• Published 26th Apr 2013
  • 24,981 Views, 2,417 Comments

A Twilight Landing - MerlosTheMad

A strange girl has shown up in another strange girl's garage. Together, can they figure out just what is going on? Will they be able to get the strange girl claiming to be Twilight Sparkle home?

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Chapter 11 : A Friendship Report

Twilight let out a remorseful groan of frustration whilst staring at the pad of paper, a strange, human writing utensil clutched in one balled up fist. "I can't believe how hard this is..." she muttered, staring at the ball point pen angrily. Her face set itself into a look of determination though, despite how bad her 'handwriting' was. It would take practice to get better, but she wanted to write something now, and it wouldn't wait.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I know this report is horrendously tardy, but given the circumstances, I hope you will understand. It is also not about the magic of friendship, but a more terrible matter at hoof. I apologize again for how often that seems to be the case... As I was saying, I have been displaced somehow from Equestria. It happened by my own hooves, and was my own, foalish fault. It is hard to appropriately put my distress into words. I don't think I've ever been this worried before.

The land here is called Earth, and it is hard to explain, but I will do my best. Things are stranger than strange here. The... natives, do not possess magic for starters. I will get back to that later. They are called humans, and are quite interesting. One has given me shelter, kindness, friendship, and is responsible for my safety and recovery thus far.

Twilight paused while writing, her expression had softened a bit while writing. She used the back of one fur-less hand to wipe at a tear that dribbled down her cheek. With a deep breath, she set the pen back to paper.

There are no ponies here, and the humans do not possess any way I could get home. I imagine, if you ever read this, then these words will carry less weight, but... I miss you princess, I miss everypony, so much. I am certain that Spike has eaten all of the ice cream in the library by now.

A shuddering breath escaped Twilight, the pen escaped her hand and lay beside her on the bed.

Being around Jo and Alice had made her think of her family, of Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie and everypony else she could possibly remember back in Equestria. It so happened that today was also the day she had routinely written a weekly friendship report to her mentor, until an incident concerning a poorly conceived spell changed things a little. Still, she had gotten the urge to write one, her friends near to her thoughts throughout.

The pen lifted again and wrote on in her awkward grip.

I have come to grips with being here though, so forgive me for using my letter to vent my feelings and fears, princess. Perhaps I should begin a diary, instead?

Twilight stared at the scribbled words a moment, before then continuing.

Well, maybe not that, but nevertheless allow me to report some of the things I have discovered here thus far, in detail. Where to begin...

The humans' advancements over-encompass our own greatly, princess, though they have no direct control of magic, much like diamond dogs or gryphons. They are very resourceful, however, and have created a plethora of wondrous devices and tools. I feel I have only scratched the surface of these as well. I can't imagine what may have driven them to create things of this nature. Many of them are mundane in use, strangely. Tools such as these perform tasks that could easily be done by them or a pony, or a simpler device, but they were made anyway. Others, do things that I would have never imagined were I to live as long as you! It's breath taking in a way, if nothing else I look forward to at least learning all manner of strange new things here.

Speaking of strange, princess, that brings me to what I mentioned before. As I said, there is no magic here, and the very fundamental aspects of this place are entirely different from our own world. The moon can be seen during the day, the sun is controlled by naturally occurring forces rather than anypony in charge of it. In fact, with no magic here I can't imagine how this human world has a sun at all. I suspect it must exist in some other state? I greatly wish to investigate that.

It is just a suspicion as of yet, princess, but I highly suspect that magic is not the basic building block of all creatures and life at present on this world. Oh don't even get me started on the world itself, this place is round, and surrounded by empty 'space'. I don't even want to imagine the implications, after thinking about the 'rotation' that Jo, oh, she's my host by the way, I'll talk about her, too. Where was I? Oh yes, why aren't I falling off this thing!? The speed I'm moving at right now is thirty kilometers per second. Over one hundred thousand kilometers per hour. The human world is fascinating, I wish so dearly I had my magic to do some real studying... Speaking of, after landing, my crater formed several dozen strange looking, leg length crystal 'chunks'. Amazingly enough these seem to be entirely magical in nature. I hypothesize these could in fact be what remain of my old body, or perhaps the magic residue from it, or possibly my potion? I'm not sure, I have no way to tell. They seem stable though, and I'm hoping to think of some way I can make use of them at a later date.

