• Member Since 24th Apr, 2022
  • offline last seen 5 minutes ago


https://www.wattpad.com/user/Timeman202 A developing story writer whose favorite pony is Rainbow Dash.

More Blog Posts524

  • Today

    This blog post is simply a reminder that my focus is going to be on the Slade Downfall story on Wednesday. Nothing else will happen this week.

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  • Thursday
    Update delay

    So, my glasses broke today. And tomorrow, I will have to go and get new ones. So because of that, the usual friday update to the Hamtaro Crossover will be pushed onto Saturday so I can get used to the new glasses. There is also no plans to make up with a new update for the Reversed Roles World so there can be something else, as next week, all my attention will be on making the Slade's Downfall

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  • Wednesday

    Lately, things have not been doing so well on the CrushOnAI side lately what with two of my characters getting essentially needing a deletion for one reason or another. This is just ridicules.

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  • 1 week
    Today's Upload...

    I know I said I'd be doing only original timeline episodes today, but there are two things to note. The first, is that I miscounted on two fronts: Not only is Season 3 actually thirteen episodes long, but all the other seasons are 26 episodes long. So, if I'm going to bring Season 3 up to the standard of 26 episodes, then I am going to have to veto my original decision with this Monday update.

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  • 1 week
    Doctor Robot Series Completed + Story

    Finally, took me the whole weekend, but I managed to finish the Doctor Robot Level Series for Mega Maker. So, now that it's ready for full play, I thought I'd not only share the level IDs for the various levels (which are meant to be played in order), but I'm also going to throw in a story for these levels which you can find after the level IDs past the break.

    • Clean Freak: 565523

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Update delay · 8:49pm Last Thursday

So, my glasses broke today. And tomorrow, I will have to go and get new ones. So because of that, the usual friday update to the Hamtaro Crossover will be pushed onto Saturday so I can get used to the new glasses. There is also no plans to make up with a new update for the Reversed Roles World so there can be something else, as next week, all my attention will be on making the Slade's Downfall Special.

Speaking of, it seems I might just have to throw random story universes at the wall myself with how I've not been PM'd about any stories that wanted to get included volenterily. So, if nothing is sent my way by tuesday, I'm just going to throw random universes into the special at random and you all have no pony to blame for yourselves.

Report RobtheMorpherPony · 18 views ·
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