• Published 26th Apr 2013
  • 24,981 Views, 2,417 Comments

A Twilight Landing - MerlosTheMad

A strange girl has shown up in another strange girl's garage. Together, can they figure out just what is going on? Will they be able to get the strange girl claiming to be Twilight Sparkle home?

  • ...

Chapter 21 : Herd of Nerds

"You... had fun, Jo?"

"Well yeah, of course I did. I mean, okay, things fell apart a bit at the end, but that was all my fault."

"...That is true."


"Uhm, sorry. Does it help if I say you weren't wrong earlier, just tactless?"

"...Yeah. A little, I guess. Sorry again about that."

"It's fine."


"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it, Jo? Bottling things up isn't healthy, I think, but I won't tell you how to handle your past."

"...It's fine, Twilight, I'll keep it to myself. It's not important anyway, I shouldn't have acted the way I did."

"And the things you said about Alice?"

"...Yeah, those too."

"I won't ask about the connotations of what upset her so much, but I guess they're pretty bad."

"Oh. You heard us yelling, huh."

"It wasn't intentional, but I did, sorry. I stopped listening to a lot of it."



"Hey, Twilight?"


"Are you sure you don't hate me?"

Twilight stared a moment, then laughed. "Yes, I hate you so much, and no longer want to be your friend. I have only my own interests in mind."

Jo's mouth dropped open, then understanding crept onto her expression. "Was that cynicism? Oh no, you've been hanging out with humans too much, we've corrupted you."

The two girls both laughed quietly together.

"... That can't really happen, can it?"

A little over a week later.

The back office in the townhouse was quiet except for the rapid clicking of small, plastic buttons. In the room was a desk, three bookcases—two of which were recently added—a lamp, a chair, a computer, and finally, a girl with mostly purple hair. There was also a cat, purring softly in the girl's lap while she pecked away at her keyboard.

The room itself wasn't large, but it was adjacent to the bedroom the girl had been using for more than a month now. She had also taken to wearing clothing constantly, walking in the strange way the local inhabitants did, and much, much more. It didn't upset her any longer, but it seated a deep sense of longing in her heart; for home. Equestria never seemed so far away to the girl as it did when something small reminded her of the predicament, whether it be a pleasant walk outside amidst the all too human town, or seeing her reflection.

The girl reached over for the mug of coffee she'd procured for herself earlier that night, only to lift it and find the weight to be a bit too light.

Twilight frowned and looked down into the mug, meeting the empty bottom with her eyes. "It's empty already?" Her eyes widened, surprised. She rubbed them both with her hands after realizing how heavy their lids felt. "I guess I need a refill..." She began to rise, but stopped and remembered the little animal currently taking up space on her lap. She looked down at the cat, and the cat stared back up at her with its calm eyes and peaceful demeanor, still purring.

A slight noise of struggle came out of Twilight's throat. "Please move?" She asked it politely, but true to the behavior all of Jo's cats shared, it remained seated and unmoving. It didn't scowl or hiss or anything, and it could certainly be ignoring her, but it was too difficult to tell. Suffice to say, the cat didn't move.

Twilight sighed and looked at the computer again, sitting back once more while hoping that the cat might get the hint eventually.

Displayed on the screen facing Twilight was a myriad of materials which she had been studying for weeks now. Still, they barely scratched the surface. Every topic from quantum mechanics to general relativity lay opened, as well as several community sites she had found for just those things. Though she had begun seeking such things to get home, it was painfully clear to her that the knowledge, though impressive, barely helped, if at all. It was very interesting, and that alone had kept her attention in between the other little things that filled her time, but she didn't feel it put her closer to Equestria.

Not much, anyway.

Hoping that Celestia could find her, somehow, was her only hope. After learning of the vastness of the human's world, that almost seemed impossible to consider a possibility.

Twilight paused her browsing, and stared solemnly at a picture of outer space's vastness. She had never imagined that a realm so vast could even exist. It made her wonder about just how much was known about her own world; how big it was. Anything could be out there, her thoughts considered, and not for the first time. Whenever she looked at the pictures, both real from the new 'James Webb Space Telescope' which replaced the 'Hubble' in 2018, or fake from a computer, she considered the possibilities of what other places might exist. Out in the vastness, were there worlds just like Earth, or perhaps like hers. She knew there was no way for her to know with the resources she had at hoof, or in this situation, at hand.

Suddenly, without warning, the cat sitting in Twilight's lap got up, stretched, and left without a sound or reason as to why.

Twilight made a thin frown and tracked the retreated feline with her eyes a moment. "Alright, I guess you're going to go then." She harrumphed slightly in response, then resigned herself to the change. Getting back to what she had been planning, she stood up to get more coffee, grabbing her mug along the way.

After the door to the office opened, Twilight was in the 'living' room to Jo's house, where the front door also lay, as well as the staircase leading to the second floor. She strode across the carpeted floor in a half daze, thinking about nothing in particular, which was rare. The night had an odd feeling about it for her. Spotting the front door, she briefly considered, then tiredly decided against going for an evening stroll through the town.

Twilight hadn't journeyed the concrete sidewalks of the town for over a week, waiting for the Halloween decorations that humans used en masse to be taken down, first. They weren't her favorite thing to look at.

After the thought passed, an oddity to Twilight's left caught her attention. There was something very surprising coming from the upstairs, which was nothing. For once, Jo's room on the second floor was completely quiet, where usually came a plethora of noises from either her loud music playing around the clock, or the quite often distasteful things called 'video games'.

Twilight stopped at the foot of the stairs and stared up the staircase a moment. That's weird. Is she asleep, this early? Since Jo did have sleep habits comparable to Twilight's own, her still being up or not was by no means a good way to judge the time for the ex-unicorn. She realized she wasn't entirely sure what time it was, but it couldn't be that late if she was only on her second cup of coffee. After glancing at her mug she decided to head up and ask if her friend would like something from the kitchen for her own night time habits as well; just in case of the likely scenario that Jo was awake.

Twilight thought about the chaotic 'video game' sound that was currently absent and her own experience with the things she had entertained some mild curiosity over. If they just weren't so violent... but maybe I could give them another try, just to get my mind off things like Jo suggested. She sighed over the thought, taking step after slow step to climb the stairs.

Before the Halloween outing her two human friends had taken her on, the brown haired girl of the pair had offered a few 'simple' options of the video games she herself seemed to spend a lot of time on.

