• Published 13th Jan 2012
  • 10,105 Views, 223 Comments

My Little Pony: Flesh and Steel - Gyvon

Crossover between FIM and Transformers, starring my original transformer character.

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Chapter 11: Lair

Chapter 11


LOCATION: Fluttershy's Cottage
TIME: Afternoon.

The flight back to the cottage only took a few moments. Waiting for him and Twilight were Dinobot and, surprisingly, Princess Celestia, who was clearly agitated about something. She seemed to calm down a bit when Gyvon landed.

"About time you were finished." growled Dinobot. "Shall we get on with it?" Gyvon nodded as he set Twilight down. Before he could move, Princess Celestia stopped him with a raised hoof. "Just a moment, please. I need to speak to you, Gyvon. In private."

Dinobot's eyes narrowed in fury. "These delays are growing tiresome. Please be quick about it." he growled, only to have Celestia turn on him, mirroring his expression.

"I will take as much time as needed." she snapped. She turned towards the cottage and motioned for Gyvon to follow. "Wow. I've never seen the Princess this angry before." said Twilight. Gyvon said nothing as he followed the Princess inside the cottage.

As he entered, he saw that the Princess was pacing, and her usual glow was more subdued. "I apologize." she said, coming to a stop. "I usually don't lose my temper like that."

"It's alright." replied Gyvon. "What's got you this worked up?" The Princess ceased her pacing and sighed. "Dinobot told me what he did. How he participated in the wholesale slaughter of a Diamond Dog encampment. It... unsettled me to say the least." She looked Gyvon in the eye. "Are... are you sure you can trust him?"

Gyvon thought for a moment before nodding. "Believe it or not, yes. Remember how I said that some Decepticons are now working with the Autobots?" he asked, and got a nod in return. "Not all of them were exactly saints, but they stayed loyal, even after Galvatron was revived."

Princess Celestia sighed. "Maybe you're right. But... I still insisted on my most faithful student go along with you and that... butcher.

Gyvon reached out, and placed a reassuring hand on the Princess's shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll bring her back, safe and sound." he said. "I promise."

The Princess smiled, and brightened. "I'll hold you to that promise. Now, I must return to Canterlot. The Guards carrying the Decepticon should be there soon, and I must make a speech to reassure everypony." she said. With a quick bow and a flash of light, she was gone.

Gyvon left the Cottage and walked over to Twilight and Dinobot, who were waiting patiently. "What did the Princess want?" asked Twilight.

"Nothing important." replied Gyvon. It was a lie, but a small one. "Let's get moving. We're burning daylight."

"Agreed." said Dinobot as he turned and headed towards the forest. Gyvon and Twilight followed close behind.

LOCATION: Everfree Forest
TIME: Dusk.

"We should stop here." said Dinobot. "This forest is no place to wander in the dark."

The campsite could not have been more perfect. There were plenty of dead branches laying on the ground, a nearby stream, and plenty of vegetation for Twilight to munch on.

Twilight shook off her saddlebags, glad to be rid of the weight. Although the Everfree did not allow for so quick a pace as to be exhausting, it had taken it's toll on the lavender unicorn. She trotted over to the stream and, after a quick scan of the water for predators, bent down for a drink.

"We'll get a fire started." said Gyvon as he gathered up firewood and stones.

"Good." said Dinobot, transforming into his beast mode. "I shall return soon." With that, Dinobot disappeared into the undergrowth.

"Where's he going?" asked Twilight, who had just returned from the stream.

"Hunting, I guess." replied Gyvon. He set some of the tinder and kindling up in a tipi build and ringed it with stones. "Can you give me a hand here, Twilight?" Before he finished the sentence, a magical spark lit the fire, and Twilight began grazing on the available forage.

Before too long, true darkness washed over the forest. Twilight, having finished her meal, laid down near the campfire and pulled a book out of her bags and began speed reading through it.

"Anything good in there?" asked Gyvon.

"No. These spells are too advanced for me. I don't think I can pull any of these off." she said, before stopping on one page halfway through the book. "Huh, 'Astral Projection'. This one looks relatively simple." Twilight said, as she began channeling magical energy through her horn.

"Uh... you sure that's a good ide-" Twilight's head fell forward before Gyvon could finish his sentence She appeared to have passed out, though her horn still glowed with energy. "TWILIGHT!"

Gyvon rushed over to see if she was alright, and reached out to jostle her awake. Before he could touch her, however, he felt something stop him.

Careful. You don't know what'll happen if you disturb me while casting the spell. a familiar voice said.

He tried to look around for the source of the voice, but his body wasn't responding.

Huh. Looks like I can control your body as well. Neat. said the voice, as Gyvon's arms started moving, seemingly on their own accord.

"That you, Twilight?" Gyvon started to say, but his mouth wasn't working.

Yes. she said.

Get out of there, Twilight.

In a second. I want to try something real quick.

