• Published 16th Nov 2014
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Chrysalis Visits The Hague - Dan The Man

In a universe where Equestria recently arrived on Planet Earth, Queen Chrysalis sits in chains. Now she must answer herself in front of this world's highest court - the International Criminal Court in the Hague, the Netherlands.

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Defence Internal Memo sent Friday November 20, 2015

Transcript for those unable to see the image file:


To: ICC-01/15-01/15 immediate defence team (Filippo Garibaldi, Lyra

Heartstrings, Helena Stephanidou, Lars Krogstad) - Office of the

Public Counsel for the Defence

From: Alexander Estermann, Defence Counsel

Date: 16.11.2015

Subject: Appeal to HRH Chrysalis’ defence team

The Current Situation

As you may have heard, the date of the first hearing of the pre-trial chamber under Justice Suruma has been set for the Monday the 19th. This means that the investigation phase will soon turn critical.
It is during these few pre-trial hearings that the official charges against the suspect are discussed and set. As is to be expected, the prosecution intends to push an entire array of accounts, essentially throwing as many at the judge panel as they can get away with.

Even as the Prosecutor, the press and public opinion all have indulged in labeling her guilty of every conceivable crime, I want you to make no mistake; the Queen is a victim of circumstance, and her actual complicity is beyond uncertain. A majority of the charges are based on unreliable and presumptive evidence supplied by the Equestrian government.

Our Duties And Our Attitude

At this point it is clear that it’s the defence’s foremost duty to stifle all of these attempts through well-researched discreditation and firm dedication to the current body of evidence.
As the case may be, the inviolability of the Queen will remain paramount throughout the pre-trial session and beyond. Every charge the judge panel concedes to would extend the courtroom action by several potential months - to avoid these complications in time for the actual trial chamber is in the interests of both the suspect and the court, not to mention yourselves.

I do not want you to perceive this task as a mandatory court-appointed counsel. We are not in the process of ‘closing the stable door after the (metaphorical) horse has bolted’. We are here because there is literally no one else our suspect could trust with to treat this matter with our professionalism and integrity. It is with this outlook that I wish to see you conduct your work.
Defeatism and lack of faith in the defence’s abilities will not be appreciated. Should you experience any ‘qualms’ or ‘moral complications’ about carrying out your duties; now would be the best time to swallow them (alternately, you might want to make an appearance in my office next thing tomorrow). Of course, attempts to hinder the work of the defence or downright sabotage it will be dealt with through severe disciplinary measures, no matter your intent.

The Prosecution’s War

While all these things might appear self-evident or unnecessarily harsh to any long-time employee of the ICC, I repeat them for the reason that the Equestrian issue is a controversial matter that requires a careful and ever-skeptical approach.

By current estimates, the conflict between the changeling and pony races of Equestria has raged on for as long as one thousand years. The amounted casualties promise to be enormous, and the tensions between the sides are rooted deep in their history and society. The war won’t simply end with one of the main warmongers entering a court of law; It is more likely that the frontlines will move to the bench. As uncomely as this idea might seem, litigation is going to become the war’s weapon of choice, and the parts of the soldiers will be played, nolens volens, by the defence and the prosecution.

Even as you may not feel like fighting a war, you will inevitably be seen as enemy agents by Equestria either way, so you can expect to be treated by the co-plaintiffs in this manner. Attempts to muddy the issue through i.e. fabricated evidence, abuse of court assets, perversion of court protocol, slander, personal attacks, or even threats against the suspect and the team, cannot be ruled out!

So in light of this, a little soldierly wariness on your behalf would certainly not go amiss.

Privacy Takes Priority

As for the next few weeks, I likewise require as much confidentiality as confidence from every one of you. With this, I mean to ensure perfect radio silence on every measure the defence takes. This is to protect our suspect, any possible witnesses and sources that might come forward, and to prevent any leaks that might, in any shape or form, damage our progress in the investigation.

To this end:
- Do not discuss any details of your work with friends, family, or colleagues outside these offices. Court officers and judges are, obviously, exempted.
- All communication between HRH Chrysalis and you will from now on flow through me, and only take place via secure channels.
- All newly received pieces of evidence will pend my review before(!) they can be submitted to the Registry.
- Make backup copies of every document you come in contact with, and keep a close eye on existing copies. Nothing that hasn’t been encrypted or secured in some form is to traverse the office doors, even if (!) copies of it have been brought into circulation by the Registry. Our files and notes are sacrosanct.
- Likewise, any official communication given to the press and the public require my approval. This includes press conferences and interviews.

Feeding The Press

Seeing how, in the light of the Prosecutor’s recent revelation by way of the ‘Everfree Collage’, a statement on our part has consciously been withheld, you can expect press enquiries on the Queen’s position to become much more intrusive. Those, as well as any other unofficial prompts you should either ignore entirely, or build your replies on the following short statement which I have taken the liberty to type out earlier today (Ms Stephanidou, this primarily concerns you in your function as press & external relations secretary):

“Her Royal Highness has been following the recent developments with great concern. Both as a political leader and a mother, she immediately expressed her sincere shock and sorrow at the goings-on and condemned them for the atrocities they were. These revelations caught her as off-guard as any other equine or human bystander, and so she was nothing short of horrified when she found herself at the heart of the Prosecutor’s investigation. Currently, she wishes nothing more than to clear her good name from those ugly allegations of complicity once and for all, and clarify her actual, passive role as Changeling regent. As a matter of fact, she looks forward to aiding the ICC in its search for the true culprits and would gladly see them being held to account for their past actions.”

I think it also goes without saying the choice of news outlet is integral in itself:
If it’s respectable and renowned for neutrality, it’s a decent platform - if it’s known to report benignly on our work, it’s an ideal one.
On the other hand, papers and stations that have been known to attack us or excessively criticise us will categorically receive no comments - supplying the yellow press with fodder is not going to make them change their attitudes towards us.
When in doubt about the their intentions, just remember: a slip of the lip can sink a ship.


I would also like to take this opportunity to address each and everyone of you personally. Even though we have been working together for one week, I don’t think I have taken the time to interact with you on a personal level.
Despite this, I’d like to say: Thank you for your continued work. She’s counting on you.

Author's Note:

I decided to have a little fun with this one. Most of the other defence workers were lacking quite some characterisation anyway.

Props to Waicure for all the svenska sprinkling!