• Published 9th Apr 2013
  • 15,960 Views, 1,449 Comments

The Affection of Princess Nightmare Moon - Aegis Shield

SEQUEL! Nightmare Moon tries her hoof at wooing one of her subjects. Meanwhile Chrysalis returns to feed on Celestia.

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My Beloved, Bandaid

The Affection of Princess Nightmare Moon
Part 26: My Beloved, Bandaid

Bandaid looked at his royal apartment, the little stack of boxes and suite cases that had finally been assembled. He’d put his two weeks in after getting out of the hospital wing. He hadn’t told Nightie, either. And that was hard information to keep from the Princess, when the head nurse of the palace staff suddenly decided to step out.

It wasn’t anything personal. Well yes, yes it was. It was freaking dangerous around here. Sighing to himself and wondering where the movers were, he noted the time and took a few bits off the tip he’d intended them. Sitting in the kitchen, he opened the cooler where he’d packed all his food and fetched a glass-bottle soda. Spiffing it open with a flick of his hoof, he sat on the cooler with a sigh. Nightie was not going to be pleased and—!

There was a knock at the door. “Ah, finally,” he rose, going to the door to let the movers in. Instead, he found the Princess of the Night at his door. “Oops,” he said without thinking.

Nightmare looked past him because of her height. She looked startled. “Bandaid…?” she asked, wilting in the ears and posture. “Are you going someplace, my heart?”

“Er… you’d better come in,” the nurse finally admitted. He gestured and closed the door behind her. “Nightie I kind’a realized that I can’t stay here. Here at the palace, I mean,”

“Why not?!” she gasped, alarmed. “Are you not happy here,” she paused, then added. “With me?” she said more softly. “Have I done something to displease you?” the walked side by side to the couch.

“It’s not you, it’s everypony else,” Bandaid said, taking a long drink from his soda before setting it on the coffee table. “L-look, your brother broke my leg on a whim. You sister kidnapped me, three times no less, and has the ability to turn me into a berserker with no regard for life. You’re still acclimating to the modern era. And your mother,” he paused for effect and gestured, “Is god.” He sighed, rubbing his shoulder a bit. The healing spell had done fine, but the phantom pain was there in his mind. Discord so casually hurting him had been the final straw. “It’s really dangerous around here for me, y’know? I don’t like being the victim or the bargaining chip or the damsel in distress in all of your family’s power games.”

“Are... are you leaving me…?” Nightmare said very softly, her eyes getting big and wet.

He looked at her incredulously. “Oh no, no Nightie I’m not,” he smiled a little bitterly, upset that she was upset. He cupped the side of her face and she leaned into it a little. “I just think being here at the palace just isn’t for me right now.”

“Where will you go?” Nightmare said, a hoof already stroking his side in a needy way.

“Not far. Just… away from Canterlot,” he said guiltily. “There’s always need for nurses out there, it’s just a matter of where. And with credentials from the palace, and your recovery after coming back from the moon, well, I can go wherever I like!”

“I see,” she said, looking at the floor miserably. “What of… what of… us?” she said, putting a hoof on his chest. “I love you,” she said softly.

“I love you too,” his chest ached. “I just think this is for the better, for now. You can come see me whenever you like. We can still date, and see each other, and you can come stay at my new place whenever you like.”

“Whenever you settle in some foreign place,” Nightmare wilted, looking to one side. “What of our midnight trysts? I can never just come have you to myself anymore?”

“I know there’s no place on earth I could hide from you or any of the gods,” Bandaid said. “But the distance might put me out of sight, out of mind, y’know?” He pawed at his midnight necklace a few times. The black stone within glittered. “There’d be less opportunity for me to get used or abused if I just wasn’t around the palace here, right?”

Nightmare didn’t like it. Didn’t like it one bit. But she could not argue with his facts. She hung her head, trying not to let the tears slip out. “You would… still be mine?” she asked softly. “Just… further away?”

“Hey,” he whispered, leaning and kissing her softly. “As long as you want me, I’ll still be yours.” He stroked her mane a few times. “I love you, Nightie.” Rearing up a bit, he pressed her back and down over the couch. There he showed her just how much he loved her.


