• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 22,107 Views, 2,082 Comments

The Strongest There Is - Onomonopia

Banner (and Hulk) in Equestria. What else to say?

  • ...

To Sacrifice Yourself

Banner woke up early the next morning stiff and sore. He stood up and stretched out his arms, looking around the room. Twilight had apparently continued her research well into the night, because he found her still asleep downstairs with his blood which was still green.

"I told you, the Hulk's an uncurable disease," he said with a sigh as he headed back upstairs. "Not even your magic can cure him." His next target was the fridge upstairs, and he rummaged around in it for some food. He pulled out a carton of milk and some apples, and he had just sat down to eat when there was a knock at the door. He dragged himself over to it, opening the door to see that Fluttershy was standing there, bashfully looking at her hooves.

"O-oh, hello Dr. Banner," she said softly, so that Banner had to lean in to hear her. "I-is Twilight in? I need her help with something."

"She's in, but she's also sound asleep in the basement," Banner said with a small chuckle. "And I doubt when she wakes she'll be in any shape to help."

"Oh, I'm sorry for bothering you then," she said with a sad sigh and turned to leave. Banner stepped out of the house and stepped in front of her.

"Just because Twilight can't help doesn't mean that I won't. What do you need help with?"

"I need help looking for Susie," Fluttershy muttered. "She hasn't come back to the cottage in a few days. She's normally so good about being home on time and not staying out late. I'm afraid that something's happened to her."

"Susie? You mean the snake that bit a hole in my arm?" Banner asked with a raised eyebrow. Fluttershy nodded weakly in return, wondering if he'd still help. "Alright, let's go find her," Banner said with a hint of resignation. Fluttershy's face lit up and she smiled at Banner before leading the way. Their walk took them through the town, where a number of ponies stopped and waved hello to him. Banner waved back, amazed at how friendly they still were. This was a lot different than Earth, that was for certain.

"Why are all the ponies here so friendly?" he asked Fluttershy.

"That's because Equestria is a peaceful land for the most part and the ponies have nothing to fear," Fluttershy said with a smile, waving at the ponies as well. "Another reason the ponies are so nice around here is because Pinkie's always trying to be friends with everypony. She doesn't care who you are, she'll still be friends with you--although she can be a bit pushy at times." Banner agreed with both statements, remembering how Pinkie had acted and talked to the Hulk. Not even Thor himself would speak to an angry Hulk like that. Then again, Hulk was always angry, so he supposed it was a moot point.

"I take it she doesn't get afraid or upset easily?" he asked.

"I don't know how she does it. I'm afraid of practically everything and all she's afraid of is losing her friends." Banner knew that fear well, but most of the time he was pushing his friends away to keep them safe. Fluttershy then started to talk about the kinds of adventures on which she and her friends had gone, and while he tried to listen, his mind slipped off to the talk Pinkie had with the Hulk. She had shown no fear of him, something that he had almost never seen before. Would she try to make friends with the Hulk? He shook his head at the thought, knowing that the Hulk would never accept that. He then realized that Fluttershy was looking up at him, waiting for the answer to the question she had asked.

"I'm sorry, Fluttershy. What did you ask?"

"I wanted to know how you're enjoying your time in Ponyville? It seems like you've calmed down quite a bit."

"Yes, but only a little. Now let's go and see if we can find your snake friend." He walked on a bit, only to stop and realize that Fluttershy had stopped. "What's the matter?"

"I just wanted to thank you for coming to help me," she said with a small smile. "I know that Twilight wanted to cure you, but I was actually hoping that I could get a chance to help you as well."

"You wanted to help me? How?" he asked with a smrik.

"I thought that I could help you control your anger," she said with a compassionate smile. "I may not look it, but I have a lot of pent up anger in me. Sometimes it gets so bad that I just want to scream!" Banner had one of the strongest wills known to man, and even he almost 'daw'd' at the little yell she let out. After he calmed his heart, he looked up to notice that the two of them had arrived on the edge of the Everfree Forest.

"Are you sure you want to go in there?" he asked with a bit of concern. "From what I've read it's the most dangerous place in the center of Equestria."

"Is it more dangerous than you?" she asked with a smile.

