• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 3,826 Views, 97 Comments

An Even Bigger Storm of Chaos - MrAnime

I woke up one day thinking that it was just another normal day. Little did I know, I just got transported to Equestria, and the first thing I see is Pinkie Pie. Turns out ... I'm the new Lord of Chaos!

  • ...

Holy ... SHIT!!!!

Aren't you going to suggest me a way out of this!? I asked myself in a frustrated tone.

'OH! Um... let me think... Got it! Escape Plan: Beta!'

Hell no! I have to jump off a cliff for that plan!

'Then why are you asking me for help!?'

FFFFFFFUUUUUUUU.......... I DON'T KNOW! Twilight was getting even closer to me every second, but right now, I was more worried about Pinkie! After what happened back in her room, I don't want to KNOW what she might do here! ... Wait a minute ... where was, Pinkie? Shit ..., I looked around trying to spot her, but the more I focused on finding Pinkie, Twilight was getting closer. Shit ... they planned this out didn't they!? I felt myself twitch in my left eye, worst part, I couldn't get up either. Twilight was holding me down with her magic, and Pinkie was somewhere else ready to pounce. I turned to Twilight and saw her right next to mine! Our faces where only inches away, I could feel her breath on me. She moved her hand to my chest, and leaned in closer. SHIT!!! Whats wrong with her! ... Wait a minute ... I thought for a while quickly before Twilight got even closer to me. Oh shit ... N-no ...No ...No no no... Oh holy SHIT. I figured it out. SSSHHHIIITTT!!! She's in HEAT!!! Now THIS was bad, I couldn't get up, Twilight right next to me in heat, and Pinkie off to who knows where PROBABLY IN HEAT AS WELL! Then I realized, Hey! I have magic too! I snapped my fingers around the magical locks, and they vanished.

"What the-" Twilight said after I cut her off.

"See ya," I said with a slight smirk. Just as I was about to fly away, Pinkie came out of nowhere, and pinned me to the ground!

"Twilight! I got him!" she yelled. Twilight came running to where Pinkie pinned me down. I saw them both with seductive smiles!

Holy ... SHIT!!!! How do I get out THIS!!! Pinkies' an earth pony, so I know shes pretty strong. Then there's Twilight! She has incredible magical powers! THERE"S NO ESCAPE!!! Just as I thought this, someone came into Twilight's house. I turned my head to check who it was, and the two others turned to check as well.

"..! DASH! Help me out here! PLEASE!" I requested with a worried tone.

"What the hell? What's happening here?" She asked.

"Twilight, and Pinkie are both in their fucking heat! They're trying to get their way with me! Help me PLEASE!" I pleaded.

"Oh shit! Hold on!" Rainbow Dash started running towards Pinkie to get her off me. She jumped in to the air, and did a pretty cool flip, and tackled Pinkie off of me. I got up, and saw Twilight preparing a spell, so I grabbed Rainbow Dash, who was busy keeping Pinkie down, "What the hell!?"

"We're leaving!" I said in a dark tone. Then I snapped my fingers to transport Rainbow Dash away first. "Sorry it had to be this way Twilight, but hey ... You were trying to get your way with me, so ... See ya Later," My eyes turned completely black, and a white orb formed around me, that transported me to were Rainbow Dash was.

When the orb disappeared, I feel to the ground taking deep breathes. I was sweating a bit, and there was a slight pain in my chest. I held my head, because of the massive headache I was having. Holy Shit ... what happened?

"Whoa dude, You OK?" I heard Dash's voice, and she sounded worried.

"Ya ... ya ... I'm fine ..." The pain in my chest was going away after awhile, but my headache still remained.

"What happened back there? Why are you all sweaty?" She asked me.

"*pant pant* I don't know ... All I remember was seeing Twilight's frightened face, and hearing a distorted voice. After that ... it all went blank on my part. I don't even remember what I said back there," My headache was getting worse, It was really painful. Then I felt like someone was engraving something into me, It stung ... really bad. "Ah! Shit! What the hell!?" I saw Rainbow Dash gasp as she was looking at me. "What? What is it?"

She reached into her pocket of her pants, and took out a mirror, then she handed it to me. I took it, then opened it to see what was wrong ... Then ... on my eye ... I saw a symbol in my left eye! It was replacing my pupil! It seemed to be a dragon around some sphere with a lightning bolt inside. The color of the dragon was a light shade of purple, and its eye was pure yellow as well. The sphere looked like some kind of coin, with a lightning bolt engraved in it. It was creepy as hell, but cool at the same time!

"That is trippy ... How did you get that anyway?" Dash asked me.

"I ... don't ... know ... But something tells me, that this isn't supposed to be here ..."

"Of course NOT! It's replacing your fucking pupil!" The tone in her voice irritated me! My eye twitched, then they both turned completely black, except for the mark in my left eye, and I turned to her.

"Watch that tone missy! Don't want anything to happen to you now, don't you?" I heard that distorted voice again, and saw Rainbow Dash backing away a bit, then everything went blank.







I started to wake up. I heard a faint beeping sound as I struggled to stay awake. I opened my eyes, my vision was a little blurry at first, but then they started stabilized to my surroundings. I was able to see three different colors, when they did. Cyan Blue, Purple, and Yellow, they were all around me. I felt some sheets on me, and a hand on my chest. That's when I started to hear voices

"Oh, he's starting to wake up,"

"Is he alright?"

"I'm not sure..."

"What happened last night anyway? I don't remember a thing,"

"You mean to tell me, that you don't remember what you and, Pinkie tried to do to him!"

"... No ... nothing ..."

"Well turns out, you two weren't in heat ..."


The voices began to become clearer. I thought I heard Twilight's, and Rainbow's voice, but who was the other? "Ugh ... what the hell? Ow! My head ..."

"Shh, he's awake,"

"Rainbow Dash? Is that you?" I started to say.

"Ya, its me. Hey you OK there dude? That was pretty scary what you did last night. I didn't know your teeth could get that sharp!" She replied.

"My ... teeth?"

"Ya, you bit me too, but lucky it was small, so the doctor just had to patch me up," She smiled.

"Wait ... I bit you! Hold on ... where are we?" I asked her.

"Oh, we're in 'Ponyville Hospital', and two others came to visit. One more thing, turns out Pinkie, and Twilight weren't in heat," She said while moving away from the other two visitors.

"Oh, thank goodness your OK Samuel!" Twilight said while hugging me.

"Um ... you ... too?" I said to her. I turned around to see who the other visitor was, and I saw ... FlutterShy.

"Oh, Hi. I'm Samuel." I said, trying to smile. FlutterShy just turned away, rubbing her arm. "Um ... your FlutterShy right?" I asked her.

"Yes," she mumbled.

"Sorry, what was that?" I asked her again.

"Yes," She said, a little louder this time.

"I'm going to take that as a yes," I said with a slight laugh, trying to brighten up this akward conversation. "O-ow! What's with this massive headache!?" I yelled. Twilight, and Rainbow Dash both looked at each other, then looked at me.

"We could explain that," they said in sync, "Probably," Dash added.

Author's Note:

Can you guys figure out whats happening with Samuel before the next update? The winner gets cookies :D (There's no cookies xD! I'm evil...)