• Member Since 12th Oct, 2022
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Okie Brony

I'm here live; I'm not a cat. (Bask in the glory of my new profile pic.)

More Blog Posts18

  • Friday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XVI

    I made a meme.

    I found the blank image on Know Your Meme, beside the famous image of a creepy little girl looking into the camera as a house burns in the background. My favorite version of that meme says "There was a spider. It's gone now." I couldn't find that version, but here's one that's appropriate for my blog:

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  • Thursday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XV

    Happy Fourth of July! I found a perfectly appropriate comic the other day, and have been saving it for today. :yay:

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  • Wednesday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XIV

    Berry Punch Presents: How to Become an Alicorn.

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  • Tuesday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XIII

    Welp, here's my lucky 13th music blog. I'm opening it with a blatant attempt to get more views. Here's an awesome picture of a Fluttershy cosplayer.
    Edit: Of course, the pic isn't showing up in the preview window thing. Boo. Trust me, it's awesome.

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  • Monday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XII

    I could post another "Monday" song today, but I found an awesome griffified album art image last night, which inspired today's blog.

    Here's the original:

    Finally, here's a somewhat "disturbing" video. :derpyderp1:

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Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. II · 8:15pm June 21st

Welcome to Day II of my music blog. (Roman numerals are cool.) This may or may not be a daily blog, but for now, it is. (Thanks for the encouragement, RainbowDash2012.) :rainbowdetermined2:

As I said before, I am a massive fan of AC/DC. People who know them solely for their "classic rock" may not know that they're still around, pumping out hits. Their 2020 album "Power Up" is one of my absolute favorites.

It sucks that this is the only song from the album that I ever heard on the radio, but "Shot in the Dark" is an amazing song.

I also don't know if I can keep posting a new funny video every day, but "Friendship is Magic, Bitch" is another classic. I don't really want to post the sequel, as it has some foul language and isn't as funny.

🍌 🍌 :trollestia: 🍌 🍌

It's the first full day of summer. I hope everypony's having a good one.

Comments ( 7 )

Lolol. Go AC/DC. Another great post Okie!

Keep them coming Great Plains friend! :pinkiehappy:

Happy summer! Hot fun in the summmertimeeeee

Subsbsbobsosbobakbkw jw keg with his oussmdndndn

Tape Deck had to go to sleep, but he seems to have forwarded me his thoughts so I could post them here:

That AC/DC song was pretty good.

Dang it, I forgot to watch the video.

I'll catch it tomorrow.

I'm genuinely touched by those words.

Fanks. Oklahoma has some hot hot heat coming up soon, several days near 100Β°. It's already been hot! I gave myself a small heat stroke weed-eating at my church. My yard is half-mowed and looks awful.

Me, too! :yay:

They totally came deep from my soul

It’s been plenty hot in Illinois too lately, in the 90s much of the last week, though I imagine Oklahoma is hotter in general since it’s considerably further south. You have better winters than Chicago though believe me.

Executive Producer: Barack Obama.

At first it was a tad boring just with just the conversation with the first pony and the heavily compressed voices, but once the moon cannon was brought out, it was all great till the end.


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