• Published 16th Dec 2012
  • 25,325 Views, 967 Comments

Becoming One With the Night - Spacecowboy

[NOW COMPLETE][Sequel Published] Twilight and Luna uncover some of Celestia's hidden secrets as they explore their budding relationship

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Chapter 3 - We Don't Do Smooth Here

Dawn greeted the two mares in the bed with a gentle wash of light that bathed them as they slumbered. Due to their exhaustion, the realm of dreams refused to surrender its charges to the daylight just yet, and they both remained in place as the sun’s rays moved past the window and left them in peace. Twilight awoke to the sensation of warmth, wrapped up in something. She simply laid there, her mind’s gears slowly starting to turn as it went through the daily morning rituals to ease her into the realm of consciousness.

The warmth comforted Twilight for an unknown reason, for a brief period. At last the previous night’s activities came to bear at the center of her mind, following from the start of the party, to her ill received confession. With a gasp, her heart lurched, as she recalled Luna fleeing from her, and then her subsequent meltdown leaving her in the middle of the room on the floor. Yet, she was wrapped up in something warm, and it was the softness of her mattress that greeted her underside and not the cold wooden floor.

She moved to extricate herself from whatever had her wrapped up as her sight began to come into focus. A stray feather tickled her nose, causing her to halt all movement. Her gaze became clear as the rest of the morning gunk was removed from her eyes, and what greeted her vision set her on edge. Small rays of sunlight were filtered through midnight blue feathers, which were part of a wing connected to a mare laying next to her. There was only one individual with those colored feathers that had any remote business being in her home, and Twilight had been certain that, at the very least, their friendship had been shattered.

Twilight’s brain paused its morning routine, this deviation throwing a figurative wrench in the gears. The seconds ticked by without any outward reaction from the unicorn, until at last her brain and body caught up and got on the same wavelength.

“Ahhhhhh!” Twilight screamed as she attempted to jump out of bed, completely forgetting the covers above her as well as Luna’s wing. She ended up wrapped up even more within the blankets in the bed while the wing flexed to its full span, then retreated from her vision, quickly replaced with a bleary eyed alicorn.

“Twilight, are you alright?” Luna slowly replied, voice filled with concern. It was painfully obvious that she had just been awoken from her slumber due to the unicorn’s scream. She used her magic to help untangle the hapless mare from the covers and gently set her down on top of the now stripped bed.

“But - You -” Twilight was incapable of coherent speech, her panic from last night immediately surging to the forefront of her mind and leaving her a mess on the bed, eyes frantically searching around the room for a potential exit point. However, Luna’s position was just perfect within the room that she felt entrapped by the alicorn.

“Calm down, Twilight, yes it is me. I came back last night after your, er... Confession caught me completely off guard. I simply needed some time to gather my thoughts, I was not expecting such an event to occur.” Luna mumbled somewhat sheepishly at Twilight, looking in her general direction.

Twilight saw her lips moving, however she was unable to comprehend what Luna was saying, her brain locked into the fight or flight mode as her adrenal gland pumped copious amounts of adrenaline throughout her system. Having decided that flight was the better option, as the alicorn standing before her was extremely formidable, her eyes settled to the left of Luna on the staircase, and she tensed the calves in her hind legs, preparing to bolt.

Luna recognized that Twilight had entered full panic mode and was beyond words at the moment. At a loss of what to do, she went with the craziest plan in her mind. As Twilight began to dash off, she intercepted her love, and covered her with both of her wings, as she brought her front hooves around the other mare’s neck, hugging her tightly. She struggled in Luna’s grasp for a moment, but was unable to break out of the tight confines the larger alicorn had surrounded her in.

As the temporary rush of adrenaline finally crested and began to peter down, Twilight slowly began to regain control of herself. Shortly afterwards, she realized that she was being held and hugged by Luna in the middle of her room. It didn’t take much longer for her to realize what had ended her panic attack, and her cheeks, face, and much of her neck began to turn a bright cherry red as she blushed. She attempted to break free of the alicorn’s grasp, yet was still unable to do so.