Before he could protest, Gyvon's right arm shot out to point at a rock on the far side of the clearing with an open palm. Both his arm and the rock began to glow with a dark-green aura, and the rock lifted up off the ground and shot towards his outstretched arm. Twilight, though not used to using hands, managed to manipulate Gyvon's to catch the rock with surprising ease.

As Twilight left Gyvon's mind, he stared wide-eyed at the rock in his hand, dumbfounded. Twilight, having returned to her own body, shot up like a rocket and was grinning ear to ear. Gyvon could only look at her and ask "... the fuck just happened?"

"While inside, I noticed a few similarities between your body and a Unicorn's. It seems that you have the physical capability for magic."

"So... I can do magic?" he asked

"No." Twilight responded.

"But you just said..."

"I said you have the physical capability. The energy required is completely foreign to you. I only managed it by channeling some of mine, and your body resisted it at every step" said Twilight, returning to the spell book.

"I see."

It was after midnight when Dinobot returned from his hunt. Twilight had fallen asleep a few hours beforehand and Gyvon was stoking the campfire.

"Any luck?" asked Gyvon.

"Nothing in this damned forest worth hunting." replied Dinobot as he transformed. Gyvon tossed him an energon gem, which he hungrily devoured as he sat down across from Twilight's sleeping form.

"She should not have come with us." he said. "We do not know how she will be affected by the stress of combat."

"She's made of sterner stuff than you give her credit for." replied Gyvon.

Dinobot shook his head. "It is not her courage, nor her skill I question, Autobot. Rather, her innocence." he said, sorrow filling his voice. "I doubt that she knows the true horrors of combat."

Gyvon had to concede that point. Despite defeating Nightmare Moon, despite stopping Discord's reign of chaos, Twilight Sparkle had never shed blood, and Gyvon feared how that would hurt her.

LOCATION: Northern Edge of Everfree
TIME: Late Morning.

After waking up at dawn, Gyvon, Dinobot, and Twilight made good time traveling through the forest. Before long, they had made it to the base of the mountain that held Galvatron's lair. Being so close to enemy territory, the three of them were being extra cautious. It would be what saved them

"Wait!" said Twilight, barely above a whisper. "Do you hear that?" her hears were scanning back and forth, trying to get a bead on the source of the noise she had heard.

Before long, both Gyvon and Dinobot heard it as well. It was a low buzzing sound. "Sounds like a beehive." said Gyvon.

"It's not a beehive." said Dinobot, drawing his pistol. "It's Waspinator."

As if in response, Gyvon heard the thwack of a crossbow firing, and managed to dodge the bolt. He looked up to see that the Predacon's name was highly descriptive. Waspinator looked like a wasp that had humanoid limbs and a head grafted to it's body. Waspinator readied another bolt and fired at Dinobot, who dodged behind a tree.

"Oh, Galvatron reward Wazzzzpinator greatly for killing traitor-bot." he said as he reloaded his crossbow.

Before Waspinator could do anything else, there was a sudden flash of light as Twilight teleported above the Predacon, and slammed her fore-hooves down onto his head with great force, driving Waspinator into the ground.

"Impressive." said Dinobot as Twilight teleported back to the ground. He approached the downed Predacon, ready to end his life.

"WAIT!" called Twilight as she cantered up to the still-dazed Waspinator. "I have an idea, and I need him alive for this." Her horn glowed and she laid down, giving Gyvon an idea as to what her plan was. She collapsed, and Gyvon had to restrain Dinobot to keep him from interfering. He quickly explained Twilight's new trick.

"Ooh, I hit him harder than I thought." said Twilight/Waspinator. The possessed 'con opened it's eyes. "GAH!" and just as quickly shut them.

"What's wrong?" asked Gyvon.

"Compound eyes." replied Twilight, slowly opening one of her new body's eyed. "Very disorienting. Oh, by the way, you can move my body while I'm doing this. I checked last night." After getting used to the compound vision, she picked herself up off the forest floor, and wobbled a bit before regaining balance.

Dinobot growled. "So, if possessing Waspinator was step one of your plan, what is step two?" he asked. Twilight gave Dinobot an evil-looking grin.

LOCATION: Decepticon Base Entrance
TIME: Noon.

Quickstrike was bored out of his mind. He had drawn the short straw two days ago and had been ordered to guard the base entrance. However, it seemed that the locals never came anywhere near the base. They all shunned the forest, and since the mountain their base was located in was in the middle of said forest, nothing interesting ever happened at the entrance.

At least he had a great view of the battle between the Pegasus and Thundercracker. He hadn't been able to report it, however.

He heard the tell-tale buzz that told him Waspinator was approaching. "What's that slag-head doing back?" he asked with a strangely Texan drawl. He then heard footsteps coming up the path and turned, receiving the shock of his life.

It was the traitor, Dinobot, and a Human being herded up the path by Waspinator, who was carrying an unconscious unicorn. The arriving group halted in front of the entrance, and Quickstrike began to chuckle.

