• Published 13th Jan 2012
  • 10,105 Views, 223 Comments

My Little Pony: Flesh and Steel - Gyvon

Crossover between FIM and Transformers, starring my original transformer character.

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Chapter 13: Broken Arrow

Chapter 13

Broken Arrow

LOCATION: Canterlot Palace
TIME: Dawn

Nightmare Moon continued to laugh maniacally as the ponies around her recoiled in horror. "You honestly thought I was gone for good? Foals! The Darkness can not be destroyed so easily." She glared at the six ponies standing before her, and froze. They were wearing the Elements of Harmony, the only things that she feared.

"Girls!" yelled Twilight. "NOW!" With that, Twilight and her friends closed their eyes, and began channeling the ancient magics they wielded, levitating in the air by an unknown power.

After the first time they wielded the Elements, scholars asked the six how they managed to do so, but none of them could give an adequate answer. It was an instinctual ability, and was as easy as breathing for the Bearers. It was almost as if the Elements themselves imparted the knowledge needed to channel the arcane energy through the bonds of friendship.

And once again, they were called on to bring the Elements to bear. Nightmare Moon took a step back, shielding her eyes as a ribbon of a rainbow encircled her, and a bright flash of light emanated from the Elements of Harmony. After their work was done, the Element Bearers slowly alighted on the ground, and black smoke obscured where Nightmare Moon stood mere moments ago.

"Did it work?" asked Rainbow Dash, catching her breath. "Is Princess Luna back?"

Her questions were soon answered. The smoke cleared, and Nightmare Moon still stood before them, laughing.

"Oh shit." cursed Twilight, who covered her mouth in embarrassment.

"Really, Twilight. Must you use such language?" asked Rarity. "You've been spending far too much time with Gyvon."

"Ah think we've got bigger problems than some foul language, Rarity." retorted Applejack, pointing at Nightmare Moon.

"Foals! With Nemesis Prime active, I can tap into The Darkness directly! The Elements can not affect me so long as that connection remains!"

She looked down on the six who had caused her so much pain in the past, the ones who had weakened her so much that Princess Luna had managed to regain control. Nightmare Moon began channeling dark energy through her horn, ready to destroy the six whelps who dared stand up to her. But before her spell could be completed, a beam of pure white light shot at her, and knocked Nightmare Moon back.

"Girls, run!" said Princess Celestia. Her horn glowed, and golden, shining armor formed around her body. Twilight looked up at her mentor with tear filled eyes.

"But... Princess-"

"Go, Twilight." she said. "The Elements are still needed this day, but not here." Princess Celestia stepped between the Element Bearers and Nightmare Moon. "Head for the Inner wall, my little ponies. I will deal with this monstrosity."

As the Element bearers ran from the Palace, Nightmare Moon stood up, and formed her own turquoise armor around her. "My my, Celestia, striking your own sister. I didn't think you had it in you." she said with a smirk.

"You're not my sister." replied Celestia. Her horn glowed, building up energy. "You're just an infection. An infection of her very soul. And I will not! Lose her! AGAIN!" She fired three bolts of pure sunlight, which Nightmare Moon dodged, though with great effort.

"So, we shall do battle once again." said Nightmare Moon, channeling pure darkness around her. "Know this, Celestia. For the glory of Lord Unicron, THIS WORLD SHALL BE CONSUMED BY DARKNESS!"

LOCATION: Perimeter wall

"That can't be good." said one of the Unicorn Guards, who was looking back at the palace, and saw the Elements being used, though he knew not what was going on.

"EYES FORWARD, SOLDIER!" snapped Gyvon, who had been given the temporary rank of General. "We've got a job to do." He couldn't fault the Unicorn too much. He too had noticed the commotion, and looked back at the Palace as well, across the open grassland and the Inner wall, where the city proper began. Every fiber of his being was screaming at him to fly over to the palace and investigate. He didn't like the idea of an unknown element to his rear, especially when the plan of battle called for a tactical retreat. But matters at hand demanded Gyvon's attention.

