• Member Since 15th Apr, 2024
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Twi-Dash Fanatic

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  • Wednesday

    I just wanna tell you guys that in the last week or so, I've hit a massive road block in writing, my deadass is now suffering from writers block, all the creative juices in my mind are dried up, and when i ever i do managed to write something, i feel like isn't good enough. I'm hoping that I'm able to take a couple of days up to a week off from writing, the reason why i use the word 'hoping' is

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    1 comments · 23 views
  • 6 days
    Jovi's Mixtape Series: Track 28

    Coming Of Age By Jay-Z, Album (Reasonable Doubt)

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  • 1 week
    Jovi's Mixtape Series: Track 27

    Betrayal by Gang Starr, Album (Moment Of Truth)

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  • 1 week
    Thank You!

    Bro's i have no clue how my recent story has become my most liked fic, but i just wanna say thank you, like really, you guys rock!

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  • 1 week
    Jovi's Mixtape Series: Track 26

    I can feel it brothers

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Update! · 8:17pm Last Wednesday

I just wanna tell you guys that in the last week or so, I've hit a massive road block in writing, my deadass is now suffering from writers block, all the creative juices in my mind are dried up, and when i ever i do managed to write something, i feel like isn't good enough. I'm hoping that I'm able to take a couple of days up to a week off from writing, the reason why i use the word 'hoping' is since whenever i try to take a break, i always find my self being roped back into writing, like I'm only a simple click or two away from browsing all my works

So yeah, if anyone is wondering why i haven't a published a fanfic in over a week then that's why, i feel like writers block is also the reason why i've been using Fimfiction less in general, since it constantly reminds me of what i could be doing, which is writing, but i don't wanna write since it's only going to burn me out more

Some people might say just power through it and say "you can always edit a bad document" but that doesn't work for me, like I've tried many times, but it simply doesn't work for me

Anyway that's all what I've gotta say

This is ben and peace

Report benjovi2004 · 23 views · #benjovi2004
Comments ( 1 )

Hey, do whatever you feel is right, ben.

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