• Published 16th Dec 2012
  • 25,325 Views, 967 Comments

Becoming One With the Night - Spacecowboy

[NOW COMPLETE][Sequel Published] Twilight and Luna uncover some of Celestia's hidden secrets as they explore their budding relationship

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Sequel Segue

Silence was the dominating force amongst the group of ponies currently sitting at a large table inside Surgarcube Corner, each one thinking heavily about the recent revelation regarding Twilight. A plate of assorted sweets rested on the table before them, yet was barely touched.

“So…” Shining Armor shattered the silence, picking through the sweets with his magic. “This sucks.” Not finding anything that caught his interest, he sighed and slumped in his chair, quickly glancing at his parents. “It does explain a few things, though.”

Cadance leaned into his side, nibbling on a blueberry muffin. “What exactly does it explain, Shining? I knew Twilight was special, but I didn’t expect anything quite this… out there,” she quietly replied, everypony’s full attention now on them.

“Well, I mean, just look at what she’s done… who else has a surge as a filly and animates an entire aisle of dairy products?” Velvet and Crescent shared a chuckle at the memory; after all they were the ones who had replaced everything once the surge had passed. “I mean, I’m pretty powerful, but I think the most I ever managed to do was knock a few things down. There’s a bunch of other things that add up, but I’ve never really thought on them before.”

Velvet nodded after taking a sip of hot cocoa, setting the mug back down on the table as she quietly cleared her throat. “Yes, Shining, you’re right. It tore us up inside to not be able to tell her about it, and it was really bad that it came out under such circumstances, but,” Velvet turned to face Shining, “you all understand, right? We had no other choice in the matter, the geas ensured that.”

Slowly, everypony at the table nodded their understanding, although some were slower than others. “I remember Twilight talking about geas one day while I was fitting her for a dress,” Rarity interjected, noticing how slow some of the ponies had been to understand. “From what she had talked about, Velvet and Crescent had their hooves thoroughly tied, the magic wouldn’t even permit them to think about telling the truth to anypony, not even to another who knew it,” she turned to face them, “am I correct?”

Crescent spoke before Velvet could reply. “That you are, Rarity. There was one time, right after the Princess decided to teach Twilight herself. We thought Twilight deserved to know the truth, and that we loved her no matter what, but we couldn’t even pick up a quill nor open our mouths. I think Velvet tried some very creative things as well, but nothing worked. For some reason, Celestia didn’t want her to know, and there was just nothing we could do.” He sighed, resting the tip of his chin on the table.

“That almost sounds like a Pinkie Promise!” Pinkie exclaimed quietly, bouncing slightly in her seat as she inhaled a cupcake. “I mean, with Pinkie Promises you could tell somepony about it, and then face the consequences, but it sounds like that geas thing means you can never tell anypony ever!” She scrunched her eyes in thought, before a light bulb appeared over her head for a brief moment. “Oh, I should try and work a geas into my Pinkie Promises!”

“No!” Multiple voices exclaimed. Everypony froze for a few moments before erupting into laughter. Pinkie looked around at everypony with a confused expression on her face.

Applejack patted Pinkie on the shoulder, a light grin on her face. “Oh, thanks for being Pinkie, Pinkie. Ah think we all needed a good solid laugh. But don’t go and try to make a geas part of your promise, okay? Ah think it’s just fine as is.

“Ah do think we’re missing one important thing though,” Applejack continued, her smile slipping into a more serious expression. “No matter what, we’re all gonna be here for Twi. Not a single darn thing has changed Ah’d say, and we’re gonna make sure to remind her about that.” She punctuated the end of her words with a soft clop of her hoof on the table’s surface, hammering home her point.

“Pft, as if anything Twilight does would change who she is… an egghead!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, snickering slightly with a wide, smug grin plastered on her face. Her expression was quickly wiped away as Applejack roughly wrapped a hoof around her neck and began to muss her mane with a hoof. Dash struggled to free herself amidst the growing chuckles and laughter, finally wrenching free after a couple of seconds. She noticed Applejack’s steely gaze boring a hole straight through her. “Uh, what I mean is that no matter what happens to Twilight, she’s still my friend?”