Twilight briefly recalled the one she had tried, and beaten in minutes. It had been a virtual card game that resembled one from her home, which had also been called 'Solitaire'. The identical state of the game aside, it had been a short distraction which she had forgotten about after her first victory. Other than that, she hadn't tried out the others, merely investigated them over Jo's shoulder. Another she had recalled being named 'Tetris'.

Simply enough, Twilight hadn't found it in her to try and play games while being so desperate to get home. It didn't feel right, and even the occasional night outings she had enjoyed—for the most part—with Jo and Alice had put her in the mood to investigate human science almost nonstop.

After beginning to think of the way she tackled her recent studies, Twilight was reminded of the warning Jo had given her about the games and their addictiveness, though she couldn't imagine how a mere game could be that good. Nevertheless, with that in mind, she had yet to dare trying any of them in earnest. Getting home was the bigger priority, not being distracted by something trivial.

Moderation never was my strong suit, Twilight considered warily after reaching the top of the staircase. The thought reminded her of something else; that learning and coming to know her own weaknesses had been a long and arduous journey for her. It was a little embarrassing for her, as well, knowing that a great many of those private moments had been advertised to entertain others on Earth. The circumstance still made her wonder sometimes, as well as unsettled her. She frowned as she opened the door to Jo's room.

Oh well, it isn't serious. I'm sure I'm over that; aren't I? I mean, the cartoon greatly exaggerated my habits of course, and it was just for the intention of having a little fun. Plus, they didn't know that Equestria was anything more than a made up story land and-

"Hey, Twilight, you in there?" Jo said for the third time. She leaned over the side of her chair some, tilting her head to wave a hand within her ex-unicorn friend's line of sight. "Helloooo?"

Twilight came out of her daze, mouth slightly agape. "Uu-wah?"

Satisfied she had her friend's attention now, Jo continued. "I said, 'What's with the frown? Did someone say something to you on your forum again?'" She smirked and leaned casually on an arm rest.

"Oh, no, and you're awake, great. It wasn't that, Jo. Uhm, hello." Twilight held her mouth open for a second, then closed it. Oh drat, why was I in here again? She suddenly couldn't remember what she was doing in her friend's room. I always do this, I get distracted and then I-

Jo gave Twilight a lopsided smile. "Uh, hello, heh," she replied, seeing Twilight stare off at a wall again. "What's up?" The other girl sat back in her computer chair and spun it around to face Twilight.

"Uhm." Twilight's eyes widened slightly and looked around the room searching for what she had been up to. Darnit, was I going to ask if she'd made up with Alice yet? No, it wasn't that. Something to do with Equestria? Giving up, she laughed weakly and shrugged. "I- It seems I've forgotten 'what's up', Jo." She stepped into the room, unsure of what to do next. She settled on sitting down at the couch present.

Jo hummed, watching her taller friend walk across her room. "Did you just want company?" She asked.

Twilight set the mug down on the coffee table. "Maybe, I mean, yes." She laughed nervously, squinting at the mug some. Oh, it's empty, I should refill that.

Jo crossed her arms. "I actually haven't seen you except in passing for three days, Twi'. I keep expecting you to burst into my room shouting hallelujah over something to do with those crystals." Her eyes flickered up to Twilight's hair. She could see where the dark purple slowly shifted to black now that she knew to look for it. She tried not to stare, it was doubtful that Twilight would want it brought up.

Twilight tilted her head up from staring at the mug, thinking over what Jo had mentioned.

The unexplainable crystals.

They had reacted to stimulus from living contact, but other than a light show they did little else. Even a few other tests had given very little insight. An electrical current made them light up, too, and dropping them made them ring, but they may as well just be rocks for all they were worth.

The lack of produced results had put Twilight on edge for an entire afternoon. She couldn't control magic any longer, she couldn't even feel it. Just the phantom presence of the horn that she had once adorned her forehead usually irked her at least a little bit. I still don't understand why Jo had asked I test those crystals outside in the field though. The basement seemed a safe enough place...

Twilight huffed a breath out and responded to Jo. "That would be nice, actually, if I could come up with a solution like that from the crystals. They may help... but I don't know. I would at least need to get my hooves, darnit, my hands on an electron microscope or some other good, human technology to conduct better tests. I'm afraid I don't think anything would happen though. I- Well, maybe it would work. I don't want to sound defeatist, Jo." She smiled some at her friend, acting on the memory of Jo's encouragement. The other human had developed a habit of talking out against any negative speculation.

Jo seemed contented by that, giving Twilight a slight smile.

Twilight continued. "Has it been three days? Goodness." She held a hand up to her lips, thinking hard over how quickly time had passed by. The last few days were a blur of websites and books without Alice dropping in occasionally. "Uhm, how was your day?" she asked in an attempt to make up for things.

Jo shrugged, still reclined in her wheeled computer chair. "Pretty good, got some work done on an assignment; the little bit you didn't finish already, that is. I think you cleared out my work load for the next few weeks, by the way." Her eyebrow twitched up at that. "I tried to thank you for it earlier after I noticed, but you seemed pretty enthralled by your computer downstairs. Actually, I can't tell you how surprised I was by that. By the quality, too."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You're welcome Jo it was-" Twilight scrunched her face slightly, then slapped a hand to her forehead. "Oh no! That's right, I fell asleep last night before I finished, didn't I? I'm so sorry Jo, I had that noted down and I must not have checked my work schedule list before touching on my research schedule list this morning- Or this afternoon, rather, I slept in a whole lot and-"

"Twilight." Jo almost had to shout, but saying the other girl's name several times calmly eventually got her to cut off abruptly. "It's fine, better than fine. I'm grateful. But, I told you, you don't need to help me with my job..." Jo mused over the two or three times she had tried to help Twilight with what she was working on. Other than getting the prone to zone out girl food though, there was little she found she could offer as help. String theory was definitely not Jo's cup of tea. "What about your research actually, let's talk about that. Anything new?"

Twilight ran a nervous hand over one arm, frowning at the ground. "Nothing noteworthy. I've been looking into the theories and ideas of human science for the most part since I began. The mechanical and electrical side of your sciences had my attention from the start, but other than improvements on things that already exist I haven't gotten any ideas." She took a breath after saying so much and sat back limply, an arm draped over on side of the couch. "Certainly nothing like, say, a device that could take me home. It just doesn't seem plausible. I found several references in your cultural media that had some fascinating concepts, though. Stargates, warp drives, traveling at the speed of light, even hyper-dimensional gateways. I'd never before conceived even the idea of those things."

Twilight tossed her head over the couch's back to stare up at the ceiling, lost in wonder over some of the ideas that humanity had dreamt up. They all seemed to go so far beyond the scope of what ponykind was keen on inventing, even just for books and stories. "I looked briefly into just how all this wanderlust might have started for mankind, but it seems like it goes back forever. Even your ancient civilizations held a fascination with your own stars and sun."

