• Published 21st Jun 2013
  • 7,831 Views, 263 Comments

Even Stranger - SaltyJustice

A young changeling leaves the hive for the first time ever, despite his... lack of talent. His assignments: Spying on Twilight Sparkle, not being caught, not being a liability to the hive, not stranding himself. He fails at two of those.

  • ...

Chapter 21

Thorax snapped awake suddenly. His back felt much better, and he stood up to take stock of his surroundings. He was no longer in the hospital tent, or even in Ponyville. He was someplace that was totally alien to him now, but had once been his home.

The hive's hatchery was located on the 6th floor, and was probably the most primitive area in the hive. No matter how their society or technology advanced, changelings still had a basic biology that necessitated leaving large, green cocoons hanging everywhere. Some of the cocoons held newborns, taken from their mothers after a two-week pregnancy to be raised communally once they were able to break out of their pods. Others contained nectar supplies, as the cocoons absorbed it and slowly tinted themselves yellow as the love was absorbed into their frames. Once a cocoon had become saturated, it was ready for a newborn to be placed in it, and it would satiate the youngling as it grew.

All the hive workers were absent, and only a single light source from somewhere distant cast a glow in the room. Thorax craned his neck but could not see it. He made his way around the cocoons in an effort to find it.

The whole room was deathly silent, and Thorax could not see anything past the darkened surface of the cocoons. There was no warmth coming from them, just a chill that he could not feel on his skin, but in his bones. Thorax drew nearer and nearer to the light source, and as he thought the next cocoon would reveal it, he blinked. It was gone, again, far in the distance, behind him.

Thorax turned and again made his way towards it, shoving aside cocoons to hasten his pace. Again, he thought he was close enough to see what cast the light, and again it vanished somewhere deeper in the room. All sense of scale and time ceased to matter, and Thorax began navigating towards the light source that was so distant it may as well be in another galaxy.

For hours Thorax pushed and nudged until the light was close enough. Dread filled his mind as a sudden apprehension took over. Some part of him was telling him to turn back, that he didn't want to see what was ahead. Thorax began to turn...

All around him, the light became blinding, yet Thorax's eyes remained unaffected. Every single cocoon was empty, both of hatchlings or nectar, save one - the cocoon directly in front of him. Thorax turned and tried to go another direction, anywhere but towards it, but found that each time he ran from it, it somehow reappeared in front of him.

Finally his curiosity took over, and Thorax dared to look closely into the organic pod. The shape of something living, and much larger than a hatchling, lay beneath the surface. A hoof on his shoulder made him jump and spin around.

Terrible Queen Chrysalis stood before him, and around her an army of changelings of every size and shape. Young, old, tall, short, they focused on the cocoon behind him. Their eyes betrayed hunger, and precious little else.

"They're just a food source," Chrysalis said.

Thorax spun to look at the cocoon again, and saw now that all the pods were occupied. The ponies that had been around him for the past weeks now lay dormant in the cocoons, some hanging upside-down, some not. He struck the pods frantically to try to free the occupants, but found his strength had left him, and his hooves laid not even a dent upon their surfaces. Chrysalis waited patiently for him to exhaust himself before gently laying next to him. She was much taller than him, projecting an aura of strength and calm, and she nuzzled him softly as he sat down to recover.

"Little one, wait your turn. There is plenty of food for all."

Thorax looked up into the Queen's eyes and saw compassion there, something he had never seen before in a changeling. Another changeling hauled a cocoon towards them and set it down in front of the Queen.

"Would you like to do the honors?"

Thorax stared at the pod before him. He could not see who was within it, but decided to open it anyway. He leaned down and tore at the edges of the pod with his fangs, stripping away the fleshy covering until the pony within was visible.

Thorax recoiled back. The Queen hungrily leaned forwards. The pony within awoke and struggled against her bindings.

The Queen prepared to devour Octavia, and Thorax's body suddenly became paralyzed. He could only watch, everything below his neck was no longer responding to his pleas to stop the Queen. Her fangs drew ever closer and Octavia's eyes grew wider as the realization dawned on her. Chrysalis was only an inch away...

Thorax screamed and tried to sit up, but only pain greeted him as the real world appeared before him. He was in the hospital, now, strapped down to a bed. Unlike other dreams, which faded into nothingness upon awaking, this one stuck with Thorax as though it had really happened. He was drenched in sweat, and his face was stained with tears. His head was bound tight and he could not move to see the room around him, and instead had to settle for looking up at the ceiling.

