• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 22,107 Views, 2,082 Comments

The Strongest There Is - Onomonopia

Banner (and Hulk) in Equestria. What else to say?

  • ...

A Storm of Rage

...smash them all...

Banner closed his eyes and started to focus on breathing, ignoring the looks he had been getting from the ponies. Once the voice faded away from his mind, Banner opened his eyes again and continued walking. It was getting harder and harder to keep 'the Other Guy' subdued, and Banner feared that he was about to escape. He had gone to the market to buy his supplies for his departure and he had been told that today is when the most ponies were selling.

"Hi there, Dr. Banner!" a yellow pony with an orange mane said with a grin as he approached her stand. "What can I do for you today?"

"Twilight told me that you were having a sale today," Banner said, looking at her carrots. "I was hoping to buy a few."

"Certainly. How many would you like?" she asked with a grin.

"Just five for now."

"Okay." After she had filled up his bag and he had paid for them, he then headed over to Pinkie's. He didn't want to admit it, but her cupcakes were 'addicting.' He walked into the strange gingerbread house, looking towards the counter where a pony with what looked like icing on her head was behind the counter.

"Oh, hello there Dr. Banner," she said cheerfully. "Glad to see you again, especially after that episode you had yesterday. What can I do for you?"

"Just a few cupcakes to go please," he ordered. She rang him up and hoofed him the cupcakes. He thanked her and left, noticing how quiet the Hulk was. Was he resting? Or was he simply waiting for Banner to weaken? Bruce walked through the streets, waving at those who waved or said 'hi' to him. He was heading for his next shop when he heard someone cough. he turned around to find a griffon leaning against the building.

"Hey there, mister science pony," the griffon named Gilda said with a sneer, walking over to him. He backed away slightly, not liking the way she was angrily eyeing him. "The great brain that said, that flight school drop out was better than me, and who tricked me into crashing into a tree. I don't like it when others trick me," she growled at him, advancing towards him with malice in her eyes.

"Miss Gilda, I'm sorry if I offended you, but trust me when I say that you don't want--" Banners words were cut off when Gilda slapped him across the face and knocked him to the ground. He spat up a bit of blood and wiped his mouth on his arm, feeling his rage begin to build. "Miss Gilda, I am asking you politely. Please stop hitting me-" He was cut off again as Gilda slapped him across the face once more. Banner picked himself up off the ground, trying to keep his heartbeat under control.

"Get up, I'm not done with you," Gilda growled, watching as Banner got up. He had to get away, his heartbeat was getting faster and faster. He staggered to a wall and held out a hand, trying to keep her back.

"Gilda, please. I am telling you to stop for your own sake. Stop this, right now." He was using his most serious tone and he was certain that his eyes were beginning to flash green. But even if Gilda saw them, she was far too stubborn and far too enraged at him.

"Sorry, Banner, but I think I still have a few more hits left," she grinned. Banner backed away as she advanced, wondering what to do. She was much stronger than he was, he could feel that from her blows. But what concerned him more was that the voice in his head was getting louder. One more hit might just let Hulk loose.

"GILDA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Both Gilda and Banner turned towards the scream of rage. Twilight, Pinkie and RD were standing across the street, each of them foaming at the mouth. "What do you think you're doing, attacking Banner?" Gilda only smirked at them and looked at Banner.

"What am I doing? This," she said with a laugh as she unfurled her talons and slashed Banner across the arm. He cried out as the talons drew blood and he staggered back. Gilda laughed and then was immediately tackled to the ground by RD, who put her in an arm bar. Twilight and Pinkie rushed over to Banner, who had fallen to his knees, holding the wound. He growled at the pain, hating Gilda for attacking him.

"Dr. Banner! Hold on, we'll get you to the hospital," Twilight said quickly, looking over his wound.

"Are you alright?" Pinkie asked with concern on her face.

"Yeah, I think I'm--"


"No," Dr. Banner said in a whisper, pushing the ponies away and taking up a meditative pose. He started to focus on his breathing, trying with all his might to push the rage back down.


Banner fell to all fours, breathing heavily and starting to pant. His eyes began to flash green and he could feel his pulse racing. He moved one hand over his heart and began to breath heavily.