The clock on the wall ticked softly, and the fans in Jo's computer hummed in the quiet that entered the room.

Twilight looked up. "Jo?"

The other girl removed the hand covering her mouth. "Sorry I'm... probably the worst person to talk to about that stuff, Twilight." She was leaning forward on her knees, elbows propped. "I've never really cared to wonder about the unknown. I've always figured if it doesn't concern me than it might as well be a waste of time."

Twilight frowned a little. "Oh. Well, there's nothing wrong with that. Certainly." She thought hard on what her friend said. It actually made her think about ponies back home. "That... sounds pretty familiar, really."

Jo raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Twilight blinked rapidly and ran a hand over her tired eyes. "Well, I- Hah." A quick laugh came out of her, finding the thought amusing. "I just had a thought. You're the human and you sound a bit like a pony. I'm the pony, and I'm the one filled with the endless curiosity I've seen so evident in your race."

Jo stared at the other giggling girl a moment, then rotated her chair. "Gee, humble much there, Twilight?" she said, sporting a grin, looking away slowly..

Twilight's mouth dropped open a little in offense. "Hey, I-" She caught onto her friend's humor a second later. "Oh, I see. I didn't mean it like that, of course, merely that humans seem less... 'down to Earth' than ponies, is how you would say it, I believe." She waved a hand in the air as she spoke, gesturing idly in the way she did when making a point.

Jo smirked back and turned to face her again. "Honestly, my world is pretty much this town, and... before I met you, I would have never believed there was anything fantastic or thrilling out there to find. Now? God dammit, I just want to get out there, actually. A little, not a lot, but a little bit." She let out an aggravated groan and rubbed the back of her head. "Maybe, I dunno."

Twilight giggled over her human friend's indecisiveness. "Well, I will say this, coming here has opened my eyes to just how little I think ponies know about even our own world. Humans have reached out to touch everything. That space shuttle expedition you're doing right now to the asteroid belt? Fascinating. I've read logs about pony expeditions to Zebrica, and a few other places, but nowhere nearly as far away as... as outer space is here."

Jo studied the other girl a moment. Twilight began staring up at the ceiling again as she spoke, arms tossed over either side of the couch. When she talked about science, or the world, she always sounded so inspirational. Jo had never heard anything like that before, not from politicians on television or even her family or parents, telling her about what life was or meant.

Twilight tapped a finger on her lip, still wondering her thoughts aloud. "It makes me wonder what the ether around Equestria really is. Is it the limit? Or is there an ever growing expanse of nothingness just beyond it, like here. I'd always believed our stars were the extent of the world, even after hearing that from Princess Celestia herself. After learning your stars are actually other suns, just a lot farther away, I'm not so sure. I always loved astronomy, finding out it's a completely different science elsewhere has me questioning a lot of things."

This sort of talk was a bit much for Jo. Twilight, I'm fine with you rambling, but I don't understand what you're trying to get at. She kept the thoughts to herself and a smile on her face. Or maybe that's the point. She has no point and she's just saying things until something makes sense? Oh God, now she's got me doing it... She shook her head and stood up quickly.

"Well, I bet that exploring in Equestria is more dangerous, right? It make sense you cute little guys wouldn't do it a whole lot." Jo let out some nervous laughter with that, thinking over the giant monsters and animals from the show.

Twilight glanced at the ceiling and gave a thoughtful sound. "True, even Equestria still has the Everfree, and maybe a couple other dangers. I guess in hindsight it makes sense that other ponies are so skittish."

"Other ponies?" Jo laughed for real this time. "This coming from the one that got scared into clutching a pie all through the night by Halloween decorations?"

Twilight scrunched her face up at the other woman. "Hey, if you'd woken up and hadn't..." An exasperated huff escaped her and she fell back into the couch, relenting. "Alright I'll admit, I let my fear get the best of me that time." She frowned and crossed her eyes slightly to give the impression she was looking up at her forehead. "I just feel so helpless without my horn."

Jo wasn't sure what to say to that. She knew she was rubbish at talking, let alone being an optimist or upbeat. Changing the subject seemed like a good way to keep the conversation from taking a turn downward. "Well, I need some coffee, Twilight. How about-" She was quickly interrupted.

"Coffee! Oh my gosh, I forgot! Coffee, coffee, oh, would you like some Coffee? I was going to ask you and I completely forgot. Oh, you just said you'd like some. Haha, silly me. I'll be right back with your coffee!" And just like that Twilight had scooped up her mug again and was thumping back downstairs. "Wait right there, Jo!" she called back up the steps.

Jo flapped her arms at her sides and sat back down, her attempt at getting a word in before the unicorn had escaped had been a complete failure. I really wish Twilight could calm down for once. Uggh, it's probably my fault that she can't... Maybe we could switch to decaf.

To Jo, it seemed Twilight was in a perpetual state of being high-strung, and worse, she had every right to be. From the moment she woke up until she began studying, she was a ball of worries ready to be discharged at terminal velocities. The amount of time she spent cooped up was always the worrying part. Jo let her do it, then felt bad about it.

I guess... all of her research is just a psychology thing. Jo grimaced slightly and kicked her feet up on the corner of her desk. When someone feels like they have no control over the greater portion of their lives, they tend to try to find a way to control what they can. For Twilight, studying is her outlet, even if she really thinks it's hopeless. After a brief pause, she added to the thought. Hopeless or not, I'm sure Twilight's fine.

At least, that was what Jo told herself to try and believe Twilight was alright.

The sound of footsteps had Jo looking up towards her door, startled. She nearly tipped her chair back too far and jumped forward with a strangled yelp, which was made worse by the now thundering footfalls in the hallway.

"Jo!" Twilight banged open the door and all but fell into Jo's room. Her eyes were wide with something that could only be sheer terror.

"What? What's wrong?" Jo was afraid now. She wondered, what had happened that had gotten Twilight past slightly frantic and into a full blown panic? "Did you start another fire? Is it another global warming scare? Twilight, if this is about pollution again-"

"What? No, no, none of that. This is a much more pressing matter! Though you really should look into helping that direness of pollution, Jo-"

Jo interrupted her friend and crossed her arms smartly. "Twilight."

Twilight shook her head, sending her long hair from side to side in a wave. "Right, sorry." She took a breath and set her empty mug down on the table. "We're out of coffee." The purple haired girl's eyes were widened to their utmost as she looked at Jo.