Bandaid got off the train in Ponyville, just one town over. Canterlot was a vague shape on the mountain horizon, but at least within sight. He rolled his eyes a bit, wondering if this would be enough. Discord could see him no matter where he went, but perhaps the others would leave him be. He hadn’t waited for the only male child of Faust to offer an apology, but from what Nightmare had told him over a few days there was now a peace between all five of the gods now. That was good to hear.

Gesturing for the movers, he led them through the streets. All he carried was his own medical bag and vest. Coming to a quaint, cream-colored little cottage he fumbled and unlocked the door. It was nice inside, clean and well-kept. His furniture had already arrived, and now there were merely boxes of possessions. While the movers went back and forth he explored for a bit. A nice little two bedroom, one bath sort of place. A kitchen, sitting room, and two closets. So large for a single pony to live in, but, it wasn’t his old economy apartment either. The royal palace apartments had spoiled him, he knew. Chuckling a little, he tipped the movers when they were done and stepped outside. A tiny little backyard with an ancient-looking tire swing, a wild and over-grown garden, and a mailbox. Though he was a stallion of barely thirty, he almost felt like he was retiring or something. Snorting and shaking his head, he decided to go exploring.

Leaving his new home, he turned down the street. Watching his hooves, he nearly ran into a massive red stallion carting barrels of apples. “Oh sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going,” he said, shrinking back at his size.

“Eyuup,” said the stranger mildly, politely stopping so Bandaid could go by first.

“I’m Bandaid, I just moved in, over there,” he gestured to the little cottage nestled among other cottages. The scarlet stallion swiveled his great head to have a look, then nodded some. Not much of a talker, was he. “Do you live around here?”

“Nope,” he nodded towards the end of the row. Beyond it among the hills was an apple orchard.

“Ah, I see,” Bandaid said, coughing a little awkwardly. “Well I won’t keep you,”

“Welcome t’town,” the stranger offered before lumbering along on his merry way.

“Yeah,” Bandaid said, looking around. It was so quiet. No rhythmic chank of armor. No constant quibble of nobles. No sweeping, echoing grand halls. He could hear birds. He could hear the waters of a river nearby. He smiled despite himself. “It’s so quiet…” he mumbled, looking around fondly.

Two Weeks Later…

“So basically what you’re saying is that you’re cashing in a bunch of favors, forgiving a few past transgressions,” Discord said in mild amusement. “And now asking another favor of big brother?” he smirked, leaning on the wall.

“Yes,” Nightmare was holding a scroll of pure spun gold. On it were the written signatures of the five children of Faust. Even Chrysalis had agreed, with almost no prodding at all. On it? A contract for the safety and non-molestation of a single mortal stallion. “Think of it as a thousand missed birthday presents, yes?” she said eagerly. She gave him her best pleading eyes.

Discord grumbled a bit, tilting his head at the drawings and designs she’d made. “It’s so simple though,” he complained.

“It has to be simple so it blends in with the environment,” Nightmare insisted.

Discord sighed, “Very well. I did break his leg, I suppose. And I do love my little sister,” he stuck his tongue out, then snapped his fingers. The two full-length mirrors leaning on the wall shimmered. “It’s done,” he confirmed. Sticking a hand in one, they saw his hand emerge out of the other.


Princess Nightmare Moon arrived to a gathering crowd of onlookers in Ponyville. She had to have her guards and chariot-pullers push them back here and there to make room. Grumbling and fishing about for her packages, she approached the new house of Bandaid. It was a plain, slumpy looking house with a straw roof and a cheery-looking painted picket fence. She chuckled at the clumsily painted cutie mark on the door and mailbox.

Taking a deep breath, the alicorn ducked her head so she wouldn’t ding the gutters and knocked. There was a pause, and she knocked again. Bandaid came to the door, and his face lit up as soon as he saw her. “Nightie!” he threw his arms around her, then they quickly stepped inside.