"No, his heart condition!" Twilight cried out, trying to levitate him. Banner looked out of the corner of his eye at them, feeling his subconscious begin to fade. "Banner! Hold on!"

"Twilight...Pinkie..." he groaned, trying to push her away.

"Don't worry, we're here. We'll get you to the-"

"Get...awAY FROM ME !" Banner roared as he pushed Twilight with such force that she was rocketed back. Pinkie, RD and Gilda all watched her fly away before they slowly turned back to Banner, who was writhing on the ground in agony. His skin began to turn green as his body expanded, ripping through his shirt and pants. He howled and slammed a fist into the ground, a misshapen green fist that cracked the pavement. Then he started growing. The ponies watched in terror as muscles expanded all over him and he grew to nearly nine feet in height. His hair and skin both turned green, just like the green they had seen in his eyes. Banner planted both feet into the ground and roared into the sky.


The entire town shook from the force of his roar, causing all the ponies that were out and about to run over, wondering what was going on. Banner stopped roaring and just stood there breathing, before slowly turning around to face the ponies. His face was full of rage and his green eyes were filled with a fury that had never been seen in Equestria to that day.

"W-what happened to him?" Gilda asked, all of her bravado gone as she stared into Banner's face.

"It's the Hulk," Twilight said in a whisper, recovering from the toss and having run back over to her friends. "Dr. Banner is the Hulk." The ponies watched with terror as the Hulk looked over all of them, his eyes narrowing when he saw Gilda laying on the ground.

"Puny griffon think it can hurt Hulk?" he asked her in a whisper. "HULK TEAR PUNY GRIFFON IN TWO!" he roared as he lifted both arms over his head, slamming them into the ground and knocking everypony within a mile off their hooves. He then snarled at the griffon and charged right for her. She screamed in terror and tossed RD off her back, taking to the sky to try and escape.

"BANNER, NO! Twilight cried out and used her magic to place a barrier between the Hulk and Gilda. The Hulk didn't even register the barrier as he ran right through it and continued his chase after the griffon. His eyes were so focused on Gilda that he wasn't even aware of the fact that he was running through multiple houses and apartments as he chased her, bringing them down behind. Ponies screamed as he came barreling by, with Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash behind him.

"For somepony so big, he sure moves fast," RD grunted as they struggled to keep up with the massive creature. Hulk roared as Gilda got farther and farther away, slamming one fist into the ground and launching himself towards the griffon. He sailed through the air, his arc was planned out so perfectly that he would have grabbed her if a blast of magic hadn't knocked him out of the sky. He collided with the ground and skidded for a bit, toppling even more buildings. He grunted and shook off the building that had collapsed on him, spinning towards his attacker with fury written into his features. Celestia stared down at him, recognizing him from Banner's description.

"So, you are the Hulk," she said with a glare, Hulk returning it with a growl. "Banner warned me about you and what you can do. But make no mistake, I will stop you."

"And now the ponies try to hurt Hulk, just like Hulk said!" Hulk roared as he charged at her. Celestia growled in return and threw up a shield around herself. Hulk barreled into her shield and it shattered instantly, throwing the princess across the ground. He leapt into the air to finish her off, bringing both fists down on her chest. His fists shattered the ground and sent out another massive shockwave, knocking over even more buildings. Hulk opened his eyes with a grin, only to find that the princess had vanished and had reappeared next to Twilight. "Why puny pony run? Fight Hulk!"

"He is indeed as strong as Banner said," Celestia said with a frown, bracing herself for another attack.

"Princess, that is Banner," RD said with fear in her voice.


"It's true! We watched him transform from being our friend Banner into that not so jolly green giant!" Pinkie agreed. Hulk roared and charged the ponies, forcing Celestia to open fire on him with her magic.

"Stop, you'll hurt him!" Twilight cried out. But Celestia's magic did the opposite of hurting the Hulk, for all it did was make him even angrier. Celestia and the other ponies looked on in terror as Hulk tanked through her spells and grabbed her by the throat.

"Why puny pony and griffon attack Hulk? LEAVE HULK ALONE!" He roared into her face, the force of his voice blew her mane back. Hulk lifted Celestia and threw her into the air roaring as he did so. Celestia caught herself and constructed a cage around the Hulk with her magic.