"Well well well, if it isn't the traitor. Come to surrender? Maybe beg Galvatron for mercy?" asked Quickstrike.

Dinobot didn't reply, but Gyvon unsheathed a blade and, with one stroke, decapitated the Predacon. "You sure there's only one guard?" asked Gyvon.

Dinobot nodded. "There never was a need for more than one. At least the plan's working."

Waspinator's body began to twitch. "Not for long." said Twilight as she set her real body down and handed Gyvon the Predacon's crossbow. "This guy's fighting back, and I can't hold him for long. I'm going to release control."

Suddenly, Waspinator's body stopped twitching as he regained control. He then danced a jig. "YEZZZZZ! Wazzzpinator is FREEEEE! Pretty pony no longer control Wazzzpinator!" he yelled, before coming face to face with his own crossbow. "Oh."

Gyvon fired, sending the bolt through Waspinator's head.

"Well, that could've gone better." he said, tossing Waspinator's body and weapon down the cliff-face, Dinobot doing the same with the guard.

"Looks like we're on our own now." said Twilight, having returned to her own body.

Cautiously, the three of them entered the cave system. In the lead, Dinobot had drawn his sword and Gyvon had his gatling gun out. Twilight was hanging back, walking as quietly as her hooves allowed. Not too far in, they came across a metal door in the side of the passageway.

"The Armory." said Dinobot. He stepped up to the door and carefully cracked it open to peer inside. Seeing that there was nobody inside, he opened the door fully and motioned the others to follow him inside.

"Wow, for an armory, this place is surprisingly empty." said Gyvon. There were only a few boxes on the far wall containing a few packets of C4 and detonators. Thinking that they'd be useful, Gyvon pocketed a couple.

"Something's not right." growled Dinobot. "What's the range of that 'astral projection' spell?"

"Approximately one hundred yards." responded Twilight. She could tell what he was getting at and cast the spell, leaving her body. Before long she returned. "I didn't see anything. Just a big empty chamber and a few holographic displays. I couldn't tell what was on them."

"Not good." said Dinobot. "That's the control center. There should be at least one Decepticon in there."

"Well, we're not gonna find out anything in here. Let's go see for ourselves." said Gyvon.

Despite the lack of activity, the trio made careful progress through the base, lest they alert any hidden enemies. Not too far down the corridor, they found the control center, exactly where Twilight said it would be.

"Spread out and check the displays. See what they're up to." said Gyvon. Dinobot and Twilight jogged to the far side of the chamber, while Gyvon stayed near the entrance. The text on the display, however, was in Cybertronian. A modern version, but a dialect he couldn't read. A quick look at another showed the same language. "Damnit! They're all in the Decepticon dialect!"

"Found something!" called Dinobot. Gyvon and Twilight quickly ran to his position.

"What did you find?" asked Twilight.

"Everything." replied Dinobot. Hitting a few buttons on the control panel, the words on the screen shifted into English.

What they showed sent chills down Gyvon's and Twilight's spines. The Decepticons planned to bore through the mountains and down into the "Lost Prison", freeing the one inside. Then, they would come to the surface and attack the "City on the mountainside."

"Canterlot!" gasped Twilight. "They're going to attack Canterlot!"

"When is this supposed to go down?" asked Gyvon. Dinobot tapped a few keys and another part of the plan showed up on the display.

"It's happening now!" said Dinobot. "They started digging two days ago. The invasion is scheduled for dawn tomorrow!"

"Twilight, can you teleport us to the Princess?" asked Gyvon, a slight twinge of panic creeping into his voice.

She shook her head in response. "Not directly. I'll need to do it in four jumps, but I can only take one of you with me."

Gyvon paused to think for a moment. "Take Dinobot with you. I'll meet you there."

Twilight nodded and placed a hoof on Dinobot. She concentrated, focusing her magic through her horn, and in a flash, they were gone.

Gyvon transformed into his jet mode and flew down the corridor. As soon as he was out in open sky, he hit his afterburners and flew at full speed in the direction of Canterlot.

LOCATION: Green Bank, West Virginia
TIME: 1354 Local.

It was yet another boring day for Allen Parker. He was the NEST agent assigned the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. His job was to monitor any possible Cybertronian transmissions sent to Earth. However, although Optimus Prime frequently sent messages to Autobots out in the cosmos, very few actually responded. For the most part, they just showed up unannounced.

Allen didn't mind too much. If Uncle Sam wanted to pay him to sit around and surf the internet all day, it was fine by him. However, as it would turn out, this day would be unlike any other. The first warning sign was his computer beeping, alerting him to an incoming extra-terrestrial transmission. He fired up the analysis program, and quickly enough saw that it was, indeed, of Autobot origin. Upon closer inspection, it was a transmission from one particular Autobot that he was told to watch out for.

He picked up the phone with trembling hands. It was a direct line to the Pentagon. "Get me General Morshower. I've found his missing Autobot."