“Disperse the crowd,” she told her guards over her shoulder.

Bandaid saw all her packages and smiled a little lopsidedly. “You don’t hafta bribe me with gifts, Nightmare, I said I’m still yours didn’t I?”

Nightmare gave a big grin, putting down the gift-wrapped bathroom mirror and boxed golden contract. “I think you will like this, beloved. You’ll have to make exception.”

“I was just chopping fruit, wanna come help?” he offered, heading into the kitchen.

Nightmare stood in the living room, looking curiously about. So this was a modern, mortal pony dwelling? It didn’t seem so bad. She ducked a bit in the doorway, smiling and nodding as she did so.

Bandaid was making fruit salads and had a neat array of little tupperwares to make portions. “I’ve been having serious fruit-cravings lately, so I went to market. The market here is huge, and most of it is locally grown!” he went on and on about how Ponyville was quiet, peaceful and self-sufficient in its crops. Nightmare looked around the kitchen before slowly picking up a knife. She started carefully slicing apples. This was nice, she decided, smiling softly. Who could want for more than to spend such times with their companion?

“Hey, I… I wanted to thank you, by the way,” Bandaid said, without looking up at her. She looked across the counter at him. “The old you, I mean… the you that got back from the moon, would not have let me leave the palace so willingly.” He told her. “It means a lot that you would trust me to live out here and… y’know, still be yours. Not stray or anything.”

“I would suggest no such thing!” Nightmare put the knife down.

“You’re a goddess, Nightie,” Bandaid said, looking up at her seriously. “If you wanted, you could keep me all to yourself in that big castle of yours forever.” She made to speak, but he interrupted. “But you’ve gotten better, more mature even since the first day I met you. It means a lot that you understand my needs and put me before yourself.” He walked around the counter to kiss her.

“O-of course,” she said a little headily.

“I love you,” he said softly. “And if it works out between us, I mean…” he’d suddenly said too much. “I… I think I could see us together. More so than just dating like before.”

“Are you suggesting we wed?!” Nightmare gasped, serpentine pupils shrinking into lines.

“No, no! I-I, I mean-!” Bandaid blushed and tucked his head under hers. “I just mean… if it ever came to that, it seems like a… possibility, y’know?” he nuzzled her chest. Nightmare felt her eyes moisten, standing there in silence. She embraced him, tucking her stallion under her head. She sat on her haunches, pulling him harder to herself.

“Oh, my beloved,” she whispered slowly. He hugged her, stroking her back over and over. They made their way from the kitchen to the sitting room. A large dark purple pillow sat in front of the unlit hearth. Nightmare flicked it with magic and there was a roaring fire.

“I-I won’t pretend I’m good enough for a goddess, much less somepony that’ll live forever,” he said. “But, for what years I’ve got, I don’t mind being all yours.” He confessed, burying his face in her breast. Her great black wings settled around him in a wing hug. The darkness was soothing to him. They rested in front of the fire.

“My Bandaid,” she whispered softly, rather emotional now. “You will always be worthy of the affection, neigh, the love, of Princess Nightmare Moon.” They shared a tender kiss.


Author's Note:

Have a matching Blog entry, if you like, with notes from the author:


Comments ( 87 )

Awesome way to conclude the story. It seems sudden, but the ending is worth it.

so, third part? /s or am I?

Hmm... seemed a bit rushed at the end. I would have liked to have seen more closure, and Bandaid's reaction to the deal and the mirror.

Still, a good ending to a great story. Hope we see these two lovebirds again sometime! :twilightsmile:

Dawwwwwwww. And I wanted this to continue. It's so sweet now. :fluttercry:

Good until the end, but the end seems a lot rushed, I've expected something around 7000-10000 Words til the end.:fluttercry:

All the 'dawwwwwwwww'

I do so hope that there will be more, but if not, it was a very sweet ending.

Loved it.
I was always wondering, why the three goddesses (Chrisy and Dis don't count) never gave their loved ones faux immortality? I bet it's certainly in their powers, so why suffer the death of the ones they care so much about, when they can prevent this? I don't mean turning them into gods or even demigods, with their insane regenerative abilities, but just halting the aging process.