The Predacons had begun their assault. They were pouring out of the mine entrance by the hundreds and formed ranks, well out of range of the Unicorn's battle magic. One by one, the Predacon formations began the long march to the Perimeter wall.

Gyvon held the C4 detonator in his hand, waiting for the right time to unleash his surprise on the oncoming horde. They were now within range of the Unicorn's magic, but he had them hold off, only allowing a few Marks-stallions to take potshots at the Predacons. Soon, however, Gyvon calculated that enough of the Enemy had entered the kill-zone, and he pressed the button on the detonator.

Four explosions shook the cliff-face above the Predacon formations, and they looked up in horror to see a massive rock-slide descending upon them. There was no time for them to run, and they were smashed beneath tons of rock. The Guards on the wall gave a mighty shout.

"ENOUGH CELEBRATING!" he yelled, causing the Guards to quickly quiet down. "That was merely the first wave! There are more Preds where they came from!"

He was right, even now a second wave was marching for the wall, this one accompanied by fliers. General Icewing ordered the Pegasi to attack. They were agile, fast, and managed to take the Predacons by surprise and killed half of the fliers in the first pass. They wouldn't get a chance for a second. The remaining fliers recovered, and supported by AA from the ground troops, they engaged the Pegasi in battle. Ten Guards were slain before Icewing ordered them to withdraw, and another three died in the retreat.

"General!" called Gyvon. "Have the Pegasi fly FORCAP. We don't want any fliers getting around us."

General Icewing agreed, and had the Pegasus Guard fly up but remain over friendly territory. The few Predacons that tried to fly around the lines were swiftly cut down.

"OPEN FIRE!" ordered General Firebolt. The Predacons were now within range, and the Unicorns unleashed arcane fire upon their ranks, only to be answered in kind with gunfire, rockets, and pulse weapons.

But the line held. While the Predacons had superior numbers, the Guards had cover. There were casualties among the Unicorns and Pegasi, but they still held the line for over an hour.

In that time, Dinobot had managed to find Gyvon along the wall. "This is too easy." he growled. "Only the Predacons are attacking. Where are the Decepticons?"

As if on cue, from out of the mine tunnels came flying one of Scourge's Sweeps.

"You just had to ask, Dinobot!" said Gyvon as he formed his fusion cannon. "UNICORNS! CONCENTRATE FIRE!"

A team of Unicorn Guards halted their fire on the Predacons and redirected it at the new arrival. They tried to remember what Gyvon told them about Decepticon weaknesses; Aim for the eyes, aim for the heart. The 'Con was too far away for them to aim accurately, but they still hit it. The Sweep staggered for a minute before blasting the wall with it's cannon, blowing a hole in it.

However, in that time, Gyvon managed to fly up and engage. "Hello" he said, attracting the Sweeps attention... "Goodbye!" before blasting it's head with his fusion cannon, killing the Decepticon. He reset the limb back into it's socket and dodged return fire from the Predacons.

But the damage was done. The Decepticon had breached the wall, and with some of the Unicorn's attention drawn elsewhere, the Predacons had managed to climb the wall. Bitter hand-to-hoof combat between Pony and 'Con had broken out. It was now or never.

"FALL BACK! FALL BACK TO THE INNER WALL!" Gyvon shouted. General Icewing sliced the Pred he had engaged in half and relayed the message, while Dinobot skewered another that the General had missed. The Guards broke off from their engagements and fled, while Gyvon strafed the Predacons in jet form.

When the wall had been fully overrun and the Guards were in full retreat, Gyvon headed for the palace to see what the commotion was about, only to see Twilight signalling him from the top of the Inner wall.

"What are ya'll doing here?" he asked after he landed.

"It's Princess Luna!" replied Twilight. "She's... she's become Nightmare Moon again!"

Gyvon's face fell when he heard the news. "Princess Celestia?"

"She stayed behind to fight her. She told us to head here."

"What about the Elements?" asked Gyvon

Twilight shook her head. "They didn't work."

"FUCK!" Gyvon cursed at the news as the Royal Guards began taking their places along the wall. "This day can't possibly get any worse."

"DON'T SAY THAT!" Pinkie Pie screamed

LOCATION: Lost Prison.