"Twilight, assist me," she commanded. Twilight nodded and reinforced her shield, forming a red and purple barrier around the Hulk. Celestia floated down in front of the Hulk, who had started punching the barrier with his might. "Do not bother Dr. Banner. I have already told you that even the Hulk cannot beat my magic."

"Why pony talk to Banner? Banner not here! Only Hulk here!" Hulk roared back, slamming his fist near her face. Celestia didn't flinch as his fist landed right in front of her.

"Listen to me Banner, I do not know why you are this beast, but you must control it." As she continued to talk to Banner, Hulk got angrier and angrier. He roared and brought his fist back again, slamming it into the barrier with all of his rage. Even with two powering it, the shield shattered under the force of the blow. The shockwave created by the impact launched the four horses across the ground, knocking Celestia, Twilight and RD out cold. Hulk looked down at them and then at all of the town that had been destroyed, a frown spreading on his face. Fires had started and ponies everywhere were panicking, their cries for help wracking his ears. But if he stayed, the would hurt him. He then turned and started to head for the woods off in the distance when a voice stopped him.

"Why Banner?" Hulk turned around to find Pinkie looking up at him, tears welling up in her eyes. "Why did you do this? You're supposed to be our friend! Why did you destory my home? Answer me!"

"Puny Banner isn't here right now," Hulk answered with a growl, staring the pink pony down. "Only Hulk is here! And Hulk doesn't need friends!" He leapt off into the distance as he said this, crashing down in the forest a few seconds later. Pinkie watched him go with sadness in her heart, but also a growing curiosity. Banner, or Hulk, said that he didn't want friends, but to Pinkie that meant that he didn't have any. And a pony, or monster, without friends was somthing she couldn't allow. But first...

"Twilight! Rainbow Dash! Wake up!" she yelled into their ears. Twilight groaned and sat up, rubbing her head with her hoof. Rainbow Dash pulled herself out of the wall into which she had been tossed and fell to the ground, shakily getting to her hooves.

"Ugh, anypony get the number of that carrige that hit me?" RD asked weakly, shaking her head and staggering around a bit. Twilight shook her head as well and looked over at Celestia, who was still laying unconscious on the ground.

"Princess, are you alright?" Twilight asked as she walked over to her, waking her up and helping her to her hooves. Celestia groaned and looked around at all the destruction, a frown forming on her face.

"This is the third time in the past two months that this town has come under attack," she said with a sigh. "I had hoped that my frequent visits would keep most of the evil away, but..."

"But the Hulk is beyond anything that we've ever seen," Twilight finished for her, looking down at her hooves. "So that's the reason Banner wanted to leave so badly. Because he knew that if he stayed, that the Hulk would break free and destroy our home. But why didn't he tell us he was the Hulk?"

"Would you have believed him?" Celestia asked. Twilight thought about it for a minute before shaking her head. "He probably didn't tell us because he planned to leave as soon as he could."

"But I convinced him to stay," Twilight sighed. "He just wanted to keep us safe, but I selfishly kept him around. It's my fault that Ponyville has been destroyed."

"No, it's the Hulk's fault, silly," Pinkie said with a smile, bonking Twi on the head gently. "He's the one who ran through the buildings and tried to throw Celestia into space."

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up Pinkie, but it is my fault," Twilight said with a sigh. "Rainbow Dash, go gather the others. We're going to need all the Elements if we hope to...bring him down."

"Sure thing, Twilight," Rainbow Dash said before flying off into the distance. Celestia watched her go before turning her attention back to her student, who was hanging her head.

"Twilight, what is the matter?"

"It's my fault, Princess. If I had just listened to him instead of forcing him to stay, we wouldn't be having this problem," Twilight said sadly. "Now we have to go and stop him."

"It is one of the harder choices of being a leader," Celestia said with a sigh, wrapping a wing around Twilight. "Sometimes we must chose the greater good over our own needs."

"Yes, Princess. But I can't just sit by while this happens. Banner helped us when we needed him, so I'm going to help him. Fortunately, I have friends to help me. Right, Pinkie?" Twilight asked. She looked around to realize that the pink pony had vanished. Twilight looked at the ground to find her hoof prints and saw that they were heading for the forest that the Hulk had jumped into.

"Pinkie, what are you doing?!" Twilight asked as she and Celestia ran off into the forest after her.