• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2013
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Senior Huevos fan (They/Them) Patreon/Ko-Fi/Discord

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  • Monday
    FUCK Update

    ...Well, that makes for a bizarre title, but I brought that on myself.

    "Hey Silver, did you know that stress can have a negative effect on your immune system?"

    Me, sitting in a bundle of blankets, hacking up phlegm, "YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY?"

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  • 1 week

    You know how I said here (WARNING if you haven't read that one yet: there's suicide ideation, self-harm, and trauma discussed) that when I have breakdowns, when my body tries to make my life pause for a while, things get

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  • 1 week
    Welcome To Rimworld: Archotechology

    What Is This? For every 5CAD "coffee" in my Ko-Fi jar, I'll be watching a video in my Discord server from Mr. Samuel Streamer and commenting on it in text, in a style similar to Estee's "deadstreaming" events. Mr. Samuel Steamer does over-the-top, heavily-modded playthroughs of the sci-fi colony

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  • 2 weeks
    Remembering That I Have A Void To Scream Into (WARNING: Contains Ideation of Suicide, Self-Harm, and Discussion of Trauma)

    To preface: I'm okay. Physically.

    At least in the sense of "no injury." I'm still feeling the effects of some physical sickness, that is half aftermath and half a reoccurring health issue that I can usually handle on its own. I'm trying to eat and hydrate and everything else that makes a body work semi-properly as I scrape together this blog post.

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  • 4 weeks
    Take Two?

    I'm feeling a little better. Note to self, don't choose something that can fall through like that as my way of cheering myself up when I'm already at a low point due to various things going on with my life, including the financial stress that prompted this in the first place. Additional note to self, ask people what would be a good day for these kinds of things instead of assuming

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FUCK Update · 8:54pm Last Monday

...Well, that makes for a bizarre title, but I brought that on myself.

"Hey Silver, did you know that stress can have a negative effect on your immune system?"

Me, sitting in a bundle of blankets, hacking up phlegm, "YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY?"

So I made myself sick in a very literal sense over this and my old friend known as "stress migraines" decided to layer itself on top. Yaaaaay.

Did I mention that my migraine medication makes me lightheaded, dizzy and sleep a lot? Because it does that. Because, y'know, those meds work by redirecting bloodflow away from your head. Since migraines are all about too much blood rushing to specific places in the head causing the pain and other symptoms. You could actually tell exactly where a migraine is on my head via touch if you wanted, due to the swollen blood vessels. So I effectively need to take things that get the blood out of there. And that typically means naptime.

Not that I can guarantee sleep even then when my throat's clogged up enough that I have a chance to wake up choking. Passed out at one point and woke up hacking and freaking out over not being able to breathe. FUN!

Want to add severe digestive upset to the bingo card, body? I know you really love that one, and then we could be three for three with this bullshit.

Also! It's great for my health as well to find someone actively digging into my most trauma-filled posts specifically to be an asshat. Comments deleted, block that I should have administered much sooner in place. Seriously, thanks for the reminder that some people on the Internet love the idea of finding the biggest open wound possible and poking it, just because they can. That was great. Totally doesn't make me regret being open about abuse and trauma in a public sphere in the slightest and wish instead I'd just...

- deep breath -

Alright, cutting that train of thought off before I need to slap a warning label on this blog post too.

As for the actual update, I did get one tip, along with someone being generous enough to offer advance payments on a couple of commissioned stories. Thank you to both parties for that.

(And that also means I can announce that Twilight Sparkle Versus The Royal Harem Decree is getting a sequel! Given how popular that one was, I'm hoping y'all enjoy this one too.)

Unfortunately, all that combined will be only 330, when I've got over 400 to worry about. But I've still got until the 8th, which is something. So I can't say I'm not still in hot water, but it doesn't feel so boiling anymore, and I'm grateful for that.

If anyone else would like to grab up some commission work, now's the chance. I'm keeping the door open until I can give the all clear.

Take care, all. Hope you're having a better time than I am.

Report SilverNotes · 106 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I'm sorry you're having so many problems, dude.

I hope things turn around for you soon.

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