Jo stood up. "Alright, there's a twenty-four-seven store in town, let's go."

Twilight's bedroom—though she didn't think of it as hers—was quiet.

She gently ran a thumb over a lock of her hair in one hand without realizing it, staring down at the pad of paper. In her other hand, she held a fresh, and full cup of coffee, the thing that would propel her safely into the night and stave off sleep at a timely hour. The trip to the store had been uneventful, though she did feel bad in hindsight for dashing into the convenience the way she had. It hadn't seemed like the cashier human had appreciated that.

On the lighter side of things, Twilight considered, she had also gotten an ice cream sandwich. An ice cream sandwich. It seemed humans spared no expense or creativity when it came to food. That was one thing she knew that she had to tell Pinkie Pie about after she got home.

If she got home. Twilight hoped she would get home.

Shaking the thought out of mind, Twilight refocused on her pad of paper. It had been a week since her last letter to the princess, thus marking the time of the week she would write another. The last one had been a lengthy document indeed. The first real fight she had ever witnessed between humans had happened, and she got a deeper look into what their friendships were like, too.

The letter Twilight had written had mostly been speculation, and she had been disappointed she had to admit that the issue might as well have been unresolved. In the end, she had decided to stay out of Alice's and Jo's affairs, for now. Even if she was their friend, too.

Twilight ran the back of her hand over the paper, still thinking of how to start her letter. The smoothness of the material felt good on her skin, something that still got the better of her attention. She didn't really prefer the smoother sheets of paper, necessarily. But she had become accustomed to using her ringed notebooks over the good, magic made parchment from her home. In any case, she made do.

Twilight sighed, then tossed an arm to her right and snagged her freshly poured coffee. She took a sip, testing that its warmth was not too great, then tossed her head back, finishing off the cup in two big gulps.

"Ah," she held her eyes shut a moment, reveling in the caffeine. Next, her pen met paper, ready to compose, pen in hand.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Hello again!

To start with, I'm afraid this letter, much like the others, is also not a friendship report. Oh, wait, silly me. I almost forgot that the last one was, well, sort of. Still, it feels odd writing about things other than the usual. Actually, Alice was begging me to write a short story for some reason. I may do that if I find the time. By the way Princess, Alice hasn't dropped by again since the last letter. I'm worried about that, but I haven't brought it up to Jo yet. I think I should let them handle it in their own way, I am a stranger here after all.

Now then. This letter is planned to mostly be more reports on my findings and thoughts, actually. I apologize if these ever get boring, Princess, assuming you get the chance to read them, that is. Now, where to begin? Oh dear, I also apologize for not planning my letter out better ahead of time. My notes have some key points laid out, but I've been out of sorts this past week.

Twilight had to resist pausing from writing to rake a hand through her hair, and pressed on, scribbling quickly. She had already written about the hair's changes, and left out specifics this time around.

Actually, I did get a great deal of interesting research done, as well as meet more humans on the internet. They're very friendly, for the most part. I tried convincing some of them I was really Twilight Sparkle, but that just made them laugh at me or change the subject. I suppose that makes sense, really. Even talking about theoretical methods of dimensional travel would go south the moment I mention Equestria. My only fortune thus far has been had while leaving out home altogether.

Still, even then, the majority of them don't seem to want to do more than 'chat' as they call it, casually. Oh well, perhaps all of this won't get me home, but it's all I have as of yet.

Twilight paused a moment, frowning at the sheet, then smiled and tried to pick up the mood of the letter.

I know there must be a way home. I got here somehow to begin with, didn't I? Sorry Princess, I'm getting a bit outspoken. Anyway, I've formed a hypothesis that parts of the scientific theory humans call 'quantum mechanics' may indeed be magic in this world, or a form of it, at least. I lack my horn though, or any other discernible way to detect magic, along with it. Humans lack a similar means of testing and detecting certain aspects of quantum mechanics. Large portions of quantum mechanics are mostly applied theoretical concepts, with some observable qualities.

Sound familiar?

Those theories share some similarities besides that, too, but I've only just begun to read into it... Virtual particles seem promising... Perhaps humans have found other ways I haven't read of yet?

At first, it seemed more than evident that magic simply didn't exist here. But what if it does? Still, it's a stretch, and I have nothing to go off of, so it may be that I'm just seeing what I want to. If not, maybe I will figure something out.

Twilight sat back slightly to scratch an itch on her back, studying the empty coffee mug beside herself at the same time. She wanted a refill, but held off, for now, instead looking back to her letter. It's still short. What could I add... Let's check my notes.

She flipped through another of her notepads until she found what she wanted, and smiled wanly at the words that had been recorded earlier that week.

Well, moving on to something different, I found out more about humans and the dire situation their world is in. For example, I found a fascinating excerpt from a piece of human cinematography that was made during the second world war I wrote to you about. They are quite good at capturing emotion and drama in the form of literature and other mediums. I may ask Jo if I can watch it, though I'm hesitant to know what will be in the film. A friend I met on the internet showed me the quote after I got in a rather... heated political debate with him. Nevertheless, here's the excerpt.

"We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone, and the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical; our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little."

I've already shared my thoughts of 'mankind' in very strict detail with you, Princess. Everything I've thought of them or the conclusions I've come to are even shared by some of their greatest philosophers. I guess when I get down to it, all I can really say is that they're a great deal more complicated than anything I've ever encountered before. I'm curious now, if there are creatures like them on our world. Are the gryphons? The Minotaurs? Some old, secret race of creatures locked away in Tartarus? Perhaps our world mirrors theirs more than I first thought. Could humans be in Equestria, somewhere?

I'm sorry, Princess, I'm just recapitulating questions I've asked already in other letters. I was merely reminded of the quote by Jo's and Alice's predicament. I really hope I'm not wrong about their distancing themselves from one another being part of their healing process. There's so little to go on that's certain with 'people'. With ponies, it seemed I had come to learn we always open up to the caring or companionship of others if it's offered, eventually. I've just found so much in human society to suggest that any one person could be receptive or refusing of just that. Worse, ignoring or shutting themselves away from the emotions of others, seems more than normal for them.

Friendship isn't a sometimes misunderstood concept, like in Equestria, but a triviality on Earth. Well, human nature confounds me, as does their world as a whole. Peace and Harmony are hard won concepts here, rather than truth.

Twilight took a breath in, calming her heartbeat and rotating her wrist slightly from writing so fast. It was a great deal more difficult to write with a hand, rather than her horn. She had adjusted to the change, but the cramps that came along with the incredibly dexterous appendage did force the occasional break.

