• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2013
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I used to question the MLP FiM show, but one episode and I got hooked on it. See my Fanfiction account ChaosMagemon for more than just MLP fics. Joined the Herd Nov 5, 2011

More Blog Posts331

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MLP Gen 5 Chapter 4 · 8:48pm Jun 6th, 2023

So aside from Bridelwoodstock airing, it was more episodes to go with it. Episodes that change everything for Gen 5 now.

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Comments ( 19 )

Misty got her cutie mark and came to her senses (mostly)

Yeah, and there was more to Opaline's backstory. But not all of it.

I still don't trust Misty

Not this again!

I have a better reason. How do we know Opaline didn't secretly perform anything on Misty when she was little?


Really? Really? REALLY!

She's proven herself. She got her cutie mark by helping the others.

I mean, what if Opaline had something put on Misty that she doesn't know. Like a failsafe or something.


Why can't you just accept a happy ending? We already get enough misery and despair that seeing the good guys get a victory is heartwarming.

She raised Misty as her slave. Prevented her to make friends. Never had a proper childhood. Misty was alone, afraid, and did terrible things she was told to do. She earned her cutie mark because she cared for her friends. She opened her heart. She felt free. There is a saying: Only when you conquer your fear will your heart be free. Her serving under Opaline was holding her back.


I'm happy Misty has learn the truth and fled, but it's Opaline's agenda I don't trust. She's the one kind of villain that's both Dangerous and Untrustworthy: Desperate.

I just saw the latest episode(s).

First of all, loved them all.


And third…OH NO!!! Shendu is in the MLP-universe and Opalina is planning to wake him up for a hostile takeover that will end in a backstab, because he’s also a demon sorcerer!

Just kidding. But seriously, we learned a lot about Opalina and that she has a severe *cough* Napoleon Complex *cough* (or is it inferiority complex?) compared to Princess Celestia and Luna.

Although, the fact that Opalina was about the same age as Celestia and Luna when they were both filly, then…any chance they could still be alive?

That would explain the sun and the moon.

And if so, then…what about Twilight, Cadence, or Flurry Heart?

And what if it doesn’t stop with them? Is it possible that there may be more of them out there?

And we'll see if what she said about the sisters was true, or just her changing up her story to make herself out to be a victim

Also, Opalina being a fire Alicorn explains why she’s so dependent on dragon fire.

But could it be possible that there may be more than one elemental Alicorns out there?

If so, what happened to them?

Plus, I’m very curious about this Skyla place she mentioned. Has there been a whole community of alicorns prior to the events of G4 and G5? If so, then what happened to it?

And why is Opalina no longer concerned that every pony knows that she exists now? Or that she and Misty are in cahoots? Well, one-sided cahoot of a kind. But in cahoots, nonetheless.

A really smart villain would know that, once the heroes know you exist, then you gotta find a new evil lair, and a new lackey. Or at the very least, wipe out their memories, or something.

Yeah when a hero knows where the villain lives it makes them vulnerable and such. And it works the other way, and yet sometimes they don't bother attacking where they live. I mean The Turtles know where 2012 Shredder lives and infiltrate it on so many occasions

Yes, please bring back the original g4 or at least the other 4 since it would make sense and have some of g4 sanity back

That’s probably because it was heavily guarded and such.

I don’t know how to feel bout G5

Since it sounds like more dragons will show up, I hope we see Spike.
But hopefully not as fodder meant to prop up Opaline

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