• Member Since 9th Feb, 2020
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Retired author, husband and father.

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  • Saturday
    But What Is Grief? If Not Love Persevering?

    In the words of Vision(Paul Bettany) from Wandavision:

    "But what is grief? If not love persevering?"-Vision, Paul Bettany, Wandavision, to Wanda Maximoff, Elizabeth Olsen, Wandavision.

    That's it. That's the quote.


    1 comments · 12 views
  • Thursday
    Update: I Have Some Bad News. I Have Huntington's...

    Hey, guys.

    I did a DNA test, and Huntington's Disease flagged up as a genetic disease...

    Great. I'm either dying at 28 or 33. And yes, that's sarcasm.

    Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but, just wanted to share with and update you guys.

    Not the best update, but, it's an important one.


    34 comments · 105 views
  • 1 week
    Ponyville Houses Look Like Old German, Russian & English Houses!

    The houses in Ponyville remind me of old houses with timber frames!

    Literally! Look it up for yourselves! Similar architecture!

    Has anyone really given it thought behind the inspiration for the houses? Or am I looking into it too deeply?

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  • 2 weeks
    Teaching Myself HTML Coding.

    Yep, that's right.

    I'm teaching myself HTML coding. How to make a website through HTML.

    wish me luck.


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  • 4 weeks
    So, I've Just Done An Ancestry/DNA Test &...

    Recently, my family decided to buy one of those ancestry kits from 23&Me and we did a test.

    I've got the results. I'll put them below:





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    9 comments · 101 views

Update: I Have Some Bad News. I Have Huntington's... · 1:10am Last Thursday

Hey, guys.

I did a DNA test, and Huntington's Disease flagged up as a genetic disease...

Great. I'm either dying at 28 or 33. And yes, that's sarcasm.

Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but, just wanted to share with and update you guys.

Not the best update, but, it's an important one.


Report PrinceOfDarkness · 105 views ·
Comments ( 34 )

Oh my god! You will be in my prayers!

I'm more upset for my wife and daughter.

My daughter'll potentially have it, my wife'll spend years grieving, I won't get to see any grandkids, and won't get to grow old with my wife. That's what hurts more.

We had plans of growing old together, watching our daughter grow up, meet a nice man or woman, marry, settle down and start a family...

I’m terribly sorry.

I'm so sorry to hear that, my friend. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers

im so sorry it is not fair you finally got what you wanted and now fate wants to take that away fate has a cruel sense of humour im keeping you and your family in my prayers

So sorry to hear that. 😢

Unless Symptoms actually start to show, I'd say don't worry too much about it.

Otherwise, wish you the best.

can it be treated at all bro??

That sucks, bro. But it is what it is.

It is treatable.

great. hopefully it can be done soon.

But it's also uncurable... for now.

......... say what???

Treatable =/= curable

so .... it can't be stoped???

This isn't cliche of me to say, but...you have to live every day to the fullest now.

I'm so sorry. This isn't the news anyone expected to hear. I just hope that you can give your daughter and wife the most of what time you have left. And you have to fight it, good sir.

The community will be here to support you. :eeyup:

Oh man..
I am sorry you have to deal with this

What is Huntingon's Disease anyway?

A disease that damages nerve cells in the brain, which causes them to stop working properly.

It's genetically inherited.

It affects movement, cognition(perception, judgement, awareness and thinking) along with mental health.

The life expectancy of someone with Huntington's is from 10-15 years. Maybe 20 or 30 if you're really lucky.

I am so sorry to hear this.

I'm so sorry. I'll be keeping you in my prayers

Great Heavens above! That's the same disease that Nora Fries, the wife of Victor Fries (aka Mr. Freeze), has been afflicted with in the DC Universe!

It was a heart disease in some of the comics, but Huntington's in the Arkhamverse.

Actually, no the difference is subtle.


Jesus... I'm so sorry, man :applejackconfused:

Is this diagnosis final, or are you re-doing the test? I know it should be 99% accurate, but still, lab people sometimes make mistakes...

If it's final, then... I don't know what to say :ajsleepy:. My only advice is to look for any experimental drug trials you can participate in. It's a gamble, but given the diagnosis, maybe it's worth considering.

The medical field is constantly progressing, so don't lose hope whatever happens.

It's final. We did two tests. A blood and saliva test. Both which have same DNA anyway.

So, yeah. 10-15 years left. If I'm lucky, 20 or 30.



I see... Hell, this sucks :ajsleepy:

Take care and good luck.

It's a rare genetic disease that causes early decay of nerve cells in the brain.

Which means my brain will decay and I'll have to have Assisted Living or something at some point.

I'm sorry this had to happen to you, mellonim.

It's fine. We all have our time to go.

Wish you the best of the rest of your life buddy! Good luck

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