• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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How’s Magic and Mischief So Far? Plus Other News! · 8:24pm Last Wednesday

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Hey readers! There’s no way to start this post without addressing the dragon in the room, so I’m not even going to attempt to ignore it: Axtara – Magic and Mischief is a hit! She nearly double my previous pre-order record, which made the launch a very successful one, and since then has continued to see at a rate I’ve not seen with any of my previous books. Magic and Mischief might have put things at new heights, folks!

Now it is still early. But sands is she flying hard and fast already! Consistently, too! Oh, and the reader responses? Feedback is obviously still early—the book only came out five days ago, after all—but people have finished it despite that short amount of time. In fact a few people had finished it within two days of the book being live, despite it’s 600+ page length ( I know, I know, for a YA?).

But those reactions? They’re golden. Magic and Mischief is sitting happy with a plethora of Five-star ratings (and one review) on both Amazon and Goodreads alike! Now that’s a good start!

It was a long wait, I know. One which I will still apologize for. But now that everyone has it in their hands, well … It appears the wait was worth it.

But enough about what I’ve seen. What do you readers think! How are you enjoying Magic and Mischief so far? What’s surprised you? What’s been your favorite moment so far? And if you’ve finished it, what’d you think? Will you be there when Axtara – Armies and Accounting drops? Leave a comment!

Oh, did I just give away a title? Yes, we’ve got more news to discuss. So hit that jump, and let’s talk a bit about what’s coming next … without forgetting that Magic and Mischief is most definitely happening now.

Hit the jump!

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