• Member Since 28th Jul, 2012
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I am a Scotsman who writes stories, not all of which are of the self-insert variety. Books are available again; check my userpage for details.


Sun, sea, sand, and your marefriend by your side.

What more could Lyra and Bon Bon want?

AUTHOR'S NOTE: A tag has been deliberately left out for reasons that will become apparent when you read the story.

Pre-read by Thesmokinguy, Contentgremlin, Buck Swisher and Lynser.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

Damn, you got me. Yes, yes you are.

Good work bro! 🙌🏽

Lynser #3 · 6 days ago · · ·

Still as good a read as ever :raritywink:

I'm really fucking glad to see you writing again. The website was sorely missing your literature :heart:


Thanks, it feels good to be back doing this. Long may it continue!

Featured 6/29/2024! Congratz! ^^

JWR #8 · Last Sunday · · ·

Glad to have you back.

Boy that ending was really a hard hit. Never saw it being set up in the actual story, but that description hint had me prepared for anything.

It's been a while since I saw some good LyraBon, and it really didn't disappoint! And apparently you're one of the good old storytellers, so cheers for more pony goodness!

Good romance in life which felt really sweet. They're so good for each other~

One more thing…

The silence that followed was only broken by wracking sobs, as Lyra lay her head on Bon Bon's chest and wept.

Hey, What happened to the gentle beeping sound of the life-support machine? You know, the thing which shows the patient's heart rate and stuff while beeping every time there's a pulse? Even when the patient's life fade away it has a continuous beeping, so Lyra's sobbing can't be the only sound there…

Also it reminds me of this.

Ooft, right in the jugular.

Welcome back to the literary circus, pulling no punches here as you step back in the ring :raritycry:


Hey, What happened to the gentle beeping sound of the life-support machine? You know, the thing which shows the patient's heart rate and stuff while beeping every time there's a pulse? Even when the patient's life fade away it has a continuous beeping, so Lyra's sobbing can't be the only sound there…

A minor error on my part. Fixed.

Really great story, but to be honest I was already gioing into the read with the "everyone's gonna die" mindset. It really helped in not feeling such a punch with the ending. :eeyup:

Still, the initial part was really cute and innocent, like fairy-like, but I suppose that's part of the trap itself

But yeah, apart from the evil manipulation I think that this story's a really great one :moustache:

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