I apologize for letting my letter take a dire turn yet again, Princess. I seem to write about one thing and it leads to another. Once again I find myself wishing for my friends from home, for strength.

Actually, as long as I'm on the topic of home, I have been wanting to watch the human television show of us again. I have hesitated to write about the human's knowledge of us since the last unfortunate circumstances I wrote to you about, Princess, but I have had a great deal worthy of note on my mind lately.

For instance, there is the oddity of the time difference between our worlds that I mentioned in my second journal entry letter to you. According to my findings, the television show itself that humans made, based on us, was made several years before the events within them actually happened! The show aired here in the year 2010 of the human's calendar, close to Nightmare Night, thirteen years ago. Is that relevant?

I do not know.

It's 2023 right now, and strangely, the show from thirteen years ago depicts events that happened as recently as this last summer, in Equestria. Are they a sort of prediction? A prophecy? I've been busy with my research, but I've also been hesitant to watch further than I already have. Could the next episode hold secrets to the events of our actual Equestria in the future?

I can't say, really. Goodness, there's even the possibility that somehow you, myself, all of us, are a product of the human's imagination, somehow made tangible? I know it sounds crazy, Princess, but could it be possible?

I was speaking with Jo earlier, about how little I feel is actually known about the world. Sometimes, I feel like everything is just run by an army of 'Discords', pulling the strings where nopony can see.


Twilight had to pause briefly to quell the queasy feeling in her stomach that thought brought on.

Well, I know I'm real, and I doubt that humans made our world, anyway. My other theory, which is far more sound, is supported in part by some concepts in human science. I believe it possible that I have been tossed through time into the future in correlation to Equestria, or possibly that my transportation here was not as instantaneous as it felt to me. I think this possibility frightens me the most, Princess. If this is true, then you've been looking for me for decades, or longer. If that much is true, then It's unimportant, Princess. Either one day you will read these, and everything will be okay, and my worrying is all for nothing, or you won't.

Twilight paused to wipe her face with the back of one hand. A drop of moisture had hit the page she was writing on. The roof must be leaking... I should tell Jo. Her pen revisited the page after a moment, deciding to move to the next topic she had desired to write about.

Jo seems lonely, but happy in her own way though, and Alice is very outgoing and friendly, so I don't worry about them. I think I've made the right decision by letting their own friendship with one another become their solution, rather than my intervention.

Perhaps I'm over thinking everything again, Princess. I desperately wish I had one of my friends or you to talk to about this. All the same, whether their behavioral patterns are more similar or more different than ours, I do feel a strong bond with my new friends here, at least. If the majority of humans are like them, as Jo says they are and my research widely supports, I see no reason why we could not all live in peace.

I believe that is all I will write for now Princess. I promise to be more upbeat next letter! This makes two that have been a little dreary, now.

-Your ever faithful student, Twilight Sparkle

Twilight read over the sheet of paper in her hands carefully, double checking, and then triple checking her grammar for errors. She found none and closed the notebook, satisfied. "Another week, another letter home that I can't send." She wore a slight smile after she spoke, the words not so much being a sign of her unhappiness as they were a reflection of her predicament.

Twilight rose up with her coffee mug and walked through the home for another cup. She wasn't tired, not yet, likely from sleeping in past noon that day, like most days. Without Spike to get her up her sleep schedule seemed to go more awry with each night. She spotted the coffee mug and poured another cup, noting to brush her teeth extra carefully later. Human coffee seemed to have the unfortunate side effect of staining teeth, as Jo had warned.

Twilight theorized it may have something to do with how strong it seemed to be.

The more normal sound of pretend gunfire echoed down from Jo's room now. Twilight gave the stairs a passing glance as she walked carefully through the home's dark back to the computer, thinking over how she would like to spend the rest of her own evening. I could look for cheap methods of obtaining powerful electronics again. Gosh, why is everything so expensive in this country? Perhaps if I explored markets outside of this one...

Still thinking over the possibilities at her disposal, Twilight sat down in her office room, and almost missed the quiet sound of a ding from her laptop.

"What's this?" Twilight studied the message. It was from a fellow user on a tech site she frequented. The human went by the alias 'DoctorEvil', disturbingly enough. This had put Twilight on edge a little when talking to him at first. Her wariness had been for naught however, as the man proved himself to be a very kind person on the internet, in contrast to many others. That, and he also politely informed her that he was not, in fact, evil, and that his name was merely a reference to a character from a comedy.

The internet persona seemed to be in charge of the forum, which was for the most part quite professional, with only a few exceptions of visionaries or the scientifically inclined that would become a bit too engrossed in an opinion.

Curious, and legitimately interested, Twilight clicked the message in order to read it.

'Twilight, a few of the guys on the forums have gotten curious about some of the topics you've posted around the forums, as I'm sure you know. We all pester you about it constantly after all, I'm sure I don't know how you find the time to talk so much about everything.'

Twilight let out an embarrassed bit of laughter at that, but kept reading.

'Nevertheless, we're in a chat right now and were wondering if you would like to join us. A couple of them are a bit rowdy and not everyone's here, but as you know we're a tight-knit group. It would be a pleasure to include you in tonight's discussion. Below is a link to the chat room in question, hope to see you.


Not really thinking twice about it, Twilight clicked on the offer that had been extended to her.

*Twilight Sparkle has entered the chat*

n3rdlinger42: lies!1! there's no way that makes sense, the enterprise's power grid is a fraction of a star destroyer's. The feds would get annihilated.

n3rdlinger42: Oh, miniaturized horse has appeared.

TheBrainofMorbius: Really, who let the brony in here?

DoctorEvil: I did. She's really nice, a site contributor, and well behaved. Why wouldn't I let her in?

Twilight Sparkle: Hello everypony! ^_^

TheBrainofMorbius: You don't seriously think she's actually a girl, do you?

Twilight Sparkle: You know, I'm right here...

DoctorEvil: Why would that be relevant? You're just upset she told off your crackpot theories soundly in the astrophysics thread.

Quark-Kent: By the way, am I the only one that found that argument ironic? Anyway, hi Twilight! Welcome aboard the crazy train! Choo-Choo!

TheBrainofMorbius: It's not a her I tell you!

\Excitable-Electron/: Yay, Twi's here! All hail the unicorn master race! :D

Twilight Sparkle: Uhm, hi again guys. You too, Morbius. : )

TheBrainofMorbius: Indeed.

DoctorEvil: Just quit while you're ahead, Brain.

Twilight Sparkle: Could somepony explain why it's important I'm a girl? Are there no other girls in here?

