• Published 9th Apr 2013
  • 15,959 Views, 1,449 Comments

The Affection of Princess Nightmare Moon - Aegis Shield

SEQUEL! Nightmare Moon tries her hoof at wooing one of her subjects. Meanwhile Chrysalis returns to feed on Celestia.

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The New Night Sky, Bandaid! (Part III of III)

The Affection of Princess Nightmare Moon
Part 20: A New Night Sky, Bandaid! (Part III of III)

It was a crisp, icy morning when the sun rose over the Crystal Empire. The spherical shield over the city state was holding strong, and the snow had mounded up about it like a bowl shape. It would take weeks to dig the city out properly, much less without causing avalanches. Squires still scampered back and forth, stoking fires on every street corner and double-checking every home to make sure everypony had an ever-burning log in their hearth. Ragged looking guards were leaning on each other tiredly, checking every alleyway and dark corner to make sure no pony had been left out in the cold during the panick.

Meanwhile in the palace, after a few scant hours of sleep, Princess Cadence paced back and forth before the prisoner. Three different guards were holding tight chains about his body, like a damning black cocoon. Only his head stuck out so that he could speak. “The only reason, Lord Sombra, the only one, that you are not on the gallows right now is because nopony died last night. I want you to know that,” Cadance said slowly, pacing one way and then the other. He wisely said nothing. Nightmare Moon, Prince Consort Shining Armor and Bandaid stood somberly nearby. “I do not share my sister’s ban of the death penalty, for no fury is greater than a scorned mare. And let me tell you, I certainly feel scorned after you nearly buried my city state under several thousand tons of ice and snow.” She stopped, flaring her wings aggressively. “What say you?! Explain yourself to me! Even after I voiced my disapproval for your weather machine you disobeyed!”

Sombra dared not look her in the face, for that would have come across as defiant. He instead spoke to the floor. “I was only trying to push the clouds back. Imagine what it would have been like if our city were never touched by another blizzard, ever again.”

“Suppose you had punched a hole in the atmosphere?!” Cadence demanded, slapping him across the face. He gave a grunt, but still did not look at her. “The icy cold of space…” she looked up at the ceiling. “Do you have any idea what that would have done to the Crystal Empire?! To all of Equis?! You tampered with powers far beyond your control or anypony else’s!” A long silence followed and Cadence slowly returned to the throne. Not even Nightmare Moon dared to speak at this point.

“Do what you will with me, I understand what I’ve done…” the black stallion’s horn spark-crackled, straining against the inhibitor ring they’d put on his strange red protrusion. “But please, what has happened to Lemon-Lime? What have you done with him?”

Cadence’s gaze flicked over to Shining Armor, who spoke right away, “The green crystal pony we found in Sombra’s lab appeared to be a simple civilian. We gave him a truth serum but he didn’t know much of anything, so he’s being held in minimum security right now.”

“There you have it,” Cadence said. She saw him sag in relief. “Who is he to you, then? Friend?”

“Lover,” the stallion murmured to the tile, cheeks coloring.

“Unchain him. I’ll not have a bound prisoner stand for sentencing,” Cadence stamped a hoof. After some fumbling with the third and fourth pad-lock, the ruffled black stallion stood on his four legs. The pink alicorn’s magic ripped his cape from his back. Then his silver vestments, his leg-plates, and the circlet about his head. His midnight mane sprang free, and a pair of changeling antennae rushed up out of his hair like two long bangs. Bandaid gasped aloud. So that was his heritage, then! “Lord Sombra no more, I strip you of all your titles and privilages,” Cadence said. “I strip you of your citizenship to the Crystal Empire! I strip you of all your worldly belongings, monies, and home! All will be sold and the monies made given to the recovery effort for this unexpected category FIVE blizzard,” she said. He said nothing, merely hung his head. The taste of the room yielded zero love, only the garlic-like scent of concentrated hatred and anger.

He closed his eyes slowly, giving a quiet sigh. “I was only trying to help…”

“You are nothing! Nopony!” Cadence said angrily, throwing his silvery vestments aside. He stood naked before her, ashamed. Nightmare Moon watched with a calculating expression. “Thousands could’ve died because of your negligence! Everything I and my little ponies ever worked for, snuffed out under the ice!”


