• Published 31st Dec 2012
  • 3,869 Views, 173 Comments

Our Legacy, Their Story. - MerlosTheMad

Greetings one and all, the story before you lay rife with intrigue and detail of the incredulity of abduction and future human sociology. Read if you enjoy a mix of Sci fi, Mecha, Firefly style comedy, Ponies(Background and Fore), and fight scenes.

  • ...

Why'd it have to be bugs

For the space of a few seconds, the only sound in the room amounted to a lone canine's guttural rumbling. The precariously still air seemed to reverberate with the solitary noise.

Fluttershy also thought she could hear her knees shaking though; complimenting the low growl. Hesitantly, she started to try and back up away from the foe that was facing her and present company.

Everything that came next happened in a blur for Fluttershy. She heard a cry from somewhere in the room as the beast soundlessly jumped through the air, clearing the space which separated them mouth first.

Steel leaped towards the creature in return. The large dog snarled fiercely and bit into one boney scythe like appendage. He crunched into it with all his might. Seeking a blood bite, his adrenaline ran wild in defense of his family. Briefly, he had felt his head whip back.


The mysterious monster's attack and Steel's counter had begun a symphony of crashing metal objects in the open but cluttered space. The bug like assailant threw the guard dog against a nearby shelf in response to the attack. Steel yelped and landed hard, the shelf itself actually knocked over backwards from the force of it.

Fluttershy had barely moved from her spot and clung to it like a lifeline while standing stock still. Watching the escalating fight terror struck.

The creature's many legs danced and skittered as it closed in on it's challenger. He happened to already be back on his paws. Steel frothed at the mouth and snarled defiance. The creature screeched and stabbed one claw at the brown furred dog. Steel dodged the strike, and made for the door. The attack missed and the clawed leg buried itself deep into the wall. The bug's arm had gashed the metal becoming lodged within. With it's prey getting away it cried out an ear wrenching howl and tore it's limb free scattering debris and hunks of metal. The creature followed after Steel back out of the room, the noise of the chase died to an echo in moments.

The young pegasus finally found her voice and cried after the two.

"Stop it! Both of you sto- Get back here! Oh dear... Oh no." Suddenly and without warning she felt something grab her mane and tug which produced a yelp from her.

"What are you doing? Come on let's go!" It was the scraggly head of brown hair belonging to the human, Oliver. "We gotta take this chance... Even if... Just come on." His daughter cowered behind him staring across the man at Fluttershy.

She managed to gasp out a response despite her state of shock, confusion and panic. Not to mention her total and complete distrust for the human at this point. She resisted his pull. "You mean we should just leave him? After he- But Steel! He's in danger!"

"Yeah, and so are we, he's just a dog alright, we gotta escape while we can." Oliver picked his bag back up and paused over a large cylinder thing on his way to the door. Fluttershy moved deftly in front of him in a hover, wings straining.

"That just a dog is out there right now sacrificing himse-" Oliver cut her off.

"I really don't care horse! I really don't! He's a pet," He said the word with no small amount of consternation. "not a person, or even sentient like you. Yeah he's a great pet that I've had a long time and I'll miss him... But I gotta look after myself alright, and quite fuming frankly we likely won't get out of here anyway so I'll worry about making him a nice little pyre after I'm safe okay?" Fluttershy had cringed back and landed at his outburst back towards her. Her wings lilted as she set back down. She swallowed and flared them back out. She could feel tears well up in her eyes from his heartlessness.

Mr. Oliver's not worth it Fluttershy, he's... Oh steel. Fluttershy ceased thinking to herself and looked up at the man, then over to the door he stood just inside of now.

"You coming?" Oliver had stopped at the door to look at her. A mixture of fury and impatience painted his strange face.

Fluttershy walked up to him and glared back at that face, her hooves clicked on the alien floor. His small eyes squinted back at her in confusion. The mare took a deep breath as she composed herself. She wasn't the kind of pony to pick a fight or think of insults, but right now with lives at stake... She wasn't herself.

"May Celestia save you, Mr. Oliver. Because your heart's as cold and uncaring as it is small." The human felt himself wilt under her look again, a stare that could chill water to freezing. Calmly she strode out the door leaving him standing there with Josephine. He stammered after a moment trying to yell back, or anything. Only to find he could not. As quickly as she'd spoken she was off though and down the hall.

"He-Hey! Where are you going!?" The pony had made for the front door and was gone.

Fluttershy had stopped to look left and right out the door, she heard a horrifying racket of screeches and barking one way and chased after it. She still wasn't sure what she would do, surely it would respond to her in someway. 'I just have to not freeze again.'

The noises were getting distant and she tried to run faster. Immediately her legs seemed to leap into a sprint. She found herself looking down at them in awe, she was hardly the athlete like Dashie or Aj. They were making a strange whizzing noise though she noticed. Just quiet enough she almost missed it.

'How am I running so fast covered in this obstructive armor.' She looked up as she'd almost run into her quarry and skidded, or rather slid to a stop.

"Oh... no oh no..." The Ponyville caretaker saw her friend. Yes her friend and the monster... Held in it's toothed beak like maw was Steel.

Time sped up again, but this time unlike before it was in her own favor. The offending beast was blindsided by Fluttershy's flying buck into the side of it's... What passed for it's face. Steel's body flew away from it's jowls and slid in a red streak across the metal floor from the two combatants.

'It doesn't have eyes, but maybe it can still see me. It WILL hear me.' Fluttershy squared up against the monster before it recovered and hopped into the air. She latched onto it's face with her fore hooves to press her own muzzle against it. The monstrosity continuously snapped it's mouth in response to the pony's unwelcome intrusion.

There was a crunching noise.

"You do NOT I repeat, do NOT. EAT. MY. FRIENDS." Fluttershy's grasp shook inadvertently it's head violently as she yelled, which to her surprise was a little too easy. It was three or four times her size but that didn't stop her at all. The monster began tossing it's head and elicited a high pitched squeal instead of ceasing it's movement to listen as she'd hoped. The pegasus unheeded by the creature released her grip in surprise and flew back several strides. She landed hard from the momentum and her legs protesting the force of it. Her flying was taking a lot of effort as well.

The monster continued to toss it's head and started to claw at it's face even after she was gone from it.

Fluttershy steadied herself and glanced down at steel, she'd been flung just next to him. His coat was a mess of blood and torn skin. She sniffled, but without hesitating for anything else she pulled the big square faced dog over her back. He was only a bit bigger then her.

Oh my, he's actually very light. Fluttershy tried to run down the hall as fast as she could trot. She didn't want to hurt him more. She was unsure if her passenger were even breathing. She kept expecting to run out of breath, especially after a screech from behind her caused her to try and move even faster. The pegasus pony didn't tire though. Only a stone's throw further down the hall and with no other turns to take it was clear that it was gaining on her from the noise. Fluttershy just couldn't run fast enough even disregarding Steel's condition to get away. She was panting from panic as she laid him back down. She rounded back on the cart sized chaser as quick as she could.

