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Occasional FimFic contributor. Also short reviews on request. Blog for silliness, music, writing. STATUS 2024.06.27. Je suis l'une d'eux

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22nd-29th June Random thoughts, writing, music and pony (updated daily) · · 10:20pm June 22nd

27th June

Depuis trois mois nous vivons dans le froid de l'hiver — For three months we live in the cold of winter
Nos p'tits sabots sont bien au chaud, on a rien d'autre à faire Il fait bien trop froid pour travailler, dehors rien ne peut pousser — Our small hooves are warm, we have nothing else to do, it is too cold to work, outside nothing can sprout (pousser is generally 'push' but has loads of meanings)
Et même si j'adore mes bottines, la mode en est passée Il faut qu'arrive le printemps, que s'éveille la nature — And even if I love my boots, the fashion has past. It must arrive at spring, that awakens nature
Maintenant il faut bien s'activer, l'hiver est au pied du mur — Now one must be active, winter is at one's back (generally that phrase means backed against the wall - literally 'foot of the wall')
Que puis-je faire pour vous aider ? — What else can I do to help you
Voilà ce qui me tracasse — This is what worries me
Je me sens perdue sans ma magie, comment trouver ma place ? — I feel lost without my magic, how to find my place

L'hiver s'enfuit, l'hiver s'enfuit — Winter is running away, winter is running away
Nos vacances finissent dans la joie — Our holiday finishes in joy
L'hiver s'enfuit, l'hiver s'enfuit — Winter is running away, winter is running away
Bientôt le printemps sera là, bientôt le printemps sera là — Soon spring will be here. soon spring will be here

Rappeler les oiseaux du sud, où ils ont tous migré — Call back the southern birds, where they have all migrated (Rappeller is more commonly remind)
Éclaircir les cieux très obscurs, qui troublent leurs tranquillité — Lighten the gloomy skies, that trouble thir tranquility
Déblayer la neige, voici toutes nos missions — Clear the snow, here is all our mission
Pour que le soleil nous réchauffe à la perfection — For that the sun rewarms us perfectly
Des p'tites créatures hibernent sous la neige et la glace — Little creatures hibernate under the snow and ice
Tranquillement nous les réveillons, doucement et sans angoisse — Tranquilly we wake them up gently without anguish
Nous rassemblons de la nourriture, soignons leurs maisons — We gather food, care for their homes
Et nos amis qui viennent du sud, tous nous les accueillons — And our friends who come from the south, we welcome them
Cultiver les fruits de la terre, quel travail exigeant — Cultivate the fruits of the earth, what demanding work
Mais avec cœur et patience, tout le monde sera content — But with heart and patience, everyone will be happy
Pommes, carottes et céleri, et des fleurs par centaines — Apples, carrots and celery, and flowers for certain
Ça demande beaucoup d'efforts, pour faire pousser nos graines — This requires great effort, to make our seeds sprout
De chacun je connais les tâches, quel sera mon ouvrage ? — Of each I know the task, what will be my work?
Je veux aider de tout mon cœur, faire mon apprentissage — I want to help with all my heart, do my learning
Mais comment faire sans pouvoirs magiques, c'est un travail difficile — But how to do it without magical powers, it is difficult work
Mais je veux prouver que je suis l'une d'eux, je ferais de mon mieux Je ferais de mon mieux ! — But I want to prove that I am one of them, I will do my best, I will do my best!
L'hiver s'enfuit, l'hiver s'enfuit — Winter is running away, winter is running away
Nos vacances finissent dans la joie — Our holiday finishes in joy
L'hiver s'enfuit, l'hiver s'enfuit — Winter is running away, winter is running away
Bientôt le printemps sera là — Soon spring will be here
L'hiver s'enfuit, l'hiver s'enfuit — Winter is running away, winter is running away
Bientôt le printemps sera là, bientôt le printemps sera là — Soon spring will be here. soon spring will be here
Bientôt le printemps sera là ! — Soon spring will be here

25th June

Je m'appelle Pinkie Pie (Bonjour !) — My name is Pinkie Pie (hello!)
J'illumine ta journée (Comment ça va ?) — I brighten up your daytime
Tous les jours j'y travaille car c'est la tâche que je m'suis donné-é-é-éé — Everyday I work on this task I gave myself
Et si tu te sens triste (Quoi d'neuf ?) — And if you feel sad (What's new?)
Et si t'es déprimé (Courage !) — And f you are depressed (Courage)
Je monte sur la piste, oui je f'rais tout pour t'égailler — I am on track, yes I would do anything to make you equal (which is 'cheer you up' in French! Interesting. Also, the contraction on ferais... just like silly English contractions)

Car plus que tout je veux te voir sourire (Oui c'est vrai) — Because over all I want to see you smile (Yes it's true)
Mon cœur alors ne fait que s'en réjouir (Il le fait !) — My heart only then rejoices (It does!) (the ne verb que form is new to me)
J'en ai besoin je veux te voir sourire — I have need of it, I want to see you smile
Ah mes amis quel plaisir ! — Ah, my friends, what pleasure.