“SILENCE~!” Cadence roared, standing from the throne. “You are exiled from the Crystal Empire! Never to return!”

“Where will I go?” Sombra asked, slowly looking at her. “I’ve no money, no belongings…”

“I. don’t. care.” Cadence said icily. She turned to her husband and the three gathered guards. “Escort him to the city walls. The one where the snow diggers have broken through to the tundra. Set him loose there with three day’s food. If he returns, kill him.” She stamped a hoof to make it final.

Bandaid, feeling rather small, shrank against Nightmare Moon for safety. Sombra received a collar and chain about his neck, and was led away. “I feel sorry for him,” the stallion whispered. Nightmare said nothing, merely touched her chin with a hoof. She leaned to a waiting servant, whispering something and pushing a few bits from her saddlebags into his hoof. The squire scampered out of the room at her secret command.


Sombra got a thin windbreaker, a pack with three days food, and a compass before he was shoved beyond the city walls. The diggers glared at him. Word had spread like wildfire. He didn’t dare linger among so many ponies with such sharp icepicks and implements. The wind howled and bannered his mane. He tucked his ears with a sigh and began trudging out onto the lifeless tundra. A standing crystal waited here and there, but otherwise there was nothing to look at. He only hoped his food would last him to the border where grass grew. Perhaps he could graze like a feral stallion and think on where to go next. He wasn’t exactly hard to miss. A black-furred half-breed. His name would spread quickly, no doubt. Where on Equis could he go now? Who would take him in? He had nothing.

“Sombra’hhhh!” Somepony shouted against the wind. “Sombra’hhhh!” he stopped, cocking his head. He’d left the city hours ago, who could possibly-?! Lemon Lime emerged from the swirling snows, sporting a full winter pack, goggles, and a rather sporting winter coat. “Wait for me!”

“Lemon Lime?” Sombra whispered. They embraced in the shadow of a snow dune, where the wind could not whip at their faces. “What are you doing?”

“I’m coming with you!”

“You can’t come with me, I’ve been exiled!” Sombra said, aghast.

“I’m your coltfriend, I’ll follow you even into exile. I did some quick shopping, here,” he put some goggles over his lover’s forehead. “And I got a thicker coat, they cheaped out on you there,” he shuffled through his bag for a moment, fluffing out a huge winter coat for him. Sombra took it despite himself, for it was thrice thicker than his old one.

“You cannot come with me,” Sombra insisted. “I’ve no money, no nothing. I’ve been banished from the empire! I’m nopony!” he said, scuffing his hoof angrily. “I almost killed everypony!”

“You made a pretty big mistake, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna let you wander out into the snow and die, or wander south and be a hobo for the rest of your life,” Lemon Lime chuckled, his brow knitting with worry. “I love you,” he cupped his cheek with a hoof. “No matter what.”

Sombra’s heart ached, and he tilted his head into the hoof. “Y-you cannot…” the beginnings of tears were starting to form as his changeling antennae flexed up and into view. “You cannot love me anymore. I won’t damn you into such a life.”

“I’m coming with you whether you like it or not,” Lemon Lime stuck out his tongue huffily, catching a few snow-flakes as he did so. “…kiss me?” he said softly. “I know we’ll make it work. Just you and me, Sombra, just you and me…” he leaned to press his lips to Sombra’s.

Sombra let out an audible, heart-broken sound. “Stop loving me.” He LASHED forward, sinking his fangs into Lemon Lime’s neck. His spit numbed the stallion and made him yelp, then whimper weakly. Love flowed from him into Sombra’s belly, like a thick lemon martini. He panted, releasing him. Lemon Lime opened his mouth to protest. “Stop loving me!” the black stallion roared. He lanced forth again before his lover could react, sinking his teeth into the other side of his neck. Lemon Lime let out a long, heart-wrenching yowl. Twin drips of blood went down his side, spattering the ground. Sombra drained as much as he dared. Lemon Lime whimpered, laying on his side, weakened.

“S-Sombra…” he whimpered, reaching for him with a trembling hoof.

“STOP LOVING ME! STAY HERE!” Sombra shouted in anguish, biting into him again. A long pull of love, and Lemon-Lime’s color seemed to fade a bit. “STAY HERE WHERE IT’S SAFE!” Tears went down his cheeks as his beloved limpened, and he lowered him to the snow.