I have to lead it away. Fluttershy realized. She struggled and took off, buzzing as best she could over it. "He-Hey! Up here! You big bully!" She kicked hard and pushed off of its head as her body soared over it, gaining more speed and momentum, as well as it's attention. To her surprise, the bug instead pitched forward and landed hard. The pegasus looked back, and paused briefly after setting back down onto the metal floor with a thud.

The monster's carapace crackled as it struggled back up to its six legs quickly, then spun to face her. Menacingly, it stood back upon it's rear limbs and emitted a low whining hiss that grew into a shriek.

"Srtch, KRTCHGGR-EEEEEEEE" The creature slammed forward onto its clawed legs and tore across the metal of the hall after its prey. Blood and ichor flew visibly from its mouth.

"Eep." Fluttershy's eyes widened in fear, but she didn't hesitate. Hurriedly, the pony kicked off the floor and galloped in the opposite direction. It worked! Her hooves almost slipped on the slick metal as she broke into a flapping and scrabbling dead sprint. Maybe too well... She looked behind herself, fear rising even further in the pit of her stomach. "I'm very sorry you're angry!" Calling back to the monster didn't seem to quell its anger any. I shouldn't have taken the stern approach with it. "You really should calm down Mr. Bug!... Please?"

"SCREEEEE-" Her chaser answered back.

It might not have work...but maybe I should have tried the kindness approach after all... Fluttershy continued to run, all the while thinking of what to do.

He won't listen at all. Fluttershy knew what had to be done, rare as it was with feral animals that were dangerous. She resigned herself to try carrying out the task. She had to get over to Steel again.


"DON'T STOP, JUST RUN!" The mare realized she had stopped. She jumped forward again into her prior speed, a clawed leg shot into the floor behind her. Fluttershy thought she felt her tail tugged on. Frightened she sped past and hid behind the human.

He was in a strange machine. A huge, strange machine. It looked like a mess of iron ladders and pipes that framed and circled his legs and body. He ran... Well, it was more of a quick walk actually. Lumbering was perhaps the best way to put it. Oliver did that slowly continuing away from her and straight at the unrelenting Tartarus spawned creature.

"Mr. Oliver he won't listen to me-! M- Oliver? What are you doing?!" He didn't answer her.

What's he doing? She started to chase back after him. As if answering her thoughts he raised one large... Arm of the thing that surrounded him and moved like it was an imitation of life or a puppet. He brought it down in a sharp jerking motion. The creature had stopped it's struggle to free itself from the ground to scream up at it's new adversary. Just before it's cry was cut off by the human's attack. The machine struck hard on the creatures face driving it down to meet the floor along with it's body.

"SCCRREEEEEEEEEeee-" Flutteryshy watched as the brute flailed desperately, it's head hissing and letting out objectionable cracking noises. She watched it's face and part of it's body slowly cave in on itself. Fluid and insides gushed.

Before she could form another question or thought in her head, just like that it ceased moving. Oliver was panting from where he stood over it.

'The poor thing must have suffered immensely...' Slowly Fluttershy approached him from behind and flew up to get a look at the insect like beast, and the human. "Are... Are you okay Mr. Oliver?"

"My heart's not that cold. Just so you know." He looked at her sullenly. "Yeah I'm fine."

The machine that framed his body moved again slowly and stiffly. He straightened and stood over her, before he had been twice her height. Standing in the machine he was almost twice that again. "Are you okay?" He asked her back. She nodded slowly. Her mind reeling just a bit from everything that had happened catching up to her. Any moment she knew she would fall apart from...

Steel! Fluttershy gasped. "We have to help Steel!" She half ran half glided back towards where her other savior lay without another word.

"Hey! NO! Dammit." The man used one oil and lubricant coated hand to run over his face, then grimaced at it.'I can't follow her in this slow thing.' He grunted and released himself from the strap harness.

I should just leave, I gotta get back to Joe... Dammit. The taciturn mechgineer jumped out of his crate mover and followed after the winged pony at a run.

Fluttershy slowly approached the big dog's form. Hesitantly she lowered herself down before him, his breath came in the form of ragged wheezing. She stared at the kind creature who had fought so bravely and was treated so poorly. Strong, she would be strong for him in his last moments and not shed a tear. 'Is he awake? Could he hear me?' Fluttershy saw his eyes open but staring. The sound of hoof steps tugged her attention from her friend.

"The bug... got him I see. Poor ol' man." The human regarded the canine with what Fluttershy thought might truly be sincere regret. Something in his eyes spoke volumes of sadness to her. Placidly he lowered himself as well but remained standing on the bent part of his legs beside her. 'Or is that how he sits?' He produced something out of his bag. She was mourning already and sad, but she watched what he did with detached curiosity.

"I take it you're not leaving him." Oliver looked at her pausing in what he was doing.

She was taken aback by the statement. "N-no... It wouldn't be right, and you should know that. I wish I could help him but I don't think there's anything I can do." Oliver gave her a grim look and shook a strange metal can which rattled.

"You're carrying him then, he's still alive after all so there's a good chance he'll make it if we can get to help." Fluttershy gasped as the can began to hiss and spray a strange blobby goop over Steel. He didn't react to the substance, so it must not have been painful she hoped. Oliver finished and stood again. "That should stem the blood loss, though I don't know that he has much left." He glanced around him at the grisly scene. "We can't wait around any longer Buttershy, and my daughter's likely beside herself with worry."

"My n-... Ahem, my name is Fluttershy." The canary yellow pony hesitated as the human helped her heft the dog up. "Thank you, though...for coming back, I mean."

The only noise Twilight could hear now was her own somewhat labored breathing. The air felt like sludge.


She flickered her eye to the clock box atop the counter in response to the noise. Time had passed, only a minute. It wouldn't be wise to continue to sit and wait here, she decided.

"Octavia..." She whispered from the side of her mouth. Twilight did not turn her gaze from the ceiling that had all caught their attention. "Open the door, and slowly walk out. I'll be right behind you."

Octavia still wore a worried expression, the noise had been sudden and patterned, like the heavy falling of hoof steps. A lot of them. She tries to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat only to find it too dry to do so. Standing on her hind legs Octavia reaches for the button on the wall. The door opens with the hiss and roll of metal on metal that the human architecture seemed to always give.

Twilight turns slowly and nudges Apple Bloom with her head towards the door, and out into the hallway.

Behind them their grey friend follows with out lowering herself to her other two hooves. She repeats her button pressing action outside. A breath of relief can be heard from Apple Bloom by the other two.

"Well I-" Apple Bloom cut short under the simultaneous pursed lips of her older companions, both holding a fore hoof to their muzzles to demand quiet. Assuming a cringing posture the filly gave an uncertain glance back to the door from under her forelock. Twilight gestured for them both to follow her.

