• Published 21st Jun 2013
  • 7,827 Views, 263 Comments

Even Stranger - SaltyJustice

A young changeling leaves the hive for the first time ever, despite his... lack of talent. His assignments: Spying on Twilight Sparkle, not being caught, not being a liability to the hive, not stranding himself. He fails at two of those.

  • ...

Chapter 6

The lights dimmed, Queen Chrysalis sat in her bedchambers, waiting. She took note of each tick of the clock only a leg's length to her side, quietly counting off the seconds that Tarsus had taken from her precious sleep time. Eighty-two, eighty-three...

A clanging coming from down the normal access-way announced his presence in advance. The hurried clopping of his hooves suggested he would be rather apologetic for his tardiness.

"My queen!" Tarsus belted out as he entered.

"You're late. I take it there is a good reason for this?"

"Yes, my queen."

Tarsus revealed a small parchment tucked beneath his wings. Chrysalis sat up and took notice, her curiosity piqued at this most unusual display. Tarsus was rarely late, and even more rarely carried written documents - he preferred to keep knowledge in his head, where no cipher was necessary to guarantee secrecy.

"This is the field report from the scout we sent to request a document-sharing agreement from the hive near Marmalade Falls."

"A summary, then?"


A cold wind blew through the room, setting Chrysalis' coat on end. Abandoned. Again. Just like all the others.

"We're sure the scout did not neglect his duty?"

Tarsus shook his head. "Certainly not, I'd trust his eyes more than my own. If he says its abandoned, it most certainly is."

Sleep was a luxury, and luxuries are the first thing cast aside in emergencies. Chrysalis stood up and paced, the brisk movement jogging her mind back to action.

"When was the last communique from the Marmalade Falls hive? Five months?"


"The ponies? Could it be?"

"No ma'am. Our Infiltrators are confident that the ponies don't even know the hive exists. Or existed."

This pattern had Chrysalis on edge. One by one, the changeling hives scattered throughout the world were going dark, and she had no idea what was causing it. Diseases left bodies, wars left witnesses. Utter abandonment was something different and altogether more terrifying. Worst of all, whatever had caused it had no direction to go but towards her own hive: hers was the only one left.

"Tarsus, this conversation does not leave this room, is that clear? Not even the other intelligence officers need to know."

"Yes, my queen," Tarsus answered, giving a bow.

Chrysalis sighed. "Let's make the best of it, then. I want three recovery teams of six haulers each. I leave the individual choices to you, I trust your discretion. I would also like to send a security detail - "


"Just in case."

Tarsus nodded. He had been around long enough to know what could happen.

"Better make it two, lots of ground to cover. In addition, please send a team to create temporary camps. Have the haulers move only at night, between the camps. Best if we make sure the ponies don't catch wind of our operation."

"Right away, my queen. Any other instructions?"

"Yes. I will be sending along a forensics expert."

Tarsus looked about to question the decision, but thought better of it.

"I would like you to oversee this mission personally, as well. Give the forensics expert whatever she needs, she's not an intelligence operative but she's the best I have."

"Yes my queen."

This was most curious.

"Tarsus, what is bothering you? All you have done in this chamber is agree with me. It does not suit you."

"Nothing is bothering me, ma'am. We will carry out your instructions immediately."

"Excellent. Dismissed."

Tarsus bowed again and curtly trotted off through the door, closing it softly behind him.

The weight of the world bore heavily on Chrysalis' mind now. To know there had been at least one other hive had made her believe she could put off that sense of dread just a little longer. She had been hoping for a breakthrough of some sort, some crucial piece of evidence that all the others missed. It was not to be. Now, she and her hive were the last of the changelings, all that stood between them and total extinction. Surrounded by enemies who hunted them every day, relying only on cleverness to stay abreast of death, the life of a changeling was never easy, yet they had persevered for thousands of years. Within the span of her lifetime, all that was winding down.

It would not have been so painful if only she knew why.

It took fifty minutes exactly for Tarsus to round up the appropriate number of operatives for the job at hoof. He had already sent the ground-breaking team ahead, and the security detail was merely plucked from the active roster. The haulers had to be dismissed and covered for by overtime shifts amongst the other changelings, but since most of the espionage division had been recalled after the Canterlot debacle, it would likely not be a difficult task.

Tarsus took the liberty of making sure several of the haulers had previous experience haggling with ponies. Though Chrysalis had not explicitly ordered it, it was likely they would not be able to make use of all the equipment, and would have to sell it. Getting a few thousand extra bits would neatly undo a lot of the damage the failed Canterlot raid had done to his finances.

