• Member Since 15th Apr, 2024
  • offline last seen 45 minutes ago


Twi-Dash Fanatic

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  • Wednesday

    I just wanna tell you guys that in the last week or so, I've hit a massive road block in writing, my deadass is now suffering from writers block, all the creative juices in my mind are dried up, and when i ever i do managed to write something, i feel like isn't good enough. I'm hoping that I'm able to take a couple of days up to a week off from writing, the reason why i use the word 'hoping' is

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    1 comments · 22 views
  • 6 days
    Jovi's Mixtape Series: Track 28

    Coming Of Age By Jay-Z, Album (Reasonable Doubt)

    4 comments · 18 views
  • 1 week
    Jovi's Mixtape Series: Track 27

    Betrayal by Gang Starr, Album (Moment Of Truth)

    3 comments · 25 views
  • 1 week
    Thank You!

    Bro's i have no clue how my recent story has become my most liked fic, but i just wanna say thank you, like really, you guys rock!

    7 comments · 32 views
  • 1 week
    Jovi's Mixtape Series: Track 26

    I can feel it brothers

    2 comments · 23 views

Thank You! · 8:17pm June 20th

Bro's i have no clue how my recent story has become my most liked fic, but i just wanna say thank you, like really, you guys rock!

Comments ( 7 )

Good shit brodie! 🙌🏽

love you bro

Just wanted to say that I really was happy for you when I saw "Take Two" in the Featured box last night. (It's still there right now.) Congrats again. :yay:

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