"Lord Galvatron, the first wall has fallen." reported Dirge.

"Good." said Galvatron, who turned to address the other Decepticons. "It is now time for the Decepticons to join the attack."

The Decepticons saluted, transformed, and left the Prison, eager to do battle that day. As the last one left, Galvatron turned to Nemesis Prime.

"Go." he rumbled.

"But... you're still injured." replied Galvatron.

"It is of no consequence." replied Nemesis. "I will be along shortly."

Galvatron turned and left.

LOCATION: Inner Wall

The Mine entrance was still visible from the inner wall, and the spirits of the Guards fell as they witnessed the Decepticons exit.

"You just had to ask, didn't you." said Pinkie Pie in an accusatory tone.

"I just hope those land mines work" rumbled Dinobot.

"They will." replied General Firebolt, who was sporting a freshly singed mane.

Then, Gyvon heard something. Something he hadn't heard in a long time, and it spoke of their salvation and he hardly believed his ears. His radio.

"This is General Lennox calling Lieutenant Gyvon. What is your situation? Over."

LOCATION: Stargazer Hill, Ponyville

The Canterlot refugees, those that could not find a place to stay in Ponyville, made camp all around the hill. They watched with tears in their eyes as their home city came under attack, joined by the Ponies of Ponyville. Canterlot was only barely visible, and after the first wall fell, they couldn't see what was happening anymore.

Without warning, cloudless lightning appeared near the top of the hill, and the Ponies fled from the immediate area. After a minute, the lightning coalesced into a large portal. The first to step through were two beings that the citizens of Ponyville, who had been exposed to Gyvon the most, recognized instantly as Humans, though one had dark skin. They were wearing the same style uniform that they had seen Gyvon wearing, though the dark skinned one also had a red beret on his head.

After them came a large red and blue vehicle, decorated in flames and hauling a large trailer. The next to come through was a large, lumbering biped that reminded the ponies of Gyvon when he slayed the dragon, though this one was thirty feet tall.

"Alright, Epps, find our boy." said the first human, whose name tag read "LENNOX". He surveyed the multicolored ponies around him, who stared at him with a mix of curiosity and fear. ...And I thought Gyvon had finally gone nuts when I read that part of the message. "Hello." he said.

"Hi." one of the ponies, a mint green Unicorn, replied enthusiastically. Any further attempt at conversation was interrupted by Epps shoving a headset in General Lennox's face.

"I've got his locator beacon." said Epps. "He's not that far away either."

General Lennox took the headset and pressed the talk button. "This is General Lennox calling Lieutenant Gyvon. What is your situation? Over." He waited a few moments for an answer before speaking again. "I repeat, this is General Lennox calling Lieutenant Gyvon, what is your situation? Over."

He heard the other end cut on, and the last words he hoped to hear from the SEAL.

"BROKEN ARROW!" came the yelled reply. "BROKEN ARROW! BROKEN ARROW!"

It was an old term, stemming from the Vietnam War. At NEST, it's use meant that Decepticons were involved.

Epps sighed. "Should've known he'd get into trouble without us."

General Lennox pressed the talk button again. "Lieutenant. Optimus and Silverbolt are inbound." As he finished the statement, before the ponies startled eyes, Optimus Prime transformed into his robot form. Some had seen Gyvon transform before, but never something as big as Optimus.

Optimus Prime donned his flight pack and took off, heading in the direction of Canterlot, flying around the mountain to come at Gyvon's position from behind. Silverbolt, having transformed into an F35, flew directly for the battlefield, ready to kill a Decepticon.

LOCATION: Canterlot Inner Wall

"Oh thank god!" sighed Gyvon. "REINFORCEMENTS ARE ON THEIR WAY!" he yelled to the Guards before Lennox came back over the horn.

"We've got a battalion of Marines standing by in Diego Garcia. Find an open spot and drop your locator beacon. We'll 'Bridge them in."

Gyvon looked around and spotted an open courtyard less than a hundred yards away that'd work. He popped the beacon out of his arm and handed it to Twilight. "Take this and drop it in that Courtyard. Then take your friends and find some cover."