“Luna, umm, you can let go of me now...” Twilight stammered out, her heart rate rising once again, but not from the effects of adrenaline this time as it threatened to tear itself loose from her ribcage. “I’m not dreaming, right?”

“No, Twilight, you most certainly are not. I will admit that your actions last night took me completely by surprise, I panicked myself and needed to go collect my thoughts and think a little. Honestly, I was quite scared.” Luna admitted to the mare as she relinquished her hold, and took a few steps back, allowing some room to come between them.

"I wanted to—"

"I'm so sor—"

Both mares began to talk at the same time, and cut off mid sentence as they realized that fact. Silence reigned for a few seconds as they looked towards each other, each one waiting for the other to speak first.

Luna was the first to say something, motioning with a hoof as she spoke. "Twilight, go on ahead first."1

"O-Okay... I'm sorry Luna, I shouldn't have dropped that on you like I did. I can understand if you don't want to see me for a bit, it was really nothing more than a passing dream really, I suppose... I mean, come on! Like I would ever have a chance anyways! I-I mean, I'm just a unicorn..." Twilight trailed off at the end, her voice dipping into a melancholic tone as she lowered her head towards the floor, away from the alicorn's deep rich blue eyes.

Luna let out a deep laugh after Twilight finished speaking, stepping forward and using her hoof to raise the other mare's head to look her directly in the eyes. "Twilight, whatever you do, never change please. You are completely mistaken, I must say; I was simply bested by your confession. I can handle all of the royal duties Tia has fostered upon me, yet one lovely mare bares her heart to me, and I flee with my tail between my legs." She let out a smile that warmed the unicorn through her entire being, rekindling her hope that she had believed shattered.

"I simply needed some time away, Twilight, and I sincerely apologize for leaving you in that state. Being your friend, I should have known what would happen when I left like I did." Luna sighed as she found a comfortable spot on the floor to sit down. "Please, sit with me for a bit while we talk."

Twilight levitated a few pillows from a corner of the room, and laid them out around the space already occupied by Luna before she rested on the floor herself. "Yeah, I kind of thought you were angry at me, I didn't realize that I had caught you off guard."

"Yes, well, you should know it does happen. I'm sure you've caught my sister off guard at least a few times during your tutelage. At least you didn't spout nonsense like 'don't banish me to the moon', or something equally nonsensical. I heard that enough in just my first few months back." Luna carried a humorous tone near the end as Twilight sheepishly brought up a hoof to scratch at the back of her head. She had been one of those ponies who had 'spouted such nonsense' at one point.

"Anyways." Luna adopted a serious note as she continued, "Before anything else is said, I have some things to tell you Twilight. First off, it has been a long time since I last had... Another. Somewhere along the lines of one thousand five hundred and fifty years, to be somewhat precise. I am always hard pressed for time, keeping these monthly visits alone is somewhat taxing. Not to mention the fact it is a bad idea for a relationship to get out, especially with how the press has evolved since my return. It is actually quite a pain in the flank all around to be blunt."

"I... understand Luna. Like I said, it was probably nothing more than a passing dream, and was rather silly of me. It probably wouldn't have even come to mind had I not drank all that cid—" Twilight began to reply to the alicorn, her mood somewhat downtrodden with forced acceptance of the situation, until she was cut off with a chaste kiss from Luna on her cheek.

"Oh, Twilight, I swear if something is not written down within a book, you will fail to understand it until it is explained to you. So, let me clarify this even further for you. Are. You. Prepared to deal with all of these hassles? I need to know if you are, because if not, we may very well be doomed to fail regardless of how much we love each other. Does that clarify it for you?" Luna spoke with heavy overtones and emphasis when she was driving home the fact that she was simply letting Twilight know the issues, not outright rejecting her.

Twilight paused as she processed what Luna had to say, before stammering out a reply. "Does that - you mean -" Luna shook her head as she brought a hoof up to it.