Quark-Kent: Please Twilight, everyone knows there are no girls on the internet. (just kidding)

TheBrainofMorbius: If you're going to shorten my name, it isn't 'Brain'. It's Morbius.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, I see.

DoctorEvil: It's fine Twilight, you're always welcome on the forum, or here.

TheBrainofMorbius: Could someone at least tell it to stop adding the word 'pony' to every. single. phrase.

Twilight Sparkle: If I'm upsetting anyone I can go? Also, I'm totally a 'she', not an 'it'.

TheBrainofMorbius: I am not upset. And I don't care.

Quark-Kent: I'm sure the Dr. Who-fanatic means no offense Twilight, he's just... Saiyin. ;)

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, thank you Quark. Also, not to be rude, but it's spelled saying*

Quark-Kent: Oh, no trouble. Uhm, and no, it's Saiyin*. It's a reference to an old TV show redub. Never mind, I'll keep my internet pop culture to myself.

DoctorEvil: Please do.

n3rdlinger42: Alsoalso, it's spelled Saiyan, nerd.

DoctorEvil: Alright everyone settle down, this isn't 4chan or something.

TheBrainofMorbius: It might as well be by all rights... We have blasted ponies in here now it's just a matter of time until the other boot drops.

n3rdlinger42: U know, i have always wondered Twilight, is Pinkie Pie's or Fluttershy's badonkadonk nicer?

DoctorEvil: And consider that your first warning for the chat, Mr. meaning-of-life.

Twilight Sparkle: What's a badonkadonk?

n3rdlinger42: I'll be good...

Twilight Sparkle: Wait! I can look it up. Oh, I just love the convenience offered by search engines.

TheBrainofMorbius: I am not going to stay in here if this room revolves around the brony rather than the scheduled chat-topic!

DoctorEvil: Uhm, Twilight?

n3rdlinger42: Finally, answers!

Twilight was the foremost expert on her friends, and even if the humans wouldn't believe anything she had to say about Equestria, least of all these guys, she could at least give insight within the context of the show. She skillfully typed in the strange term 'Fluttershy's badonkadonk' into Google in order to get a frame of reference and...

She struggled to type an answer.

Twilight Sparkle: ...I

n3rdlinger42: Yes? ^.^

DoctorEvil: You can just ignore anything 42 says that isn't topical, Twilight. The rest of us do. It's how we get anything done.

Twilight Sparkle: That wouldn't be very nice, though. :/ Also, Mr. n3rd, I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you.

n3rdlinger42: Aw... :(

TheBrainofMorbius: Well that's a laugh, the idea of us getting anything done around here.

DoctorEvil: Alright, take it easy.

\Excitable-Electron/: LoL, hey Twilight, watch this video that I just found from back in the day. It's the funniest thing ever.

Twilight raised an eyebrow at what Electron said, but hesitantly clicked the link. She had only known these fellows for a few weeks, but they were mostly upstanding and serious about the sciences when it came down to it. At least, they were in the forum pages... They seemed to be acting quite out of sorts here in the chat.

What Twilight saw in the link had her at a loss for words.

Twilight Sparkle: Uhm, Electron, I don't think I understand that one. Is it broken?

\Excitable-Electron/: It's... well the original was of a lunar exploration game. The audio was a text to speak program

DoctorEvil: Electron, this is a serious chat, don't post anything random, please.

Twilight Sparkle: The ending frightens me...

\Excitable-Electron/: Bweahaha, excellent.

n3rdlinger42: Fear is the path to hate, Twilight...

Twilight Sparkle: Uhm, it is?

TheBrainofMorbius: Gentlemen, if we could please get back to the topic at hand...

n3rdlinger42: Hold the freaking phone. Do you not get that star wars reference?

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, Star Wars! I've been meaning to watch those. I saw some clips on youtube and the special effects in all of them looked amazing.

n3rdlinger42: %^#$#&!!!???

\Excitable-Electron/: WHJAT? HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM1!

DoctorEvil: Have you seriously never seen Star Wars, Twilight? I am most displeased.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, I... I've meant to, it's just been so hectic around here and... well there's been a lot going on and... some bad stuff has been happening in my life, is all. I honestly haven't had the time for much fun. Uggh, don't tell Pinkie Pie I said that.

DoctorEvil: Heh. Still, sorry to hear about your hardships.

\Excitable-Electron/: Darn real life crises, always standing between spreading the gospel.

n3rdlinger42: Waita stay in character Twily.

Twilight Sparkle: 'Twily'?

TheBrainofMorbius: I'll just stand over here in the corner then, being ignored for the trollop, shall I?

\Excitable-Electron/ ignores the corner

Quark-Kent: Whoa, what happened to chat, I looked away for less than a second.

DoctorEvil: Brain, take it easy. No need to be rude.

n3rdlinger42: Oh, are we fighting already!? And we haven't even started yet, new record! To war!

\Excitable-Electron/ gets his popcorn

TheBrainofMorbius: YOU, would you stop it!? And I have every right to state my opinion. More over, that was hard fact. We're supposed to be discussing science here, not stupid, bloody ponies. I take my work, and my free time very seriously, and this is a complete waste of it!!

DoctorEvil: ...

n3rdlinger42: Hey, it's a free country, let the man eat his popcorn.

\Excitable-Electron/: Yes, Germany is a free country.

Twilight Sparkle: Sorry, this is all my fault.

TheBrainofMorbius: You should be, this entire conversation had finally been reigned in before you showed up.

Quark-Kent: Dude, take your meds and calm down.

TheBrainofMorbius: Oh, so now we're belittling me as well, hm?

\Excitable-Electron/: I'm sorry too. It's not just Twilight's fault. There, can we all be well-behaved adults and argue about something productive now, instead?

Twilight Sparkle: I would really rather not do any arguing at all.

DoctorEvil: I think that was supposed to be a joke, Twilight.

Quark-Kent: No one's insulting you, dude.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, I see. Uhm, argue on, then?

TheBrainofMorbius: I said belittling, not insulting. And. Stop. Addressing. Me. As- Oh, never mind.

*TheBrainofMorbius has left the chat*

\Excitable-Electron/: "Look at how fast I can run away!" xD Anybody?

Twilight Sparkle: Oh pony feathers...

n3rdlinger42: Ding dong the witch is dead. Also, I get it!

Twilight Sparkle: Get what?

\Excitable-Electron/: Uggh, Twilight Sparkle may be best pony, but she's worst Brony.

Twilight Sparkle: ???

Quark-Kent: Finally, I thought he'd never leave.

Twilight Sparkle: ...Well, I'm really sorry everyone. I didn't want to cause a problem like that.