The two mares trotted down the hall, Twilight cringed every time her or Octavia's metal hooves struck the floor, this caused a lot of cringing. Apple Bloom's own hooves weren't much quieter. A short distance away they stopped and Twilight spoke to them. "Alright I don't know what that was but we don't want to find out okay girls? I think... We'll stick to the plan though, since we don't know if it was even dangerous."

Octavia drew her brow down and gave another uneasy glance in the direction of the lounge. She'd forgotten her blanket...

Twilight continued her brief speech to the two earth ponies. "But, we will go to another area of this place, just to be safe. We still need to find another information screen..." She turned to continue down the hall and waited. Not far from them down it's length was the big half dome structure of the lift room.

Octavia and Apple Bloom shared a quick glance at each other, neither wanted to say anything or cause any noise. After a moment Apple Bloom shrugged and walked after Twilight. The lavender mare gave her a smile and they started out down the hallway. After a moment Twilight slowed when she didn't hear another set of hooves behind them.

"...Octavia?" She was standing where she had been with her eyes clamped shut, her muzzle was moving quickly without making a noise. "Hey what's wro-?" Twilight Sparkle had lifted a hoof to hurry back to her, but was stopped. Apple Bloom gave a slow shake of her head, then calmly walked over to her older friend.

"-is worse then losing my job and prestigebutIdon'tdeservethis why does everything even'want'to'kill'me I can't bare thissuspensenot anothe-" The mare gasped quietly and let out a shuddering whimper.

Slowly Apple Bloom made her way around to her side and stood on her hind legs to reach Octavia's neck. "We can make it Tavi, you'll be safe. We just gotta keep on goin'. Me and Twilight both need yah, alright?" She hugged her for all she was worth.

Octavia looked down out of the corner of her eyes at the filly comforting her. 'Heh, and I'm trying to protect her... What a fool you are Octavia.' A smile escaped to her face, and like that her thoughts were once again on her new friends. Not the fear of the unknown.

"I'm sorry little one, I didn't mean to have... such a break down, or a lapse in bravery." Falling back to the floor Apple Bloom smirked back at her.

"It's 'kay Tavi, we can't all be brave like me!... And I ain't little neither." A winning ear to ear grin caused Twilight and Octavia to smile at one another, then laugh. Though they both Sshhhed each other immediately afterwards. Together the two followed the one and they made it back to the room with the dome ceiling unhindered. Twilight cast her scrupulous gaze around at the other hallways.

"Well Twi', where to." The two earth ponies also looked, though they didn't know where or what exactly they were searching for other than a screen. Twilight cantered towards an entrance but stopped at one of the desks parallel to the wall. She carefully scrutinized a chair that lay on it's side next to the desk, then satisfied used her magic to flip it over upright.

"Oww..." The unicorn flinched a little and held a hoof to her head. Her friends hurried over to her.

"Twilight? What's wrong?" Spoke the musician.

"Twi'? Did you get a headache from dehurdation?" Twilight gave Apple Bloom an incredulous look, but smirked.

"No I'm... I'm fine you two. Or I will be, it's just... I experienced some magic backlash before I ran into you." Octavia gasped and the filly passed a confused eye brow raise between them both. "Also the word is dehydration Apple Bloom..."

"Twilight you shouldn't be using magic then surely you know that. Why, I had an acquaintance that would stay out until all hours of the night partying, well not partying it was her job but I digress. She'd become unable to even use her equipment and tried to force herself to keep going daily. The poor mare ended up in the hospital twice that way." She paused and bent her neck to stare up at the unicorn's horn, as though she expected it to just fall off Twilight thought. "That's as I'm sure you know, no where near as dangerous as backlash."

Twilight smirked again before hopping up into the chair she'd confirmed to lack those confounded wheels. "I know Octavia and thanks for the concern. I don't think the damage is permanent though I'm... very powerful for a unicorn. Avoiding casting any magic is hard is all, it's like breathing for me. Holding my breath certainly isn't my forte either." Octavia mumbled her assent to the magician's confidence hesitantly. Twilight chuckled in response. It became a frown as she tried the hoof pad, the screen produced an irritated tsk from her almost immediately.

"This one's like most of the others from the lab..." Octavia stood up on her hind legs to get a better look at what she meant. Sparkle noticed and pointed at the screen for her to see. "Security password requested. Meaning it won't let me do anything unless I give it the right one."

"Well how hard could that be Twilight? Let's give it a guess!" The filly was pushing another chair over with her head after failing to hop high enough to see what the adults were doing.

"That... would be harder then you think Apple Bloom, have a look." Twilight gestured the button board to the now screen level filly who leaned on the desk with her fore legs. She took in the ghastly sight that was the human button board and she crooned a wondering sound of awe.

"Oooo..." Octavia merely grimaced at he sight of it. "What do all the weird symbols mean Twi'?"

Both mares looked up and turned together to face Apple Bloom, who wilted a bit under the stare. "...What? Was it somethin' I said?"

Twilight pointed at the board with a hoof. "You can't read these characters Apple Bloom?" The filly straightened a bit and shook her head no. "Octavia, you can make them out though?" The older mare nodded a yes.

"It looks like standard Equestrian to me. Although I don't recognize all of the buttons... At least a third of these are alien. I... Well I didn't know what to think really. They speak our language so I assumed..." The mare's ideas floundered as she realized the incredulity of the thought. "But they aren't from Equestria, the humans couldn't possibly share our language could they?"

Twilight shook her head no. "Even civilizations that grew up nearby Equestria or in other lands had vastly different cultures and in some cases scripture and language... I thought that this similarity was strange before but, I assumed it was some sort of magical field in effect like the embassy halls at Canterlot. I have never felt anything of the sort though." Octavia glanced back at the board. Several buttons looked very out of place amongst the Equestrian alphabet. Aside from those that merely bore the abbreviations of what she assumed were words such as 'control' whatever that was meant for, or the simple math functions.

There were others such as the arrows that gave no clue to their purpose. Many more letters were missing though she realized suddenly, there were in fact three not on the board at all.

"Well it all looks like a bunch of gibberish to me. I mean they look like letters, just... not. I dunno, so our goal is tuh find one that don't require a password?" Twilight nodded and hopped out of the seat to the floor.

"Yes, check the other five panels in here-" The chair gave a groan from getting to relax after supporting her weight. Twilight blushed a little. "Ahem, then we'll explore this next hallway. Look for the words 'search' and 'engine' Octavia." Octavia grinned at the mare's plight but nodded. After that she frowned at the chair, realizing that she likely shared the same weight problem now.

'At least it's in function and not form...' They spent the next few minutes confirming that none of the screens here would help them, two would not even light up for the trio. They reconvened and set out.