"Must I spell out everything for you Twilight?" Luna exclaimed in disbelief. "Yes, I love you, you insufferably dense mare!"

Twilight sat motionless, her mouth the only part of her body moving as it slowly slid into a smile that grew into a full blown grin. About the time it began to surpass the boundaries of cute and pass into the creepy zone, she leapt up to her hooves and began to bounce around the room in joy. Luna couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Twilight's performance of her 'Yes Dance' now that her words had finally sunk in. The unicorn finally ceased her antics at the same time the alicorn climbed to her hooves, the two of them ending up face to face.

"So, what now then Luna? Do we tell Celestia? The girls? Hmm, I might have to break out those books on relationships..." She queried, not exactly sure where to go from at this point. While she had been in one prior relationship before, with Rainbow Dash of all ponies, she hadn't really had much chance to study on the topic. The pegasus' rashness translated into her actions, and most of what ended up occurring was all last minute, not a second of it planned.

"Well, for now we should take it slow and ease into it. It would probably be best that we keep it to ourselves too; I want to minimize the chance of putting you under any more pressure, should our new relationship get out." Luna sounded somewhat thoughtful as she paused to ponder about what else might be done to help keep things simple for both her and Twilight. "Any dates and such would most definitely have to be private, so either here or at the castle, are our only two options for now, I'm afraid. That should help keep things quiet for now."

"I guess that makes sense..." Twilight grudgingly agreed. As much as she wanted all of her friends to know that she had finally found someone special, every point Luna had made was true. And the last thing she wanted was to have that dreadful press barging into her sanctuary.

"Well, sadly, I must take my leave shortly, so I can make it back to Canterlot and resume my duties. Tia is expecting me back soon, although I wish we had some more time." Luna said wistfully, gazing out the window towards the mountain that housed her home.

"I’m coming to Canterlot next Friday and staying the weekend. Perhaps we could make some time then?" Twilight suggested, as she also wanted to spend as much time with her lunar love as possible.

"That could work, I shall have to ask sister if I can borrow you for an evening then." Luna paused for a moment, as if she were searching for a thought that was just outside her grasp. "Oh! that reminds me of my original intention of coming here last night. I had asked Celestia some time ago that once she had decided that you were no longer her student if I could have the opportunity to offer up my knowledge to you. Please, think on it until you arrive next weekend where we can discuss it in further detail."

Luna closed the gap between them, and wrapped Twilight in her hooves, kissing her lightly as their lips came together again for the second time that morning. She broke off the hug and lazily made her way to the balcony, the smaller mare accompanying her all the way.

"Till this weekend, Twilight! Take care!" Luna gracefully took to the air and began her journey back home, leaving the unicorn to stand guard at her retreating form, one hoof waving in the air.


Spike strode into the library, searching the area looking for one pony in particular. He discovered her in the foal's reading section organizing and reshelving, a dozen books moving at any given moment as a whirlwind of activity surrounded her.

"Hey, Twi." Spike spoke loudly to ensure he was heard, which all the books coming to a halt midair confirmed. "Just wanted to let you know that all the preparations are going smoothly over at the school. Cheerilee really appreciates your help with the planning on adding a library onto the schoolhouse and wanted me to pass along her thanks."

"Hey, Spike, thanks. Nothing out of the ordinary popped up while receiving the shipment of the books, right?" Twilight inquired as she went back to her previous task, although only half as many books were flying around in the air so that she could keep enough focus to hear Spike's reply.

"Nah, it was amazingly smooth, although one filly did— Oh, letter incoming Twi." Spike paused his methodical explanation as the feelings of an incoming package ticked the back of his senses. He tensed up and faced away from Twilight and let out a massive burp accompanied with a small rush of green flames.

Twilight plucked the scroll that had arrived from midair with her magic as she simultaneously set down all the books she had been sorting. Noting that it was Celestia’s seal, she opened it only to find one letter contained within another. The second one was also sealed, which she left alone as she finished unfurling the first message and read it aloud.