J'adore quand j'te fais rire (Génial)I love it when I make you laugh (awesome!)
Quand j'te vois rayonner (Trop cool) — When I see you shine (Very cool)
Je ne peux qu'applaudir quand ta bouche se met à glousser (Tope là !) — I can only applaud when your mouth starts to giggle (high five)
Si quelque chose te tracasse, si t'en as gros sur le cœur J'trouv'rais le p'tit truc efficace qui te remplira de bonheur ! — If something worries you, if you have a lot on your heart, I will find the small effective thing to fill you with happiness (as gross sur la coeur is a great lil phrase)

Car plus que tout je veux te voir sourire (C'est si peu) — Because over all I want to see you smile (It is so little)
Seulement pouffer ou éclater d'un rire — Only giggle or burst out laughing
Un p'tit effort je veux te voir sourire, ça me fera tant plaisir ! — A small effort I what to see you smile, this will make me so happy
C'est vrai qu'parfois on se sent si seul — It is true that sometimes we feel so alone
Qu'on n'en voit pas l'issue — That we cannot see the way
Mais Pinkie te guide vers un bonheur que t'avais pas entrevu — But Pinkie will guide you towards a happiness that you hadn't glimpsed
La seule chose qui me rend heureuse et qui donne un sens à ma vie — The only thing that makes me happy and that gives a feeling to my life
C'est quand je parle à mes amis et qu'ils m'sourient ! — It is when I talk to my friends and they smile at me (is this wrong? Pinki doesn't just want them smiling at her...?)
Je me sens tellement comblée — I feel myself so fulfilled
Le bonheur est à mes pieds — The happiness is to my feet
Vois-tu, pour un sourire donné — You see, for a smile given
T'en reçois un dans la foulée ! — You take it in stride
Car plus que tout je veux te voir sourire (Oui, c'est vrai) — Because over all I want to see you smile (Yes it's true)
Mais que puis-je faire de plus pour te faire rire ? (que je fais) — But what more can I do to make you laugh? (that I do)
C'est si facile je veux te voir sourire, c'est tout ce à quoi j'aspire ! — It is so easy I want to see you smile, it is all that I aspire to
Tous ensemble on veut te voir sourire — All together, we want to see you smile
Notre cœur ne pourra que s'en réjouir — Our heat can only rejoice
On en a besoin, te voir sourire — We need it, to see you smile
Ah mes amis quel plaisir ! — Ah my friends what pleasure
Tous ensemble on veut te voir sourire — All together we want to see you smile
Notre cœur ne pourra que s'en réjouir — Our heat can only rejoice
On en a besoin, te voir sourire — We need it, to see you smile
Ah mes amis quel plaisir ! — Ah my friends what pleasure
La plus belle chose à m'offrir — The most beautiful thing to give me
Simplement le plus grand des sourires — Simple the biggest smile
La seule chose qui puisse vraiment m'éblouir ! — The only thing that most truly dazzles me
Sourire, sourire, sourire, sourire ! — Smile, smile, smile, smile
C'est ! Te voir sourire ! Te voir sourire ! — It is to see you smile! To see you smile

23rd June

Some random French

away - loin
scared - effrayée
here - ici
food - nourriture
hunt - chasse
stay - rester
dark - sombre
light - lumière
howl - hurler
follow - suivre

22nd June

Is it wrong to want to live in a barn?
No, it's not wrong, but I must know
How can such a unicorn
Sing words so sad?

Sheila you're a, Sheila you're a cow
Boot the grime of this world in the udder
And no don't go home tonight
Come out and find the one that you love
And who loves you
The one that you love and who loves you

Is it wrong not to always be glad?
No, it's not wrong, but I must add
How can such a unicorn
Sing words so sad?
Sheila take a, Sheila take a bow
Boot the grime of this world in the udder
And don't go home tonight
Come out and find the one that you love
And who loves you
The one that you love and who loves you

Cloven hoof and off we stride
You're a cow and I'm a bull
Cloven hoof and off we stride
I'm a cow and you're a bull
Sheila you're a, Sheila you're a cow

Throw your scrolls onto the fire
Come out and find the one that you love
Come out and find the one you love



We asked three ponies their thoughts.

Wind Whistler (G1)

"Masculinity as a cultural concept is in the eye of the beholder. But to regard oneself as a bad man merely due to the wearing of an accessory is absurd. Does the wearing of things 'traditionally masculine' such as military badges render one a 'good man'? Of course not. It is the achievements that they represent that measure the worth of a man, as they do a mare.


Posey (G5)

"I know I may be an outlier here, but if I saw sheriff Hitch wearing one of my ribbons, I would think less of him, yes. I know Sunny is... skeptical about the bad old days, but honestly were they so bad? Mares back then were real mares and stallions were real stallions."


Flitter (G4)

"Ugh, we're still talking about this in 2024? I wear this 'cause I like to. Back when I started wearing it, nopony thought it was cool. I don't care if they are a mare or a stallion, if they're feeling the bow, then flaunt it!"


Comments ( 1 )

Mares back then were real mares and stallions were real stallions.

I'm going to throw Posey in Maretime Bay's water.

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