Shining laughed, the earlier dark mood forgotten at this point as they all enjoyed the company of one another. “Twilight’s real lucky to have friends like you all. I’m really glad you are around to offer your support for, well, awhile.”

“T-thank you, that means a lot.” Fluttershy softly muttered with a demure smile on her face. “Twilight has been a really good friend to us all, it’s the least that we could do…” she trailed off, her eyes gazing into the distance for a moment, “I have no clue how long it’ll take but… I’ll be there for her like she was for all of us.”

“I couldn’t have put it more eloquently myself, Shy,” Rarity smiled, daintily nibbling on a roll as she asked Cup Cake for a glass of tea. “Even though Twilight has put us into some interesting situations, I believe the girls will agree with me when I say we could not ask for a better pony to be our friend.”

Dash snorted in agreement, noisily slurping at the remains of her drink. “That’s crazy though. Who would’ve thought the Princess was her mom, huh? Kind of wrong to not say a word over almost twenty years too, I mean, come on! She was like, right there the whole time. That’s kind of creepy really, if you think about it.”

Velvet loudly cleared her throat, gaining everypony’s attention. “While the timing was amazingly poor, I’d ask you all to keep from saying anything negative about Princess Celestia, okay?” she paused a moment, before uttering in a drawn out tone, “Please?”

Everypony except Crescent incredulously stared at her request. He simply rested his hoof underneath Velvet’s chin and moved it for a quick and chaste kiss. “What my wife meant to say is that although the Princess might have been in the wrong, without her, well… we wouldn’t have another child.” He paused a moment, a somber thought coming to mind causing him to mutter under his breath. “I just hope she remembers that she’s our child, no matter what, as well.”

“I’m just sure that everypony will be just a-okay!” Pinkie interjected, pulling out decks of cards and assorted board games. “Let’s turn those frowns upside down!” Everypony chuckled as Pinkie began to divvy up the entertainment. Everypony put their concerns in the back of their minds for the moment and dove into the games.

After the third game of Clue, countless games of Go Fish, and other various games, Cup Cake came and interrupted them all. “Sorry, everypony, but we’ve got to close up.”

Applejack looked up through the windows, surprised at how late it was. “Ah didn’t notice how late it got!” A stray thought entered her mind as she turned towards Cup Cake. “Why didn’t Ah see any other ponies stop by this whole time?” The rest of them muttered their assent, curious as to the lack of customers to the typically busy shop.

“Well, my dear and I saw just how down you all looked when Pinkie entered the shop; we figured something pretty bad had happened. It was the least we could do for Pinkie and her friends.” Carrot Cake replied, coming up behind his wife as they began to clean up. “It looks like everypony is doing much better now, we’re both glad to see that.”

“Thank you very much, both of you.” Cadance quietly replied, a beaming smile on her face. She turned towards the rest of the group, the day’s weariness finally beginning to show as she let out a large yawn. “I believe it’s time we all called it a night… we can meet back up tomorrow to figure out how to best support Twi, yes?”

“Yuperooni! I’ll get a party together tomorrow for Twilight for sure! There’s no way it won’t work!” A collective round of chuckles sounded out as Pinkie literally bounced out of her chair. “Thanks a lot, Mr. and Mrs. Cake! You two really are the best!” Pinkie bounced over and threw her hooves around both ponies.

“Well, that looks like our cue to leave, Shiny.” Cadance yawned again, turning to briefly face Applejack. “Can we meet at your farm tomorrow morning? I’ve been dying to try some of the famed Apple family goods… please?”

Applejack let out a peal of laughter at the alicorn’s pleading face, chuckling as she nodded. “Sure thing, Ah’ll just get Applebloom to help me cook in the morning. Matter of fact, all of y’all are more than welcome to come over for breakfast in the morning, what do y’all say?”

Everypony nodded in assent as even more began yawning. With quiet goodnights, everypony gathered dispersed into the chilly night air, until tomorrow.

Comments ( 37 )


There are not words to express how much yes this is.