Sorry to ask this of you, but could you possibly ensure this second scroll makes it to your friend Rarity's boutique? I find myself in need of a fashion designer, and she is the only one that came to mind that would not create a plethora of headaches for me.

P.S. Hope all is well, Luna just got back. We are both looking forward to your arrival this Friday. You'll find arrangements already made on the train per usual.

Your Friend,

"Hey, Spike, mind finishing up reshelving this section for me? I need to run over to Rarity's real quick." Twilight politely requested of her assistant as she turned towards the door, where her saddlebags rested upon the wooden floor. With naught but a thought, the scroll found its way safely tucked inside a pouch as they came to rest upon her back, and out the library she went into the bright afternoon day.

The weather outside was perfect for a walk to Rarity's, and many ponies were out taking advantage of the warm summer evening. Twilight noticed many families and couples walking around town simply because they could, and despite how much she wished to do so herself, she made a direct aim for Carousel Boutique.

After a pleasant stroll, Twilight found herself outside Rarity's home, a sign on the front door signifying that she was closed to business. Raising a single hoof she knocked soundly upon the door and waited for a reply.

"Just one minute! If it is business related I'm closed for the day, and -" Rarity opened the door and stopped mid-sentence, noticing her friend standing at the threshold of her home. "Do come in darling, what brings you by?" The fashionista moved out of the way so that her friend could enter her house.

Twilight entered with a noticeable pep in her step as she began to reply to Rarity's query in a very cheerful manner. "I've actually got a letter from the Princess for you. Celestia that is." She removed the object of her speech from her bags, and passed it to the other unicorn. "Don't know what it says, she simply asked me to bring it over to you when I had the chance. Luckily Spike had just returned, so I set him to finish something I had started so I could get over here right away." Twilight wound down as she found a cushion in the sitting room and did just that, Rarity joining her seconds later.

"Oh my! This is... Amazing, Twilight! Thank you so much for bringing this over darling, you just made my day, no, my week! I'm going to have to make so many preparations before I leave, but they can wait for now." Rarity settled down and levitated the scroll into the center of Twilight's vision.

Ms Rarity,

The time is approaching for another Gala, and I find myself in need of a dress yet again. I constantly recall the work that you did in the previous years, as well as notice more and more mares walking around Canterlot in your line of clothes and decided that it was time I join in. The fact that you will not attempt to gain political favor or play games out of my patronage is also another plus, I must admit.

If you accept my offer, then please take the train this coming Friday with Twilight to Canterlot. I will have a room in the guest suites of the castle prepared for you as well as a helping hoof or two on hand to fetch whatever fabrics and materials you may need for the dress.

P.S. I am attempting to talk my sister into such an arrangement as well, I shall let you know if she agrees.

Princess Celestia

"Woah." Twilight was stunned for a few moments after reading Rarity's letter. Her fashionista friend had been making ripples in the fashion world for the last few years, but this was the apex of her career, her life's goal last she had heard. And it was finally coming to pass. "This is big Rarity, congratulations! The train leaves Friday at one thirty, I assume I'll be seeing you there." Twilight giggled slightly at the end, knowing that her friend would first wander into the Everfree Forest on a new moon in the middle of the night by herself before saying no to such an opportunity.

"Be most assured, I shall be at the train station well in time to accompany you to Canterlot! Oh, I must start thinking on what to do and finish filling those sketchbooks-" Rarity cut off before turning to face Twilight, a gleam entering her eyes. "You know, darling. I think I may have to make something for you as thanks for being the bearer of such wondrous news. Not to mention I think a certain pony would just love to see you all dressed up upon your arrival! Come! To the inspiration room, Twilight!"