"Well, no but--"

"Then we'll be fine." Fluttershy headed into the forest, leaving Banner to walk after her with a sigh. Yes, if they got in danger he might use the Hulk to protect them, but there was no guarantee that the Hulk wouldn't attack her...and the last thing he wanted on his already heavy conscience was the death of an innocent pony.

"Come on Banner, my animal friends told me that Susie was last seen around here," Fluttershy told him, grabbing him by the arm (he still didn't know how they did that with their hooves) and leading him through the forest. She came to a stop at a small clearing that would have looked beautiful...if not for the fact that a large number of trees had been uprooted and that many animals were laying dead on the ground. Fluttershy took one look at the scene and put a hoof to her head before falling over. Banner clinically started looking around at the destruction, seeing if he could find any sign of what did this.

"This doesn't make sense," he muttered to himself, looking at the animal bodies and torn apart trees. "This is the kind of destruction that I'd expect from the Hulk. But I haven't 'Hulked out' in this area. So why does all this destruction look so...?" Banner's words halted when he looked behind a tree to find a terrifying sight. A massive indentation had been dug into the ground, at least six feet deep. Banner hopped down into it to find that it wasn't just an indentation made there, but was instead a trail that headed even deeper into the forest.

"Ugh...Banner?" Fluttershy asked, getting back up to her hooves and trying not to throw up. "Wh-what happened to these animals? Where is Susie?" Banner ignored her, focusing on the problem and trying to put it together. He had witnessed scenes of destruction like this before whenever the Hulk came out. The destruction here couldn't be the Hulk, so it had to be something else as powerful. The indent in the ground looked very similar to what a snake would make, but it should not be of this size. There were no known snakes that had the power of the Hulk or the size of...

"Oh hell," he muttered to himself as the answer struck him like a lightning bolt. He jumped up and grabbed the edge of the massive trail and pulled himself out, running over to Fluttershy who was burying the bodies. "Fluttershy, I need you to fly up and see where this trail goes.

"But, I have to bury--"

"Now," he said sternly, causing Fluttershy to back up with fear. She flapped her wings with all her might and fluttered up into the sky, looking off into the distance to see where it went.

"As far as I can see it, it looks like it's heading for Ponyville!" she called out to him. Banner swore to himself and took off in a dead sprint for the village, with Fluttershy flying beside him.

"Banner! What's wrong?" she cried out to him.

"I think I know what happened to Susie," Banner growled, leaping over a felled tree and rolling under another one, coming up sprinting. "And I don't think you're going to like it. Remember when she bit me when she was upset?"

"How could I forget? That's when you saved me," she said with a smile.

"Yeah, well, I think she may have swallowed some of my blood," he panted, seeing Ponyville off in the distance.

"And that's bad?" she asked.

"Well, she bit me when she was angry right? And you know what happens when I get angry with my blood, don't you?" Fluttershy's eyes widened as she realized what he was implying, looking at him with terror in her eyes. Then Banner heard the screams which were followed by a massive roar. The two of them ran into the center of town...to see something that would haunt Fluttershy's nightmares.

"I think Susie's all grown up," Banner said to the terrified Fluttershy. Susie had gone from a three foot long snake to a massive fifty foot snake that was as thick as a tree, making it almost look like a basilisk. She was hissing with rage and ramming through buildings and ponies, leaving destruction and terror in her wake. Banner could see the green gamma blood pulsating through her veins as ponies panicked all around him, running for their lives.

"Dr. Banner!" Both Banner and Fluttershy turned to find Twilight and the others running or flying over to them. "What's going on? What is that thing?"

"That 'thing' was formerly known as Susie the snake, but now it is a monster of destruction," Banner explained, whistling as the snake's giant tail tossed a house across the sky. "Yeah, we might want to do something about that."

"Alright, here's the plan. Rainbow Dash and I will keep the snake busy while Fluttershy and Rarity help the others to evacuate," Twilight ordered. "Pinkie, you and AJ get Banner out of here. I don't want two gamma-filled monsters in Ponyville." AJ nodded and grabbed Banner by the arm, dragging him off despite his protests. Twilight then turned towards the snake and shot a spell of fire into the side of its head. While it did no damage, it got her attention.