With all his troops lined up at the loading dock, Tarsus took the opportunity to do a quick headcount. All but one were present: the Queen's forensics expert.

"Attention: We will be moving out in three minutes. As you know, discussion of the mission until debriefing with anyone of lower classified clearance is strictly prohibited. Are there any questions before we move out?"

Tarsus waited a moment. There was a murmur amongst the assembled troops, but no questions were forthcoming. As he was preparing to conclude the briefing, he saw a changeling slinking in the back from the long hallway leading to the loading dock.

"Would you happen to be Tegula?"

"Tegs to my friends."

The Queen had not mentioned that her forensics expert was rather comely. Tarsus decided to dismiss the lateness as a result of the Queen's need to inform Tegula, and of her general lack of preparedness for field work. Unlike the other personnel, Tegula carried nothing that would suit her in case of emergency. She was only carrying a single saddlebag, presumably with her work equipment.

"Everyone, this is our forensics expert. She is here at the behest of the Queen herself, and you will show her whatever deference you would show to Great Queen Chrysalis."

"Hail, Chrysalis!" all the assembled changelings shouted in unison. Tarsus noted the bewildered look on the rookie's face.

"Move out. Alpha formation, combat units in rear and lead. Step to!"

The night was a cacophony outside the hive, as mating season for the many creatures of the forest was in full swing. The endless chorus of grasshoppers and nocturnal birds dampened the creaking of the hatch as it swung and opened. A column of changelings exited, traveling two at a time. By the time they had passed the first copse of trees, the column had been replaced with that of a variety of ponies. Some of the pegasi of this new consortium took to the air, maintaining a perimeter around their earthbound compatriots. The night was young yet, and the changelings had much to do.

Looking out at the darkened landscape, Tegula felt nervous. She had actually been in the field multiple times before, it was what she might find when they reached Marmalade Falls that disturbed her. Worst of all, she knew she could not speak to anyone about it, lest she alarm them. The future of her species was counting on her, and now, surrounded by her kin, she felt most alone.

At the same moon that shone over the changelings so many miles from her, Princess Cadence sat wistfully gazing. Her mind was not one preoccupied with anything but banalities, at the moment.

"I need a vacation."

Shining Armor was in one of his reproachful moods this evening.

"And just what do you need a vacation from?"

"This. This crap. I don't know how you spend all day in meetings discussing bridges and education budgets. It's melting my mind."

She had taken to sitting on the throne of the Crystal Empire perhaps more reluctantly than most ponies would, in her position. Shining Armor, however, had been roped into it for daring to love without regard to the consequences.

"Technically, you don't have to be here. You can be on vacation," Cadence said. This elicited a hurt look, instead of the expected angry one.

"Go on vacation without you? My dearest love Cadence, wherever I would go, my heart would remain here with you, and leave my soul empty and aching."

Cadence gave her husband a condescending look.

"Are you waxing eloquent in the hopes of getting lucky tonight?"

A pause.


The two laughed, as Cadence placed her head gently along Shining Armor's mane. Another late night, this time the two were waiting for the new councilors that the crystal ponies had elected to finish deliberating on a funding bill. They were... inexperienced, at best.

At last, a crystal pony in a brown robe entered the long door opposite the throne and approached. Cadence stifled her yawn, and sat up at attention.

"Councilor, uh. Councilor Travis. We've finalized the bill."

"Excellent! I'll just stamp it and we'll - "

"Aren't you going to read it?"

Cadence signed audibly, making it extra loud in the hopes that the councilor would hear. If he did, he made no indication of it.

"Yes, if I must."

"Of course you must!"

"Were you not able to come to an agreement to which you were all pleased with? If not, then why bring this bill to me?"

"We were happy with it..." the councilor said, trailing off. It was akin to talking to a school filly facing discipline.

"Then I shall sign it post-haste. You don't need my approval for every little thing."

A suited guardspony took the rolled up parchment to the sitting Princess, who quickly stamped it with her seal while making a show of not reading it.

The councilor took the bill back from the guardspony and left. The throne room around them lay silent as the door closed after him.

"Gee, what was that all about?" Shining Armor inquired.

"Imagine living your entire life surrounded by ponies who will beat you if you step out of line. Then imagine, two weeks later, that you're suddenly in charge of your own affairs. How would you act?"

Shining Armor grunted his assent.

"This job sucks, but we have to do it a little longer," Cadence said with a sigh, "I'm sure they'll be able to handle themselves within..."

Shining Armor cocked his head at her.

"Maybe a few years..." Cadence grumbled, in a half-apology.