"Twi' I've been meaning to ask, what sorta magic are these machine things usin'?" The three walked down the hall, Twilight occasionally pausing at doors to peak in or open them in the case of those that weren't glass.

Twilight pushed open one of the few doors that did not seem to open on it's own. It was just a closet.

"Well, remember how I said they moved without using magic? I'd read that they use electricity, or rather, lightning itself to power their technology. They don't use magic at all for lighting, kitchen appliances... Nothing." Octavia's eye brows shot up at hearing that, and Apple Bloom gaped.

"Wow, really? So like, they got a bunch of pegasus together and used uhm to make their big walking...things go?" Twilight shuddered and looked back at the filly with a pained glance, such a though hadn't even occurred to her.

"I certainly hope not Apple Bloom," Another thick metal door, it opened normally. This room seemed full of lab materials and clear walled shelving. In the corner though was another screen bathing the light in a cool blue. "that's... a disturbing thought I hadn't even considered." She didn't want to say more thinking ahead about the train of thought. It was very rare for Twilight Sparkle to want to withhold information. 'Let's hope that that isn't why they abducted us...' She glanced back at Octavia, and then at her own metal encased foreleg. She licked her lips her mind still riding the disturbing thought train. Twilight reached up to the hoof pad of their latest find an opened the door. 'Although I seriously doubt that's the only reason if so.' She thought solemnly.

Clare pressed the keypad on her comm case and opened another door in the forever stretching hallway. Her rifle immediately came up as she walked in and swept the room. Her subordinate followed her slowly, his stance was far more relaxed than her own. She sighed and lowered her weapon and motioned him back out the door.

"You can talk you know, you don't have to-" She grabbed the man and slammed him back against the door. It's reinforced plate glass cracked from the forceful pressure.

"Yes I do. Not another word. Stay silent from here on out. Or do you want to get killed...?" She released him and grabbed her case. Then continued her exploration of the hall, leaving him to tenderly massage the spot where her crushing grip had held him. Hesitantly the programmer quickened his step and caught up with her. The man realized with a start she hadn't specified what would kill him if he didn't keep quiet.

Fluttershy carried Steel, Oliver helped hold him steady over her. The hesitant mechgineer looked over his handy work as they made the short trip back to his cargo frame. 'That sealant gel is doing better than I thought it would... I think his fur is helping it to remain adhered to the wounds.' He shrugged and looked back at Fluttershy. She wouldn't say anything else to him, he had tried asking her why she cared so much.

'I mean, I love Steel, he's been in the family for what... eight hundred years. He's practically my god father, dumb animal or not...'

"Ah." His daughter was hugging her knees besides the lifter.

"Josephine, JOSEPHINE! I told you to wait in that container until you heard my voice or another person, do you understand me? huh!?" An eep elicited from Fluttershy at his sudden dash away from her. He ran up and held his daughter close. "You listen to what I say from now on, everything." Holding her out at arms length he drilled the words into her with his voice.

'He's not being very understanding.' Fluttershy could tell from the little filly's tear stricken expression she'd been scared, terrified even. She liked this human male less and less every time he spoke.

"Lay him down here Fluttershy." She realized with a start he was facing her and pointing at the ground just in front of his machine. The girl looked worriedly at Steel and like she wanted to say something. Though her mouth moved she didn't say anything. He however climbed up a small step and stood in the ghastly thing.

It stiffly stood up to it's scary full height again.

Fluttershy laid Steel down as she was told, her eyes locked on the machine. Despite thinking that he had her interests in mind... sort've, she felt like prey before a predator. 'He rescued me though, or was he rescuing Steel?' She realized she didn't even understand the human a little, he wasn't like a pony at all.

Shakily the thing bent slightly at the waist and curled it's human like digits into a sort of cup. He picked up steel.

"Joe I want you to listen carefully to daddy alright, everything's going to be fine... Muttershy we need to make it to an access lift, get out of here and some where safe." He paused and waited for her to nod. He looked at Fluttershy next. "Please take care of my daughter while your with us. Come on."

"My name is Fluttershy..." The yellow pegasus huffed. She slouched watching the metal encased human go. After a moment she looked at the other smaller human. Her eyes met her own and had been looking at her already.

The pony and human girl broke eye contact immediately. Slowly from under a lock of hair they peered at one another sideways. The stomping machine was already moving along though. They gasped together and began following after him quickly.

Octavia and Apple Bloom sat bored behind Twilight. It had become painfully apparent after the screen they'd found turned out to be one that would suit the unicorn mare's needs that they were in for a wait. Apple Bloom had been rolling a stray beaker to amuse herself, or keep her idle hooves busy at the very least. But after it had rolled out of reach under a large machine she'd lost even that. She sat very bored behind Twilight.

Chink. chink. click.

"Tavi?" The dark stone grey mare gazed up from the floor at her name being called to look at the caller. She moved further behind the tall shelf case she'd been sitting alongside in response as well. Her voice quavering a little she answered the filly.

"I-it's funny Apple Bloom. I've never been called Tavi by anyone before except one old friend. I never mentioned the name to you but you managed to come up with it as well." She laughed nervously.

The filly looked at her confused and scratched her head with one hoof. "You okay? I mean uhm." She paused unable to come up with what the right question might be.

"Er, yes Apple Bloom, I'm fine" Octavia lowered her head on instinct from an unbidden twinge of nervousness.

Apple Bloom paced around the corner despite the other pony's attempt at hiding. The filly's eyes fell on the components behind her older friend's back. The bladed limbs waggled with Octavia's shaky attempts at hiding them. "Yah sure yer okay?"

Octavia sighed, her attempt at discretion now a failure. "You needn't worry little one. It's silly I know to feel embarrassed about... these things. Maybe it is anyway. I am just practicing, being stuck with them I may as well. I am a practical pony after all." She gave the filly a weak smile after attempting to sound confident. Twilight's attention had been gained from their conversation and she glanced at her friends between switching 'pages'.

"I'm not that little Tavi." The younger pony walked closer to Octavia. Possibly to get a better look.

Octavia scooted back and held a hoof up to her chest. "Aah, you d- shouldn't come too close Apple Bloom."

The arms pulled further away from her back and crossed in front of her with sudden bang of metal. Both of them tried to back away in shocked silence and a scurry of hooves. They of course followed Octavia until she backed up into the far wall. "Tavi!"

A shuddering breath escaped her after a moment. "I-I'm alright. I think, that they're just as skittish as I am." She tried to laugh, but it came out a squeak instead. Octavia cleared her throat and closed her eyes.

Slowly they untangled themselves from in front of her and crept back to re conceal their metal blades within her back.

Apple Bloom had started to get Twilight but stopped short and watched amazed. "Wow Octavia, That's impressive." She grinned and tried to seem reassuring to the other earth pony.

