• Member Since 12th Oct, 2022
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Okie Brony

I'm here live; I'm not a cat. (Bask in the glory of my new profile pic.)

More Blog Posts18

  • Friday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XVI

    I made a meme.

    I found the blank image on Know Your Meme, beside the famous image of a creepy little girl looking into the camera as a house burns in the background. My favorite version of that meme says "There was a spider. It's gone now." I couldn't find that version, but here's one that's appropriate for my blog:

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    4 comments · 16 views
  • Thursday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XV

    Happy Fourth of July! I found a perfectly appropriate comic the other day, and have been saving it for today. :yay:

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  • Wednesday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XIV

    Berry Punch Presents: How to Become an Alicorn.

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  • Tuesday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XIII

    Welp, here's my lucky 13th music blog. I'm opening it with a blatant attempt to get more views. Here's an awesome picture of a Fluttershy cosplayer.
    Edit: Of course, the pic isn't showing up in the preview window thing. Boo. Trust me, it's awesome.

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  • Monday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XII

    I could post another "Monday" song today, but I found an awesome griffified album art image last night, which inspired today's blog.

    Here's the original:

    Finally, here's a somewhat "disturbing" video. :derpyderp1:

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Beautiful Oklahoma Sunset · 2:13am June 26th

I just took this picture from my front yard, and thought I'd share it. I swear, I did nothing to alter the colors.

Edit: That picture is looking northwards at sunset. Here's a pic looking towards where the sun actually set:

Comments ( 26 )


That is very nice. Is there a thunderstorm not too far away? The clouds have that kind of pattern it looks like.

Thanks! :twilightblush:
Eeyup. At the time, there was a strong storm maybe 50 miles northwest of here. A line of storms extended to the east. The pic is looking north, at clouds moving ahead of the storms.

I may as well post the pic that I took looking towards the actual sunset. It's not as dramatic, but my camera caught the colors pretty well.

Yeah it looked like a thunderstorm cloud. Still very lovely. Thanks for the nice pics okie :moustache::pinkiehappy:

second pic is great as well

Nice Catch! Adept as usual.

I’ve been a meteorology enthusiast too since I was a kid so I know the different types of clouds well. Believe it or not the weather channel was my favorite channel to watch as a kid haha.

Of course I believe that.:rainbowlaugh:

I thought it was cool because you got to look at a map of the United States much of the time and see cool images of weather all over the country. It was cool for both thr weather and a way to learn about other places all over the United States when I was in elementary school.

yeah, radar is always nice to look at

Yeah I’ve always thought it was cool and it’s really the best way to tell if there’s precipitation coming your way, especially in Illinois and the Midwest in general. Weather almost always moved west to east here as you probably know.

Yeah, that's pretty typical Midwest patterns.

Would you mind looking at some of my music blogs you missed?

You don't even have to listen, I'd just like you to see what they were.

Yeah sorry I’ll get to that now. I’ve had sort of a busy day again

fine as usual.

Hope i'm never too pushy with my music stuff; it's one of the things I enjoy the most.

You’re fine man. Always

I like your mixtape blogs a lot


Hi okie, hope we aren't bothering you

Yeah sorry for hijacking your blog and hope you’re doing well

Rd and I hijack all sorts of things all the time

including aircraft carriers

Yeah remember that time we hijacked that Indonesian aircraft carrier and crashed it into a glacier in Antarctica? Good times

Almost as good as the time that irradiated T-Rex destroyed our hovercraft we stole from some Chadian pirates.

Oh yeah that was a classic. Also the time me you and Okie hijacked a tornado and made it whip frosting for the nice cake we baked really really fast

That was very frothy icing.🎂🌪️

The two of you can have the frosting you’ve earned it

oh I forgot about that


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