.”

“You... are a Princess.”

Twilight shrugged. “Probably should have mentioned it, huh?”

His eyebrows rose prominently.
Slowly, he looked at her, inspecting her tremendous wings and the larger-than-average horn sticking out of her mane. Then he gave the insides of his own glass a long, inquisitive look.

“I...” she murmured, “...try not to mention my title if I don't have to. It spares a me a lot of awkward moments.”
She laughed, trying to bring a light-hearted tone to the revelation. It didn't exactly work. “I hope... it changes nothing...” she ascertained shyly.

“Well... not really... no. I suppose...” Estermann hesitantly answered, awkwardly trying to process the fact that he had been drinking with one of Equestria's rulers for the last half hour or so. "Unless there will be any more 'surprises'."
Civil servant? Yeah right... She wasn't with the Equestrian government, she was the Equestrian government. It certainly didn't make the circumstances any less suspicious.

"Oh, I assure you, I've told you everything now!" she promised.

Rattled, he chose to swallow all the things he suddenly wanted to ask her or face her about for the early morning of the next day.
“Well, Princess... fine. See you tomorrow morning. At nine, in the ICC”
He glanced at his – still bowing – assistant, and slowly began to walk away. “Lyra, bei Fuß. The appetisers are waiting.”

“S-sure thing, Mr E.” she stuttered, looking up, averting Twilight's own surprised gaze.
Estermann didn't even notice how meekly the unicorn tried to slip out of the room behind the cover of his back, and neither did Twilight, at first.

“Tomorrow... ICC... yep, no problem!" she confirmed as he walked past her, "And... uhm... what was your name again Mr...?”

'Oh. Right.'
Pained, the defence counsel looked on the ground, and, after a hesitant pause, answered. “Alexander Estermann. Attorney at Law.”

The Alicorn Princess gulped terribly as the attorney and his rather petrified assistant departed.
The Estermann? That was him?

Tomorrow would surely be a fun day for everyone involved.

Author's Note:

Also, another little thing:

I swear that I have heard and seen nothing of this comic until barely a week ago.
Hell, I even had Chrysalis' backstory, with crimes and all, written down on my first draft way before this comic was even announced. And it was highly reminiscent of the backstory the comic gave her.
Uncanny I say, uncanny. Minds think alike when it comes to Chrysalis

And even though this is is supposedly canon (and at the same time, not really), I am not entirely sure how (or if) I will include her IDW backstory here.
Let one thing be said though: Even her IDW-backstory is immensely war crime-tastic. It ought to be very interesting to work with.