"Hardly my dear, I'll take you to a properly conducted Canterlot Orchestral concert when we're free of here. That I promise will be impressive." Octavia managed a smile and stood up shakily. 'Boasting about my musical talent seems to help a great deal with my nerves.'

Twilight had been about to hop down and see what those two were being so boisterous about. But... Something had caught her eye instead. The mare had already found a few things that she thought may help, a couple from wild guesses made on her part while searching. A few other finds were simply from the different 'home page' that the panel had started on and had been there to begin with. This machine was different in some ways from the last. Rather than working like... An encyclopedia she thought, it was almost like an entire library or workshop. It offered multiple functions besides just searching. It had different areas... Elsewhere inside the machine.

'That or this one's just easier to use. I couldn't make that last one do anything but search words." Still, Twilight had to resign herself to only what she had time for, she couldn't properly explore her new playground as she wished to. 'So, what have I managed to find. There's this news page that seems to bulletin stuff in human society. Gladiator Fighter Friday? Not sure what that is. Why does the word gladiator ring a bell... A state of emergency declared? That's not good, no idea about what that is either it doesn't say.' Reading on it stated that several of the 'Blocks' had been temporarily shut down with no cause given. She reread one part, one spot was described as a 'party central.

'Maybe similar to Las Pegasus? Likely a humans idea of partying is killing and torturing and...' It probably wasn't that at all she hoped. Twilight had seen a few pictures of human celebrations that had looked normal enough. She shuddered from the idea though.

'A party central being closed would have Pinkie in a fit too if we were here on good terms, if we could ever be here on good terms anyway.' Still, Twilight couldn't help but smile at the thought of Pinkie's parties. The brief lapse in knowing where she actually was caused by the happy memory made returning to the here and now all the harder for Twilight. She grudgingly set the simpler times aside and continued to read.

Twilight's other thought had been to beseech or attempt to reach the human's ruler. For that a basic understanding of their system of government would at least be in order. In truth she had two options as she saw it for the long term... At least two that included her. The first being to use her magic, maybe she could research a spell from scratch. With enough time, effort... Hopefully some help from any other unicorns that could be here with her. She might be able to.

The other was the humans, they could traverse the stars. Maybe she could find a way to convince them to take her and her friends home. She didn't really know how that would be possible. But it was worth looking into. Researching such a spell as the one she had thought up could take years. Would take years, and even with her ability... Probably be impossible.


She had dropped her head onto the button board once. Quickly Twilight looked up to see if Octavia and Apple Bloom had noticed. 'Wait where are they?'

"Apple Bloom? What are you looking at?" The filly had walked up beside her. She stared at an open glass case sitting against the wall that Octavia had backed into during her moment of unease. Inside and what held the girl's attention was a large glowing black box and several of what Octavia recognized immediately as speakers.

"Not sure, it looks pretty though." She was staring at a series of glowing blue buttons that encompassed it's front. Before Octavia realized it Apple Bloom had begun raising a hoof up to them.

"Ah Apple Blo-" A button was pressed. "om..." Octavia grabbed what remained of the filly's tail in her teeth and dragged her back.

"Hey! Tavi What in the hay are you doing?" The filly craned her neck about and gave the older mare glaring at her a likewise seething look.


"Apple Bloom, we're not to touch anything that might be even remotely dangerous. Especially if we don't know what it is. Honestl-" A sound had begun leaking from the speakers, slowly at first and gently. It rose now though in strength and grandeur. The two ponies turned and watched the strange machine. It made no motion on it's own, except for some strange dancing colored bars that seemed in step almost with the haunting melody that now ebbed across their being.

"Shucks, it sounds pretty too." Octavia nodded her jaw slack.

"Pretty doesn't even begin to describe it... What is this beautiful ethereal majestically amazing and furthermore ingenious sound? Why the princesses themselves would weep to hear such beautiful music." A hoof tapped Octavia on the shoulder.

"Uh, Octavia?"

'Why that's Twilight's voice, maybe she's finished.' The grey mare spared a glance behind her. "Mmm, hmyes?" Octavia was enraptured by the sea pony's call of the box...

"I'm not really an expert in the fields of social trends and inter-relational studies. Least of all those concerning inanimate objects... But I feel like that box might well be having it's personal space violated right this moment." She gave her a goofy grin and Octavia heard Apple Bloom laughing uncontrollably behind her.

"Oh? Oh." She looked down at her fore legs. Then she noticed her back... things as well. They were wrapped up a bit. Namely around the speaker set up and the box, her own face was pressed against one as well in fact to better hear the music. "It's quite lovely isn't it." She returned the lavender mares grin and felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment. Her grin was shame filled true but she returned it nonetheless what with her dignity already being dashed against a valley floor.

Twilight Sparkle chuckled. "Haha, yeah a bit too lovely if you ask me..." A wary thought occurred to her.

"Maybe too loud as well." The younger mare frowned. "I think you should turn it off Octavia. There's no telling if the humans or any of their dangerous machines can hear it through the door or something." Apple Bloom hopped over and pressed the large button now wedged half under Octavia's cheek. Pushed once again by the filly's fore hoof, the gentle sound's echo faded from the room.

"It had almost sounded like singing..." Octavia lamented to the air. 'Surely nothing could have a voice that beautiful...'

The pair continued to traverse the halls tactically through the yellow glow of the dark halls. Covertly they stopped to check rooms in search of their quarry. Finally after having quickly searched four and a half of the six hallways as well as most of their rooms the tall woman who led their party stopped their movement.

Her fist fell and was lowered back down to cradle her weapon. She motioned her partner back the way they had come with a jerk of her head. She began back towards the entrance of the hall where they could then make their way to the maintenance side tunnel. Circling around him the woman again took point for their return journey. Inside the confines of his helmet the woman's associate grunted his disappointment and began to follow suit.


He stopped walking. The subordinate had thought he'd heard something. Not loud or harsh like footsteps, but something just out of hearing distance that had risen and faded quickly. He turned at the sound of his partner fast approaching his side her booted footfalls echoing on the metal flooring. He flinched back as Clare raised her fist again but this time ready to land it on his face. Throwing one hand up he tried to charade why he'd stopped.

"Just speak, what is it." The man stopped his mild flailing and straightened.

"I heard something chief, I'm not sure what but it was further down the hall. Maybe just a few doors?" The woman looked down the hall to where he pointed.

"No, we've spent to much time here I'm calling it." His leader started to turn away from him. The man opened his mouth to protest but cut himself short, knowing that wouldn't end well for him at this point.


Together the two brought their rifles to bare.

"What was that!?" He scanned the HUD of his helmet for any useful information but nothing revealed itself to him.


Clare tapped his shoulder. "That. Was our que to leave."

A door beside them smashed into pieces, chunks of metal and glass pelted them. The two soldiers jumped from the path of the debris, and the thing responsible.

"GAau!" Yellow light brightened in intensity through out the hallway in flashes. Hard hitting gun fire rang out as the human's weapons were unloaded in rapid succession at their attacker.