"This might not have been one of my better plans!" she yelled as she took off into the sky, flying away from the massive serpent that followed her through the streets. RD took over from there, flying down from the sky and kicking the serpent in the head. All that did was anger the serpent even further and it began to follow her.

"Let me go, Applejack," Banner growled while AJ dragged him through the streets. "They will need my help if they hope to beat that thing."

"No. Twilight asked me to get ya as far away from there as ah could, so we're leaving," she replied. Banner growled and tried to free himself, but she had an iron grip. Pinkie hopped along side looking at Banner, giving him a quizzical look. He opened his mouth to say something, but then Rainbow Dash came flying overhead and crashed through a building, knocking her out. Banner raised an eyebrow at AJ, but she was even more stubborn than he had thought.

"Look, things may look bad now, but mah friends always come out on top," she said with certainty, just as Twilight got tossed overhead into the same building. Banner, AJ and Pinkie all turned to find the massive serpent heading for them. AJ dropped him and sprinted at the snake, pulling out her rope and lassoing it around the serpent's lower jaw. The creature hissed and swung its head, tossing AJ. Banner watched her sail into a bale of hay before turning his attention back to the snake. Pinkie was dancing around it to keep it distracted while Fluttershy and Rarity came running back to help.

"Let them go you brute!" Rarity yelled as she let loose a storm of gems upon the snake. The gems broke on its skin and turned its attention towards her. Her eyes shrunk as the serpent headed for her, but Fluttershy stepped in with the stare. Normally this would have been enough to bring any creature to its knees, but with the gamma blood fueling it, the serpent was able to resist. It hissed and smacked both Fluttershy and Rarity out of its way. Banner watched as Pinkie was the only pony left that tried to fight back, sighing to himself as he took off his shirt.

"Hulk, I know you're in there. I need your help," Banner said to himself. He heard no reply, but he could feel the Hulk's presence in the back of his mind. "I need you to get angry and take this thing out."

'No,' Hulk replied.

"What do you mean NO!?" Banner roared in rage, feeling his pulse increase but the transformation never came. "You love going crazy! That's all you live for!"

"It will be the same. Hulk come out, Hulk stop snake, ponies hate Hulk and ponies try to hurt Hulk. Hulk tired of it, Hulk just wants to be alone,' the Hulk replied. Banner looked up at the ponies in desperation, seeing Twilight and Pinkie try to fight the serpent back. He couldn't believe it, the one time he wanted the Hulk to come out and he was being stubborn.

"Hulk, if you don't help them, I will never allow you to take over again," Banner hissed, hoping to threaten the Hulk. His threats were met with silence, Hulk's mind having been made up. Banner looked back to the ponies to watch as the serpent wrapped its tail around Pinkie, slowly beginning to crush her. "Hulk, please."

'...Hulk will help.' Banner looked up in shock, not believing that Hulk had agreed just because he had said 'please.' 'On one condition.'

"Anything, just help them," Banner replied.

'Hulk stays. Banner goes. Permanently.' He knew that would be it. Banner knew that Hulk would want to be the dominate mind and not just the one that came out whenever Banner got angry. Banner knew that if he agreed, the ponies would be powerless at the might of the Hulk. And Banner didn't know if the Hulk would ever let him be in control again, even let thoughts reach him. But if he didn't, they would die here. Banner wanted them to be safe...and there was only one way to do that.

"I agree," Banner said in a whisper before feeling a rush of rage wash over him. His body expanded as muscles grew all over and his skin turned a deep green. Hulk then stood up and let out a massive roar.


The serpent looked over at Hulk and dropped Pinkie, advancing towards him as it spotted a new threat. Hulk growled and lumbered over towards the snake, slowly beginning to run at it. The snake increased its speed as well and raced towards him. The Hulk jumped into the air just as the snake opened its jaw to swallow him. Hulk brought his right fist back and drove it into the creature's jaw. The sheer force of Hulk punching the snake in the jaw snapped its head back and sent it flying back across the town through multiple buildings.