Twilight nodded and followed his instructions, then the six took shelter in a nearby building.

Gyvon spoke into his radio. "Alright, beacon placed. Be advised, we're not just dealing with a few Decepticons."

"We know about the Predacons." replied Lennox. "A defector told us about them weeks ago. How many are there?"

"Thousands!" replied Gyvon. There was a pause on the other end of the line.

"Acknowledged. Stand by, squid. The First of the First are on their way to bail you out."

"Friggen Jarhead!" Gyvon said, and then heard three explosions. He turned to see that Dirge had been annihilated by Silverbolt in his F35 form, who was jetting away with Cyclonus following close on his tail. "Godspeed, you crazy bastard!" he muttered.

LOCATION: Canterlot Palace.

"What was that?" asked Nightmare Moon, hearing the explosions and seeing the jet fly off. While distracted, she was blasted back into a wall.

"Assistance has arrived." replied Princess Celestia. Nightmare Moon got up and dusted herself off, glaring at Princess Celestia.

"I'm impressed. Since when did you have this kind of power?" she asked.

"I've always had it, Nightmare Moon." replied the Princess. "However, until now, I have always had other options." she shot another blast at Nightmare Moon, who jumped over it. "It pains me that what I am doing will cause my sister pain, but you leave me no choice." She levitated a column that was dislodged earlier in their battle and tossed it at her opponent.

Show yourself, puppet master? thought Princess Celestia. You've been pulling my sister's strings for far too long..

LOCATION: Inner Wall.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE! HE'S FRIENDLY!" yelled Gyvon as Optimus Prime landed behind their formation. "About damn time you showed up!"

"I apologize." replied Optimus. "We only received your message yesterday. Why are the Decepticons here? What could possibly interest them in this planet?"

In response, Gyvon reached in his pouch, grabbed a gem, and tossed it up to Optimus, who caught it with surprising gentleness. "Scan it."

Optimus Prime did so, and his eyes opened wide in shock. "How rich?" he asked.

"Incredibly so." replied Gyvon. "This planet is practically infused with energon."

General Icewing came flying up to them with a panicked look on his face. "I don't mean to interrupt, gentlecolts, but what's that?" he asked, pointing to where a space-bridge was forming.

"That, my friend, is a god damned miracle." said Gyvon. The 'bridge had finished materializing, and from the new portal came marching the 1st Battalion of the 1st Marine Regiment, with General Lennox and Sergeant Epps at the head.

Lennox noticed Gyvon standing on the wall with a Unicorn and ran to join them, while Epps ran for a nearby lookout tower.

"General Lennox, this is General Icewing." said Gyvon, introducing the two.

"General." said Lennox, holding his hand out, which Icewing shook with his hoof.

Before further introductions could be made, Dinobot came running up. "I hate to break up the introductions, but the Predacons are advancing!"

General Lennox eyed the new arrival curiously before signalling most of the Marines to take positions on the wall while others set up mortar emplacements. Once the last of the Marines had exited the 'Bridge, a silver Corvette sped through, followed by Skywarp, who was carrying armfuls of reverse-engineered versions of Sentinel Prime's Pillars.

Gyvon surveyed the new arrivals, and grinned. "Alright, I've got a new plan."

"I can't believe I came out of retirement for this." muttered Epps.

Up in the lookout tower, Chief Master Sergeant Robert Epps surveyed the terrain. My girls would love this place. he mused before turning his attention on the approaching Predacon horde. "Alright, mortar teams, targets coming your way." he said into his radio.

"PREDACONS ATTACK!" roared Galvatron. His plans had gone awry, what with the arrival of an Autobot. There was a good chance that the Humans were on their way as well, and that Optimus was already there. Galvatron had to capitalize on his advantage before anything worse happens.

As the front lines approached the city, explosions of blue flames consumed many of the first wave as the magical land mines went off. They barely put a dent in the number of 'Cons advancing on the city walls. But more explosives went off among the Predacons. These, however, were of the mundane variety used by the Humans. Then, he saw Sideswipe jump over the wall and engage the Predacons, cutting row upon row down. All along the wall came the distinct chatter of human firearms.

