• Member Since 6th Sep, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday



More Blog Posts5

  • 1 week
    new story dropped go read

    heyyyyy just posted a new story for the thousand words contest, i experimented a lot with format bending and stuff like that and would love if yall gave it a read!

    0 comments · 23 views
  • 21 weeks
    interest check

    are fics about factory dash and/or cupcakes pinkie still interesting to anyone? even if it isnt, i'll probably do it anyway for Me, because i like the characters and because my account revolves around fandom nostalgia, but i wanna know what you all would think if i wrote stuff using the old creepypasta characters! not neccessarily gore or dark stuff, either, i'd probably have some fun with it.

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    2 comments · 96 views
  • 21 weeks
    ty for the love!!!

    tysm for all the love on just the right kind!! it's doing a lot better than i thought my silly rarepair fic would do on here :) im halfway through working on a twidash oneshot right now and hope to get it out soon for yall, ty everyone for the support!

    2 comments · 57 views
  • 22 weeks
    i love yuri!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i need to write twidash its carnal its serious

    3 comments · 67 views
  • 22 weeks
    story approval time??

    my story has taken like a few days to approve already, are wait times just longer these days or should i unsubmit and resubmit :/

    3 comments · 90 views

new story dropped go read · 11:24pm June 26th

heyyyyy just posted a new story for the thousand words contest, i experimented a lot with format bending and stuff like that and would love if yall gave it a read!

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