Quark-Kent: What, Morbius? Don't worry about it Twilight. He does that eventually no matter what, really. If you didn't piss him off enough into leaving 42 or EE were going to.

n3rdlinger42: Heh, true... me and EE are keeping score, actually.

\Excitable-Electron/: 15-13 in 42's favor.

Twilight Sparkle: Wait, you guys aren't upset that your friend left?

DoctorEvil: It's his loss, really.

\Excitable-Electron/: Heh, you do such a convincing 'Twilight' by being so nice

Twilight Sparkle: I already told you all, I really am Twilight Sparkle...

\Excitable-Electron/: No way, you didn't even get the 'Jamberfiend' reference I did from season four in the string theory thread. Or heck, the 'Twily' reference I just did!

Twilight Sparkle: I told you, there is no such creature in Equestria as a Jamberfiend!

DoctorEvil: If I didn't work with Brain, I doubt I'd even let him in here- Guys, calm down... Also I'm pretty sure it's Jabberwock.

\Excitable-Electron/: Meh.

Twilight Sparkle: Sorry, Doctor.

Twilight Sparkle: Uhm, I really don't wish to instigate anything, but why doesn't Morbius/Brain like me?

DoctorEvil: I've found that Brain's a bit like a mix of Sheldon and Mandark. But aside from his personality traits I happen to know for a fact he hates ponies simply because they 'ruined an entire generation of Whovians and flooded the fandom with neophytes'. His words exactly.

\Excitable-Electron/: Who talks like that?

Twilight Sparkle: Whovians?

DoctorEvil: They're fans of a TV show... You're very sheltered, aren't you, Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: What's sheltered?

DoctorEvil: ...never mind.

Quark-Kent: If you ever meet Brain, you'll know, EE.

\Excitable-Electron/: You and Evil both know him!? Wow, small world.

Twilight Sparkle: It isn't that small... :)

n3rdlinger42: Hah, that's what she said.

Twilight Sparkle: ?

Quark-Kent: ...We work together. It's much worse than just 'knowing'. Still, he's not all bad.

DoctorEvil: Well, this chat has mostly always been a few select people from the forum. It started with just us. Eventually, more people show up, it's how the internet works, really. Speaking of which, everyone, if you haven't met her yet, this is Twilight.

BrilliantPoint: Hello, Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, goodness, I didn't see you.

BrilliantPoint: It seemed like a good idea to stay quiet earlier. I don't care much for silly fandom arguments.

Twilight Sparkle: I couldn't agree more. Rainbow Dash is always trying to argue with me about her Daring Do 'side stories' as she calls them. I just try to stay out of it.

\Excitable-Electron/: Heh. Heh.

ObsidianRain: Howdy Hoo

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, another mare! Hello : )

Quark-Kent: Evil, could we get to the main event please? I have work in a few hours. Also, all this uncharacteristic friendliness in here is stifling. We need some good old fashioned debate to balance it out.

ObsidianRain: Guy, actually, strictly speaking. Is my name girly?

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, no, not at all... Well, it is where I'm from. ^_^' Sorry about that.

DoctorEvil: Alright then. Lets actually get on to business.

ObsidianRain: None taken.

DoctorEvil: So, to start off with...

Twilight refilled her cup several times and brewed an additional pot of coffee during the lengthy amount of time that she spent talking. She typed enough that her fingertips actually hurt somewhat, especially when the topic of quantum wormholes came up. For the most part, she was an observer, except where the chat made a simple or rudimentary mistake.

Twilight had her own theories, and a wealth of knowledge at her no-longer-existent hooftips, but nothing concrete or a method to actually test anything. So talking to these humans and learning more on the subject, taught her much. In fact, it became apparent that somehow they did have methods to test certain things.

Oddly enough they were being tight lipped about specifics. Especially DoctorEvil. They sounded so certain of their findings to Twilight, though. She wrote it off as merely odd for now; the debate was too much fun and too fascinating, but her curiosity would not be denied forever, she decided.

Eventually, more people entered the chat, and were rather funny contributors to the conversation; even though Twilight was at a loss for much of what was said. While on her last cup of coffee, it seemed that people had begun disappearing slowly. It was here, towards the end, that Twilight decided to try and make a move, one that she had been repeating several times in the forums over the weeks; to convince some of these ingenious people to listen to her.

n3rdlinger42: Good night guys, or morning, or afternoon if you're EE.

*n3rdlinger42: has left the chat*

Quark-Kent: Yeah, night

*Quark-Kent: has left the chat*

Twilight Sparkle: Bye guys! Oh, darn, they've already gone.

\Excitable-Electron/: Gotta be quick.

Twilight Sparkle: Hahaha, right... So, gentlecolts, hypothetically speaking, how impossible would it be if there really were an instance of, say, some kind of quantum tunnel to another world.

DoctorEvil: Well, this question might hint at what I have to say to that. Twilight, you drink, right?

Twilight Sparkle: What? Why does that relate? Uhm, of course? How could I not? I think it's pretty unhealthy if you don't drink. Hah.

ObsidianRain: Amen

DoctorEvil: Heh, yeah.

Twilight Sparkle: I mean it, there's nothing to disprove its possibility, and smatterings of evidence that it could happen. Admittedly nothing solid...

\Excitable-Electron/: Twilight, is this about your thread in the general form area about you really being an pony from Equestria?

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, well, I was just joking in that one, of course.

\Excitable-Electron/: I dunno, you seemed pretty sure. That post was enormous. You wrote and entire autobiography.

Twilight Sparkle: It's a biography of the pony it's about wrote it.

*ObsidianRain: has left the chat*

Twilight pressed a hand to her head and relented. She had tried on and off over the course of weeks to convince each of these humans individually. She decided she may as well just go for it.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay yes I meant it. I have proof! Sort of. I'd have to show it to you. I've been in need of an electron microscope lately to conduct further tests on my proof, as I've said, and I know the Doctor at least has one.

DoctorEvil: There's one at the lab. It isn't mine, strictly speaking.

\Excitable-Electron/: If you're a pony, how are you typing right now? You have hooves, not hands, silly filly. :3

Twilight Sparkle: I'm actually a human right now. I said that in the post.

\Excitable-Electron/: Ah, you're right, my bad. I must have hay for brains.

DoctorEvil: Alright don't treat her like Morbius.

\Excitable-Electron/: Ah, I'm just funnin'

Twilight Sparkle: You guys shouldn't poke at him like you do, he seemed really upset.

\Excitable-Electron/: Is it weird if you saying that makes me want to try and take Brain seriously?

