• Member Since 12th Oct, 2022
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Okie Brony

I'm here live; I'm not a cat. (Bask in the glory of my new profile pic.)

More Blog Posts18

  • Friday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XVI

    I made a meme.

    I found the blank image on Know Your Meme, beside the famous image of a creepy little girl looking into the camera as a house burns in the background. My favorite version of that meme says "There was a spider. It's gone now." I couldn't find that version, but here's one that's appropriate for my blog:

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  • Thursday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XV

    Happy Fourth of July! I found a perfectly appropriate comic the other day, and have been saving it for today. :yay:

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  • Wednesday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XIV

    Berry Punch Presents: How to Become an Alicorn.

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  • Tuesday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XIII

    Welp, here's my lucky 13th music blog. I'm opening it with a blatant attempt to get more views. Here's an awesome picture of a Fluttershy cosplayer.
    Edit: Of course, the pic isn't showing up in the preview window thing. Boo. Trust me, it's awesome.

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  • Monday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XII

    I could post another "Monday" song today, but I found an awesome griffified album art image last night, which inspired today's blog.

    Here's the original:

    Finally, here's a somewhat "disturbing" video. :derpyderp1:

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Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XI · 3:39pm Last Sunday

My day-of-the-week themed blogs are back! Yay! I was looking for a funny "Celestia" meme for Sunday, and thought this would be a great image to post from church.

As a 90s kid, most of my favorite songs are from the 90s and early 00s. One of my first "favorite" bands was No Doubt.

"Sunday Morning," from one of the hottest albums of the 90s, "Tragic Kingdom."

Comments ( 7 )

No doubt has some solid songs. Don’t know their hit song Hella Good?

I don't listen to No Doubt often at all, but I do like "Spiderwebs".

This song was great too.

Nice meme.:pinkiehappy:

Danks. :yay:

I honestly didn't like "Hella Good" when it first came out, but after I bought their 2003 greatest hits cd, it grew on me.

It did reach #13 on the Hot 100 in 2002!

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