• Member Since 9th Feb, 2020
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Retired author, husband and father.

More Blog Posts112

  • Saturday
    But What Is Grief? If Not Love Persevering?

    In the words of Vision(Paul Bettany) from Wandavision:

    "But what is grief? If not love persevering?"-Vision, Paul Bettany, Wandavision, to Wanda Maximoff, Elizabeth Olsen, Wandavision.

    That's it. That's the quote.


    1 comments · 18 views
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But What Is Grief? If Not Love Persevering? · 9:23pm Saturday

In the words of Vision(Paul Bettany) from Wandavision:

"But what is grief? If not love persevering?"-Vision, Paul Bettany, Wandavision, to Wanda Maximoff, Elizabeth Olsen, Wandavision.

That's it. That's the quote.


Report PrinceOfDarkness · 18 views ·
Comments ( 1 )
sykko #1 · Saturday · · ·

It's a pretty good quote.

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