"HOLY- Wow, what? WHAT? HELL YEAH, dang. I'M CONFUSED. Dang" He was now in a kneeling position, his weapon still trained on the smoking husk. Clare also still had her weapon aimed at the things smoldering body. They stared at it in disbelief. "WHAT IS THAT!?"

"srtch. SCREEEE-" Several more shots rang out into the hall from the TOR industries rifle. The carcass sizzled from the heat of the assault and slumped down to the floor.

"Crapping cake rolls, this is what they said to look out for? A little more warning would've been great guys, I mea-!" The man was cut off mid word by his superior.

"Shut up dammit," His leader's eyes were locked on her comm case, which lay shattered and crushed under one of the creatures elongated clawed leg. 'That had been too close.' It's head and body were a scorched mess of blast wounds, one of it's legs twitched slightly. "I didn't think we'd find anything seriously dangerous like this down here, this doesn't even look like something that's under regulation to exist here." She kicked the twitching leg with one angry boot.

"Hey whoa, never touch the body of an alien chief. That's how you get kill in horror... movies... I'll shut up now."

Clare shouldered her weapon. "Let's go I don't want to find out if there's anything else running around down here ready to surprise us. Droids and security are one thing, aliens that are on the loose is another."

She was already moving down the hall at a quick pace.

"Not to mention giant mysterious bug aliens, those are the worst ki-." In the distance they heard another noise. "Crap."


"Is that what I think it-?"

"SHUT UP ALREADY AND RUN!" Clare had burst into a full sprint, with no hesitation the man followed suit and trailed after her. Their gear shook from the rapid movement and their armor impacted the ground with a metallic ring.

The programmer glanced behind him.

'That's a lot of bugs.' He 'hated' bugs. "CHIEF WE GOT A PROBLEM, HE HAD A LOT OF FRIENDS!"

She didn't answer him, even to try and keep him quiet. There was no point now if those things chasing them knew they were here. She heard weapons fire behind her, she looked back long enough to see the fool trying to run and gun. He was just wasting his cartridges shooting from the hip like that. He wasn't a soldier though, just a volunteer that she had been saddled with for this mission.

"CHIEF THEY'RE GAINING ON US, Oh Hell. WHAT ARE THEY!" She wasn't about to continually repeat herself to the man.

They reached the lobby, faster than she'd hoped to which was good. Her subordinate ran past her and towards the other hallway which led to their escape route. He was calling back to her to hurry. Clare grimaced, the man's grousing under duress was annoying. She dropped two grenades by the mouth of the hallway's exit, maybe it would block the entrance up, hopefully it would slow these big bug looking... bugs down.

Twilight and Octavia nearly jumped into each others arms. A thunderous boom followed by the slow crash of collapsing architecture rumbled and distorted the air around them. Bottles fell and several glass items shattered on the ground causing them all to cry out. The room settled after a moment. The three Equestrians cast scared looks at one another, Twilight spoke first.

"Okay time to go." Apple Bloom and Octavia had run to the door as soon as she'd spoken. The two wanted nothing more than to leave and leave quickly. The filly danced on her hooves impatiently.

Twilight followed behind them, pausing only to look mournfully at the information device for a moment.

"Come on Twi'! Octavia please open the door nowwww" The younger pony cried out distraught.

The door opened with it's normal hiss. The filly began to run for the opening but stopped cold.


She stared at the huge shadow standing in the yellow light of the hallway beyond. It started to move and Apple Bloom saw teeth. All at once Octavia cried out, the filly screamed and Twilight confused from what was happening frantically asked what was wrong.

"EEECLOSECLOSE CLOSE IT!" The little pony flew backwards over the floor to end up in Twilight's embrace. The door's hiss was drowned out by the cries from all three of the ponies. The heavy human door managed to make it part way through it's journey before a scythe ended leg shot into it's path, stopping it.

The monster's gaping mouth opened wide for Apple Bloom to see straight down. A howling scream came from the creatures to match the trio's own.



Twilight blinked, the door had managed to close in a rush. Heavy impacts rained upon it from outside.

She looked down at the monsters leg which now lay unmoving and gushing liquid on the floor. Octavia stood panting and breathing quickly over it. The musician looked up at Twilight and Apple Bloom, her eyes were terror stricken and wide.

"Ah-ah-aaa-are, you," She gulped air and tried again. "Are you ok?" Behind her back were the four wicked blades, bent at the joints to hover over her head in a threatening formation. Octavia sniffed back tears.


The futuristic door caved inward sharply and two more legs shot through to grip the edges and frame.

"OCTAVIA GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR!" Twilight yelled at her friend, then focused on her horn and the mental image of the lift, she had to teleport them there. She hoped it was still safe... Apple Bloom clutched onto her foreleg. Pain shot up the unicorn's horn from the spell she was now attempting to cast but she maintained her focu-.

Light flashed from out in the hallway. For a moment Twilight thought her spell had gone awry. She realized that the noise had also stopped. Octavia was clutched now to her other fore leg she realized as well. Twilight let her spell fade hesitantly, 'What just happened? For that matter what in the name of Celestia's light was that.'

The filly shook like a flimsy tree in the wind. "Twi'? I'm scared. Wha-wha-what was-" Octavia cut Apple Bloom off with another entirely random and unsolicited high pitched scream.

"Octavia calm down!" Twilight stuck her with a stern glare and met the earth pony mare's eyes. Satisfied she wouldn't break into hysterics again she looked at Apple Bloom. "I don't know Apple Bloom but we're not waiting to find out." She focused on her magic again, but this time her telekinesis, grasping the door tightly with her horn's grip she focused on getting it open for an escape.

"Hello!?" She gave the door a wrench and it twisted sharply, but stopped right after hearing the question.

'Was that somepony's voice?' She dared to answer it on instinct.

"Uhm, hello...?" Twilight would have face hoofed had they not both been held tightly to the ground by her companions.

"Holy hot sauce, Clare there's someone in here?" Someone he had said. Twilight knew that meant they were humans. Her magic faded from the door's frame. She could see a shape now looking into the room through a hole. "Hey stand back we'll get you guys out of there in a jiff- What?" Twilight thought she heard someone else outside, but couldn't make out what was being said. "Of course they're peopl-? Uhm. Oh."

There was silence for a moment. "Twilight, we should go. Now." She met Octavia's eyes again, they were still wide with panic, though far more sedated than before. They were no less scared however.

"I- I agree, but that's the only door..." She regretted letting her spell fade now. Grunting she focused a third time on her magic to get them away. "I'm not sure if I can..." Twilight felt her aura building.

"Please try Twilight." Apple Bloom's doe eyes pleaded with her.

The thick metal door was being hit ferociously again. A voice cried out over the repeated strikes. "Look just stay calm alright we're here to help you a-!"