Glassy-eyed, Lemon Lime slowly sat up after a time. Sombra held his face with a hoof, trying not to weep so loudly. The black stallion took his pack and his money while he was recovering, pulling it over his own back. “I…” Lemon Lime’s listless expression tilted one way, then the other. “I feel like tacos…” he said blandly, moving forward on his own. He didn’t even look at Sombra as he passed him. Sombra watched him go, disappearing into the swirling winds, back towards the safety of the Crystal Empire. Only then did he let out his anguished cry, stamping on the ice with his powerful hooves.

Pulling the goggles down over his eyes when he had screamed himself hoarse, he checked his supplies. Food. A small purse of bits. Flint and tinder. Several changes of clothes. A silver necklace. He paused at the necklace, tilting his head and turning it over. The medallion was of the eight-pointed star. He smiled despite himself. He recalled taking Lemon Lime’s virginity with this necklace on, and then placing it about his neck in a selfish, happy sort of “mine” gesture. The stallion had been delighted. He slowly pulled it over himself, unable to leave it in the snow.

There was something else too. Something that wasn’t his, or Lemon Lime’s. A sextant and scroll. He looked skyward, then grumbled. No stars to look at, least of all during this weather. He unfurled the scroll. The long string of numbers made little sense to him. Licking the tip of his hoof, he put commas here and there… coordinates. Steeling himself and knowing he had only three days to cross the tundra before he ran out of food, he started southward. The necklace about his neck jingled, so he tucked the eight-pointed star into the folds of his thick coat. Pulling up the hood and setting his goggles, he was off.

Hundreds of miles away, Discord’s statue cracked once more, along his limbs and tail.


“I’m sorry your night sky celebration was thrown off, Nightie,” Bandaid said softly, snuggling into her on the couch. Nightmare sighed, nodding that it was true. Nopony would know or care about a new night sky or arrangement of the stars if they were digging themselves out of a natural disaster. But, she’d told nations around the world she would be doing it on a certain night. And it would take ages to tell them all she’d postponed, set a new date, re-tell them all and do it. She’d decided to visit Polaris and be done with it, just herself and Bandaid.

“I’m ready to go,” Nightmare said. “Come, we make for the north-most tower of the palace.” Rising and slipping out of the blankets she’d been wrapped in, she flexed her wings a bit. Grabbing her papers in a thick folder, she straightened a bit. “I’ve not spoken with Polaris in a long time. I hope his mood is light,” she said as they left the apartments and started up one of the grand stair-cases.

“You’ve said the stars talk, but I’ve never heard them say anything,” Bandaid mumbled.

“You’ve not the ears for it, my love,” Nightmare said, smiling sweetly. “And most stars are hundreds of millions of miles away. Their voices can be quite soft.” They turned a few corners, servants and guards stopping to bow to them along the way. Bandaid smiled, just a little bit flattered now that he was getting used to such a thing.

“And the moon talks too?” Bandaid double-checked.

“Yes,” Nightmare said. “Luna…” she looked out a window as they passed. The clouds were too thick to see through. “Luna and I have grown close again since I returned. I think of her like another sister. She says it is because of you.”

“Because of me?” Bandaid said, looking up at her as they walked.

“She says you have helped tame me. And that you have a nice backside.” Nightmare clucked with delight at his blush.

“The moon does NOT say I have a nice butt.”

“The moon says you have a nice butt,” Nightmare confirmed, nodding. “Who do you think watches us make love when we do so by moonlight?” Bandaid’s face went SCARLET. “As long as there are no clouds, Luna can see most anything.”

“Oh J-j-jeez…” Bandaid mumbled, flushed and embarrassed. Nightmare giggled at him.

“I see the moon and the moon sees me,” the black alicorn sang gaily, trotting up the stairs as they went. “Shining through the branches of the old oak tree! And if that moon should shine on me~!” she paused at the top of the stair to wait for him.

“Let it shine on the one I love,” he hummed softly, and she kissed his cheek.

“This is it here. We’ll take a dumbwaiter to the top,” she stepped into what he’d thought was a closet at first. It was quite cramped. She rang the little bell. Servants in the core of the palace rushed from their other little jobs to turn the crank. The dumbwaiter lurched a little, but then began its ascent. After a time, it stopped and Nightmare rang the bell again. It locked in place.