Oh fuck no...Fucking TwiLuna:ajbemused:


Then don't read it? Seems simple enough, yes? I mean, I know that some folks aren't a fan of the F/F romance or some of the pairings, but no need to curse about it, just move on and find yourself something else to read.

4124765 Boo! TwiLestia is OTP, not TwiLuna bullshit!

4126144 4122707


How did I not have this faved? I've missed a ton of updates! Time to reread everything so I know what's going on!


I blame it on my sheer incompetence as a writer when I started. Amazing what 15 months can do for your writing ability, as well as some of the knowledge for do's and don't's

... Why can't they?... :trixieshiftright:

4129886 statistically it just seems odd is all. Though a disproportionate lesbian population would make sense for the male to female ratio in Equestria


4131871 4129886 4129023
If/when I rewrite this story, I'll be dumping the other pairings. They serve no purpose, and it was a mistake I made as a new writer that I've since learned is a no-no. Don't ever want to create items that will only detract from the main focus of the story.

This one really is extremely rough everywhere, might rewrite it at some point.


Yeah. There's a lot of landmines in this story. I really haven't touched it since I first wrote it, and at this juncture ths story needs a rewrite for better coherency, structure, and the boatloat of grammatical issues plaguing it.

Sounds like you're enjoying it so far though, glad to hear it


Nah, it's a nice reminder to see the mistakes pointed out, but at this point since I plan to rewrite it probably after I finish its sequel, making minor changes here and there really isn't a priority to me at this point.

Maybe if you see something massively gaping huge? Up to you, truthfully.. I enjoy seeing folks who comment on every chapter they read, it's quite rare it seems.

Eh, keep 'em, dump e'm, it's your choice.

You just contradicted your statement... If you said that all the mane six falling for each other was unlikely, I'd say sure. Saying that six mares happen to be at least bisexual in a country where most are female, not so much.


I enjoy seeing folks who comment on every chapter they read, it's quite rare it seems.

Rare when the entire story is dropped in one huge mass. But expected when each chapter is spaced weeks, sometimes months apart. Sadly, when chapters are so slow to be posted, readers forget the history forcing us to try and remember the important parts or re-read.

4135192 Sorry, had two separate thoughts going.

4137489 I understand that you can use Pegasus without a conjugation, but the point was that he'd done it other times in that chapter. It was also just a note on the use of Pegasus in general

And now I noticed the sequel... almost makes me feel as if I spurred him into getting it worked on when I made some of my comments there


Nah, it's a nice reminder to see the mistakes pointed out, but at this point since I plan to rewrite it probably after I finish its sequel, making minor changes here and there really isn't a priority to me at this point.



lol, it actually wasn't spurred on by your comments, although I did thoroughly enjoy reading them. The idea kind of broadsided me, and it was something a pinch fresher to ply my hand at after a four month break. I hadn't planned on doing anything, but... I dunno, a muse is one fickle bitch, I guess?

Now to see if I ever end up rewriting this story or not. It's a pretty bad thing when you have to struggle to get past the first few chapters of your own story. I remember a time when I didn't have standards when it came to reading... lol

4138138 That would be Lavender Unicorn Syndrome, or LUS

4137917 See, I didn't really think I had. But the timing was just at a time that made it seem correct


There was more to that? It wasn't just The Cake Is A Lie?


Pinkie Pie logic dictates:
-Gravity is gravy, so gravity is a lie
-Physics are for other ponies
-Party cannons can be found anywhere, even if it wasn't there before
-Small objects are bigger on the inside
-Pinkie knows all, even if she was on the far side of the planet, SHE STILL KNOWS!

And those are some of the basics of what I call Pinkie Logic!


And that, children, is why we never break Pinkie Promises.


Oh, yeah... I forgot about them, too. Must. resist. urge. to. rewrite... at least for now. There's so many missteps I made in this story now that I actually have some semblance of an idea as to what I'm doing now. Eventually I'll rewrite it I guess. Shipping syndrome is on the list of things to eliminate.

