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REVIEW It Takes a Child to Raze a Village - TheDriderPony (Random Recommendations in <50 words #20) · 9:25am Monday

EIt Takes a Child to Raze a Village
Some parents smother their children. Others make them fend for themselves. Shining Armor has one tool in his parenting toolbox, and never before has Flurry Heart looked more in need of a hammer.
TheDriderPony · 5.2k words  ·  171  1 · 1.3k views

Overall. The mother stole an empire. The father stole her heart. Now it's her daughter's turn — and yak culture is ripe for the appropriating.

Best lines:

"Father. I see you have returned," she called out over the noise as she continued to thrust despite his presence.

[...]"Flurry... it's two in the morning."

She stopped and finally lifted the helm of her ridiculous hat to look him in the eyes. "Wait, really?"

Yes, really. If you hadn't boarded up the windows, maybe you'd have an easier time noticing the sun going down."

"Don't be ridiculous," Flurry replied, racking her spear on a set of hooks[...]. "Windows are a defensive weakness.[...]"

Being closely related to three of them, Shining Armor attributed a lot of the strange occurrences in his life to alicorn magic. But one thing he couldn't blame on it was Flurry's latest obsession.

That, he could squarely blame on Sunburst for introducing her to ancient Yak culture.

There was much he would put up with for his daughter's sake. The armor, the redecorating, the archaic fighting lessons. Even the... blondeness he could learn to live with. Eventually.

She wrapped her mane in a towel as she set the last piece of armor back on its stand. "So, have you given any further consideration to my plan?"

"No," he said, settling in for another argument retreading the same old ground. "You are not invading Equestria."

He wasn't even all that against the broad-strokes idea of invading Equestria, odd as it may have seemed.[...] A nice little war would give his heir some good practical lessons in adapting pre-battle plans into live battlefield strategy.

The problem was her fixation on using antiquated gothic yak battle tactics.

"But father! Now is the time to strike! In this era of peace and prosperity, Equestria grows fat and feeble in its wealth and indolence."

"You shouldn't talk about your great-aunt that way. At least not where ponies might hear."

"It seems that a raiding force has attacked and sacked several villages and towns along the Northern border." [Luna] unrolled more of the scroll. "As of this missive, they've captured Rainbow Falls and are demanding the Crown pay tribute lest they continue their campaign deeper into the heartland."

"The Yaks?" Cadance asked. "But why?[...]"

"Their leader is not a yak."

"Is there something you wish to tell us, Cadenza, our dear niece?"

Cadance's mind raced a league a minute. She knew of Flurry's current obsession—[but] she'd never actually launch one of her planned campaigns.

Not without parental permission.

"I believe my husband has some serious explaining to do." [...] After all the effort she’d taken to dissuade Flurry since she thought Shining would never approve, and then he’d gone and allowed it behind her back?! Without even inviting her to join the family bonding[...].

Why read? great, relatable, humour; family dynamics; great pony-style comedic twist on an issue

Flaws. None, really, although the setup for Shining's solution did drag a little.

Meta: Skim-read? Full-read? TBC Recommend Author? TBC

Final thought.

"My daddy bought me a car, what did your daddy get you, Flurrels?"

"Fear. Aye, lassy. And life. And Odin's victory followed by Thor's gift. It was totes rad."

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