• Member Since 28th Feb, 2013
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Loves to write, hates the paperwork | Ko-Fi

More Blog Posts86

  • Saturday
    Seeking Pre-Readers!

    Howdy folks!

    I think the title is fairly self-explanatory.

    In short, the way I write has fairly consistently followed the same formula for as long as I've been doing it:

    1. Write story.
    2. Check story for mistakes.
    3. Post story in unpublished view.
    4. Re-check for mistakes.
    5. Publish.
    6. Spot more mistakes.
    7. Time passes.

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    2 comments · 36 views
  • 1 week
    5,000 Words Later


    Time to let my keyboard cool down for a bit. Having never entered one of the Thousand Word Contests before, I decided 'ah heck, might as well enter in all categories', which as of this morning is what I have done! Huzzah! Also ow, my hands!

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    1 comments · 46 views
  • 6 weeks
    A Glimpse Between Communities

    May the Eighteenth be with you... or something, I'dunno.

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    3 comments · 57 views
  • 7 weeks
    More Accolades and More Thank You's

    Hey guys!

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    3 comments · 127 views
  • 8 weeks
    Thank You All! + Life Update

    *blows cobwebs away*

    Check, check, is this thing on?

    Phew, so yeah, 2024 is still... a thing that's happening.

    Just thought I'd check in here with a little update of just what's up with me and what's going on in my life.

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    1 comments · 150 views

5,000 Words Later · 10:14am June 23rd


Time to let my keyboard cool down for a bit. Having never entered one of the Thousand Word Contests before, I decided 'ah heck, might as well enter in all categories', which as of this morning is what I have done! Huzzah! Also ow, my hands!

L-R Artwork Credit:
LupiArts, 80653LOUND, Avrameow, ZantyARZ and Loyaldis.

Here's the lowdown, spoiler free of course, on each of these categories and their respective entry:

Drama: Fireball

Spitfire's been locked up in a jail cell following an incident at the latest Wonderbolts performance. Soarin has just found out why she's been arrested, and needs to get some answers straight from the horse's mouth.

I don't often write drama, but the subject matter harks back to one of my earliest successes in fic writing, so this was familiar territory. Ish. It covers some serious problems though, reader discretion advised.

Slice of Life: After the Limelight Fades

While on the road doing a travelling magic show, Starlight and Trixie settle in for the night after a long day of transit and performance. Except, Trixie has an idea on the tip of her tongue she wants to run by Starlight first.

Remember those late night sleepovers, lights out but you're just chatting softly in the darkness to the sound of occasional rustling sheets? It's a chill vibe that I tried to get across here, a nice moment between friends.

Horror: Washed Out

The Washouts are gearing up for a performance in Canterlot, a really big deal for the team that could dig them out of a serious rut they've been stuck in for the longest time, and things look good. Until something seriously spooks Lightning Dust.

My first ever attempt at a horror story, it's definitely not a genre that I feel strong at. For this one I drew inspiration from one of my favourite ancient folk tales, adapting the idea to fit into Equestria.

Comedy: Dogsitting

With an abundance of free time suddenly at her hooves, Roseluck opts to begin a petsitting venture as a way to fill that free time while simultaneously turning a profit. And she lands her first customer very quickly, it's just... well, par for the course if you live in Ponyville.

Admittedly, I had a lot of fun this one. One section of it had to be trimmed down a lot to fit within the word count because I just kept throwing stupid ideas out there and making them work to the narrative. Also has another callback to a previous story, though this one is lighter than the previous one.

Experimental: With a Whimper

Princess Celestia is about to die.

I'll leave the explanation at that.

Honestly, even if none of these place very high in the standings, I'm happy to have partaken. Each of these was a challenge to write in its own way, some of them stumped me while others I was able to bash out fairly quickly.

Regardless, it's 5,000 words total, you can read them fairly quickly should you choose to do so. Please go check them out, and show them some love!


Report 8_Bit · 46 views · Story: Fireball ·
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