Once I got over my severe case of zombie brain fog, I finally decided to read through this story and found it to be very delightful. :twilightsmile::heart:
On a side note, my guess is that the CMC tried their luck at making a alicorn and fell in love with one another despite them doing it the wrong way in the first place, the silly fillies.:applecry::scootangel::unsuresweetie:
Also, all these shipping stories yet no emote for the night princess, blasphemy!:twilightangry2:

Don't want want this tale to end, Fimfiction is Magic, Massive Thanks Spacecowbow, take the red pill…


This behavior is most unacceptable.

Just because people like thing that you do not like does you able to asshole about you dislike

Or other words


Yeah, this writing is super old, and I was still pretty bad. Especially the first couple of chapters, which suffer even more from amateur writing. When I was rereading it to catch details for the sequel, I was cringing pretty heavily. I just don't want to commit the time to rewrite it right now, cause there are a lot of things. Just wait until you see me come down with shipping syndrome. Yuck.

Maybe one day I'll completely rewrite the story, but that is going to take a ton of time that I don't have right now.

Still, thanks for pointing it all out. I've since learned the majority of what you pointed out, as well as some others. Hell, I didn't even know how to properly do dialogue tags at this point. /shudder

This was probably the best example of an author's evolution I have ever read. And to clarify, I mean that as a compliment :twilightsmile:
The beginning was sketchy, but as the story progressed, it became much more fluent, generally smoother and much more enjoyable. Good job!

Keeping the sequel in my Read Later list, looking forward to it :twilightsmile:


Thanks. When you get to the sequel, you'll probably notice an even larger jump. One day, when I don't have a bajillion stories to write, I'd like to come back to this one and fix it up. It really is a wreck, especially at the start.

Reading this was a draining experience. Emotionally draining. And I mean that in a positive way. To think about it... I actually can't say a single bad word about it, about anything. I simply loved it. The portrayal of each and every character, the amount of their appearances, Pinkies Antics, Lunas, Fluttershys and Raritys ways of speaking, the involvement of Ponyville and its other inhabitants, the build-up of the main-romance, the inclusion of such a rare, yet wonderful and sweet couple as Fluttershy and Pinkie... so many great side-stories, a seemingly endless pool of little pieces of information about how everything evolved. The inclusion of actual letters written, Grannys passing, simply anything that was part of this story seemed so... well-handled.
This story is a powerful journey for everyone who's willing to open heart and mind for it. I can't even find enough words to express the praise I want to give.

Let my attempt to show my appreciation once more. This piece of art is nothing short but perfection. And I usually try to avoid that particular term.

I'm still somewhat awestruck. Now I have to find a nice, cozy spot among my top five for it.

There's so much more I would want to say. But my head is somewhat chaotic. I can't seem to be able to grab a single, clear thought. Maybe I will come back and try again once the dust is settled again. I can't thank you enough. Not that I would pass the opportunity to at least try, anyway.

Thank you!


6156035 You're still missing the point - Twi's illusion spell switches red and blue, and the blue dwarf appeared as a red dwarf inside of its projection. I quoted those lines for a reason.


6195478 I do mean redirection; your example of continuing in the same direction relative to an outside observer would be unlikely, as the momentum is not separate from the mass.. Though magic being magical might throw physics out the window.


7755582 I take it you're not a fan of brevity? I wasn't quoting random things, I was referencing lines for context; no additional explanation should be needed, and it's no fault of the message if someone gets hung up on the messenger.

As you can see.

Because adding quote boxes to literally anything is the exact same thing as bringing attention to specific lines, and I should feel foolish for using quotes to (GASP!?) quote something. I'd get your criticism if I were posting a massive wall of irrelevant content in quote boxes, but what does anyone legitimately stand to gain from an extra paragraph tacked on to explain something that should be self-evident? Is inference really that hard?

As for the "error fix", and not doing it the "normal people" way? That's because it wasn't even a correction, it was a wordplay joke. Granted, it would've made far more sense had Imgur not blocked Fimfiction, so I do apologise for the confusion there, but come on. Use your imagination.

Thanks for the fic!

I kinda regret getting addicted to this story due to the sequel to this story still being uncompleted to this day, the first time I spotted this story was a few months ago, I would have started reading the story sooner but when i saw the sequel was incomplete i decided not to, however I'm running out of interesting stories to read so....ya.

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