"SCOURGE!" yelled Galvatron to the last Decepticon at his side. "Deal with that Autobot!" As Scourge ran off to engage Sideswipe, Galvatron extended the blade on his death-lock pincer. "PRIIIIIIME!" he roared.

Answering the challenge, Optimus Prime lept over the Inner wall, axe in hand, ready to finish the feud with Galvatron once and for all.

LOCATION: Cloudsdale.

The tranquility of the Pegasus city was broken when Silverbolt broke through one of the many cloud roads, followed closely by Cyclonus. Their chase had taken them far and wide, but Silverbolt was determined to end it here among the clouds.

As he rounded around the Rainbow Factory, Silverbolt transformed, turned around, and blasted Cyclonus with his shockwave pistol. It was only a glancing blow, but it did the trick. The Decepticon was damaged significantly, and fell from the sky, over the edge of the city and into the forest below.

Cyclonus wasn't dead, but he was out of the fight. Satisfied, Silverbolt saluted the awestruck Pegasi, transformed and jetted off to rejoin the battle.

LOCATION: Canterlot

"I was beginning to worry, Prime." gloated Galvatron as he blocked a swing from Optimus' axe. "Usually, you come meddling in my affairs much sooner than this." He stabbed at Prime with his blade, which was dodged easily.

"It is high time we end this, brother." rumbled Optimus, connecting a kick with Galvatron's chest, knocking the High Protector down. Galvatron picked himself up and responded with a blast of his Fusion Cannon, which grazed Optimus's shoulder.

"Finally, something we agree on." retorted Galvatron. He spun, and slashed his blade at Optimus, who ducked under the blow and brought his axe around, cutting Galvatron's right leg clean off.

"ARRRGH!" roared Galvatron, as Optimus kicked him again, knocking him back halfway to the first wall. He tried to get up, but collapsed. He then heard his Predacons calling for a retreat. The Humans had broken their fighting spirit.

"COWARDS!" roared Galvatron, as his minions began surrounding him. "TRAITORS!" Galvatron struck out at the fleeing horde, striking down those that dared come near their fallen master. Turning his attention closer to the Inner wall, he saw that Scourge had turned and fled as well.

"It is over, Galvatron." said Optimus Prime as he stalked closer to the Decepticon. "Canterlot still stands. Your minions have fled. Now I will put an end to your reign of terror." Optimus raised his axe, ready to strike down Galvatron, the one who he once called brother.

LOCATION: Canterlot Palace.

The two Gods continued their fight, with horn and hoof and spell. Neither of them, Princess Celestia or Nightmare Moon, would back down. Now that the battle at the Wall was largely won, a few Royal Guards and Marines came to Princess Celestia's aid, only to be pushed back.

"THIS IS NOT YOUR FIGHT!" she said, as she turned her attention on Nightmare Moon. The newcomers, however, distracted Nightmare Moon with their very presence. Sensing an advantage, Princess Celestia opened her senses. She was searching for something.

She found it. One lone tendril of pure Darkness, darker than the aura surrounding Nightmare Moon, going off into the distance, connecting Nightmare Moon with something, something that was not present on the battlefield. Focusing her power, Princess Celestia send a jolt of pure energy, and severed the connection.

"AAAAH!" screamed Nightmare Moon in agony before collapsing. As she fell, the darkness surrounding her faded into mist and blew away in the morning wind. Laying before Princess Celestia was not Nightmare Moon, but her sister, Princess Luna instead. She was no longer the image of the Princess of the Night, but rather the form she had taken when Twilight and her friends freed her from Nightmare Moon's influence the first time.

"S-sister." breathed out Luna. "Thank... you." she passed out, exhausted. The battle was over. Princess Celestia had won. She allowed the Guards and Humans to finally approach, and they rushed to the Princess' side.

"Get her to the infirmary!" ordered one of the generals, as a Marine Lance Corporal picked up the fallen Princess, and followed one of the Pegasus Guards.

Princess Celestia finally allowed herself to breath a sigh of relief. Then, the ground began to rumble.