Officer Scratch came into view, craning over him.

"Have a bad dream, soft-serve?"

"Yes. Horrible."

Redheart appeared from the other side and likewise craned over him.

"All right, get out," she said, motioning at Vinyl, "I need a few words with him."

Vinyl disappeared and Thorax heard the door shut. Redheart leaned in closely and eyed something below Thorax's sight. A clinking sound released the binding on his head, and Thorax could at last look around.

"Careful now, you can move but if you feel pain, stop. Don't undo all the work I did."

"You are the one who saved me?"

Redheart nodded.

"I owe you two life-debts, if Officer Scratch is correct."

Redheart blushed, but then took on an angry look.

"Is that so? You can cancel one of them," she said. Thorax pushed his head up slightly to better see the hospital room.


Redheart flashed a small golden medal that now adorned her chest.

"Seems I got recommended for an award after saving a filly's life yesterday. While I wasn't here."

"Uhhh," Thorax stammered.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry about it. Just, if you need medical records forged, bribe me. It's a lot faster and easier on both of us."

Redheart trotted over to the room's window and drew back the curtains, revealing a bright and lovely day beyond. Thorax was on the third floor at least, judging by the height of the trees outside.

A shooting pain rocked Thorax's spine and he seized briefly. The pain subsided after a moment and Thorax relaxed, as Redheart examined his reactions.

"I'm not prescribing any medications until I consult with a pharmacist I know - one who can be discreet. Sorry, but you're just going to have to suck it up."

Thorax whimpered, but said nothing.

"Your friends are probably going to want to visit. Since you can't move, just shout if you need help. I doubt a call button would be much use."

Redheart left and Vinyl reappeared a moment later. She sat down next to the bed and just gazed at Thorax, her expression masked by the glasses always adorning her face. They sat there for some time.

"Where is Octavia?" Thorax asked, if only to break the silence.

"Not here."

"Why are you here?"


The silence resumed, and Thorax's mind drifted to Octavia's face. Her smile. Her little laughs and the way she nuzzled close to him. The music the night previous, that beautiful tune of two creatures finding love and flying away from the lives they had lived to be with each other. Octavia had made it for him, and now she had broken him and left.

"Hey," Vinyl said, "I've got a question for you."

Thorax grunted, only partially aware of what Scratch had said.

"What's your name?"


"What's your name? Like, you're a super-duper smooth spy, right? You gotta have a cool code-name. Like, Sticky-Sock or Black-Stalker or something. What's your name?"


It was as if an audible grinding could be heard as Vinyl thought on the name.

"Like an insect?"

"A what?" Thorax asked.

"A bug, you know. Flies, mosquitoes, my enemies as I crush them beneath my hoof."

"No, nothing like that," Thorax said, pausing to swallow audibly. "I am Thorax."

"Is that your code-name?"

"It is my birth-name."


Thorax kept one eye on Vinyl as he let the rest of his mind drift back to Octavia. He remembered the time he had first met her, and silently cursed at himself as he remembered trying to cast her aside in pursuit of a greater goal. What purpose would his mission fulfill? He wasn't sure, nobody had ever told him. Things were simpler here in Ponyville, all he had to do was ask and he could find out the answer to any question.

Perhaps his mission had no purpose. Could the Queen not simply order him to do anything? Was it not within her purview, as ruler of the hive, to command others?

Thinking of the Queen suddenly brought back the face of Octavia, beaming at him in lieu of his monarch. Where the Queen had scowled, Octavia had smiled. Unless the Queen wanted something, then she would appear in whatever way it took to get it. Octavia was never so callous.

"You've got it bad," Scratch said.

"What? Huh?"

"It's what the glasses are for. I can look anywhere and nopony knows, because these things are totally opaque. I'm watching you, and you've got it bad."

"Got what bad?"

"The feels."

Scratch thumped her chest, which seemed like a salute. Thorax tried to pretend like he knew what feels were.

"What do I do?"

"Just wait, I guess. 'Tavi will come around, eventually, and it's not like you can go after her."

Thorax reclined his neck and looked back up at the ceiling. He felt the same connection as before to Octavia, he still desired her presence and knew she desired his, but it brought him small comfort now. Totally helpless, stranded far from home, powerless except to sit and wait. So he waited.

Officer Scratch had to leave after some time, stating her intent to return later that evening. Thorax thought he would be alone, but another visitor arrived shortly after Vinyl left.

"By Celestia's beard, how did this happen?"

