• Member Since 28th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen 30 minutes ago


Loves to write, hates the paperwork | Ko-Fi

More Blog Posts86

  • Saturday
    Seeking Pre-Readers!

    Howdy folks!

    I think the title is fairly self-explanatory.

    In short, the way I write has fairly consistently followed the same formula for as long as I've been doing it:

    1. Write story.
    2. Check story for mistakes.
    3. Post story in unpublished view.
    4. Re-check for mistakes.
    5. Publish.
    6. Spot more mistakes.
    7. Time passes.

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    2 comments · 43 views
  • 1 week
    5,000 Words Later


    Time to let my keyboard cool down for a bit. Having never entered one of the Thousand Word Contests before, I decided 'ah heck, might as well enter in all categories', which as of this morning is what I have done! Huzzah! Also ow, my hands!

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    1 comments · 46 views
  • 6 weeks
    A Glimpse Between Communities

    May the Eighteenth be with you... or something, I'dunno.

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    3 comments · 57 views
  • 7 weeks
    More Accolades and More Thank You's

    Hey guys!

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    3 comments · 127 views
  • 8 weeks
    Thank You All! + Life Update

    *blows cobwebs away*

    Check, check, is this thing on?

    Phew, so yeah, 2024 is still... a thing that's happening.

    Just thought I'd check in here with a little update of just what's up with me and what's going on in my life.

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    1 comments · 150 views

Seeking Pre-Readers! · 6:28pm Saturday

Howdy folks!

I think the title is fairly self-explanatory.

In short, the way I write has fairly consistently followed the same formula for as long as I've been doing it:

  1. Write story.
  2. Check story for mistakes.
  3. Post story in unpublished view.
  4. Re-check for mistakes.
  5. Publish.
  6. Spot more mistakes.
  7. Time passes.
  8. Re-read story after said time passes.
  9. Spot even more mistakes.

I think the record was spotting a mistake in Scotchtavia about nine years later. Yeah...

So in short, I have some ideas brewing up in the old noggin at the moment. Can't say for sure as to when exactly those ideas will actually be translated into words on a screen. However, as and when that does happen, I would like to have an idea of people willing to give these stories a quick glance-over and see if they can spot anything I missed, or offer any thoughts/opinions on where I could do better.

Naturally, I would be willing to pre-read the occasional piece myself in exchange!

Register interest by commenting below or dropping me a PM!


Report 8_Bit · 43 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Hey there, I'd be interested! I forget, do I have you on Discord or anything? It's been a long week lol

8_Bit #2 · Saturday · · ·

:heart: I don't believe so! My username on there is eightbits_, and am on the official Fimfic server under the name 8_Bit!

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