"Okay, Rarity. I think there’s some time to spare..." As Twilight grudgingly followed her friend into the room, she could have sworn that Rarity's tone held some hidden meaning, blushing at the implications of the words spoken. As time had gone by, the fashionista had gotten really good at discerning little details about the ponies around her. It became even more obvious to her the longer she spent around the pony in question, which is why Twilight was dreading this session.

"Now darling, if you would be so kind as to step up onto the platform. You know the drill. Now where is that tape..." Rarity began manipulating objects of all sorts around the room, in a seemingly chaotic fashion, yet to a trained eye it became clear just how much control she possessed. "Ah ha, here it is! Now, let's see, what to make..." She looked up at Twilight with a wide smirk stretched across her face as the measuring tape took the dimensions of each leg up to the barrel of the bookish unicorn, before it moved on to other spots on her body.

"Oh, I know! How about some socks, say, in a deep shade of blue? Now let's see what would be the best one to use, shall we?" Twilight began to blush as Rarity initiated her tormenting of the unicorn now that she had her captive within her room. "Ah, how about a deep shade of cobalt? That looks lovely, doesn't it dear?"


"Or we could use a lighter shade of navy blue. Somewhat overused, but it does have its own redeeming qualities." Rarity pointedly ignored Twilight as she snatched fabric samples from the various shelves and cubbies situated around the room, rotating them around every half minute or so. "Could also do a sheer black, I'm sure that someone would appreciate that!"

"Rarity!" The word came out somewhat forced, Twilight almost growling as she punctuated each syllable within her friend's name.

"Hmm, actually I think this one—" Rarity had another fabric sample next to one of Twilight's hooves as she was cut off mid sentence, drowned out by the yell the other unicorn let out directed at her.

"RARITY!" Silence held the air captive for a few seconds before Twilight continued. "That is uncalled for, you know that?" She turned towards Rarity, the cherry color evident all throughout her facial features. "For you to assume such a thing, I-I..." She trailed off, unsure of what to say.

"Oh, do relax darling. It is something that you need to learn how to do." Rarity said in a slight huff, the objects contained with her magic moving once more as the multitude of fabric squares found themselves returned to their places as she started back up. "I was simply teasing you. It isn't everyday that you find out one of your closest friends has a crush on such an iconic and important individual, after all. Why, I wouldn't be a proper friend at all if I did not give you some hassle over such a thing."

Silence lingered in the air as Twilight's blush continued to further manifest itself in her face, the unicorn unable to think of a proper response off the top of her head. The only noise interrupting her thoughts were that of various objects flying around as Rarity's work moved on. She slowly became lost in thought.

She looked around and noticed that she was in her room, the time nearing dusk. The bed was off to the side, and a table had been set up in her room with a few cushions making a comfortable seating arrangement for two. The only light beyond the fading sun was provided from a dozen candles that strategically littered the room to provide the maximum amount of illumination possible.

She felt something soft against her hooves and legs, and was shocked to see what it was. On each leg rode a sock made of a sheer, deep aquamarine fabric, the most risque thing Twilight had ever witnessed. She was broken from her focus as a voice rang out like the finest crystal, calling to her.

"Good evening love, we hope that it finds you well." Luna strode in from the balcony framed by the setting sun, closing the doors behind her as well as all the curtains at the same time, leaving just the candles as witness to the two mares. She walked to Twilight, and looked her over appraisingly, before nuzzling her intimately on the left side of her face. "It is most good to see you again."

Twilight found the words spilling from her mouth almost immediately. "It is most good to see you again my moon, I hope you like what you see. Dinner tonight is ready when you are, and dessert is to follow shortly after." Her voice came out somewhat seductively as she pranced over to one of the seatings at the table.

Their dinner passed quickly, either pony savoring the various foodstuffs and fine wine that had been procured just for this evening. Laughter rang out from time to time, as well as an occasional muzzling after a particularly good topic. The sun gave way to the moon, what little light there was being mostly filtered out by the dark shaded, thick curtains. Flames danced, adding to the atmosphere, until finally the table was adeptly moved to the side of the room, the wine glasses the only objects now between the two mares.