The blockade finally gave in to the abuse and crashed into the room in front of the ponies. Twilight gasped as her magic left her in a painful rush through her horn. She'd been so close. 'I shouldn't have tried to go so far, I should've...'

In the doorway stood an imposing figure bathed in the yellow light. It stepped into the room menacingly, it's weapon was lowered towards them. Twilight knew that was all the bizarre alien artifact it held could possibly be. Octavia screamed again and released Twilight's hoof.

As they'd traversed farther towards... Fluttershy didn't even know what. Sanctuary she guessed. They had come across, bodies. A lot of them. Mangled and bloody and chewed. There wasn't much left of any but the stains on the strange metal floors. But she still stopped hoping to find somepony alive. Somepony left to rescue. She'd been crying on and off for ten minutes. Beside her though the girl, she didn't shed a one. How, or why? Did Humans not feel sadness about death...

Fluttershy spoke to her, she had to speak to somepony or she would cry again. "So, you didn't introduce yourself properly before little one." Fluttershy managed a sweet smile for the human filly. She barely came to stand above her head. 'How old would that make her?' She wondered. "It's okay, you don't have to be scared of me... I bet I look really scary right now." She frowned down at her plated chest briefly.

"Please, you look scary? If you looked any cuter Horse, what ever is chasing us would die from heart attacks I'm sure."

The man had called back over his machine's shoulder. The great thing stomped awkwardly down the hall with the two of them still following behind closely. It made Fluttershy uneasy just being near it... Joe seemed to be fine though now that they were out of danger. She even returned Fluttershy's weak smiles with ginormous grins.

"Oh, I would never attack their heart Mr. Oliver! That wou-" She cut off after he burst out laughing. 'What was so funny?' Her face became angry. "And my name. is. Fluttershy."

"That's another thing what kind of a name is that? It doesn't sound like a name at all, it sounds like a couple of descriptive traits. Is it your culture to name your children after things they're good at?"

The pony was taken aback by the multi faceted verbal attack. "M-my culture? Traits? Oh... I think you'd have to talk to Twilight about our culture Mr. Oliver, I'm not-" He burst out laughing. again. "What is so funny!?" She dove under her mane and peeked at the girl. Fluttershy hadn't meant to raise her voice or scare anyone.

The human calmed down. "Ahee heh, I'm sorry. I'm being rude aren't I? Your name's, they just kill me hah. I apologize! I'm trying to deal with the crippling stress that's coming with fleeing for our very lives right now." The man huffed from where he led their party.

"...It's ok, I understand. I'm scared to." The human peeked over his shoulder at her, but said nothing. The little human however poked Fluttershy and shook her head while grinning and pointing at herself. "Oh, but you're not scared?" She shook her head up and down rapidly. "I should have thought so, you're so very brave for getting through all this, it's a pleasure to meet you by the way Joe... Josephine? Josephine."

Fluttershy finished confidently smiling. The girl looked at the back of her father uncertainly, he must have noticed the silence. Looking back he saw her look and understood exactly what she wanted.

"She can't speak Fluttershy."

"Wha-what?" She couldn't talk?

"I said she can't speak. She was born with several... defects, you know health problems. Among them she's mute. It's somewhat common here actually, they can be fixed easily but... It costs money." Fluttershy looked from the man back to the girl. She was looking at the ground hiding under her mane. "I've never really had much of that, always been poor and living out of debt's reach by a thread. My family just never could climb out of our hole like so many others. You and the other one were a god send. Not that I'm a religious type."

"Oh dear. I wish I cou-... Other one?" He peered over his shoulder again hesitantly.

"...Yah, you remember the-" She cut him off from finishing.

"OH MY GOSH. How did I forge- We have to go back." No sooner had she made her demand than he had spoke simply.



"I said no, we escaped. Are escaping. We can't go back not with the chance of more of those things catching us. I got my loader from the garage after you and Steel valiantly distracted that bug, which almost killed Steel. He might still not live. You wanna risk me next? Or my daughter? Even yourself?" Fluttershy began turning around to go back. She wondered who was stuck in the armor, and she was ashamed she'd forgotten even distracted by everything that had happe-...

"Wait! WAIT for ONCE please and listen." He had stopped to face her. The pegasus hesitated and saw fear in Joe's eyes again. "Your friend, will be safe. Okay? Perfectly safe, she's protected and in stasis. She'll be there just fine when this gets cleared up I promise you. Let the police and the government fix whatever is happening first." Fluttershy looked sadly back the way they had come, to her friend. To another pony trapped and alone... Could she trust this creature that had enslaved her? 'Can I trust him to keep his word at all?' She looked back up at him with big tired eyes.

"oh-okay... I believe you, Oliver." Fluttershy would never forgive herself for this, she'd make it up to the pony somehow. She would, if it took the rest of her life she would. She took one last look back and turned around to continue walking.

Oliver was staring wide eyed back down the hallway, as was Joe. The winged pony realized what she'd see. Wheeling about she saw them. Many of them.

Creatures all looking in their direction.

"No come back! Wait! CLARE! They ran!" The woman shoved him out of the way as she made her way into the room behind him.

"Well then CATCH THEM!" He watched her sight lock onto the pair running to the back of the room and gave chase. The smaller one was... floating. And surrounded by a pinkish scintillating blob of sparkly only the maker knows what.

He shook his head bobbing on his feet and growled in frustration. He ran the way the other horse alien had gone as quick as he could. Skidding he looked down the aisle and found his quarry. 'Well that was quick.' The man started to run up to her but stopped. The little thing was trying to back into a wall and looking everywhere at once so frantically it hadn't seen him yet. 'I gotta calm it down.'

Slowly he crept forward, he even put his rifle down stupid as that was... He still had his side arm though. Time was a better friend than his gun right now as he saw it. 'Had taken a storm of rounds to drop that thing back there anyway...' The pony noticed him and froze. It was breathing so quick he could see the chest rise and fall like a wind sock. He slowed his movement and spread his arms wide to try and not look threatening.

"Easy, hey I'm not going to hurt you, I'm a friend, okay? My name is Mo-" The man froze mid sentence, then slowly fell forward.

A rush of expletives fell out of his mouth next.

Octavia took her opportunity immediately and chased after Twilight and Apple Bloom. Twilight had bucked the thing in it's waist, it had done the trick despite it's fearsome appearance.

"HURRY TAVI! It's right behind you!" Cried out a floating Apple Bloom. The musician pony turned refugee didn't stop to look.

"MOOK!" What the friggin frell what are you doing get up let's go!" The man was shuddering in a heap on the floor. "Hey dammit listen to me, you alright?" She laid a hand on his shoulder quickly and laughed when her HUD displayed what had happened to his armor.

"B-B-Balls. Clare, jus' go. I need a minute here." Still laughing the normally stone hard soldier took off after the aliens she'd been sent to meet. This wasn't going nearly as easy as she had thought it would. The challenge was welcome though, she was having fun now. 'Frell, they went back that way....'