A small set of double doors awaited them. “Erm, Nightie?” Bandaid asked. “You said we’re going to talk to a star… and that he lives here in the tower?”

“Just above it.” Nightmare confirmed. “He’s very old, dearest, just like me,” she gave a happy little titter as they emerged into a glass-ceiling’d room. The floor had been repurposed into a black marble display, with golden flecks placed just so to represent stars and planets.

Bandaid looked up, and for a moment he thought he’d gone blind. Something on the edges of his vision wouldn’t let him look directly at it. It was like looking into deepest shadow, or trying to see while swimming in the deepest sea. “I, I can’t see!” he said, putting a hoof up to shade his eyes.

“Try this,” Nightmare went to the corner to pull open a chest. In it, she pulled what looked like a slab of darkly-tinted glass. He held it up. Vaguely, he could see a sort of not-shape, a perfect circle. As though the world ended in one place, and then began perhaps five feet to one side of nothing again. A black hole? No… no then everything would be sucked in. There was just… just nothing there. Nothing at all.

“I don’t… I don’t see anything,” Bandaid tried to describe, ears turning back with worry.

“Polaris is an elder entity, Bandaid,” Nightmare said gently, going about the floor and laying her papers in a pattern. “Don’t move, stand just there, good,” she told him. “Erm, as I was saying, he is an elder entity, but the closest description that our language fits is the ‘first star’. Your eyes can’t comprehend what he actually looks like, so your mind leaves the space blank.”

“Sounds like an eldritch horror from one of my Ponies and Castles books,” the stallion heard himself grumble a little.

“Not everything is for mortal eyes, m’love,” Nightmare kissed his cheek, then stood next to him. “Now be still, this will only take a few minutes.”

The nothing-space moved down through the glass, shrinking as it did so. Bandaid couldn’t help but feel unnerved. It didn’t even look like a black sphere, for light would’ve shifted and it would have left a shadow. It was as though the coloring book that was the world had simply not printed anything there.

“What do you think? Do you like it?” Nightmare asked softly as the shape moved from one paper to another. There was no audible response that Bandaid could hear. “He says yes,” she put in for him after a time. “Do the others still listen to you?” the black alicorn said. “Ah, good,” she nodded a while. “If any of them get stubborn, tell me and I shall move them about by force. Hopefully that won’t be necessary.”

“So this is it?” Bandaid whispered, looking at the thick clouds. “The stars are all moving now?”

“Yes, they are,” Nightmare said a little poutily. “And nopony here can see it.”

There was a long silence. “I… I bet it would give everypony serious vertigo. Y’know?” he said comfortingly. “They’ll enjoy it when the storm clears.” He patted her back a few times. She said nothing, merely watched Polaris move back and forth, collecting her papers into himself until they were all gone. Her math had been perfect. The new design was simply elegant. A few stars that had been drifting off course were given new, exciting purpose. It was all sliding into place, at long last… and Sombra’s blizzard was covering the whole blasted thing. “Besides, it’s a little romantic, y’know?”

“What is?” Nightmare perked a little.

“A big blizzard, snowed in and can’t get out, nothing but the fire and the two of us…?” Bandaid smiled lopsidedly at her. Nightmare chuckled. “I bet they won’t dig out the train station for days, all that icing over and such.”

“And such…” she watched him out of the corner of her eye, her cheeks coloring a little. “Thank you, Polaris.” She gave a sort of half-bow. “I am sure the stars will be pleased with their new places.” She turned to Bandaid. “It does get dull, standing in one place for three thousand years or so, wouldn’t you agree?” He nodded dumbly, still trying to get used to talking stars and voyeur moons.

Polaris returned to his place above the room, outside and beyond the glass. He said nothing that Bandaid could hear, but made Nightmare Moon chuckle and nod a few times. Then it was time to go.

The two of them returned to their rooms for a hot bath, food and rest. Bandaid pored over his Crystal Pony anatomy book, making the most adorable concentrate-y face Nightmare had ever seen. She brushed her mane contentedly, watching the fire crackle. Though no snow swept by the windows, it was piling up outside the barrier. Its otherworldly glow thankfully didn’t color the whole world magenta (the color of Shining Armor’s magic), but it was noticeable at the window-sill. The super-storm was slowing, so ponies were already hard at work moving snow and ice as best they could.

