• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Axtara – Magic and Mischief First Chapter Preview · 6:14pm Last Friday

We’re now only sixteen hours from the release of Axtara – Magic and Mischief! What better time than now to give you all a bit of a head start? Or, from another angle, a more meaty teaser to get your appetite wetted for more dragon banking adventures!

And so, without further ado, I present to you the first half of the opening chapter of Axtara – Magic and Mischief. Get reading, and then secure your pre-order copy today so that you can be ready when Magic and Mischief arrives!

In the Kingdom of Elnacier, the westernmost kingdom of the known world, the sun began to rise. It rose over the fields of Overhill, where farmers were already hard at work tending to their summer crops. It rose over Barpast, where yawning guards took their posts for another day of vigil. And it rose over the capital city itself, calling forth the slumbering residents to another day.

Just east of that city, down the main road and up an offshoot, lay a clearing amid the thick forests of pine. In that clearing was a home, built into the side of a hill in what had once been a cave. Large windows now looked out from under the hillside, while a large door off to the side allowed for entry. A wooden sign hung above the entryway, golden text gleaming under the morning sunlight as it proclaimed its title to the world.

Axtara, it read in large script. And then below that, in smaller but no less bright wording: Banking and Finance.

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