The three tore down the hallway towards their goal, the big lift that had brought them here to false hope and no results. Behind them was the metal echoing from the body of the human that was giving them chase. Twilight had let Apple Bloom down onto her own back where she clung tightly to her neck and Octavia's mane whipped wildly behind her as they ran. The human was yelling at them, but none of them dared to stop.

"Come back!" and "Don't go that way! It's dangerous!" Twilight could just make out what was being said behind them over her own breathing and her companions' hoof falls.

They galloped into the lobby and continued straight for the big door. It was closed, of course. "AAAAUUUGH" Twilight tossed the levitated Apple Bloom to the floor where she skidded to a stop after sliding several strides. Her eyes widened even further if that was possible from the maneuver. The purple unicorn continued to slam into the behemoth metal door which stretched up to the ceiling and pounded for all she was worth.

"OPEN UP! COME ONNnnnnn!" She pleaded with the thing. Octavia stood behind her with the filly between them both.

"Twilight it's getting closer... Also there's-" The little machine eye popped out and stared at her.

'Oh no how had this worked last time. Oh please work please.' She stared at it and it merely stared back. 'GAH! Should I just use my magic?'

"Please open up! Please!" The eye warbled at Twilight in response. Behind her Apple Bloom was pleading the librarian's name.

Clare slowed down to a steady walk as she approached the three, she slung her weapon slowly. That was the closest she'd go towards looking friendly. Behind her she could hear the distant scrabbling of something behind the rubble she'd created. Her acquaintances hadn't made their way through it yet then. She'd been worried about that. 'Just remember, they're scared. Not to mention practically children.'

"Uhm, hi." Clare sucked at dealing with children. Hated them too really... 'What are they doing? Are they trying to access the primary Block lift?'

Blades sprung into view upon the charcoal colored horse's back. "Stay back! I'm- I'm warning you." It declared to her shakily. Clare stopped, but also lifted a hand up to her helmet, and released the visor's clamps. She looked at the ponies with her own eyes. The purple and grey armored one with the horn had initiated the access scanner on the door now.

"I'm here on behalf of your others. I can take you to them, I mean you know harm and I understand why you don't trust me." They were all watching her now. The horned one's eyes widened in surprised and what sounded strangely like white noise blared out of her mouth. Covering it quickly it stopped. A loud boom echoed from the wall as the door unlocked. 'An Audio key code!? How-'




Clare swung around in surprise at the screaming howls. The door started opening behind her as well! "No wait!"

The barricade she'd made had crumbled, the mystery monsters were crawling into the chamber. She had no choice but to forestall talking and open fire. Her modified Lunar Guard MK7 rifle burned and incinerated carapace wherever it struck melting deep into the hellish things. The beam of her laser weapon was invisible to the naked eye, but it's devastating effects were not. Bug like atrocities glowed bright orange and caught fire briefly as she hurled death across the wide room. Aiming for just above their mouths seemed to work, a dozen continuous beams dropped two and clogged their breach before they made it out of the space they had made.


More rubble tumbled off the ceiling and spider web thin cracks ran further up the domed interior. Clare hadn't seen her subordinate throw his own explosives to halt their charge without her visor and HUD.

"Ponies?!" That sounded idiotic, but that's what Clare had been told to call them. They were standing in the elevator, the door luckily remained open.

"Twi'..." Twilight didn't know what was wrong! Beside her Octavia held the filly tight against her with her legs. The unicorn had pressed every button on the panel, but it didn't work! Nothing worked! Even the weird spinning yellow light wasn't on!

"It'll be okay Apple Bloom... I'll protect you." Octavia was shaking. Her legs felt no different or weak. She thought they would have. But still they trembled under her firm control.

Twilight turned to face them, stark panic clear on her face. "I just don't know what's-!"

"Ponies!?" The human was facing them again and entering the elevator. 'This is it, we're doomed.' Twilight held a hoof up to her face in a vain attempt to protect it. She'd watched the human somehow obliterate those monsters with that device, she'd couldn't-

"Stop acting like fools. Or are you all not actually thinking creatures as I've been informed?" She paused but then continued before Twilight could say anything. "I said I'm not here to smegging hurt you and I meant it. We need to escape or we're all dead. Now." Octavia stared at the human blankly. Twilight and Apple Bloom's heads picked up and stared like wise at the human mare. 'Or woman, as it was.' Twilight thought.

"Ho-how can we trust yo-" The musician stuttered.

"You cannot... But it's me or take these monsters as an alternative. I promise I'm far friendlier from what I've seen. I'm not staying long so you better pick and quick." Behind her Mook was shouting something.

Apple Bloom spoke quietly to Twilight. "What the hay's she sayin'??"

He'd taken to a prone position. Mook was terrible at a distance with his TOR rifle in the best of times he knew. Slowly the concrete and metal re bar peeled open to a forest of spindly legs and claws reaching through once again. He began blasting semi auto death wildly into the hole. Every twenty shots or so a power cartridge ejected, and he would slam in another. After two, he ceased fire and yelled back to Clare.

"THEY'RE STILL COMING!" He wanted to look back, they wouldn't leave with out him would they? Nah, she wouldn't...

"Twilight I don't like this, can't we get away by some other means?" Octavia looked around the cavernous vertical shaft, for a ladder, anything she didn't care!

"I-..." Twilight didn't know what to do.

"I have another way out, just trust me please." Clare tried to soften her face... A little... She didn't think it worked. She tried closing more distance but they backed further away in response.

"Let's trust her Twilight." The musician and librarian looked at the speaker, Apple Bloom. Both wore expressions beyond worry. They looked back at the human, her face was cold and stern. Her demeanor and tone were even colder.

"But... Apple Bloom you don't even know-" Twilight was cut off.

"I trust her Twi', her eyes are... I trust them."

The unicorn looked back at the face the human wore. 'It's a... A bit like Luna's.' Twilight thought. She took a step forward, and then another. Until she was standing right before the human woman. Their eyes met and poured into one another, each sizing their opponent up without breaking contact. "We'll go with you..." She answered finally.

"Follow me." And that was it, their guide turned and jogged out of the lift. Her partner was still using his loud and brightly flashing weapon on the wall he faced. Twilight wore a defeated expression, was she delivering them into the hands of the enemy? Regrettably she motioned her companions forward after her.

Twilight gasped and screamed all at once. "LOOK OUT!"

Clare lowered her visor and stepped into the massive room, she opened her mouth to yell at Mook to get up, they were making a break for it.



Extreme pain became her world.

Author's Note:

So anyone like my sound effects? No? No one? Well nuts to you!

I'm keeding, I value all of my readers as if they were my very own cheeldren. x)

Questions comments concerns!? Sorry it was 9 days late. These things happen!