BrilliantPoint: You're weird, period.

\Excitable-Electron/: You're still here!?

BrilliantPoint: :P

Twilight Sparkle: Guys!? Focus, please. I really am stranded away from my home. I might have to get back on my own. That's why I'm so interested in these topics and our discussions!

DoctorEvil: Twilight, you don't really believe that, do you?

\Excitable-Electron/ waits with baited breath.

Twilight Sparkle: ...Yes, I do. I know it's true. If you're all going to laugh at me again, then I'll just go.

BrilliantPoint: They're just joking, Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: I know, it's just that, I don't know what to do. It's really frightening being stranded like this, even after being taken in by some really nice humans.

*Quark-Kent: has entered the chat*

Quark-Kent: Guys! Guys! Look at this picture. I swear to Einstein it's legit, untampered, supernatural bullshit. Not the hokey kind either!

Twilight sighed in despair as the chat's ability to stay focused was strained, then shattered by the picture that Quark had posted a link to.

She chewed her lip and tried to think of how she could salvage the situation. Help was what she needed, not doubt or skepticism. "Oh whom I kidding, it's too incredible for them. Oh, why did I have to have landed on regular Earth when I could have landed on Middle Earth instead!?"

"Twilight." The sound of Jo's voice came from behind Twilight, making her turn around.

"Are you still awake, Jo?" Twilight almost rose, but it was apparent Jo was just checking on her.

"No, It's almost noon. It's like, nine. Were you up all night?" Jo yawned again and walked away from the doorway, scratching her side. "Go to sleep, or I'm switching us to decaf!"

Twilight frowned a little. Decaf? What's that... Still confused, but suddenly tired from her friend mentioning 'bed', she turned back to the computer in order to say her goodbyes. She blinked in further confusion at the chat. It had 'exploded' as they called it in internet lingo.

Twilight Sparkle: What's going on?

\Excitable-Electron/: Did you not look at the picture? Look at this!

DoctorEvil: It's obviously fake, guys.

Quark-Kent: If it's fake then this video of them cutting up the stupid vines and ripping apart that squad car, on top of this news interview is fake TOO.

Twilight clicked on all of the links that Quark put up. Turning her head in a curious way every time she looked at something. Huh, this is strange, she simply thought.

\Excitable-Electron/: How the heck did this happen?

Quark-Kent: According to the police officers that got interviewed, their car was just dragged to a stop while in hot pursuit of another car in this town, 'Belsdale'.

\Excitable-Electron/: They were chasing wizards. O.O

DoctorEvil: Or Poison Ivy? :P

This couldn't be evidence of magic, could it? Twilight watched some of the videos, which mostly included humans using their 'chained saws' to cut off the massive vines and roots strangling what looked like one of their law enforcement's transports. It seemed very real. In fact, it was real. And Quark was typing up a storm trying to convince the other remaining people in the chat that it was real.

A nearly minute long yawn cracked Twilight's jaw without warning. After that, she lost some interest, now extremely tired. She put off the implications of magic appearing on Earth, for the time being at least.

\Excitable-Electron/: Come on Twilight, you're the resident magical pony. What's your verdict?

DoctorEvil: If you want me to mute him Twilight, I can.

\Excitable-Electron/: Hey! :P

Quark-Kent: Like that would stop him.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, no don't do that Doctor. Uhm, guys, as much fun as this is, I sort of see the sun peeking up over the horizon. I should get to bed. It's odd, I rarely used to stay up this late back in Equestria, even studying. Now, I do it all the time.

BrilliantPoint: The internet will do that.

\Excitable-Electron/: Heh, Equestria, I still won't believe you until I see your hooves.

Twilight Sparkle: I told you I'm human right now... I do have proof though, if you'd let me show it to you.

BrilliantPoint: I'll look at it.

Quark-Kent: ...

\Excitable-Electron/: ...

DoctorEvil: ... Yeah, I will too, if you really have something tangible. Couldn't hurt.

Quark-Kent: Let's do a video chat?

\Excitable-Electron/: Invite Morbius, we can rub it in his face when Twilight turns out to really be a girl. You are a girl, right?

Twilight Sparkle: Why is that important!?

\Excitable-Electron/: That's not a yeeees

Twilight Sparkle: Aaugh!

DoctorEvil: Alright, settle down, both of you. I'm logging for the day. I never expected the chat would go this long. We'll video chat, how about that, guys?

Quark-Kent: I'll be asleep in two more seconds.

\Excitable-Electron/: Busy, maybe this afternoon? Tonight for you Americans. :P

BrilliantPoint: Sure.

DoctorEvil: Alright then. Tonight it is.

Twilight Sparkle: Thank you guys so much. :) Oh, and I figure that if any of you are government agents, I should just tell you know I've made my i.p. untraceable, just in case anypony wants to try and dissect me. You humans like doing that way too much in stories and real life.

BrilliantPoint: Guilty as charged.

DoctorEvil: Fair enough. Hah. Well, thanks for joining us. I can't wait to see your 'proof'. ;) Sorry about Brain again, too.

Twilight Sparkle: It's okay. I'll be back tonight, boys!

\Excitable-Electron/: Really leaving already, Twilight?

BrilliantPoint: It has been a long chat...

Twilight Sparkle: I am, sorry, heh.

\Excitable-Electron/: eight hours is nothing...

Twilight Sparkle: Bye everypony!

\Excitable-Electron/: So what about these vines, guys?

Twilight watched the plethora of goodbyes with a wistful smile, then exited the chat, satisfied. On top of getting her first taste of an instant chat room, something even faster than letter by magic, she had made a few new friends, as well. Hm, and enemies... She grimaced at the thought reminding her about the one human that seemed to take offense easily. It's okay though, I can avoid him...

The thought stewed alone in Twilight's head while she got ready for bed, apologizing a little to Jo for staying up the entire night.. After a shower, brushing her teeth—something she had improved at doing vastly since her first couple of awkward, embarrassing attempts—and changing into something less to sleep in, she settled down for the night, or the morning, beneath her covers.

Just before Twilight dozed off, she had an idea. I know! I can try and impress Morbius! I bet if I just act friendly to him, he'll warm up to everypony and stop being so cranky. Maybe I could watch that show he likes so much, too... She smiled and hugged a pillow closer to herself. Foal proof Twilight, foal proof.

Author's Note:

This update took four weeks. I have no excuses. I dunno.

I hope the wait was worth it... at least?

The big humanitarian quote was by Charlie Chaplin from 'The Great Dictator'

One last thing. The Urban Dictionary's definition of 'Whovians'