Nightmare looked out the window. Such diligent things, holding their little city on the edge of the world together. The power (and warmth, hee hee!) of love held them all together so admirably! “Come, Bandaid. I’ll brush your mane too,” she offered. He smiled, nodding and coming to lay over her front legs. The brush hovered about.

“I’d like that.”


Princess Celestia stood in the bare center of the Canterlot palace hedge-maze. It was twenty feet high, held with wards and anti-flying winds. Ponies could wander through it all they liked, but would always emerge out the other side without having seen the center. It was no rumor, for Celestia had confirmed it many times: This was the home of the imprisoned Discord. One, sometimes two guards were always given special amulets to guide them to the center to guard the statue. Often they were given books and other such things to do, since the prisoner never moved.

But, when the statue of the fallen god Discord had suddenly sprouted not one, but two massive cracks the first guard had taken off in a gallop to tell the princess. She’d dropped everything and had rushed to the center of the hedge maze, throwing aside wards, breaking barriers and undoing seals as she went. None stood before her. She dismissed both guards when she arrived.

Standing still as a deer listening for predators, she perked her ears. Eyes wide and searching, she lifted a hoof with worry. None were powerful enough to break such a curse. The magic was so powerful, so terrible, Celestia had literally killed herself casting the magic. Several thousand years of solar-powered magic leaving her body had left her used up. The spirit of the sun had thrown an absolute fit. When she’d respawned (being a god and all) where she’d died she went into mourning, also to recover her strength.

Discord had reversed gravity on the planet Equis, killing billions. Including her most beloved husband, Mountain Blood. So a statue she’d turned him into, cold and lifeless as the deaths he’d caused. But to crack like this…? “What’s happening?” Celestia whispered. “Even Mother agreed you should be punished for what you did. You can’t just… just… this doesn’t make any sense!” A single chip of grey stone fell from the statue.

“D’awww-haw-haw… making sense…?” Something slithered by on the edges of her peripheral vision. Celestia whirled about. “My dear, sweet, solar sister, what fun is there in… making sense?” The voice was all around her, as though it were stretching and waking from a long sleep. Whatever had moved had become a hedge. Or had it been there before and her mind was playing tricks on her? She turned in a slow circle, eyes wide with fear.

“Show yourself!” Celestia shouted as the sky grew dark. Her horn lit and she became a glorious beacon of light. “Show yourself!” she cried again. Another hedge slithered by, this time right in front of her like a snake. The maze was rearranging itself. The wards sprouted thorns. The barriers, locks and spells cracked and shattered before reforming into a complex mechanism of chaos and nothingness. Flowers grew faces and teeth, snapping at Celestia’s dainty ankles until she was forced to the center of the clearing. Black clouds gathered about, swirling in a perpetual ant-circle of static and hidden lightning. “Coward!”

“Oh please…” the phrase echoed all about the white alicorn. “What are we if not both cowards, hiding behind our own lies. Even the gods have darkness in their hearts. Even the bright and shining ones… Celestia'hhh…”

Her eyes darted back and forth, from shadow to shadow. Expanding her sphere of magic and light about herself, she pushed the darkness back until she had shrouded the entire courtyard of the hedge maze in her molten glory.

At last he was revealed, melting up and out of the hedges and thorns. Ever writhing, ever shaping, until everything at last rolled into place. His lopsided puzzle of a shape finally solidified. History books had named him a ‘dragonequus’. An amalgamation of everything he found interesting or powerful. Beads of sweat went down Celestia’s temples and cheek as the chaos twisted and tore at her glorious aura. Their magicks met, mingled, but his twisted and pulled at the cracks of hers.

“Tell yourself. Tell the world. I’m back,” Discord said, leaving two different melting footprints in the cobblestone as he walked. “Your dirty little secret is about to go public too, I might add.” He seized her by the chin as the swirling purple tendrils enveloped her on all sides. He forcefully kissed her and she let out a doggish whimper when he shoved her onto her side. The darkness consumed her into a sphere of roiling madness and unsurmountable magicks. Lightning blasted across the sky, blinding her for a moment. He vanished before the thunder was done rolling. Only her face and muzzle still stuck out, but she was rapidly sinking into bottomless blackness.

“ I didn’t kill Mountain Blood, Celestia. You did.”

End of part 20