"Puny snake think it can hurt Hulk? HULK TEAR PUNY SNAKE IN TWO!!" he screamed at the sky. The snake got out from the remains of the building under which it had been trapped and hissed at the Hulk, speeding towards him. Hulk roared in response and slammed his shoulder into it once it had gotten close. Hulk then grabbed it by the tail and flipped it over his head, slamming the snake into the ground. Hulk roared and lifted the serpent again, slamming it down again and again. While Hulk was battling with the snake, Twilight had recovered and had gathered all of her friends together.

"Are you all okay?" she asked her friends once they had woken up.

"Yeah, but I don't think I'll be helping Fluttershy with her snakes any more," RD said with a groan. Before the others could speak, Hulk roared as he was tossed through a building near them. They all screamed as he came barreling back out of the building that had just gone down, slamming both fists into the snake's mouth. The snake hissed in pain as it backed up while Hulk grabbed a carriage and smashed it on the side of the snake's head. The snake responded by swatting him with her tail and sending him into the air, where he hit something he couldn't see and crashed to the ground. He hopped up with a smile and threw himself back into the fray.

"Wow, the Hulk really is strong," Applejack said with a whistle.

"I just hope that he doesn't hurt Susie too bad," Fluttershy said with worry. Susie wrapped herself around the Hulk and began to constrict, trying to crush the life out of him. Hulk roared and flexed his muscles, forcing the snake to let go. Hulk then jumped up into the air and drove his feet into the snake. It hissed in pain and opened its jaw to swallow Hulk. Hulk grabbed the jaws as he came down to the ground and pushed them as far as they could go. The ponies looked on in terror as Hulk smiled at the snake...before tearing its jaws off. The creature tried to hiss, but it came out as a gurgle as green blood rained down on the town. Hulk tossed the jaws away and let out a roar to the sky as the serpent fell to the ground dead. Hulk looked around at the destruction with a smile before kicking the snake's corpse.

"Puny snake no match for Hulk. Hulk is strongest there--"

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!?" Hulk turned just in time to see a yellow blur fly right up into his face and glare at him with tear-filled eyes. "WHY DID YOU KILL HER?! SHE DIDN'T DESERVE THAT!!"

"Puny pony annoy Hulk!" Hulk roared, snarling at Fluttershy's stare. But the pony that normally never wanted to fight stood her ground, glaring into the Hulk's eyes with a fury that her friends had never seen before.

"Say you're sorry," she demanded in a deadly whisper. Hulk looked at her in confusion before laughing at her, shaking his head as he walked by her. He then felt something hit him in the back of his head. He slowly turned around to see that Fluttershy had thrown a brick at him. "Say - You're - Sorry." Hulk looked at her for a second before slamming his foot into the ground and causing the ground under her hooves to shoot up, launching her into the air. Her friends screamed as Hulk watched her fly off with a grin. RD took off after her and came flying back down a few seconds later, holding a crying Fluttershy in her hooves.

"You're a monster," Fluttershy whispered as she glared at the Hulk. "A monster." Hulk didn't care what she thought and turned to leave. And for the second time in under a minute, a pony decided to hit him.


All of the ponies gasped as Pinkie brought her hoof across his face. Hulk's face didn't budge as she hit him and she hid the pain in her eyes once she landed. Hulk glared down at her with fury in his eyes, but she glared back with a fury that surpassed Fluttershy's.

"How dare you make my friend cry!" Pinkie yelled at him, tears welling up in her eyes from the pain of hitting the Hulk. Hulk wanted to smash her, but he knew that wouldn't work. So he just walked by her, not listening as she yelled at him. He came to a stop as Pinkie ran in front of him. "Let Banner out," she demanded.

"No," Hulk replied.

"I want to speak with Banner," she repeated.

"Banner no here anymore. Only Hulk here now," Hulk said with a sneer.

"What do you mean, 'Banner no here'?" Twilight asked with worry. Hulk turned towards her with a smirk.

"Puny Banner wanted Hulk to save ponies, but Hulk no want to. So Banner gave Hulk control, made Hulk the one who doesn't have to transform. Now Hulk stay Hulk." Twilight was shocked. Banner had given up his freedom to keep them safe and had hoofed his body over to this...monster. Hulk turned back around and slammed his feet into the ground, launching himself into the air. Twilight and Pinkie watched him go, while Fluttershy walked over to what remained of Susie and continued to cry.