"When we gods fight only the mortals get hurt!"

Hey...wait a second!

6518130 Towards the end:

The children of Faust are exactly that, children. They might be thousands of years old, yet it seems they haven't yet learned the golden rules of being deities:

1. The quarrels of gods only ever hurts mortals

Ha! I knew that line looked familiar. It might just be a coincidence but I'm going to pretend like I inspired that line anyway. :derpytongue2:

Very nice ending, I was half fearing that Bandaid might break up with Nightmare Moon. This was an amazing story and I do hope for a sequel

All of my thumbs up for this story :pinkiehappy:

So . . . I don't particularly feel safe in Canterlot so I'll be moving to Ponyville. Nothing bad ever happens in Ponyville!

You realize, of course, that with that contract, Bandaid becomes the only 'Diplomat' who can be safely sent to any of the Children when they're having a temper tantrum.

Poor guy. He has no idea what is in store for him.

Bandaid's Daycare. :pinkiehappy:

6530808 That... would make for a great sequel.

Well done! Might we have a sequel, kind author?

6530962 Sure, as soon as I think of a proper plot. (lol, horse puns )

A most enjoyable story.

That was fun. Will we be seeing a sequel? Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

If there will be more i'll be reading more, that's for sure.

>Reads the ending

I pray there will be a sequel coming. I love this series. :twilightsmile:

It's been quite a trip my friend, glad to see this come to a conclusion *sad as well, but hey, everything ends.*.

I liked your portrayal of all of the characters, it is kinda interesting to see a Equestria where the elements were not invoked in such a manner. It is a bit sad to think that the mane six lose out on those friendships, but, then again, this story isn't about them, and so much of interest happens as it is to keep you from those thoughts.

I know it makes little sense, but If a sequel happens I think it would be interesting to see Flutter and Discord becoming friends or more as one of the branching segments. I remember everypony else having their moment or two in this story, but not her. And it is a bit sad to realize how everypony else of the mane six has something as far as friends or family or career in this to think they have a good life, but Fluttershy is mainly alone before the others come into her life *asides from Dash, but she is going to be travelling all over as a boxer in this world as is*. That's just my one random thought that I think would be interesting to see.

I think one of the better moments to me was when Twilight pointed out just how hateful Luna and Celestia were being towards the changelings, it is one thing to let their sister suffer for her actions, but another to let a whole culture nearly starve to death for centuries and work towards keeping it that way.

I do also wonder if Lemon Lime will come out of his funk and search for Sombra, might be interesting for him to find his way to the changeling empire and see what happens from there. Or for Discord to mention on passing to Sombra that his old ex is searching fruitlessly out in the frozen wastes for him.

A great sequel to a great story, happy to have seen it through to the end, and that you stuck to it.

... Well! I'd just put the previous story on my e-reader... I guess this can go on now too, even if it does have a slightly different feel to it.

6531843 Fluttershy was in the first story, being flirted upon by Nightmare Moon at the Nightmare Night Festival. She was there, promise! XD

Return: Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack
Affection: Pinkie, Rainbow Dash

Everypony got a little something-something to show they were alive and in this world, haha. XD

Loved this series so far. I read the blog yes, so I hope for more but I understand its on the back burner atm. all in all i loved it.

6532154 except for spike, who is still an egg sitting on a shelf somewhere collecting dust :fluttershysad:

Anyway, this was fantastic. I hope we get to revisit this world again.

So many fuzzy feelings from this chapter. Wonderfully done :twilightsmile:

Also, Bandaid moved to Ponyville because Canterlot was too dangerous for him? I think he'll eagerly move back a few months from now :rainbowlaugh:

Are the two former guards from the last story still living in the Badlands?

At the end of the first story, they leave with the changeling sister twins to go live in the Badlands. In this story, Chrysalis declares any ponies living in her Badlands to be grounds for war. Celestia knows they're out there due to their letter, but it never gets brought up again.

