• Member Since 20th Jan, 2020
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i love trains (it's been a passionate hobby of mine for many years) i also enjoy a lot of other things (too many to name)

More Blog Posts691

  • Thursday
    Happy 4th

    I was waiting to wish everyone a happy 4th of July! america's 248th birthday today. hope everyone has a happy 4th today!

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  • Wednesday
    it's july

    it's july and man june went by real quick. i've meant to write stuff when the 1st came but there's been a lot of stuff i wanted to break down.

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  • 6 days
    thought i'd do a post to prepare for the new twister movie

    with june ending tomorrow and july on monday. i thought i'd go over sharing to prepare for the new twister movie next month. yes i've went on with saying i am planing to see the new one i think i am excited. the original movie still is one of my favorite movies (probably my no. 1 favorite movies of the 90's).

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  • 1 week
    another follow up

    now as i always promise i bring another follow up post. this one is to show the video of the new csx heritage unit.

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  • 1 week
    i thought i'd share an intresting video

    this is a post i thought i'd share. this is from o guage railroading magazine (a series of videos showing model trains like tm books & video and was also another one of the train stuff rfd tv showed in the early 2000's). the video i thought i'd share is named the laruse schemp model train collection located in the thomas t.taber museum in lyncoming county in williamsport pennsylvania.

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it's july · 3:23am Last Wednesday

it's july and man june went by real quick. i've meant to write stuff when the 1st came but there's been a lot of stuff i wanted to break down.

there's been a lot of deaths towards the end of june. one that hit me was that dr. paul h. banner the chairman founder of the iowa interstate railroad has sadly died at the age of 102 on june 17th. it came as sadness that mr. banner has passed away and this year is the iais's 40th anniversary. but he left an amazing legacy of one of the most successful regional railroads today. he was also the one that saved the former rock island line between chicago and omaha that's still in operation to this day. and of course as i shared three years ago they had no. 519 with his name as a sticker and that locomotive is special now to honor him. rest in piece mr. banner.

i also learned that actor donald southerland died on the 20th. (i just learned about that monday). i was surprised how long he lived at 88 years old. of course everyone has said he's known for the hunger games movies (i never really cared for those movies they weren't my type of movies). my first introduction to him was backdraft (he played ronald bartel a serial arsonist he did this role in the first movie and the 2nd one 5 years ago). of course i know i said i've found me liking backdraft again (i think i've came to the conclusion i like the towering inferno and only the brave more). but i will ad the scene where he played in the first movie in his honor.

it was a shock he died. i've seen a few other movies he was in (clips from the jfk movie but not seen the whole movie). and outbreak from 1995 (of course i don't know weather or not that movie predicted what we all went through). but it is a shame to lose another famous actor that was classy.

and also martian mull died last friday. (i didn't know much about his original work i only knew him from a few nick shows he voiced in). so rest in piece to all of them and thanks for the success of entertainment you all brought.

thanks for reading as always and see you all latter.

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