So, magic seems to not exist here other than myself. If this is the case though, why are other constants in our realms of existence so similar? Why is two plus two not five here? Or food taste like purple, or something equally silly? I will need to run some tests somehow, just like everything else. If nothing else, there is quite a bit here to keep me preoccupied should I fail to return home... I will talk to Jo about it soon, I have yet to because of everything that has happened, there is just so much! It's very shocking, and my brain feels like it's about to pop when I try to get a handle on it all, which is saying a lot I think. Oh, that sounded a little prideful, forgive me, princess.

Twilight smiled cheerfully down at the page, happier now that she was in her element. She paused to rotate her strange wrist and work the kinks of of her arm and 'fingers'. It was a great deal more difficult to write with human hands. As a unicorn, writing had been second nature, and very easy for her to do without thinking about it. As a human, she had to concentrate her utmost just to hold onto, and use the pen she held, as well as make the hoofwriting legible. Uggh, I'll never get used to how different everything is here. She took another moment to ground and scratch her head, then sighed and continued to write.

At first, I thought that perhaps life here had merely advanced differently, but it's more than that. Even the food tastes different, like plants, which by the way somehow match our own in appearance. At least, they do as far as appearances go. By the way, human way of life seems to be very industrial. Applejack would have a fit learning how crops are grown here. Oh dear, I'm getting off track though, princess. My point is that magic isn't a part of this world at all, and I presume that will make my return home that much more difficult.

The sound of laughter echoed through the nearby wall. Twilight recognized it as Jo and her interesting friend, Alice. At first, Twilight had seen Jo as a rather strange creature, not just in body, but personality as well. After a few days with her though, she now recognized more than a few traits in the human that she herself had once possessed. It was interesting to think about for the castaway mare.

Twilight's pen began to scribble once more.

I am safe though, teacher, and although I am so far from you all, you are all close to my thoughts, and my heart. It isn't something that I've said to you before, princess, but you're my friend, as much as everypony else, and more. Both you and them will always be my friends, no matter what the circumstances of where we may be in relation to one another. I won't ever give up my quest to get back to Equestria. For now, know that I am safe.

Twilight's eyes ran down the page, it had taken her well over an hour to write the entire passage. A nifty little clock beside her borrowed bed let her know that much. Still, it was legible, and she decided it would more than suffice.

Goodnight princess, I will see you again.

Your ever faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Author's Note:

It's short, but I did it on purpose, this letter just seemed to want to be alone, on its own, you know? Less than a week until the next update (as usual) so bear with me fellas. ^^

So, would anyone like to write short adventures of Twilight on Earth with me? I would love to write more about Twi' watching the episodes, movies, films, and of course going out into public to be awkward and adorkable much like in the eqg movie, but well, MLM is postponed after the next update until I can get this one caught up. I haven't been working overly hard to do that, although I am trying reasonably so... Anywho I do run the (a?) collab writers group on fimfic with two other friends. The Mad Writing Workshop If anyone would like to write a story, because you haven't before, or you enjoy funny stories, or entertaining others, send me a message, I'll help you handedly with it.

Other then that if you missed it, I just made a Pacific Rim crossover, if you ponies have time I highly recommend it. No not because I wrote it, I genuinely think it is well written and interesting though. I put a lot of effort into making it more than just giant mecha fighting. Though you do get that right away. :ajsmug:

So this one was tomorrow's update, I won't be here tomorrow. Next update is on Tuesday!