"Dearest Moon, your dessert is ready..." She exclaimed seductively, coily turning around in such a manner to show her profile off in a manner that would make any male drop dead due to loss of blood to the brain. She winked at Luna and raised one hoof, making a 'come hither' motion with it. Luna strode to her mare, and nuzzled her neck, nipping lightly as

"Twilight Sparkle!" Rarity's shrill scream broke Twilight from her reverie, bringing her mind back to the boutique. "Uh, Twilight darling... You're winking at me."

"Huh?" Twilight was slow on the uptake, her brain still somewhat between the conscious realm and the daydream she had just experienced. "I'm not winking at you Rarity, I wasn't even looking at you."

The fashionista blushed somewhat, her words hesitant and lacking confidence. "Darling, uh, I didn't mean that end. You are winking at me..."

It took a few seconds for Twilight to process what Rarity meant before she turned crimson all over, quickly casting a spell on herself. "Hehe... Sorry, Rarity, guess I got caught up in my daydream..." Embarrassment was dripping from her voice that came out in a most sheepish tone.

"Twilight... Did anything happen last night? I don't recall a lot near the end because I drank entirely way too much last night, but something had to of happened, right? I'm fairly certain this is the first time you've ever gotten caught up in your... Thoughts. Yes, thoughts like that." Rarity was rather flustered, her calm mask of composure punctured by a slight blush at her friend's state.

"Umm, well, Pinkie Promise to keep a secret Rarity?" Rarity quickly went through the appropriate motions, sans sticking a hoof in her eye, before Twilight continued. "Well, after you all departed last evening, Luna and I continued drinking for a bit before we moved outside to stargaze. We talked for a bit, and then she wanted to ask me a question... I might have..." Twilight trailed off at the end and ended up mumbling the rest unintelligibly.

"Come again darling? I didn't understand the last bit of that, you kind of trailed off." Rarity calmly asked Twilight, trying to not lay down too much pressure yet eager to hear the news at the same time.

"I jumped up, kissed her, and confessed my love for her when she simply wanted to ask me to be her student!" Twilight blurted out at a fast rate, Rarity struggling to keep up with her words.

"Oh, dear... That sounds bad. How did it turn out?"

"Well, at first she kind of froze up, then turned and flew away. I lost it, and went to sleep on the floor that night, then woke up in my bed tucked in the next morning with her next to me. We're kinda seeing each other now? However, you cannot tell anypony. Period. We're keeping it under wraps so it doesn't complicate either of our lives anymore than they already are!" Twilight looked at Rarity pleadingly, a slight amount of desperation bleeding through as she gave the plea to her friend.

"Darling, you should know better, I Pinkie Promised, and a lady never goes back on their word! Your secret is safe with me." Rarity paused, a glint coming into her eyes.

"So... Want those socks?"


Author's Note:

Author's Note: Well folks, here you go. Another chapter, the longest yet. A heartfelt talk to talk after a traditional Twilight freakout (Bound to happen at least once in a story featuring Twilight, but not limited to!), plus a lovely scene with Rarity. I think she's my second favorite of the main six right now, she is fun to write, plus her attention to detail from her work is able to translate over into a lot of things. Add in some risque factor, and fun is easily achieved. Also, note that thoughts do not denote action, I have no plans of simply jumping into sex in this story, whether that is a good thing or bad is up to y'all. Well, next chapter shall start a sequence of events in Canterlot, and now, a word from my sponsors below!

Editors’ Notes: Blah and stuff. Fixes and things. Grr and jingle jangles. Hope you like, cause I certainly enjoyed this last little bit towards the end. Hehe, winking.

And done. Jekyll here and great chapter we’ve got. Foreshadowing and all that. Have fun with the read. Ciao.

Well this was an interesting chapter... Punctuation and stuff. You guys are lucky, having more, natural breaks and all that. Back in my day we had to figure out what was going on with our brains. *remembers own age* Did I just say that...?