• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 3,826 Views, 97 Comments

An Even Bigger Storm of Chaos - MrAnime

I woke up one day thinking that it was just another normal day. Little did I know, I just got transported to Equestria, and the first thing I see is Pinkie Pie. Turns out ... I'm the new Lord of Chaos!

  • ...

The Palener ... what? (Short chapter)

"What the hell is Palners... Palenert ... Palen ... HOW EVER THE HELL YOU PRONOUNCE IT!" I yelled, a little frustrated at how complicated the word was.

"A Paleneristicus, Is a demon spirit, that chooses a host that is worthy of its' powers, then possess it. Thing is, they are not natural. They must be produced, but only one book in all of Equestria, contains the spell that can produce one," Twilight replied.

"How do you know all this?" I was confused as hell as how she would know all this.

"I looked it up, in one of my books in the Library," she smiled.

"Well anyway, you don't think that the book is in the possession of Discord do you? I mean Discord did have a book with some sort of monster on the cover right?" I asked her.

"Well yes it did ... but that wasn't a Paleneristicus, It was something else ... The way a Paleneristicus is described, is a spirit with the upper body of a bull, but the lower body thins out to nothingness. It appears to have horns that point forward, and its hooves are replaced with claws. It has no eyes, but eye sockets! They are shaped in a form where it appears to be mad all the time. And to top it all off, it has a creepy smile on its face as well," She shivered at the thought of seeing one. "And that symbol in your left eye, shows that its in passive mode," She finished.

"Wait! You mean to tell me that its asleep!" I yelled.

"Yes. It sleeps inside its host for up to two weeks, then when it wakes up, it takes complete control over its host for twenty-four hours. After that, it goes back to sleep for another two days, due to the power it has used to stay inside of its host. Then, it awakens once again, and never goes back to sleep," She said.

"Shit ..." Me and Dash responded in sync. I turned to Fluttershy, who was hiding in the corner, and decided cheer her up. "Hey, Fluttershy no need to worry OK? Twilight here knows what she's doing. Oh, Twilight, do you know why its chosen me to be its host? I mean, I'm just a human who was sent here, and was transformed into the new Lord of Chaos,"

"No, not really. I'm still looking into that as well. Maybe there's some sort of prophecy to it," She finished.

"Well ... that's ... um ... helpful? Well ... Did you atleast find out anyway to get this thing out of me?" I asked her.

"No, she hasn't," Rainbow Dash said.

"How in the hell do you know? No offense," I said to her.

"None taken, and I know, because I may ... have... helped ... her," She said.

"I did not expect this ..." I said in a surprised tone. "So, I'm just going to have to put up with this thing inside me, have some serious black out moments, and potentially hurting you guys, until you find a spell to get rid of it huh?"

"Pretty much, but the strangest thing is, that I've heard that they could only be produced by letting them through a certain portal ... I don't how anything can create a portal though ..." She was worried, and so was I.

"Maybe somepony in Ponyville can create them," Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Maybe ... but who? I might have to check The Equestrian Criminal Records for any leads to who might be the cause of all this. If its somepony who would this, then he's got to have some sort of criminal record," Twilight said, then headed out after saying goodbye to Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and me.

"So, you know when I'm able to get out of this Hospital?" I said in a irritated tone.

Author's Note:

Sorry this one was short, I'm having a little trouble collecting my thoughts. I had all the ideas in my head, its just that when I was writing this, I sorta blanked out, and lost them all. So I might not post another chapter in a week or two. Again I am really sorry. Have any ideas who this somepony might be? Tell me ... and maybe, If I like it enough, I might make that the villain in this story than the one I'm already putting in. (To be honest, I kinda forgot who the villain was going to be too, BUT NO WORRIES! I have all my ideas in one of my books. I just have to find it. And if I do, I'll be sure to tell you guys)

For Irk!