"A few years?"

"Well, it's not like I can just get us out of it, by wishing upon a star. If that worked we'd be off adventuring across the lands."

A faraway look came over her husband's face. A distant memory? A far-flung fantasy?

"Actually I really wanted to visit Hoofington."


"Excellent cotton candy. To die for."

To be the kind of pony who marries a nigh-immortal demigoddess but still has fantasies about cotton candy, Cadence could only guess at. To be the kind of pony who marries that kind of pony, she was depressingly familiar with.

"Whatever. I'm tired, let's go to bed," Cadence said, taking off her crown and simultaneously kicking her golden shoes off. The guardsponies followed them with their eyes as they bounced down the steps before the throne and rolled towards the door.

"Bit too much oomph, huh?" Shining Armor offered.

Cadence flashed an embarrassed smile and darted down the steps after them. She picked up three, and angled towards the fourth one when the door opened, colliding with it and sending it skittering across the floor. She grumbled and made her way after it.

"Special delivery for Princess Cadence!" the pony who had barged in announced. Cadence stopped herself and turned around.

"Special? What's so special about it?"

The mailpony was a gray mare with a blonde mane, wearing an Equestrian Mail Services blue coat. Something seemed unusual about her eyes, but certainly nothing worth commenting on. Shining Armor quietly made his way over to the fourth horse-shoe as Cadence addressed the mailmare.

"That doesn't look so special," Cadence said, commenting on the package's wrapping.

"Yeah, but it's what's inside that's special."

Cadence shot a look at the mailmare.

"Did you open my mail? I think that's treason."

"No, but I know it's a special package!"

The guardsponies were now making no secret of their interest in the exchange. Cadence dismissed them with a wave of her hoof. "Go to bed. I can handle this."

Shining Armor had recovered the errant shoe just in time to see his wife open up the package, and to see the exasperated look on her face as she discovered there was another package within it. This package, however, really was special. It was marked with Celestia's royal seal.

"Now this is interesting..." she murmured, opening the package - again.

The second package contained a letter, which at this point, Cadence expected to contain, somehow, yet another package. It didn't, though.

Dear Princess Cadence

Hope things are going well with you. Everything here is fine. So fine, in fact, that I think you need to pay a visit to Twilight Sparkle. You'll find out why when you get to Ponyville.

Do not send communications to me in any fashion except through the courier who brought you this message. I fear that our other means are being intercepted. This needs to be done quickly and discreetly. I'm counting on you.

-Princess Celestia

Cadence's teeth were grinding by the time she read the letter in full. In it, Celestia had neatly forgotten to tell her anything she actually needed to know, and only what she had to do, and how to do it. In so doing, she actually had not told her what she had to do, or how to actually do it. Truly a master politician, she could speak for hours and say nothing at all!

The mailmare's expression had not changed from the earnestness she showed upon arrival. She was probably expecting Cadence to give her something to take back, though.

"Stay right here, I'll write a response in a minute."

"You could just tell me what to say. I'm on special assignment!"

Cadence thought for a moment.

"Tell her that I'm on the way, and that, if this is some elaborate prank, I'm declaring war on her. I mean it, Crystal Empire vs. Equestria. Make sure she knows I'm not kidding."

The mailmare nodded and smiled, spinning in place and darting off without questioning what she had been told to say.

"So we're going to Ponyville eh?" Shining Armor asked, slipping the forgotten shoe in with the other three Cadence had left on the floor.

"Yeah, it seems that way. You read it over my shoulder?"

"Of course I did."

"I think that's treason, Captain Sparkle."

He pursed his lips and let out a 'pffft' sound. Cadence raised an eyebrow but let it slide.

"We can make the arrangements in the morning. Can we just go to sleep now?" Cadence whined.

"Oh but I do so love you when you're tired and cranky."

"Very funny. Instead of giving me lip, why don't you try serenading me, or something to that effect?"

"And miss all those lines on your face bunching up when you get angry?"

"My face is going to be perfect forever, I have a special cream for it. Your face is going to wrinkle at ten times the normal rate, I've heard that's what dried pasta sauce does to it."

The two bickered and laughed all the way back to their bedchambers. A grey pegasus flew across the sky towards Canterlot. A column of ponies trudged westwards towards their destiny, and Thorax, back in Ponyville, took his first rest since he left his home behind him.

"It's something really impressive, isn't it?" Vinyl asked Octavia, as the two spied on their guest sleeping in the living room.

"Not one thing about that is right. Every leg is at a different angle, the face is warped and ghastly, and he's drooling. It's like a cubist's representation of a skydiving accident."