Thorax strained his neck to see the door. Twilight Sparkle and Spike were letting themselves in. Thorax let his head hit the pillow again.

"I wish I understood, myself."

Twilight was now looking down at him. After some shuffling, Spike appeared on the other side, standing on a milk-crate. The look on his face alternated between amusement and pity. It reminded Thorax of Spiracle, for some reason.

"Did you fall? Off a roof? Maybe get hit by a train?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know. I do not remember much."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Thorax considered his answer.

"Please get Miss Melody here. I need to talk to her."

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor milled around outside the hospital room, waiting for Twilight to come out. Cadence had insisted on coming along, but Twilight had refused to allow her into the room proper. She had to settle for eavesdropping what she could through the door.

"Why are we doing this?" Shining Armor whispered.

"I have a hunch," Cadence answered.

Twilight and Hist were talking to one another, but not loudly enough to make out the details. She could, however, hear one name said several times: Octavia Melody.

Twilight remained in the hospital room for about fifteen minutes, finally emerging with Spike in tow as the wall clock struck noon.

"Well? Is he going to be okay?" Cadence asked.

"Mister Hist is going to be just fine. He said the doctors here are excellent, and that it is unnecessary for us to sneak him any chocolate ice cream."

"What a pity," Spike said. He was salivating.

"Who did that to him?" Cadence asked. Shining Armor made a low whistling sound and turned away.

"He wouldn't say," Twilight answered.

"I thought as much. I'll catch up with you guys at the library later, I have some things I need to look into," Cadence said. She bumped her two forehooves together, a menacing sign if ever there was one. Twilight's blank expression betrayed no concern.

"You're not going to sneak him any ice cream, are you?" she asked.

"Wha - no?"

"Come on, Spike. Let's go conveniently not pay attention to the freezer for a while. See you later!"

Twilight made a big show of playfully winking, then departed with Spike and Shining Armor. Princess Cadence could only shake her head. Ponyville had a strange effect on whoever lived there, it seemed.

Princess Cadence needed to go undercover for this operation, and a quick visit to her hotel room provided her with all the important equipment:

A hairband.

A pair of thick-rimmed glasses.

Enough time to quietly cast the cloaking spell that Celestia had taught her some time ago.

The cloaking spell neatly hid her wings and horn, at least until she chanced to use them. The hairband and glasses would fool anypony who took a closer look, and Cadence strode confidently out of the hotel. The desk clerk hadn't even been present, her disguise was so foolproof.

"Wow, if you're trying to do the cool glasses look, you're way off, PC."

Vinyl Scratch was waiting for her outside the hotel. Cadence sighed.

"This is a disguise, Scratch. Don't blow my cover."

"It's a - "

Vinyl snorted and tried to stifle her laugh. Cadence made to leave.

"Wait! It's foolproof, nopony will know. Why are you going undercover?"

"I need to look into some things. Do you know anything about Octavia Melody?"

"Duh, she's my roommate. You saw her yesterday, remember?"

Cadence thought back.

"Gray, looks really pompous," Vinyl offered, "always wears a stupid bow-tie."

"Oh yes, I remember her. She's your roommate?"


Cadence leaned in close. "Any strange occurrences as of about a week and a half ago?"

Vinyl's glasses made sure she was unflappable. "You haven't been in Ponyville long, have you?"

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know how many times this town has been attacked by giant monsters, infested with vermin, set on fire, and had its roads somehow turned to soap, because I lost count. The last week has been weird because it's been so normal. It's been like living in a second-rate romance novel."

"I meant with your roommate, but I must express alarm for other reasons. Seriously, has Octavia been acting strangely lately?"

Vinyl cocked her head to the side. "I guess you could say that, but I know - "

"I knew it!"

"Wha - "

Cadence grabbed Vinyl's shoulders with her forehooves, and shook the smaller pony slightly as she spoke. "I need to know where Octavia is!"

"I dunno!"

"Damn it! Listen to me Vinyl, it's very important that we find her, and that you let me take care of everything when we do."

"But I - "

"Good thinking, we should split up. If you find her before I do, don't mention I was looking for her. This is very important, do you understand?"

"No," Vinyl said, answering the question in more ways than one.

"Great! You check your house, I'll check out the coffee shop to see if anypony has seen her."

Vinyl was left in the dust as Cadence dashed off to hunt down the wayward cellist. It took several minutes for Vinyl to remember why she had come to the hotel to begin with.

"Well, I guess I'll give you your concert tickets later, then."