I honestly thought them living out there would be what would cause future conflict between Chrysalis and Equestria. A way to bring the twin guards and twin changelings involuntarily back into story events.

Wait... the end? But...
*looks at new, green completed sticker*

A great story, with a great ending. I loved your unique take on the immortals, and Bandaid's decision at the end seems like a good balance between "Bandaid is not going to dump Nightie for this" and "Bandaid has a sense of self-preservation." That scene with Chrysalis at the end of the last chapter was really cute, too. While reading it, I kept thinking of the song "What a Wonderful World."

Wait? It's over? but... if felt like it was going to continue for at least a little longer.... unless.... Sequel?

Good point I suppose...

If you need story ideas, heres one to maybe get the brain fuel going: we know of Faust's five children, but what if they werent here FIRST children? What if Faust had a son, the first child, born eons before the others even existed? If so, why haven't there been any records of him? What indeed. What could a son a Faust do that was so bad, or so much against what Faust would want/need, that the Mother of Creation had to erase all traces of him, and never tell her other children, for she wouldnt know how they would react. Now, say, out of the blue, this son returns to Equis?

I am so glad that this ended the way it did. As it was, seemingly forshadowing the end of the world amongst the squabbles of sociopathic gods, I found quite emotionally taxing and I almost couldn't bear to continue with how callous the immortals were. Amazing work making the ageless seem alien. Great characterization.

6530971 Do yourself a favour, if indeed you make a third installment. Keep the number of new characters to a minimum. The main draw of this story is the relationship between NMM and Bandaid, so obviously you can't ignore it. HOWEVER, with Bandaid's new home in Ponyville, you've set up some interesting new scenarios. Honestly, it is entirely acceptable to shelve the whole Chrysalis Arc for now. The same goes for developing NMM and Bandaid's relationship. As fun as it may be to read about the very possessive Nightmare having to deal with the trials of a long distance relationship, there are a hell of a lot more avenues to explore. We've yet to meet Trixie the Librarian for one. What the hell happened to Sombra's lover? What has Blueblood been up to? Nightmare has a new head guard now, what happened to her after Bandaid got his hooves on her? Just some little ideas for your consideration.

I don't know, that just felt kind of cut off. Like this isn't where it was supposed to be going, but you didn't feel like writing out all the rest.

Gloriously executed!
I would love another. I love this verse, this couple, this everything!
Write of them wed and having foals, some simple slice of life thingy.

Well, this ending was somewhat abrupt, but I'm far from complaining: this story was simply beautiful.

That's probably true, but it doesn't really change that he couldn't have made pegasi float off or prevent non-infected from floating off.

To be fair, I feel this whole ending was rather rushed. From the beginning, it looked like you had an entire epic in store for us, nd then all those plot points started to get resolved with the excuse of "The future is never set in stone".

NOW! While I understand and accept that this is a good excuse, I feel you got bored of the story and just kind of wanted it to end.

Thanks for ending it at the very least if my suspicion is correct.

6598091 I understand completely.

But I pulled a lot of pages out of greek mythology and such for this one.
Atop that, that's the reason I constantly refer to the divine five as "children of Faust". Cuz that's how they act. :)

Well, I was kinda thinking that the 17th chapter would make a perfect end but... You push the story by adding plots.
That's a good story, well writed, but I'm not fond of the chapters beyond the 17th.
They sounds like they could have been OS on their own.

But stilI, I've enjoy the read.
Now I'm gonna go read that fic of yours about batponies.

6656078 Taken, but not asked for. Once again.

Comment posted by Cursed Quill deleted Nov 22nd, 2015

Another sequel? yea or nay.

Ohhh you know its this new game.... yeah...game... on the internet... its such a great game for the kids you know.... heheh ...*worst lie...ever*

Like many others it seems, I feel that the story was ended abrubtly as well. I was certainly enjoying how everything was bring wrapped up but there was still a few arcs/things that been left unaddressed. I hope you correct this in the future, be it a direct continuation or sidestory involving. Still, I am glad to have read this wonderful story and its prequel! May read it again some time in the future. ^~^

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