• Member Since 28th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I am a Scotsman who writes stories, not all of which are of the self-insert variety. Books are available again; check my userpage for details.

More Blog Posts1225

  • Saturday
    New Story Published!

    Two new stories in a week? :pinkiegasp:

    Yeah, I can't believe it either.

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  • Friday
    New Story In The Works

    Yes, you read that correctly; I am indeed working on a new story.

    Well, when I say 'new,' I mean 'one I wrote a couple of years ago but never published because I didn't think it was any good.' However, I'm running it by a few pre-readers, and they've pretty much said that it is good, so... yeah.

    It'll be published soon, so watch this space.

    Stay awesome!

    1 comments · 31 views
  • 6 days
    SnarkCast Appearance

    As you all know, I was recently interviewed on the SnarkCast. This previous weekend, it was the turn of Lucky Seven, one of the hosts, to be interrogated interviewed.

    Why am I mentioning this? Well, it's because I made an impromptu appearance towards the end of the podcast, which you can find below.

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  • 1 week
    New Story In The Works!

    That's right, folks, I've actually written something for the first time in ages! It's pretty much good to go, but it needs to go through some pre-reading and edits first.

    Watch this space, and hopefully it'll be released soon.

    Stay awesome!

    2 comments · 35 views

New Story In The Works · 1:04pm Last Friday

Yes, you read that correctly; I am indeed working on a new story.

Well, when I say 'new,' I mean 'one I wrote a couple of years ago but never published because I didn't think it was any good.' However, I'm running it by a few pre-readers, and they've pretty much said that it is good, so... yeah.

It'll be published soon, so watch this space.

Stay awesome!

Report GeodesicDragon · 31 views ·
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